C++11 regex replace - c++

I have an XML string that i wish to log out. this XML contains some sensitive data that i'd like to mask out before sending to the log file. Currently using std::regex to do this:
std::regex reg("<SensitiveData>(\\d*)</SensitiveData>");
return std::regex_replace(xml, reg, "<SensitiveData>......</SensitiveData>");
Currently the data is being replaced by exactly 6 '.' characters, however what i really want to do is to replace the sensitive data with the correct number of dots. I.e. I'd like to get the length of the capture group and put that exact number of dots down.
Can this be done?

regex_replace of C++11 regular expressions does not have the capability you are asking for — the replacement format argument must be a string. Some regular expression APIs allow replacement to be a function that receives a match, and which could perform exactly the substitution you need.
But regexps are not the only way to solve a problem, and in C++ it's not exactly hard to look for two fixed strings and replace characters inbetween:
const char* const PREFIX = "<SensitiveData>";
const char* const SUFFIX = "</SensitiveData>";
void replace_sensitive(std::string& xml) {
size_t start = 0;
while (true) {
size_t pref, suff;
if ((pref = xml.find(PREFIX, start)) == std::string::npos)
if ((suff = xml.find(SUFFIX, pref + strlen(PREFIX))) == std::string::npos)
// replace stuff between prefix and suffix with '.'
for (size_t i = pref + strlen(PREFIX); i < suff; i++)
xml[i] = '.';
start = suff + strlen(SUFFIX);


Replace substring within a string c++

I want to replace substring within a string,
For eg: the string is aa0_aa1_bb3_c*a0_a,
so I want to replace the substring a0_a with b1_a, but I dont want aa0_a to get replaced.
Basically, no alphabet should be present before and after the substring "a0_a" (to be replaced).
That's what regexes are good at. It exists in standard library since C++11, if you have an older version, you can also use Boost.
With the standard library version, you could do (ref):
std::string result;
std::regex rx("([^A-Za-Z])a0_a[^A-Za-Z])");
result = std::regex_replace("aa0_aa1_bb3_c*a0_a", rx, "$1b1_a$2");
(beware: untested)
Easy enough to do if you loop through each character. Some pseudocode:
string toReplace = "a0_a";
for (int i = 0; i < myString.length; i++) {
//filter out strings starting with another alphabetical char
if (!isAlphabet(myString.charAt(i))) {
//start the substring one char after the char we have verified to be not alphabetical
if (substring(myString(i + 1, toReplace.length)).equals(toReplace)) {
//make the replacement here
Note that you will need to check for indexing out of bounds when looking at the substrings.

Split a string in C++ after a space, if more than 1 space leave it in the string

I need to split a string by single spaces and store it into an array of strings. I can achieve this using the fonction boost:split, but what I am not being able to achieve is this:
If there is more than one space, I want to integrate the space in the vector
For example:
(underscore denotes space)
This_is_a_string. gets split into: A[0]=This A[1]=is A[2]=a A[3]=string.
This__is_a_string. gets split into: A[0]=This A[1] =_is A[2]=a A[4]=string.
How can I implement this?
For this, you can use a combination of the find and substr functions for string parsing.
Suppose there was just a single space everywhere, then the code would be:
while (str.find(" ") != string::npos)
string temp = str.substr(0,str.find(" "));
str = str.substr(str.find(" ")+1);
The additional request you have raised suggests that we call the find function after we are sure that it is not looking at leading spaces. For this, we can iterate over the leading spaces to count how many there are, and then call the find function to search from thereon. To use the find function from say after x positions (because there are x leading spaces), the call would be str.find(" ",x).
You should also take care of corner cases such as when the entire string is composed of spaces at any point. In that case the while condition in the current form will not terminate. Add the x parameter there as well.
This is by no means the most elegant solution, but it will get the job done:
void bizarre_string_split(const std::string& input,
std::vector<std::string>& output)
std::size_t begin_break = 0;
std::size_t end_break = 0;
// count how many spaces we need to add onto the start of the next substring
std::size_t append = 0;
while (end_break != std::string::npos)
std::string temp;
end_break = input.find(' ', begin_break);
temp = input.substr(begin_break, end_break - begin_break);
// if the string is empty it is because end_break == begin_break
// this happens because the first char of the substring is whitespace
if (!temp.empty())
std::string temp2;
while (append)
temp2 += ' ';
temp2 += temp;
begin_break = end_break + 1;

replace the occurrence of character with a seq number using boost

How can i replace multiple occurrences of a character with a string containing the occurrence number.
e.g if i have the following expression.
insert into emp values(?,?,?)
I want the following converted string.
insert into emp values(_p_1,_p_2,_p_3)
I am trying this using the boost regular expression.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve this using the boost c++ (with no or minimum iteration).
currently I am using the following approach:
std::wstring q=L"insert into emp values(?,?,?)";
auto loc = q.find(L"?");
auto len = wcslen(L"?");
auto c=1;
while(loc != std::wstring::npos)
q.replace(loc, len , L"_p_"+to_wstring(c));
loc = q.find(L"?");
Please suggest better and efficient approaches.
I'd just forget regular expressions and trying to do this simple thing with Boost.
It's like asking, "how do I add 1 to a variable using Boost regular expressions"?
Best answer, IMHO, is to instead just use ++ for the task of adding 1, and to use a loop to replace special characters with strings.
string const query_format = "insert into emp values(?,?,?)";
string const params[] = {"_p_1", "_p_2", "_p3"};
string query;
string const* p = params;
for( char const c : query_format )
if( c == '?' ) { query += *p++; } else { query += c; }
// Use `query`
One might choose to wrap this up as a replace function.
Disclaimer: code not touched by compiler.
If you control the query_format string, why not instead make the placeholders compatible with Boost format.
Re the parenthetical requirement
” with no or minimum iteration
there's iteration involved no matter how you do this. You can hide the iteration behind a function name, but that's all. It's logically impossible to actually avoid the iteration, and it's trivial (completely trivial) to hide it behind a function name.

C++: Regex: returns full string and not matched group

for those asking, the {0} allows selection of any one block within the sResult string separated by the | 0 is the first block
it needs to be dynamic for future expansion as that number will be configurable by users
So I am working on a regex to extract 1 portion of a string, however while it matches the results return are not what is expected.
std::string sResult = "MATCH_ME|BUT|NOT|ANYTHNG|ELSE";
std::regex pattern("^(?:[^|]+[|]){0}([^|;]+)");
std::smatch regMatch;
std::regex_search(sResult, regMatch, pattern);
for( int i = 0; i < regMatch.size(); i++)
std::ssub_match sm = regMatch[i];
bValid = strcmp(regMatch[i].str().c_str(), pzPoint->_ptrTarget->_pzTag->szOPCItem);
For some reason I cannot figure out the code to get me just the MATCH_ME back so I can compare it to expected results list on the C++ side.
Anyone have any ideas on where I went wrong here.
It seems you're using regular expressions for what they haven't been designed for. You should first split your string at the delimiter | and apply regular expressions on the resulting tokens if you want to check them for validity.
By the way: The std::regex implementation in libstdc++ seems to be buggy. I just did some tests and found that even simple patterns containing escaped pipe characters like \\| failed to compile throwing a std::regex_error with no further information in the error message (GCC 4.8.1).
The following code example shows how to do what you are after - you compile this, then call it with a single numerical argument to extract that element of the input:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <regex>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char pat[100];
if (argc > 1) {
sprintf(pat, "^(?:[^|]+[|]){%s}([^|;]+)", argv[1]);
std::string sResult = "MATCH_ME|BUT|NOT|ANYTHNG|ELSE";
std::regex pattern(pat);
std::smatch regMatch;
std::regex_search(sResult, regMatch, pattern);
std::ssub_match sm = regMatch[1];
std::cout << "The match is " << sm << std::endl;
//bValid = strcmp(regMatch[i].str().c_str(), pzPoint->_ptrTarget->_pzTag->szOPCItem);
return 0;
Creating an executable called match, you can then do
>> match 2
The match is NOT
which is what you wanted.
The regex, it turns out, works just fine - although as a matter of preference I would use \| instead of [|] for the first part.
Turns out the problem was on the C side in extracting the match, it had to be done more directly, below is the code that gets me exactly what I wanted out of the string so I can use it later.
std::string sResult = "MATCH_ME|BUT|NOT|ANYTHNG|ELSE";
std::regex pattern("^(?:[^|]+[|]){0}([^|;]+)");
std::smatch regMatch;
std::regex_search(sResult, regMatch, pattern);
std::string theMatchedPortion = regMatch[1];
//the issue was not with the regex but in how I was retrieving the results.
//theMatchedPortion now equals "MATCH_ME" and by changing the number associated
with it I can navigate through the string

Regex to filter strings

I need to filter strings based on two requirements
1) they must start with "city_date"
2) they should not have "metro" anywhere in the string.
This need to be done in just one check.
To start I know it should be like this but dont know hoe to eliminate strings with "metro"
string pattern = "city_date_"
Added: I need to use the regex for a SQL LIKE statement. hence i need it in a string.
Use a negative lookahead assertion (I don't know if this is supported in your regex lib)
string pattern = "^city_date(?!.*metro)"
I also added an anchor ^ at the start, that will match the start of the string.
The negative lookahead assertion (?!.*metro) will fail, if there is the string "metro" somewhere ahead.
Regular expressions are usually far more expensive than direct comparisons. If direct comparisons can easily express the requirements, use them. This problem doesn't need the overhead of a regular expression. Just write the code:
std::string str = /* whatever */
const std::string head = "city_date";
const std::string exclude = "metro";
if (str.compare(head, 0, head.size) == 0 && str.find(exclude) == std::string::npos) {
// process valid string
by using javascript
input="contains the string your matching"
var pattern=/^city_date/g;
if(pattern.test(input)) // to match city_data at the begining
var patt=/metro/g;
if(patt.test(input)) return "false";
else return input; //matched string without metro
return "false"; //unable to match city_data