Compile a Qt-Project and Include Qt Libraries - c++

I have a C++ project using Qt and I have it working as expected. However, the problem is when I copy
the executable to a standard installation of a OS (e.g. Windows or a Linux) upon execution I receive the QtWidgets or some other Qt libraries missing error.
I tried referencing the Qt Documentation but I am unable to find a solution or an example of what I am after. It has something to do with Static and Dynamic Building... but could not locate a good example or tutorial.
I looked at the tutorial but it is not quite the most efficient solution.
Basically I want the system to include the required Qt libraries along with the final compiled file. How can I pull it off?

What you can do is making a script which copies your DLLs (or .so* files) in the executable folder. Once you make it add an extra Makefile target in your project file :
OTHER_FILES += copy.script # Assuming your copy script is called "copy.script" = deploylibs
deploylibs.command = ./copy.script # Launching the script
Now you can deploy your libraries by using the (n)make deploylibs command.
NB: there is a very useful tool called "Dependency Walker" to find the DLLs you need. It is only for Windows. As for Linux and its *.so* files you can use the ldd command :
>$: ldd theexecutable => /path/to/library/on/your/


wxWidgets jpeg library build issue

I'm trying to build wxWidgets library into a custom path on a Fedora 27 operative system.
I achieved the wx-config file path recognition and works with the cmake execution. Also, I load libraries and include dirs based on modified wxWidgets finder cmake file that sets thewx-config custom path successfully.
But cmake does not load my wxWidgets configuration. I mean, wx_gtk2u_jpeg-3.1 builded lib could not be founded (suposed to be /usr/lib/ I need jpeg dependency from wxWidgets for my project.
I'm sure that problem is not about cmake files. However, the problem is wxWidgets compilation because cmake can found the other builded dependencies into /usr/lib/
I actually installed the libjpeg-turbo-devel package that includes the libjpeg.h needed for wxWidgets building without success of creation.
The weirdest part is that $ wx-config --libs shows the wx_gtk2u_jpeg-3.1 lib to be linked and the hint paths that it should be founded.
wxWidgets commands for building:
$ ./configure --with-libjpeg=builtin --with-libpng=builtin --with-libtiff=builtin --with-zlib=builtin --with-expat=builtin --enable-webviewwebkit=no --prefix=/opt/cpp_dependencies/2018Q1/usr'
$ make -j 4
$ make install
You can check out my cmake files, the cmake output and wxWidgets building output in order to reproducing it:
You can see line 1543 of wxWidgets building output file that jpeg library is buildin, and, 1564 of same file, the make install command that installs all libwx_<lib_name>.so libraries into final /usr/lib path. Anyway, no one contains the needed library.
Please show the exact error message, as it's not clear what the actual problem is. What I can say, is that the different built-in versions of 3rd party libraries, such as libjpeg, are always static libraries, even when wxWidgets themselves are shared. I.e. you're never going to have, only .a.
I'd also strongly recommend using system versions of the 3rd party libraries under Unix systems. This means that your wxWidgets applications will get security updates from your OS vendor and you don't risk running into any incompatibilities due to using 2 different versions of the same library in your application.

Distribute QT app in linux

I want Distribute QT app in linux instead of Source Code.
and I want my application working in linux not installed QT.
I find Google and etc...
they says
1. ldd ./application and check the .so file
2. copy .so file to another dir
3. move application file to same dir
4. then distribute(?)
I tried many solutions(static compile, dynamic compile)
, but it does not working.....
How can I distribute my application....?
(I use QT Creator in Ubuntu 14.04)
look at the linux-deployment-docs of qt
You have to build Qt statically on your system. After that you are able to link the Qt libs statically. If the ldd output doesn't print Qt related libs it was successfull and the app will run on another distribution without installation of Qt. glibc and some other shared objects
stay shared.
So if you get not found messages( in the ldd output on the different system, you have to install the required elements.
I fixed these issues sometimes by copying the .so files from my system to the different system and called ldconfig.

Qt app finds libraries when launched from QtCreator, but not from command line

I need to ship a product with shared libraries (Ubuntu) in a folder I've created ('shared') within the project directory--i.e., shared libraries that are not in /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, etc. To this end I've done this in the .pro file, i.e.
LIBS += -Lshared/gsl -lgsl -lgsl_cblas
NB the executable is in the same directory asy the 'shared' folder. Everything works when I launch the program in debug mode from QtCreator. In addition the program fails to launch if I remove or rename the libs in 'shared', and also I've verified that the app is not finding these libraries anywhere else. But when I launch from the command line, I get
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
What's going on?
EDIT: The solution is a variation on lionbest's below, as developed in the comments. For some reason, it turns out that on my platform qmake/QMAKE_FLAGS only allows a specific format for linker options, and not the one you find googling around for other instances where people have worked with QMAKE_FLAGS. Namely,
QMAKE_FLAGS += "-Wl,-rpath,\'\$$ORIGIN/shared/gsl\'"
Specifically, the problem was that the parser (or linker) would not accept -rpath=..., despite the fact that this seems to work for everyone else. Ubuntu 12.04, gcc 4.6.3, Qt 4.8.0, QtCreator 2.4.1 "based on Qt 4.7.4". Hope this experience can save someone else the same frustration.
Start a program with environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH=shared/gsl or add a RPATH to linker settings:
LIBS += -Wl,-rpath=shared/gsl
If you want to make shortcut for your application, most distribution (based on Gnome, KDE, LXDE and XFCE) use a .desktop file. QtCreator probably generated one for you. You need to edit it or generate it, and put to $HOME/.local/applications or /usr/share/applications/ during installation. In desktop file you could add envirometal varible and starting directory as follow:
Exec=/usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/<path_to_libs>/ /<path>/app -extra_options
If you need to run your application in specific directory add line:
You can use ${} inside path.

exploiting poppler in Qt creator - help

I am trying to compile a Qt project that uses poppler library for pdf (linux).
I put #include in the mainwindow.cpp
I put poppler folder in my project folder besides mainwindow.cpp
poppler-qt4.h is in poppler-0.16.7/qt4/src
I do not need to recompile poppler, I just need to link the library through its headers but I do not know how to do. If compilation is necessary I can do it, but I tried ./configure and it said "./configure not found".
I searched for other similar threads but they were not enough useful to me.
I know LIBS is involved but makefile is overwritten by Qt-creator?
I'd prefer to learn how to "officially" inform Qt-creator that I want to add the library.
Please can help?
You have a good example, completed with source code, here: Poppler: Displaying PDF files with Qt
Along with including the header files where apropriate, you need to link to the poppler library.
To do so, you need to edit your .pro file and include something like:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/poppler/qt4
LIBS += -L/usr/lib -lpoppler-qt4
These are the "default" paths, you may need to change them accordingly to your particular install location.
From your comments you seem to be trying to build poppler lib from source. The problem is that you're executing ./configure ( make and make install ) in the wrong directory. You "need" to position yourself in the directory where the file configure is located(*). Then execute the traditional commands:
make install
You run configure (you usually have to type ./configure as most
people don't have the current directory in their search path). This
builds a new Makefile.
Type make This builds the program. That is, make would be
executed, it would look for the first target in Makefile and do what
the instructions said. The expected end result would be to build an
executable program.
Now, as root, type make install. This again invokes make, make
finds the target install in Makefile and files the directions to
install the program.
I extracted this quote from But there are lots of places where you can find more information about these commands. Just google it! :D
(*) You don't really need to be in the same directory as the configure file. But it's easier than writing the full path.

How to create simple Boost.Build make file containing links to libs I use on Windows and Linux?

main.cpp which should be executable C++ app. It shall depend on
Lib1 be a required to be compiled first (before main.cpp) project-lib (with lib1.h and lib1.cpp inside some separate folders)
'Lib2.lib' with its dependency given precompiled libs (like cross-platform OpenCV for example)
I need it to work for Windows and Linux and if possible Mac OS
found for windows: look here - "Common tasks" page 26
exe hello : hello.cpp some_library.lib /some_project//library
: <threading>multi
I hoped for better - more readable syntax form Boost creators... And BTW
What the hell on earth does
On Windows, if an application uses
shared libraries, and both the
application and the libraries are
built using Boost.Build, it is not
possible to immediately run the
application, because the PATH
environment variable should include
the path to the libraries. It means
you have to either add the paths
manually, or have the build place the
application and the libraries into the
same directory.
mean? I can not have a project with 2 nested project - one for .lib and one for app using that .lib?
With this I see how to connect 1 .lib but how to connect a folder with them? And how to connect includes? And when I'll go to Linux what shall be changed?
How should my bjam make/config file look like?
It sounds like you want a framework which works on a cross-platform(Multiple operating system) scenario.
Simplest option would be to install cygwin and create a standard makefile for linux. Compile in a cygwin environment to generate the windows equivalent.
You will save substantial time in creating the makefile.
Another option is mksnt.