Sitecore Fast Query select attribute values - sitecore

Is there a way by using XPath Builder under Developer Center inside Sitecore Shell (a Fast Query interface) to select a particular attribute from an item. Example:
/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[##templatename = 'Product Group']/#id
I would expect to see a collection of id's to be returned where id is an attribute of an item. If yes is it possible to extract an attribute with a space bar? Example:
/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[##templatename = 'Product Group']/#more info
The thing that I want to achieve is to get a collection of items (I have few hounded items here), not one particular item. That's why I am not interested in adding additional conditions, like specific item id or title. I want to see a collection of values of a specific attribute. As in example showed above, I want to see a collection of values that are assign to 'more info' attribute. Once again I am expecting to see few hounded different values that are set to 'more info' attribute.
There is a problem with a production, a critical stuff. There is no access to it other then thru Sitecore shell, but I don't have permissions to add/install additional packages. I know how to get this info by implementing custom code, or queering db directly, but I simply do not have permission to do it. Guys that will be able to grant me need credentials will wake up in 6 hours, so I was hoping to do whatever I can to analyse the situation. I would accept Maras answer if it was an answer not a comment - there is no way I can do it using fast query. thanks for help.

Try using #
/sitecore/content/Home/Products/*[##templatename = 'Product Group']/##more info#
This is the way around when selecting items with fields that contain spaces. Having said that I don't know if you would be able to get a specific result or not for your specific question but give it a try.
For example, consider this query which returns Product S1
fast:/sitecore/content/home/*[#Title = 'Item 1' and ##templatename = 'Product Group1']//*[#Title = 'Product S1' and ##id = '{787EE6C5-0885-495D-855E-1D129C643E55}']
However, if you place the special attribute (i.e. ##id) at the beginning of the condition, the query will not return a result.
fast:/sitecore/content/home/*[##templatename = 'Product Group1' and #Title = 'Product S1']//*[##id = '{787EE6C5-0885-495D-855E-1D129C643E55}' and #Title = 'Product S1']
Remember this, Sitecore Fast Query only supports the following special attributes:
Let us know if this helps.


Treelist datasource query - Field must contain 'X'

So I am pretty new to Sitecore, and I seem to have gotten myself into an issue that I cant solve or google ;)
So I have an item, this Item has a treelist, and that treelist has a datasource "Products". Now this works fine, the issue is that I only want the items (products) displayed in my treelist, where the Product Category is "Shoes".
The Product template has a Multilist named "Categories", so i would like a query, that evaluated if one of the Categories is "Shoes" if so, include the Product in my Treelist, if not exclude it.
Can it be done with a query or do I need to do some actual code to get that result?
Any help would be much appriciated.
You can use Sitecore's fast query in source field of template field as below:
Using contains:
fast:/sitecore/content/Home/Products//*[contains(#Categories = 'IdOfShoesItem')]
Using like:
fast:/sitecore/content/Home/Products//*[#Categories = '%IdOfShoesItem%']
On older sitecore version fast query does not work, in those cases replace "fast" with "query" like below:
query:/sitecore/content/Home/Products//*[#Categories = '%IdOfShoesItem%']

Pass values between pages in Oracle Apex

I am developing a mobile application that should allow a student to search for job vacancies. I have used the wizard to create a form with a list view. The list view will only show job titles which are not past their closing date (available jobs)
When a job title is clicked it redirects to the form where the student can view further job details. These values are passed automatically by the wizard.
Now while this whole thing is great I need information from 3 different tables and the wizard won't help me with that.
I have created a list view based on an sql query and also a form based on an sql query. I have tried to create automatic fetch processes to pass the values from my list view to the form view but nothing I have tried has worked. I carefully analysed the forms created by the wizard to see how it could be done but nothing worked for me and I would really love to do it in this way.
For reference this is the sql code I used for the list view (and it's the same for the form view except for the where clause )
Where (T1.Closing_Date >(Select Current_Date from dual))
There are really two ways you could solve this:
1) If you can simply pass the values you need to the form page, edit the values of your Form region, and open up the "Link Target" attribute (this is assuming you're using APEX 5 Page Designer). There, you will be able to pass in multiple values to items on your Form page.
2) If, instead, you need to derive these values on your Form page, add an After Header process on your form page and do the lookups from your other tables in this process, using PL/SQL. You can use the bind variable syntax to reference your items and update session state. For example:
for c1 in (select val1, val2 from my_other_table where id = :P3_ID) loop
:P3_ITEM1 := c1.val1;
:P3_ITEM2 := c1.val2;
end loop;
I managed to add the additional columns by adding more items and selecting an Sql-query that returns a single row from the item attributes (Source).
So in order to get method_name rather than an ID which would be irrelevant for the end user I used this code:
I am fairly certain that it might not be a great solution if you have a lot of columns that need to go through but it was easy to understand and implement for a few additional columns.

how to match a field name with another field name

I have two fields that run throughout a website that I would like to match so that when a user inputs a value either of the fields, it will match the other field. I'm using Sitecore Rocks and am trying to use a query to do this.
select ##h1#, ##Title#
from /sitecore/Content/Home//*[##h1# !="##Title#"];
update set ##h1# = ##Title# from /sitecore/Content/Home//*[##Title# = "<id>"];
What am I missing here?
This article talks about tapping in to the item:saving event which allows you to compare the fields values of the item before and after the changes:
Using this, you can determine which field has been amended, then change the other to match.
I've had to do something similar to this when a new field was added, and we wanted to set the initial value equal to an existing field. It may be a bug in Sitecore Rocks, but I found it would only update a field when a static value was part of the query.
When I ran ##h1# = ##Title#, the query analyzer would return the correct number of items updated, but no values were actually updated. However, ##h1# = '<id>' worked perfectly. After trying a number of things, I found this did what I wanted.
update set ##h1# = '' + ##Title# from /sitecore/Content/Home//*[##Title# = "<id>"];
I hope that helps.

Sphinx Search powered app - wrong design?

I'm building web app and using django and Sphinx for free text search. I need to apply additional restrictions before making request to searchd, consider 2 tables:
entity_id [FK to the table above]
I've built RT index for main table Entity, all works fine, but then I want to make a query only on those entities to which user has joined, i.e. where for specific user_id & entity_id exists record in EntityUser with is_approved=1. Problem is that I can't index EntityUser, because there are no string fields - this table only holds integers/timestamps as you see. Not sure if I could make a query in SphinxQL containing subquery to another idex even if I could build index for that table. Knowing that Sphinx was used for quite big projects with great success, I doubt it's a limitation of Sphinx - is it bad design of DB/application or leak of knowledge how to build proper RT index? Can I somehow extend existing index so that I can use restriction above?
I was thinking that I could apply the additional restrictions after Sphinx returns IDs of records on MySQL side, but that's not going to work: N records with highest weight would be returned, but after applying additional restrictions the result could be empty. So I need to get an area of search and then perform query only on those entities user can possibly see.
Adapting the example from, you might be able to use something like this in your conf:
sql_query = SELECT as id,
app_entity.title as title,
app_entity.description as description, as userid
FROM app_entity, app_entityuser
WHERE = app_entityuser.entity_id AND app_entityuser.is_approved = 1
sql_attr_uint = id
sql_attr_uint = userid
I should provide a disclaimer: I have not tried this.
I did find a related SO post, but it doesn't look like they quite solved it: Django-sphinx result filtering using attributes?
Good luck!
Actually I've found the answer and it has nothing to do with the design of application or DB.
In fact that's simple - I just need to use MVA for RT index as I would do for plain one (rt_attr_multi or rt_attr_multi_64). In configuration file I will have to do something like this:
rt_attr_multi = entity_users
and then populate it with IDs of users which have joined the Entity and have been approved. Problem was that I couldn't understand how to use MVA with RT index, but not it's clear. There are not enough real-word examples with RT indexes and MVA I think, so I've shared this to help to solve similar problems.
UPDATE: was fighting last hour to generate RT index and always was getting "unknown column: 'entity_users'". Finally found the reason - if you add MVA to RT index (don't know if that's the same for plain), you've got to not only restart searchd daemon (service), but also DELETE everything you have in "data" folder (or where you have stored your index)!

I'm confused about how distinct() works with Django queries

I have this query:
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.filter(time__range=[start, end], location=checkin.location)
Which works great for telling me how many checkins have happened in my date range for a specific location. But I want know how many checkins were done by unique users. So I tried this:
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.filter(time__range=[start, end], location=checkin.location).values('user').distinct()
But that doesn't work, I get back an empty Array. Any ideas why?
Here is my CheckinAct model:
class CheckinAct(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
location = models.ForeignKey(Location)
time = models.DateTimeField()
So now I have updated my query to look like this:
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.values('user').\
filter(time__range=[start, end], location=checkin.location).\
But I'm still getting multiple objects back that have the same user, like so:
[{'user': 15521L}, {'user': 15521L}, {'user': 15521L}, {'user': 15521L}, {'user': 15521L}]
---- Update 2------
Here is something else I tried, but I'm still getting lots of identical user objects back when I log the checkins object.
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.filter(
time__range=[start, end],
).annotate(dcount=Count('user')).values('user', 'dcount')"checkins!!! : " + str(checkins))
Logs the following:
checkins!!! : [{'user': 15521L}, {'user': 15521L}, {'user': 15521L}]
Notice how there are 3 instances of the same user object. Is this working correctly or not? Is there a difference way to read out what comes back in the dict object? I just need to know how many unique users check into that specific location during the time range.
The answer is actually right in the Django docs. Unfortunately, very little attention is drawn to the importance of the particular part you need; so it's understandably missed. (Read down a little to the part dealing with Items.)
For your use-case, the following should give you exactly what you want:
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.filter(time__range=[start,end], location=checkin.location).\
Based on your comment, I think the issue of what you wanted to achieve has been confused all along. What the query above gives you is a list of the number of times each user checked in at a location, without duplicate users in said list. It now seems what you really wanted was the number of unique users that checked in at one particular location. To get that, use the following (which is much simpler anyways):
UPDATE for non-rel support
checkin_users = [(, c.user) for c in CheckinAct.objects.filter(location=location)]
unique_checkins = len(dict(checkin_users))
This works off the principle that dicts have unique keys. So when you convert the list of tuples to a dict, you end up with a list of unique users. But, this will generate 1*N queries, where N is the total amount of checkins (one query each time the user attribute is used. Normally, I'd do something like .select_related('user'), but that too requires a JOIN, which is apparently out. JOINs not being supported seems like a huge downside to non-rel, if true, but if that's the case this is going to be your only option.
You don't want DISTINCT. You actually want Django to do something that will end up giving you a GROUP BY clause. You are also correct that your final solution is to combine annotate() and values(), as discussed in the Django documentation.
What you want to do to get your results is to use annotate first, and then values, such as:
time__range=[start, end],
).annotate(dcount=Count('user').values('user', 'dcount')
The Django docs at the link I gave you above show a similarly constructed query (minus the filter aspect, which I added for your case in the proper location), and note that this will "now yield one unique result for each [checkin act]; however, only the [user] and the [dcount] annotation will be returned in the output data". (I edited the sentence to fit your case, but the principle is the same).
Hope that helps!
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.values('user').\
filter(time__range=[start, end], location=checkin.location).\
If I am not mistaken, wouldn't the value you want be in the input as "dcount"? As a result, isn't that just being discarded when you decide to output the user value alone?
Can you tell me what happens when you try this?
checkins = CheckinAct.objects.values('user').\
filter(time__range=[start, end], location=checkin.location).\
(The last order_by is to clear any built-in ordering that you may already have at the model level - not sure if you have anything like that, but doesn't hurt to ask...)