Is there a way to build AWS S3 bucket endpoints automatically, regardless of region? - amazon-web-services

So I have an app in Node that accesses stuff in buckets. I want it to be able to use buckets in any region, transparently. Unfortunately, the way of building the URL for the endpoint differs based on what region you're in.
If it's in US-Standard, I can say If it's anywhere else, that doesn't work (non-coincidentally, you're limited to domain-allowed characters (lowercase and numbers only) for bucket names in non-US Standard) and you use
(Note you can get more complicated and say
I'm thinking this is not a unique problem, so want to put it out there. works in US-Standard also, so you should be able to use this single construct on any bucket anywhere (unless I'm missing something in your question).


Storing of S3 Keys vs URLs

I have some functionality that uploads Documents to an S3 Bucket.
The key names are programmatically generated via some proprietary logic for the layout/naming convention needed.
The results of my S3 upload command is the actual url itself. So, it's in the format of
I was planning on storing that full url into my DB so that users can access their uploads.
Given that REGION and BUCKET probably wouldn't change, does it make sense to just store the KEY - and then dynamically generate the full url when the client needs it?
Just want to know what the desired pattern here is and what others do. Thanks!
Storing the full URL is a bad idea. As you said in the question, the region and bucket are already known, so storing the full URL is a waste of disk space. Also, if in the future say, you want to migrate your assets to a different bucket may be in a different region, having full URLs stored in the DB just make things harder.

What's the risk in using project-id in GCS bucket names?

I've been using project-id as a prefix in my GCS bucket-names to easily get a unique name.
When I read GCS-best practises
It says clearly not to use project-names or project-numbers (nothing about projectId:s)
But on the other hand, when I spin up GAE, two buckets containing the project-id are automatically created.
Is Google not following their own best practices or did I miss something?
Are the greatest risk of having projectId in bucket name that I give clues to a potential attacker about the project since bucket-names are publicly visible?
It does appear, to some degree, that Google might not be following its best practices (as listed on that page, assuming that project names and numbers mean GCP names and numbers). The default bucket for Firebase projects layered on top of GCP does the same.
The documentation you linked states the reason to avoid using project names:
... because anyone can probe for the existence of a bucket ...
The idea is that if someone knows the name of your project, they could use that to build the full name of the bucket, and use that knowledge in an attack in order to gain its contents. However, if your security configuration is exactly what it should be, then knowing the name of the bucket won't be a problem. This is particularly true for Firebase projects, which use security rules to determine who should be able to access what objects.
I'd take the advice in the documentation as a measure of security through obscurity in order to prevent attackers from guessing the names of your buckets and any of its contents. But if that's not your concern, then ignore it.
It looks like they're just worried about leaking PII. I'm not sure why they mentioned project names, unless it's because someone might include PII in their project name.
Don't use user IDs, email addresses, project names, project numbers, or any personally identifiable information (PII) in bucket names because anyone can probe for the existence of a bucket. Similarly, be very careful with putting PII in your object names, because object names appear in URLs for the object.
The two buckets I see created in my account have an suffix. You cannot create arbitrary buckets because they have a . in the name and thus are subject to verification:
Bucket names must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.). Spaces are not allowed. Names containing dots require verification.
You are right though that the automatic bucket creation is inconsistent with their best practice guidelines.

Is there anything to be gained by using 'folders' in an s3 bucket?

I am moving a largish number of jpgs (several hundred thousand) from a static filesystem to amazon s3.
On the old filesytem, I grouped files into subfolders to keep the total number of files / folder manageable.
For example, a file
would be saved to:
From what I understand, s3 doesn't respect hierarchial namespaces. So if I were to use 'folders' on s3, the object, including the /'s, would really just be in a flat namesapce.
Still, according to the docs, amazon recommends mimicking a structured filesytem when working with s3.
So I am wondering: Is there anything to be gained using the above folder structure to organize files on s3? Or in this case am I better off just adding the files to s3 without any kind of 'folder' structure.
Performance is not impacted by the use (or non-use) of folders.
Some systems can use folders for easier navigation of the files. For example, Amazon Athena can scan specific sub-directories when querying data rather than having to read every file.
If your bucket is being used for one specific purpose, there is no reason to use folders. However, if it contains different types of data, then you might consider at least a top-level set of folders to keep data separated.
Another potential reason for using folders is for security. A bucket policy can grant access to buckets based upon a prefix (which is a folder name). However, this is likely not relevant for your use-case.
Using "folders" has no performance impact on S3, either way. It doesn't make it faster, and it doesn't make it slower.
The value of delimiting your object keys with / is in organization, both machine-friendly and human-friendly.
If you're trolling through a bucket in the console, troubleshooting, those meaningless noise-filled keys are a hassle to paginate through, only a few dozen at a time.
The console automatically groups objects into imaginary folders based on the / delimiters, so you can find your object to inspect it (check headers, metadata, etc.) is much easier if you can just click on 4a then ca then 29.
The S3 ListObjects APIs support requesting all the objects with a certain key prefix, but they also support finding all the common prefixes before the next delimiter, so you can send API requests to list prefix 4a/ca/ with delimiter / and it will only return the "folders" one level deep, which it refers to as "common prefixes."
This is less meaningful if your object keys are fully opaque and convey nothing more about the objects, as opposed to using key prefixes like images/ and thumbnails/ and videos/.
Having been an admin and working with S3 for a number of years, and having worked with buckets with key naming schemes designed by different teams, I would definitely recommend using some / delimiters for organization purposes. The buckets without them become more of a hassle to navigate over time.
Note that the console does allow you to "create folders," but this is more of the illusion -- there is no need to actually do this, unless you're loading a bucket manually. When you create a folder in the console, it just creates an empty object with a / at the end.

Is there a way to query S3 object key names for the latest per prefix?

In an S3 bucket, I have thousands and thousands of files stored with names having a structure that comes down to prefix and number:
New objects for a given prefix should come in with varying frequency, but might not. Older objects may disappear.
Is there a way to efficiently query S3 for the highest number of every prefix, i.e. without listing the entire bucket? The result I want is:
The S3 API itself does not seem to offer anything usable for that. However, perhaps another service, like Athena, could do it? So far I have only found it capable of searching within objects, but all I care about are their key names. If it can report on the contents of objects in the bucket, can't it on the bucket itself?
I would be okay with the latest modification date per prefix, but I want to avoid having to switch to a versioned bucket with just the prefixes as names to achieve that.
I think this is what you are looking for:
variable name is $path and you can regexp to get the pattern you are querying...
WHERE regexp_extract(sp."$path", '[^/]+$') like concat('%',cast(current_date - interval '1' day as varchar),'.csv')
The S3 API itself does not seem to offer anything usable for that.
However, perhaps another service, like Athena, could do it?
Yes at the moment, there is not direct way of doing it only with AWS S3. Even with Athena, it will go through the files to query their content but it will be easier using standard SQL support with Athena and would be faster since the queries runs in parallel.
So far I have only found it capable of searching within objects, but
all I care about are their key names.
Both Athena and S3 Select is to query by content not keys.
The best approach I can recommend is to use AWS DynamoDB to keep the metadata of the files, including file names for faster querying.

Top level solution to rename AWS bucket item's folder names?

I've inherited a project at work. Its essentially a niche content repository, and we use S3 to store the content. The project was severely outdated, and I'm in the process of a thorough update.
For some unknown and undocumented reason, the content is stored in an AWS S3 bucket with the pattern web_cl_000000$DB_ID$CONTENT_NAME So, one particular folder can be named web_cl_0000003458zyxwv. This makes no sense, and requires a bit of transformation logic to construct a URL to serve up the content!
I can write a Python script using the boto3 library to do an item-by-item rename, but would like to know if there's a faster way to do so. There are approximately 4M items in that bucket, which will take quite a long time.
That isn't possible, because the folders are an illusion derived from the strings between / delimiters in the object keys.
Amazon S3 has a flat structure with no hierarchy like you would see in a typical file system. However, for the sake of organizational simplicity, the Amazon S3 console supports the folder concept as a means of grouping objects. Amazon S3 does this by using key name prefixes for objects. (emphasis added)
The console contributes to the illusion by allowing you to "create" a folder, but all that actually does is create a 0-byte object with / as its last character, which the console will display as a folder whether there are other objects with that prefix or not, making it easier to upload objects manually with some organization.
But any tool or technique that allows renaming folders in S3 will in fact be making a copy of each object with the modified name, then deleting the old object, because S3 does not actually support rename or move, either -- objects in S3, including their key and metadata, are actually immutable. Any "change" is handled at the API level with a copy/overwrite or copy-then-delete.
Worth noting, S3 should be able to easily sustain 100 such requests per second, so with asynchronous requests or multi-threaded code, or even several processes each handling a shard of the keyspace, you should be able to do the whole thing in a few hours.
Note also that the less sorted (more random) the new keys are in the requests, the harder you can push S3 during a mass-write operation like this. Sending the requests so that the new keys are in lexical order will be the most likely scenario in which you might see 503 Slow Down errors... in which case, you just back off and retry... but if the new keys are not ordered, S3 can more easily accommodate a large number of requests.