Angular Unit Testing a resource request - unit-testing

I am attempting to perform a unit test on this controller.
angular.module('app.dashboard', [])
.controller('DashboardController', ['$scope', 'myAppService'], function($scope, myAppService) {
var _data = myAppService.requests.get(function() {
$scope.requests = _data.requests;
myAppService is a service based on ngResource.
I want to test for the number of requests. I spent all day figuring out how to get $httpBackend injected, now I'm hung up on properly measuring the data.
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, $injector) {
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
$httpBackend.when('GET', '/api/requests').respond(
{requests: [{sender: 'joe', message: 'help'}, {sender: 'larry', message: 'SOS'}]}
it('should have a properly working Dashboard controller', inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $httpBackend) {
var $scope = $rootScope.$new();
var ctrl = $controller('DashboardController', {
$scope : $scope
Any assistance would be greatly, massively appreciated.

For the most part, everything looks ok. There are two things that I think might be missing from your code though.
First, this method doesn't look quite right:
var _data = myAppService.requests.get(function() {
$scope.requests = _data.requests;
If you are providing a callback function, shouldn't that be passing in the data:
myAppService.requests.get(function(_data) {
$scope.requests = _data.requests;
It is hard to tell without seeing your myAppService code (that is using $resource).
Second, in order to flush through the ajax response you need to call $httpBackend.flush(); before you make your assertion with expect:
var $scope = $rootScope.$new();
var ctrl = $controller('DashboardController', {
$scope : $scope
From the $httpBackend docs:
Flushes all pending requests using the trained responses.
Hope this helps.


AngularJS controller unit testing with $http.get() on load

I'm having difficulties understanding how to resolve the problem of the unit testing the controller, which makes a GET call during initialisation.
When testing the controller method, that performs the POST request, because of the initial GET call I'm getting the following error in my tests:
Error: Unexpected request: GET
The main part of the controller looks like this:
.controller('someController', function($scope, $http, $log) {
$scope.posts = [];
$scope.content = '';
$ = function() {
.success(function(data) {
$scope.posts = data;
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
throw new Error('Something went wrong with reading data');
$scope.write = function() {
method: 'POST',
url: '/write.php',
data: "content=" + $scope.content,
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
.success(function(data) {
$scope.posts.push({ id :, task : $scope.content })
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
throw new Error('Something went wrong with writing data');
As you can see I'm calling the read() method right after its definition - so that all records are fetched from the database on page load.
I've tried the same with the .config() or other service, but obviously the result is the same.
Now - my test is as follow:
describe('someController tests', function() {
var $scope,
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function($rootScope, _$http_, _$httpBackend_, _$log_) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$http = _$http_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$log = _$log_;
it('should add new record', inject(function($controller) {
$controller('ToDoController', {
$scope : $scope,
$http : $http,
$log : $log
$scope.posts = [];
$scope.content = 'Some content';
.respond({ id : 1, content : $scope.content });
afterEach(function() {
Now - there are a few questions I have about this code.
Is calling the method within the controller on page load considered a good practice? I know that if I used ng-init within the document to call it - this would solve all my problems, but I just don't like this approach.
In the beforeEach() method of the test I'm calling:
to reflect the call of the read() method during initialisation, but again - I'm not sure this is the right thing to do here. I know that if I remove it - the 'should add new record' test will fail with the error mentioned above.
I know that afterEach() should be placed outside of the it() block, but if I do this - it will cause the same problem, but error will apply to all of the tests within this describe block. Is putting it inside of the it() block considered a bad practice / incorrect?
How would I perform the read() test - if the call is already triggered in the beforeEach() loop?
Lastly - what would your suggestion be to improve / rewrite the controller and the test to make sure it works its best?
I'm pretty new to the TDD - so I'm sure it's just my limited understanding of the topic, but would appreciate some constructive help.

Unit testing AngularJS controller with $httpBackend

For the life of me I can't get $httpBackend to work on a controller that does an $http get request. I've tried for hours now =)
I've reduced this to the simplest form I can below. The test passes if I
comment out the $http.get() request in the controller
comment out the "httpMock.flush()" in the test
and change "pig" and "dog" to match
That is, it's a valid, working test and app.
If I put it back in, I get the error shown at the bottom.
// Declare a module which depends on filters and services.
var myApp = angular
.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'myApp.filters', '',
.config(['$routeProvider' , function($routeProvider) {
.when("/dashboard", {
templateUrl: "partials/dashboard.html",
controller: cDashboard
.otherwise({redirectTo: "/dashboard"});
// Pre-define our main namespace modules.
angular.module('myApp.directives' , []);
angular.module('myApp.filters' , []);
angular.module('' , []);
angular.module('myApp.controllers', []);
function cDashboard ($scope, $http) {
$ = "dog";
// Fetch the actual data.
.success(function (data) { $ = data })
.error(function () {});
cDashboard.$inject = [ '$scope', '$http' ];
describe('cDashboard', function(){
var scope, ctrl, httpMock;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $http, $httpBackend) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller('cDashboard', {$scope: scope});
httpMock = $httpBackend;
httpMock.when("GET", "/data").respond("pig");
it("should get 'pig' from '/data'", function () {
And this is the error I get in the shell:
INFO [watcher]: Changed file "/home/myApp/test/unit/controller/cDashboard.js".
Chrome 26.0 (Linux) cDashboard should get 'pig' from '/data' FAILED
Error: No pending request to flush !
at Error (<anonymous>)
at Function.$httpBackend.flush (/home/myApp/test/lib/angular/angular-mocks.js:1171:34)
at null.<anonymous> (/home/myApp/test/unit/controller/cDashboard.js:15:18)
Chrome 26.0 (Linux): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) (0.326 secs / 0.008 secs)
There are a couple problems in your test code:
The controller is created before the httpMock is configured to respond with pig. The expectGet call should happen before instantiating the controller.
The httpMock needs to flush the request
The httMock.when is unnecessary so long as you have the expectGet
Working example:
describe('cDashboard', function(){
var scope, controllerService, httpMock;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $httpBackend) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
controllerService = $controller;
httpMock = $httpBackend;
it("should get 'pig' from '/data'", function () {
ctrl = controllerService('cDashboard', {$scope: scope});

AngularJS inject service mock inside service tests

I have been trying to test a service to no avail for some time now and was hoping for some help. Here is my situation:
I have a service looking a little like this
myModule.factory('myService', ['$rootScope', '$routeParams', '$location', function($rootScope, $routeParams, $location) {
var mySvc = {
params: {}
// Listen to route changes.
$rootScope.$on('$routeUpdate', mySvc.updateHandler);
// Update #params when route changes
mySvc.updateHandler = function(){ ... };
return mySvc;
And I want to mock the services injected into 'myService' before the service gets injected into my tests so I can test the initialization code below
var mySvc = {
params: {}
// Listen to route changes.
$rootScope.$on('$routeUpdate', mySvc.updateHandler);
I am using Jasmine for tests and mocks. This is what I came up with for now
describe('myService', function(){
var rootScope, target;
rootScope = jasmine.createSpyObj('rootScope', ['$on']);
angular.module('Mocks', []).service('$rootScope', rootScope );
target = myService;
it('should be defined', function(){
it('should have an empty list of params', function(){
it('should have called rootScope.$on', function(){
This doesn't work though. My rootscope mock is not replacing the original and the Dependency Injection doc is confusing me more than anything.
Please help
I would spy on the actual $rootScope instead of trying to inject your own custom object.
var target, rootScope;
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope) {
rootScope = $rootScope;
// Mock everything here
spyOn(rootScope, "$on")
beforeEach(inject(function(myService) {
target = myService;
it('should have called rootScope.$on', function(){
I've tested this in CoffeScript, but the code above should still work.
You could create a RootController and then inject it:
inject(function(myService, $controller){
target = myService;
$controller('rootController', {
$scope : $rootScope.$new(),
$rootScope : myService
With this approach you can access $rootScope functions from your 'myService';
Such 'myService.$on()'
I just made it, let me know if help is needed.

How to mock an function of an Angular service in Jasmine

I have the following angular controller
function IndexCtrl($scope, $http, $cookies) {
//get list of resources
$http.get(wtm.apiServer + '/v1/developers/me?access_token=' + $cookies['wtmdevsid']).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// snip
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// snip
$scope.modal = function() {
// snip
What I am trying to do is mock the get method on the $http service. Here's my unit test code:
describe('A first test suite', function(){
it("A trivial test", function() {
describe('Apps', function(){
describe('IndexCtrl', function(){
var scope, ctrl, $httpBackend;
var scope, http, cookies = {wtmdevsid:0};
beforeEach(inject(function($injector, $rootScope, $controller, $http) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = new $controller('IndexCtrl', {$scope: scope, $http: $http, $cookies: cookies});
spyOn($http, 'get');
spyOn(scope, 'modal');
it('should create IndexCtrl', function() {
var quux = scope.modal();
When I run this I get
ReferenceError: wtm is not defined.
wtm is a global object and of course it wouldn't be defined when I run my test because the code that it is declared in is not run when I run my test. What I want to know is why the real $http.get function is being called and how do I set up a spy or a stub so that I don't actually call the real function?
(inb4 hating on globals: one of my coworkers has been tasked with factoring those out of our code :) )
You need to wire up the whenGET method of your $httpBackend in advance of your test. Try setting it up in the beforeEach() function of your test... There is a good example here under "Unit Testing with Mock Backend".
I suggest all globals used the way you described here should be used through the $window service.
All global variables that are available, such as as window.wtm, will also be available on $window.atm.
Then you can stub out your wtm reference completely and spy on it the same way you already described:
var element, $window, $rootScope, $compile;
beforeEach(function() {
module('fooApp', function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$window', function($delegate) {
$delegate.wtm = jasmine.createSpy();
return $delegate;
inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$compile_, _$window_) {
$window = _$window_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
Maybe you could create a custom wrapper mock around $httpBackend that handles your special needs.
In detail, Angular overwrites components of the same name with a last-come first-served strategy, this means that the order you load your modules is important in your tests.
When you define another service with the same name and load it after the first one, the last one will be injected instead of the first one. E.g.:
apptasticMock.service("socket", function($rootScope){ = {};
// Receive Events
this.on = function(eventName, callback){
if(![eventName])[eventName] = [];[eventName].push(callback);
// Send Events
this.emit = function(eventName, data, emitCallback){
angular.forEach([eventName], function(callback){
$rootScope.$apply(function() {
if(emitCallback) emitCallback();
This service offers the exact same interface and behaves exactly like the original one except it never communicates via any socket. This is the service we want to use for testing.
With the load sequence of angular in mind, the tests then look like this:
describe("Socket Service", function(){
var socket;
inject(function($injector) {
socket = $injector.get('socket');
it("emits and receives messages", function(){
var testReceived = false;
socket.on("test", function(data){
testReceived = true;
socket.emit("test", { info: "test" });
The important thing here is that module('apptasticMock') gets executed after module('apptastic'). This overwrites the original socket implementation with the mocked one. The rest is just the normal dependency injection procedure.
This article I wrote could be interesting for you, as it goes into further details.

Jasmine and angularjs, using $cookies in jasmine

I am fairly new to jasmine and wanted to create a test for the following below, I created the code in the test section but I get "TypeError: Cannot set property 'username' of undefined"..
I created a global namespace 'cp' in apps.js and used that in the service and controller.
cp.controller = {};
cp.controller.LoginController = function($scope, $location, $cookies){
$scope.signIn = function(){
$cookies.user = $scope.form.username;
$location.hash( "home" );
cp.serviceFactory = {};
cp.serviceFactory.user = function user( $cookies){
var userName = $cookies.user;
set: function(name){
userName = name;
get: function(){
return userName;
//test script
describe('Cameo Controllers', function() {
describe('LoginController', function(){
var scope, cookies, ctrl, $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, $rootScope, $controller, $cookies) {
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
// cookies = $cookies.username;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
cookies = scope.$cookies;
ctrl = $controller(cp.controller.LoginController, {$scope: scope, $cookies: cookies});
it('should log the user into the system', function() {
scope.form.username = 'me';
Question: how do I define and set the value for the $cookies.username in the test script to get around the error.
First off make sure you are including angular-cookies.js these were separated from main distro in 1.0.0rc3
If it were me, I would wrap the cookies handling into a service and then use jasmine to mock/spy on the your cookie-wrapper service implementation. You might find this post helpful. Also, I found this testing cookies in unit and e2e. IMHO the problem with this is that it is too close to the metal, having to work with the browser cookies directly.
I also run through the same problem, here is the workaround -
$cookies.username = 'AngularJs';
Please suggest if there is any better way.