Cocos2d-x: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCDCDCDD1 - c++

The problem is strange. I paste my code first.
void GameObjectsLayer::updateEnemy(float interval)
Enemy *lpEnemy = new Enemy("enemy1.png", 1, 10, 8);
lpEnemy->setPosition(ccp(-30, 400));
CCMoveTo *lpMoveAction = CCMoveTo::create(350.0f / ENEMY1_MOVE_SPEED, ccp(320, lpEnemy->getPosition().y));
CCCallFuncND *lpCallback = CCCallFuncND::create(lpEnemy->getSprite(), callfuncND_selector(GameObjectsLayer::removeEnemy), lpEnemy);
CCSequence *lpSeqActions = CCSequence::create(lpMoveAction, lpCallback, NULL);
this->addChild(lpEnemy->getSprite(), 10);
// When I set the breakpoint here, the _vEnemies is valid and the application runs well.
void GameObjectsLayer::removeEnemy(CCNode *lpSender, void *lpParam)
Enemy *lpEnemy = (Enemy*)lpParam;
// When access the _vEnemies variable here, the exception occurs at "_vEnemies->begin()"
// I set a breakpoint here, the address of _vEnemies is invalid, but I set a breakpoint in the previous function, the _vEnemies has a valid address, what happened? I really can't comprehend the behavior. _vEnemies is the member variable of this class.
std::vector<Enemy*>::iterator iter = _vEnemies->begin();
while (iter != _vEnemies->end())
if (lpEnemy == *iter)
//delete *iter;
iter = _vEnemies->erase(iter);
delete lpEnemy;
these two methods are used in two CCSchedules, which is intialized in init() method, the codes are below:
bool GameObjectsLayer::init()
bool bRet = false;
/* not important, omit them */
this->schedule(schedule_selector(GameObjectsLayer::updateEnemy), 5.0f);
this->schedule(schedule_selector(GameObjectsLayer::enemyShoot), 1.0f);
bRet = true;
while (0);
return bRet;
I got a head-ache. I don't know what happened. The version of my cocos2d-x is 2.1.5, and IDE is VS2012. Thanks for help..

Well, this is an old one, but for anyone who might stumble here :
The problem seems to be in this line
CCCallFuncND *lpCallback = CCCallFuncND::create(lpEnemy->getSprite(), callfuncND_selector(GameObjectsLayer::removeEnemy), lpEnemy);
The signature for this (from docs) is
static CCCallFuncND* create ( CCObject *pSelectorTarget,
SEL_CallFuncND selector,
void * d
*pSelectorTarget is the object on which the selector is called. So in this example it should be this instead of lpEnemy->getSprite().
Frankly, It seems a little strange to me that it didn't crash earlier.


cocos2dx 3.x schedule error

When I try implement add one node per n seconds, the procedure crashes.
if I just run runBlock(0.0f), the procedure runs normally.
This is my code
bool MainLayer::init(){
if (!Layer::init()){
return false;
block_array = new std::vector<block*>();
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
auto body = PhysicsBody::createEdgeBox(visibleSize,PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, 3.0);
auto edgeNode = Node::create();
edgeNode->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height / 2));
auto sp = Sprite::create("CloseNormal.png");
auto sp_body = PhysicsBody::createCircle(sp->getContentSize().width / 2);
sp->setPosition(visibleSize / 2);
When run function "runBlock", process crash!!
schedule(schedule_selector(MainLayer::runBlock), 5.0f, CC_REPEAT_FOREVER, 0.0f);
//runBlock(0.0f); if just run it, everything is right
return true;
void MainLayer::initBlock(){
block_array->push_back(new block1()); //block is other class, it has no problem
block_array->push_back(new block2());
block_array->push_back(new block3());
void MainLayer::runBlock(float dt){
Size size = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
int len = block_array->size();
block* bl;
int rand = floor(CCRANDOM_0_1()*len);
if (rand == len){
rand -= 1;
bl = (*block_array)[rand];
} while (bl->node->getParent()); //Crash in here!!!!!
bl->come(Vec2(size.width*1.5, 0));
I use VS2013. The error info is
Without exception handling in 0x009D5402(in test.exe) 0xC0000005: Access violation when reading location 0xFEEF0012
I have debug. "bl->node" is allocated memory. So I don't think it is NULL pointer error. However, I don't know what reason cause the crash.
Please help me, Thanks!
After a few frames all your blocks will have parents and the while loop will never exit.
I don't really understand what it is you're trying to accomplish here, but might I suggest keeping two arrays, filling the first in initBlocks(), randomly picking one in runBlock(), processing it, and moving it to the second array.
This way you don't need the while loop, which wastes a lot of time if you keep picking a block that you've already processed.
Do it this way:
void MainLayer::runBlock(float dt)
Size size = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
//waiting_block_array = block_array when you initialize
if (waiting_block_array)
int rand = random (0, waiting_block_array.size () - 1);
addChild (waiting_block_array[rand]);
waiting_block_array[rand]->come(Vec2(size.width*1.5, 0));
waiting_block_array.erase (waiting_block_array.begin () + rand);

C++, Adding conditional statements in class vars

Sorry, but I have to repeat the same question as I asked before "C++, Adding conditions in class vars".
I am using SDL2 here.
In obj.h: (excluding preprocessor commands)
class obj {
SDL_Rect clip;
void addCollideWith( SDL_Rect rect );
void hasCollide();
void clearCollideWith();
std::list<bool *> collideWith;
In obj.cpp: (excluding preprocessor commands)
void obj::addCollideWith( SDL_Rect rect )
collideWith.push_back(SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, rect));
void obj::hasCollide()
bool retval = true;
for (std::list<bool *>::iterator it = collideWith.begin(); it != collideWith.end(); it++)
retval = retval && **it;
return retval;
void clearCollideWith()
Inside main function, I am saying that the object moves by one pixel and every time when it moves by one pixel, it checks for collision with other objects. I cleared the pointer thing '*' as I am not putting in variables as you can see: collideWith.push_back(SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, rect));. What I do is to make it move a pixel, clear collideWith and add collideWith condition again for updating whether it is true or false.
Now, whats the problem?
Its making the program really really slow! If I remove collideWith thing and then, starts the program, it gets a lot more smoother. Now, what I want, is to store the statement rather than true or false. std::list takes:
collideWith.pushBack(true /*OR*/ false);
But what I want is:
collideWith.pushBack(/*statement determining whether it is true or false*/ var1 > var2);
Please do complain if context is missing or the question is somehow, not understandable!
(NOTE: Context related to moving the object and declaring obj clip sub-vars is not mentioned as they are not a part of question.)
You could try to replace
std::list<bool *> collideWith;
std::list<SDL_Rect> collideWith;
in order to track of the rectangles that you want to considere.
The implementation could be :
void obj::addCollideWith( SDL_Rect rect )
// to test if it collides with at least one rectangle
bool obj::hasCollide()
bool retval = false;
for (std::list<SDL_Rect>::iterator it = collideWith.begin(); it != collideWith.end(); it++)
retval = retval || SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, *it);
return retval;
// to test if it collides with all rectangles
/* bool obj::hasCollide()
bool retval = true;
for (std::list<SDL_Rect>::iterator it = collideWith.begin(); it != collideWith.end(); it++)
retval = retval && SDL_HasIntersection(obj.clip, *it);
return retval;
} */

Segmentation fault bintree

I'm trying to implement the bintree, but I have problems in the insert method.
If I add the first element, the program dont crash but, when I introduce 2 or more element the program crash.
This is the code
template <typename T>
void Arbol<T>:: insertar( T c){
laraiz=new celdaArbol;
else {
celdaArbol *com=laraiz;
bool poner=false;
com->hder= new celdaArbol;
else {
com->hizqu= new celdaArbol;
else {
I think that the problem is in the else:
com=com->hizqu; //com=com->hder;
Because I saw in the debugger that the program enter several times in the section and should not do.
According to this code:
You do not properly intialize pointers hizqu and hder to nullptr in constructor of celdaArbol class. And you do not initialize them in either branch of if(c>com->elemento){ so they seem to have garbage values.
Also your code can become more readable and less error prone if you use proper C++ constructions:
celdaArbol *com=laraiz;
while( true ){
celdaArbol *&ptr = c > com->elemento ? com->hder : com->hizqu;
if( ptr ) {
com = ptr;
ptr = new celdaArbol;
ptr->hder = ptr->hizqu = nullptr;
This code is logically equal to yours, except it shorter, easier to read, avoid duplication and fixes your bug.
For every leaf node (except the root of the tree), you never initialize the left child or right child node to be anything but an unspecified value.
You probably meant to initialize them as nullptr.
Here's one example:
if (com->hizqu==0){
com->hizqu = new celdaArbol;
com->hizqu->elemento = c;
com->hizqu->padre = com;
poner = true;
// What is the value of com->hizqu->hizqu?
// What is the value of com->hizqu->hder?

Callback function confuses argument?

I have a sfml window container, and it appears to be working, however the glViewPorts are the wrong size, which I assume is because the wrong sf::Window is being passed.
Here is a function which adds to the window: It takes some information about the sfml window.
int WindowContainer::PushBack(WindowData& data)
if(data.WindowSettingsOK() && data.VideoModeOK()){
mWindowVector.resize(mWindowVector.size() + 1);
mInputFuncVector.resize(mWindowVector.size()); - 1) = new sf::Window(); - 1)->Create(data.VideoMode(), data.Title(), data.Style(), data.Settings()); - 1)->SetPosition(data.PositionX(), data.PositionY()); - 1) = nullptr; - 1) = nullptr;
return 0;
return 1;
Alternatively, this function may be called to setup the display and input function callbacks:
int WindowContainer::PushBack(WindowData& data, function_p displayFunc, function_p inputFunc)
int return_val = PushBack(data); - 1) = displayFunc; - 1) = inputFunc;
return return_val;
Then, when the window needs .Display()'ing, this function is called:
void WindowContainer::ProcessDisplay()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mWindowVector.size(); i ++){
if( != nullptr){*, mClock, (const void*&)mExternalDrawingDataPointer);
... This is all good, until the result on the screen is that resizing one window affects the viewport of both windows. This suggests that calling the callback function:*, mClock, (const void*&)mExternalDrawingDataPointer); gives the argument of * each time, instead of each window individually. (As in *
Can anyone help with this problem?
The main loop contains this code:
Container.Access(int) is this function:
const sf::Window*& WindowContainer::Access(unsigned int index)
if(index > mWindowVector.size()){
return (const sf::Window*&);
return (const sf::Window*&);
Thanks again, I'm sure I have made a mistake somewhere but cannot spot it.
I have been thinking about this question and suspect openGL becomes confused with which window is it drawing to if more than one object is pushed back without a call to Display() to sync everything.
I am yet to test this and confirm.
EDIT The window container now works. It has nothing to do with the callback functions argument.

Segmentation fault occurs only under release configuration

For some odd reason, my application likes to break on me when I switch to release and run it outside of my debugger. Here's what works for me, and here's what doesn't
(Qt Creator is the IDE)
Debugging with debug configuration - ok
Running with debug configuration - ok
Debugging with release configuration - ok
Running with release configuration - application crash
My UI is one project, and the core for some stuff as a separate dependency. On Windows (compiling with MSVCC), I hit a menu button, which eventually calls down to a function. In that function, the app breaks on adding a new element to a vector. e.g:
str *x = new str();
str *y = new str();
/* ...set some of x & y's members... */
vector.push_back(x); // works fine
vector.push_back(y); // causes crash
If I comment out the line vector.push_back(y);, the app continues no problem until the app leaves the event scope (i.e. the end of OnMenuButtonClick). On OS X, it's similar to the issue of adding an element to a vector, except I have:
std::vector<foo *> SomeFunction()
std::vector<foo *> returningVector;
/* do stuff */
std::vector<foo *> goo = GetFooObjects();
for (int i = 0; i < goo.size(); i++)
returningVector.push_back(goo[i]); // breaks here
So what are some causes of this strange behavior without a debugger attached and not under debug configuration? I've checked to make sure all of my variables are initialized, so I'm stumped. If you want to view the code above, the first part can be located here, and the second part here. Please forgive anything you see as "bad", and if you have suggestions that you just can't contain, then please do message me on GitHub.
I looked more into it, and found out exactly what's causing the problem, but don't know how to fix it. This is the function where my app crashes (on OS X):
vector<Drive *> Drive::GetFATXDrives( bool HardDisks )
vector<Drive *> Return;
if (HardDisks)
vector<DISK_DRIVE_INFORMATION> Disks = GetPhysicalDisks();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Disks.size(); i++)
// First, try reading the disk way
Streams::xDeviceStream* DS = NULL;
char path[0x200] = {0};
wcstombs(path, ddi.Path, wcslen(ddi.Path));
DS = new Streams::xDeviceStream(ddi.Path);
catch (xException& e)
if (DS == NULL || DS->Length() == 0 || DS->Length() < HddOffsets::Data)
// Disk is not of valid length
// Read the FATX partition magic
int Magic = DS->ReadInt32();
// Close the stream
// Compare the magic we read to the *actual* FATX magic
if (Magic == FatxMagic)
Drive *d = new Drive(,, false);
vector<Drive *> LogicalDisks = GetLogicalPartitions();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)LogicalDisks.size(); i++)
return Return;
If I change if (HardDisks) to if (HardDisks = false), the app works just fine. So, I looked into that scope and discovered that after vector<DISK_DRIVE_INFORMATION> Disks = GetPhysicalDisks();, the heap gets corrupt or something like that. I noticed this because in the debugger, after that function is called, my HardDisks bool changes to "false", which wasn't what it was before.
Here is GetPhysicalDisks:
vector<Drive::DISK_DRIVE_INFORMATION> Drive::GetPhysicalDisks( void )
// RIGHT AFTER this vector is initialized, everything goes to hell
vector<Drive::DISK_DRIVE_INFORMATION> ReturnVector;
DIR *dir;
dirent *ent;
dir = opendir("/dev/");
if (dir != NULL)
// Read the shit
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
// Check the directory name, and if it starts with "disk" then keep it!
QRegExp exp("disk*");
if (exp.exactMatch(ent->d_name))
memset(curdir.FriendlyName, 0, sizeof(curdir.FriendlyName));
memset(curdir.Path, 0, sizeof(curdir.Path));
char diskPath[0x50] = {0};
sprintf(diskPath, "/dev/r%s", ent->d_name);
mbstowcs(curdir.Path, diskPath, strlen(diskPath));
int device;
if ((device = open(diskPath, O_RDONLY)) > 0)
#ifdef __linux
hd_driveid hd;
if (!ioctl(device, HDIO_GET_IDENTITY, &hd))
swprintf(curdir.FriendlyName, strlen(hd) * 2, L"%hs", hd.model);
#elif defined __APPLE__
mbstowcs(curdir.FriendlyName, ent->d_name, strlen(ent->d_name));
return ReturnVector;
While this isn't a real answer as to what happened, I did find a way to fix the problem. Looking at my edit above, I edited my Drive::GetFATXDrives function like so:
vector<Drive *> Drive::GetFATXDrives( bool HardDisks )
// Initialize Disks vector up here
// Call the function to get the hard disks
if (HardDisks)
vector<Drive *> ReturnVector;
if (HardDisks)
Streams::xDeviceStream* DS = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Disks.size(); i++)
/* ... */
if (DS)
delete DS;
vector<Drive *> LogicalDisks = GetLogicalPartitions();
for (int i = 0; i < LogicalDisks.size(); i++)
return ReturnVector;
And my Drive::GetPhysicalDisks function now takes a vector<DISK_DRIVE_INFORMATION> reference instead of returning one. Seemed to make my program work just fine after that.