Extra character when reading a file. C++ - c++

I'm writing two programs that communicate by reading files which the other one writes.
My problem is that when the other program is reading a file created by the first program it outputs a weird character at the end of the last data. This only happens seemingly at random, as adding data to the textfile can result in a normal output.
I'm utilizing C++ and Qt4. This is the part of program 1:
std::ofstream idxfile_new;
QString idxtext;
std::string fname2="some_textfile.txt"; //Imported from a file browser in the real code.
idxfile_new.open (fname2.c_str(), std::ios::out);
idxtext = ui->indexBrowser->toPlainText(); //Grabs data from a dialog of the GUI.
//See 'some_textfile.txt' below
3714.1 3715.1 3716.1 3717.1 3719.1 3739.1 3734.1 3738.1 3562.1 3563.1 3623.1
part of program 2:
std::string indexfile = "some_textfile.txt"; //Imported from file browser in the real code
std::ifstream file;
std::string sub;
file.open(indexfile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
cerr<<sub<<"\n"; //Stores values in an array in the real code
This outputs:
If I add more data it works at times. Sometimes it can output data such as
at the end. So it is not consistent in reading the whole data either. At first I figured it wasn't reading the eof properly, and I have read and tried many solutions to similar problems but can't get it to work correctly.

Thank you guys for the help!
I managed to solve the problem by myself this morning.
For anyone with the same problem I will post my solution.
The problem was the UTF-8 encoding when creating the file. Here's my solution:
Part of program 1:
std::ofstream idxfile_new;
QString idxtext;
std::string fname2="some_textfile.txt";
idxfile_new.open (fname2.c_str(), std::ios::out);
idxtext = ui->indexBrowser->toPlainText();
QByteArray qstr = idxtext.toUtf8(); //Enables Utf8 encoding
The other program is left unchanged.
A hex converter displayed the extra character as 'ef bf bd', which is due to the replacement character U+FFFD that replace invalid bytes when encoding to Utf8.


C++ Null characters in string?

I want to read a txt file and convert two cells from each line to floats.
If I first run:
someString = someString.substr(1, tempLine.size());
And then:
it only converts the first number in 'someString' to a number. The rest of the string is lost.
When I handled the string in my IDE I noticed that copying it and pasting it inside quotation marks gives me "\u00005\u00007\u0000.\u00007\u00001\u00007\u00007\u0000" and not 57.7177.
If I instead do:
std::string someOtherString = "57.7177"
I get 57.7177.
Minimal working example is:
int main() {
std::string someString = "\u00005\u00007\u0000.\u00007\u00001\u00007\u00007\u0000";
float someFloat = std::stof(someString);
return 0;
Same problem occurs using both UTF-8 and -16 encoding.
What is happening and what should I do differently? Should I remove the null-characters somehow?
"I want to read a txt file"
What is the encoding of the text file? "Text" is not a encoding. What I suspect is happening is that you wrote code that reads in the file as either UTF8 or Windows-1250 encoding, and stored it in a std::string. From the bytes, I can see that the file is actually UTF16BE, and so you need to read into a std::u16string. If your program will only ever run on Windows, then you can get by with a std::wstring.
You probably have followup questions, but your original question is vague enough that I can't predict what those questions would be.

The program doesn't seem to be saving the input data correctly (c++)

So, I want my program to read data from a file, and save it into different quarter1, quarter2,quarter3, quarter4 depending of it's date, but it doesn't seem to work properly and still don't know why, I've been trying to debug and I'm pretty sure it fails when saving at saveQuarters or existeix which is basically a dichothomic search which returns if the code exists and if it exists, it returns the position. This is the code:
I just skimmed through some of the stuff you had so this suggestion may not work, but you can try declaring your file as input or output. Perhaps that could be the problem.
Some thing like:
string fileName = "data.txt";
ifstream dataFile;
dataFile.open(fileName, ios::in);
Doing this:
fitxerCens >> taulaCens[i].stateName;
Will grab an entire line of the data file until it sees a space is correct.

Output data not the same as input data

I'm doing some file io and created the test below, but I thought testoutput2.txt would be the same as testinputdata.txt after running it?
some plain
data with
a number
testoutput2.txt (In some editors its on seperate lines, but in others its all on one line)
some plain
data with
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int main()
//Read plain text data
std::ifstream filein("testinputdata.txt");
std::streampos length = filein.tellg();
std::vector<char> datain(length);
filein.read(&datain[0], length);
//Write data
std::ofstream fileoutBinary("testoutput.dat");
fileoutBinary.write(&datain[0], datain.size());
//Read file
std::ifstream filein2("testoutput.dat");
std::vector<char> datain2;
length = filein2.tellg();
filein2.read(&datain2[0], datain2.size());
//Write data
std::ofstream fileout("testoutput2.txt");
fileout.write(&datain2[0], datain2.size());
Its working fine on my side, i have run your program on VC++ 6.0 and checked the output on notepad and MS Word. can you specify name of editor where you are facing problem.
You can't read Unicode text into a std::vector<char>. The char data type only works with narrow strings, and my guess is that the text file you're reading in (testinputdata.txt) is saved with either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.
Try using the wchar_t type for your characters, instead. It is specifically designed to work with "wide" (or Unicode) characters.
Thou shalt verify thy input was successful! Although this would sort you out, you should also note that number of bytes in the file has no direct relationship to the number of characters being read: there can be less characters than bytes (think Unicode character using multiple bytes using UTF8 to be encoded) or vice versa (although the latter doesn't happen with any of the Unicode encodings). All you experience is that read() couldn't read as many characters as you'd asked it to read but write() happily wrote the junk you gave it.

Mismatch between characters put and read

I'm trying to write a Huffman encoder but I'm getting some compression errors. I identified the problem as mismatches between characters that were put() to the ofstream and the characters read() from the same file.
One specific instance of this problem :
The put() writes ASCII character 10 (Line feed)
The read() reads ASCII character 13 (Carriage return)
I thought read and put read and write raw data ( no character translations ) I'm not sure why this is happening. Can someone help me out?
Here is the ofstream instance for writing the compressed file:
std::ofstream compressedFileStream(getCompressedFileName(),std::ios::binary||std::ios::ate);
and the ifstream instance for reading the same
std::ifstream fileInput(getFileName()+".huf",std::ios::binary);
The code is running on Windows 7 and all streams in the program are opened in binary mode.
Not opening in binary mode due to a typo:
std::ofstream compressedFileStream(getCompressedFileName(),std::ios::binary||std::ios::ate)
should be:
std::ofstream compressedFileStream(getCompressedFileName(),std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate)
// ^
|, not ||.
The symptoms show that you are creating the ofsteam with text mode or you are creating it using a filedesc that is opened in text mode.
You will want to pass ios::binary to it at construction time or it may run in text mode on Windows.
After you added the code, the reason proves to be a typo;
should be
On Windows, if you are writing binary data, you need to open the file with the appropriate attributes.
Similarly, if you are reading binary data, you need to open the file with the appropriate attributes.

Reading bmp file for steganography

I am trying to read a bmp file in C++(Turbo). But i m not able to print binary stream.
I want to encode txt file into it and decrypt it.
How can i do this. I read that bmp file header is of 54 byte. But how and where should i append txt file in bmp file. ?
I know only Turbo C++, so it would be helpfull for me if u provide solution or suggestion related to topic for the same.
int main()
ifstream fr; //reads
ofstream fw; // wrrites to file
char c;
int random;
char file[2][100]={"s.bmp","s.txt"};
fr.open(file[0],ios::binary);//file name, mode of open, here input mode i.e. read only
cout<<"File can not be opened.";
fw.open(file[1],ios::app);//file will be appended
cout<<"File can not be opened";
cout<<fr.get(); // error should be here. but not able to find out what error is it
This code is running fine when i pass txt file in binary mode
I am not able to see binary data in console
this was working fine for text when i was passing character parameter in fr.get(c)
I think you question is allready answered:
Print an int in binary representation using C
convert your char to an int and you are done (at least for the output part)
With steganography, what little I know about it, you're not "appending" text. You're making subtle changes to the pixels (shading, etc..) to hide something that's not visually obvious, but should be able to be reverse-decrypted by examining the pixels. Should not have anything to do with the header.
So anyway, the point of my otherwise non-helpful answer is to encourage you go to and learn about the topic which you seek answers, so that you can design your solution, and THEN come and ask for specifics about implementation.
You need to modify the bit pattern, not append any text to the file.
One simple example :
Read the Bitmap Content (after header), and sacrifice a bit from each of the byte to hold your content
If on Windows, recode to use CreateFile and see what the real error is. If on Linux, ditto for open(2). Once you have debugged the problem you can probably shift back to iostreams.