How to access predefined variables within cfscript? - coldfusion

The following code works:
However, within a function, "$" is not available.
function myTest() {
return $.currentURL();
Does anyone know what actually is the equivalent of $ within a function?
Likewise, #pluginConfig.getDirectory()# works when used directly in cfoutput. However, within a cfscript function, it reports "unknown variable pluginConfig."
Thank you for advance for guiding me in the right direction.

When writing code outside the Mura Event Scope (like you do with that function), you have to obtain an instance of the Mura Scope ($) yourself. This can be done using the following code:
$ = application.serviceFactory.getBean('$');
Next you'll have to initialise the instance using an event object, a struct with value pairs or a 'siteID':
The same counts for the pluginConfig, this you can abtain via the Mura Scope. You'll have to pass the pluginID, moduleID, name or package of the plugin:
An other option you have is to pass the Mura Scope and the pluginConfig as arguments to the function. When writing a small plugin, this might be the easier way. But when writting medium or large plugins, it will get a bit messy when you're passing along these objects all the time.

The $ is used as a special framework variable in some CF frameworks (like Mura). You will need to figure out the framework context (if any) your code is executing in


Lazy evaluation of Lauterbach macro - is it possible?

I'm currently writing some kind of a "skeleton" for tests to be performed using Lauterbach scripts.
In this skeleton I want to have a part in which all test specific definitions shall be done, e.g. functions to set breaks on, variables to be altered etc. This part shall be just near the top of the script file, so that other users do not have to go through the complete script file, changing values here and there.
Some of the variables that'll be used are defined function-local within the C-code to be tested. So, these become available to the Lauterbach script only once the scope of that function has been entered - which is deeply within the skeleton script code.
Is there a way to define a macro for these variables just way before the scope has been entered?
Let's give some example structure:
LOCAL &funcToTest // the function we want to test
LOCAL &varToBeSet // a variable within the function we want to alter
LOCAL &valueToBeSet // the value we want to set &varToBeSet to
... // some more definitions here
... // some test code following here that sets up log files, screen areas
... // start the program to be tested etc.
IF (Register(PC)==ADDRESS.OFFSET(&funcToTest))
// OK - we've hit the breakpoint inside the function to test
... // Run to some point where we can set the local variable
Var.Set &varToBeSet=&valueToBeSet
... // Go on with the program and see what happens - this will be logged
The problem is that Lauterbach complains at the line &varToBeSet=status
with Symbol not found in this context - which is correct, because it is a local variable.
Looking at the symbols via View->Symbols->SymbolsTreeView (or by giving the command Symbol.List.Tree) I can find the symbol (in this particular case found under the node some_module.some_function.status). Clicking on it gives the information in the TRACE32 status status line \\some_app\some_module\some_func\status with type (auto STATUS), scope local, location stack.
Changing my script to read &varToBeSet=\\some_app\some_module\some_func\status instead of &varToBeSet=status, however, does not help much. In this case Lauterbach complains with no access to that symbol.
Is there a way, I can delay evaluation of the macro to some point where it is actually used instead of having it evaluated when it is defined?
Use quotes:

cfscript component function with object types in arguments and returntypes

I have a feeling this is a bug in CF9, from looking at this: How to specify argument attributes in CFscript? (CF9)
However, if not, I'm writing a cfscript component in CF9 (pure), and attempting to pass an argument as a type of user defined cfc.
public function init(required _lbr._core._sharing._access.accessLinkDAO oAccessLinkDAO) returntype="_lbr._core._sharing._access.accessLinkBusiness" {
But CF keeps coming back with:
You cannot use a variable reference with "." operators in this context
is this something broken with CF9 pure?
I have confirmed this is a bug in CF9.0 (and fixed in one of CF9.0.1 or CF9.0.2; probably 9.0.1).
However the fix is easy. The problem is only with the dotted paths, and as #ScottStroz points out, you don't need them. This works fine:
component {
public accessLinkBusiness function init(required accessLinkDAO oAccessLinkDAO) {
return this;
I've moved the return type simply because that's just the normal place for it: it'll work as attribute too (but that syntax is just awful).
If the CFCs you are referencing as return types or argument types aren't in the same dir as the CFC using them, use an import statement, eg in this case:
import _lbr._core._sharing._access.*;

Lua: Redirect extern function definitions to a specified table

I have one file "example.lua":
local function manipulate(something)
return string.rep(something, 3) -- repeats the given string
function apiFunction(somethingelse)
return manipulate(somethingelse)
and another files (main.lua) task is to "load"/"do" it:
loadAPI("example.lua", "externAPI") --< the part i need help with
externAPI.apiFunction("Test") --> should return TestTestTest
the thing that should happen is, that example.lua gets executed just like
but everything globally "defined" within example.lua (in this case the apiFunction) moves to the new generated global "externAPI" table and the rest (ie. manipulate) is hidden and only available from inside the example.lua file.
I've seen this bahaviour before in the minecraft mod "ComputerCraft" in which there is a function called "os.loadAPI("/somepath/sha-2") and it would define the definitions in the sha-2-chunk in the due to the name specified "sha-2"-table.
I've been searching for this sort of scoping/redirecting stuff for a while but there are no solutions putting the stuff into the new table.
I've been thinking of parsing the _G table after new indexes and move those to the new table but I'm sure there are some lua-magicians out here that know a much cleaner, better working solution to this.
All this is in one C lua_state* , so if there are any solutions adding this loadAPI function in C/C++ and just registrating it at the state this would be fine, too.
I've also looked at "require", but didn't seem to understand whether it does what I need.
Using Lua 5.2.3
Hope i didn't forget anything.
Thanks in advance :)
Try this:
function loadAPI(f,g)
loadAPI("example.lua", "externAPI")

Lua preserving global values

I use Lua for my game engine logic. My main game loop is not done in Lua. Only special nodes in my scene hierarchy have Lua scripts attached. These scripts are executed every frame. The problem I face is that I need to keep global variable values from one frame to another.
My temporary solution looks like this:
finish = useBool("finish", false)
timer = useInt("timer", 0)
showTimer = useBool("showTimer", true)
startTimer = useInt("startTimer", 0)
play0 = useBool("play0", false)
play1 = useBool("play1", false)
play2 = useBool("play2", false)
play3 = useBool("play3", false)
delta = useInt("delta", 0)
gameOverTime = useInt("gameOverTime", 5000)
finishTime = useInt("finishTime", 5000)
checkPoint = useInt("checkPoint", 255)
<...> Game logic <...>
setInt("message", message);
setInt("checkPoint", checkPoint)
setInt("finishTime", finishTime)
setInt("gameOverTime", gameOverTime)
setInt("timer", timer)
setBool("play3", play3)
setBool("play2", play2)
setBool("play1", play1)
setBool("play0", play0)
setInt("startTimer", startTimer)
setBool("showTimer", showTimer)
setInt("timer", timer)
setBool("finish", finish);
I call special methods that retrieve global variables from hash maps in C++ at the beginning and I set them again at the end of the script.
Is there a way to do this implicitly?
Is it a bad design to use Lua not as the main game loop?
Well, while there is nothing technically wrong with your solution, you might start to notice some performance issues if you end up with a lot of global variables (something you should, in general, avoid).
With that said, there is room for improvement. For example:
At the beginning of the script, check if your global variable is nil. If it is, then you can initialize it, if not, this is probably not the first time you're running the script, so leave it unmodified. But that means a lot of pesky if-else statements, which one can easily forget about. We can do better!
I would recommend looking at Chapter 14: The Environment, from the Programming in Lua book. Here's a quick quote from the intro:
Lua keeps all its global variables in a regular table, called the environment. ... The other (actually the main) advantage is that we can manipulate this table as any other table. To facilitate such manipulations, Lua stores the environment itself in a global variable _G. (Yes, _G._G is equal to _G.)
Since _G is a table, it also has a metatable, so you can define __index and __newindex metamethods to handle access to and creation of global variables. You can find examples of this in section 14.2. Go read the whole chapter, it's not that long (if you're unfamiliar with metamethods and metatables, also look through chapter 13 - this is where Lua really shines in terms of flexibility).
Now that we've covered the trivial and normal methods, let's look at the overkill end of the spectrum. As an example I'll look at Unity's approach to scripting. A Unity javascript usually defines variables, functions, and types. Any variables defined outside of the scope of methods or types are persisted between frames because the script itself is not executed every frame. Instead, they let the script define functions and call the functions at the appropriate time. So if you want something executed every frame - you put it in the Update function. Every script can define it's own Update function because it has it's own scope. So every frame the scripting engine goes through all objects, checks if the script's scope has an Update method and calls it.
Back to Lua - a solution like this would involve creating separate environments for each object/script/whatever your node is. Then, instead of executing the script attached to your node every frame, your main loop will go through all the nodes and run a function inside of their environment. You can also switch environments, so you can set the global environment to your node's env before executing it, and then switch back when you're done. This allows your scripts to use globals as they see fit, have them persisted between frames and excludes the possibility of name collisions or global namespace pollution. Additionally you can use metamethods to nest the node's environment inside the actual global environment or inside an API environment with helper methods (basically, if __index does not find something it looks it up in a parent).

Coldfusion 8 - mapping conflict causes "argument is not of interface type" error

I have been researching this, and cannot seem to find anything about it.
We work on CF8. When my coworker tried installing my latest code updates, he started seeing errors that the argument supplied to a function was not of the specified interface type. Worked fine for me. Same set up. Sometimes it works for him. Also have the problem on our dev server.
I have since been able to isolate and reproduce the problem locally.
Here is the set up.
I have 2 mappings on the server:
"webapp/" goes to c:\webroot\
"packages/" goes to c:\webroot\[domain]
Then I created an interface, call it ISubject and a component that implements it, called Person, and saved both under packages. Here is the declaration for Person:
cfcomponent implements="packages.ISubject"
Finally, there is a component, called SubjectMediator with a function, called setSubject, that wants an object of the ISubject interface type. Here is the argument declaration for setSubject:
cfargument name="subject_object" type="packages.ISubject"
To implement:
variables.person = createObject("component", "packages.Person").Init();
variables.subjectMediator = createObject("component", "packages.SubjectMediator ").Init();
That last line throws the error that Person is not of type ISubject. If I do isInstanceOf() on Person against ISubject it validates fine.
So the reason this is happening? Dumping getMetaData(variables.person) shows me that the interface path is webapp.[domain].ISubject. And indeed, if I change the type attribute of the argument to use this path instead of packages.ISubject, all is fine again.
Coldfusion seems to be arbitrarily choosing which mapping to resolve the interface to, and then simply doing a string comparison for check the type argument?
Anyone had to contend with this? I need the webapp mapping, and I cannot change all references to "packages" to "webapp.[domain]." I also am not able in this instance to use an application-specific mapping for webapp. While any of these 3 options would circumvent the issue, I'm hoping someone has some insight...
The best I've got is to set argument type to "any" and then check isInstanceOf() inside the function... Seems like poor form.
Can you move the contents of the packages mapping to outside the webroot? This seems like the easiest way to fix it.