fields automatically added by django - django

By default, Django automatically gives each model an id field.
Are there any additional fields django's ORM adds automatically? Perhaps in specific cases?

There are only 2 other situations I can think of where fields are automatically created. One is when sub-classing another model. The sub-class will inherit the parent's fields, see here. The other is a Many-to-Many relationship. For a M2M relationship not only will a field get created but an entire intermediate table. Again, the relevant docs
Also, you can avoid having Django create the id field if you specify primary=True for the field you want to use as the primary key. See here
There are some other model/DB naming conventions as well. For example, the actual database table names will be prefixed with the Django app name that contains them plus an underscore. For example, a model named Author in an app named library will get called library_author. I'm sure there are other examples as well, so this is not an exhaustive list.


how to correctly assign the through attribute in django?

I was just looking the documentation to be able to change the intermediate table but when I implement it, I get into trouble:
The problem as such is that, although I can migrate the database and run the application, when I enter the administrator I do not visualize correctly the relationship of my models through the trough attribute (especially a field of my model called Tested).
Why does this happen and how can it be corrected?
This is by design. Django cannot automatically generate the widget for ManyToMany relations that use a through table because of the extra data needed (tested in your case). From Django docs:
When you specify an intermediary model using the through argument to a ManyToManyField, the admin will not display a widget by default. This is because each instance of that intermediary model requires more information than could be displayed in a single widget, and the layout required for multiple widgets will vary depending on the intermediate model.
However, we still want to be able to edit that information inline. Fortunately, this is easy to do with inline admin models.
Your best bet is to create an inline admin model as explained in the docs.

Creating Model Relationships Via Forms

What is the defacto way of creating model relationships in Django via frontend forms.
For example a user signs up for service using a form, they start a quote.
In getting a quote they can select and add products to their quote specifying variable such as sizes in this process.
This is modelled with relevant User, Quote, Product models and relevant relationships.
I am trying to work out the best way that these are linked together by frontend forms and views.
Would I load into the quote form a hidden field for the related user_id for example, which I can then process manually to form the one-to-many relationship.
I am just wondering if this is something accounted for within forms or if I have to manually create the forms to achieve my goal.
This is one of the more complicated things to try and achieve but there are several things in Django which will help you.
You're going to need a ManyToMany field on the Quote model to link the Products to it.
This can be displayed in forms simply via a ModelMultipleChoiceField:
... which is just renders a basic multiple select list of existing products.
The interface you want probably looks more like an inline formset however. The complication here is that they are designed for ForeignKey relations rather than ManyToMany.
Under the covers, a ManyToMany relation is actually just two ForeignKey relations, via an intermediate 'through' model. We can exploit this to build an inline formset on the through model, see this answer:
You'll note the caveat in that answer, the inline rows won't know which Quote they belong to unless you override some code.
You may like to look at some helper apps which provide custom widgets for ManyToMany fields:

Third-party-app for merging Django user objects?

I need to merge two users in a Django database.
So I wonder if there is any simple way (maybe a dedicated app) to do that?
For example:
We have user_a and user_b and some models that have foreign keys to the User model (Books, Interests, Teams and so on…).
By merging users, I want to delete the object user_b and to set all foreign keys pointing to this object to point to user_a. And – this is my main concern – I want the objects that need to be changed because they reference the to-be-deleted object to be determined automatically without having to specify a list of those Models and foreign key fields in them manually.
Is this already implemented and I'm reinventing the wheel?
Is this possible?
If not, please show me the way to do it: how can I build a list of Django models that have a foreign key to a specific model (User in my case) in runtime?
Thank you for your time.
I found this snippet . I'm going to have to modify it though, to make it recursive. I will share my code once I'm done.
With Django 1.8 and beyond, you could achieve this robustly using the Model _meta API.
Specifically, you could use Options.get_fields. This will even let you handle generic relations.
You'll need to consider for each related field whether you want to add or replace on merge. This decision depends on your application logic and corresponding schema choices.
u = User.objects.get(pk=123)
related_fields = [
f for f in u._meta.get_fields()
if (f.one_to_many or f.one_to_one)
and not f.concrete
for f in related_fields:
# use field's attributes to perform an update

Django recursive imports

I have two apps: pt and tasks.
pt.models has a Member model.
tasks.models has a Filters model.
Member model has a foreign key to Filters model (one for a member).
Filters has M2M field to Member as it holds some kind of filtering settings.
So, I must recursively import both models to get everything synced what is impossible in Python.
Any ideas?
Again, circular imports are not an error in Python, only using names that don't yet exist when doing so.
From the docs:
If you need to create a relationship on a model that has not yet been defined, you can use the name of the model, rather than the model object itself...

Update django foreign key field

I have a foreign key field called books (in the model Book) in an intermediate model called Link_Book_Courses.
I'd like to add multiple Book objects to this. How do I do that in django?
Related Objects have an add() method:
You can add several like this
For one ForeignKey you can only have one book. So to add multiple entries, you’ll have to add multiple Link_Book_Courses-objects. However what you might really want is a ManyToManyField.