C++: Strange math results - c++

The following calculation results in "1" for me.
unsigned long iEndFrame = ((4294966336 + 1920 - 1) / 1920) + 1;
Does anybody see why? I thought that unsigned long could handle this.
Thank you very much for the help.

The values on the right of your calculation have type unsigned int or int.
4294966336 + 1920 = 4294968256
assuming sizeof(unsigned int) == 4, this overflows, leaving you with 960
(960-1)/1920 = 0
(due to rounding in integer arithmetic). This leaves you with
0 + 1 = 1
If you want to perform the calculation using a larger type (and assuming that sizeof(unsigned long) > sizeof(unsigned int)), you need a cast inside the calculation
unsigned long iEndFrame = (((unsigned long)4294966336 + 1920 - 1) / 1920) + 1;
or, as noted by Slava, set one of the literal values to have unsigned long type using the UL suffix
unsigned long iEndFrame = ((4294966336UL + 1920 - 1) / 1920) + 1;

"I thought that unsigned long could handle this." - I'm not sure what you mean by this. There's nothing in the expression that you evaluate that would suggest that it should use unsigned long. The fact that you eventually initialize an unsigned long variable with it has no effect on the process of evaluation. The initializing expression is handled completely independently from that.
Now, in C++ language an unsuffixed decimal integral literal always has signed type. The compiler is not allowed to choose unsigned types for any of the literals used in your expression. The compiler is required to use either int, long int or long long int (the last one - in C++11), depending on the value of the literal. The compiler is allowed to use implementation-dependent extended integral types, but only if they are signed. And if all signed types are too small, the behavior of your program is undefined.
If we assume that we are working with typical real-life platforms with integer types having the "traditional" 16, 32 or 64 bits in width, then there are only two possibilities here
If on your platform all signed integer types are too small to represent 4294966336, then your program has undefined behavior. End of story.
If at least one signed integer type is large enough for 4294966336, there should be no evaluation overflow and your expression should evaluate to 2236963.
So, the only real language-level explanation for that 1 result is that you are running into undefined behavior, because all signed types are too small to represent the literals you used in your expression.
If on your platform some signed integer type is actually sufficiently large to represent 4294966336 (i.e. some type has at least 64 bits), then the result can only be explained by the fact the your compiler is broken.
P.S. Note that the possibility of unsigned int being used for the evaluation only existed in old C language - C89/90. That would produce the third explanation for the result you obtained. But, again, that explanation would only apply to C89/90 compilers, not to C++ compilers or C99 compilers. And your question is tagged [C++].

I meant to leave this as a comment, but do not have enough reputation. I wanted to share this anyway, because I think that there are two components to tmighty's question and one of them might not be answered quite correctly, from what I understand.
First, you need to be explicit about the data type you are using, i.e. use a suffix such as UL or explicit type conversion. Other answers have made this clear enough, I think.
Second, you need to then pick a data type that is large enough.
You have already stated "I thought that unsigned long could handle this" and other answers seem to confirm this, but from what I know - and double-checking just now to try to make sure - unsigned long may not be large enough. It is guaranteed to be at least 4294967295, which would be too small for your use case. Specifically, I have just checked under Windows using VC++ and both compilation as 32 bit and 64 bit define ULONG_MAX to be 4294967295.
What you may need to do instead is use the "ULL" suffix and use unsigned long long, since its maximum seems to be at least 18446744073709551615. Even if there are platforms that define unsigned long to be large enough for your purpose, I think you might want to use a data type that is actually guaranteed to be large enough.


Is it safe to take the difference of two size_t objects?

I'm investigating a standard for my team around using size_t vs int (or long, etc). The biggest drawback I've seen pointed out is that taking the difference of two size_t objects can cause problems (I'm unsure of specific problems -- maybe something wasn't 2s complemented and the signed/unsigned angers the compiler). I wrote a quick program in C++ using the V120 VS2013 compiler that allowed me to do the following:
#include <iostream>
size_t a = 10;
size_t b = 100;
int result = a - b;
The program resulted in -90, which although correct, makes me nervous about type mismatches, signed/unsigned problems, or just plain undefined behavior if the size_t happens to get used in complex math.
My question is if it's safe to do math with size_t objects, specifically, taking the difference? I'm considering using size_t as a standard for things like indexes. I've seen some interesting posts on the topic here, but they don't address the math issue (or I missed it).
What type for subtracting 2 size_t's?
typedef for a signed type that can contain a size_t?
This is not guaranteed to work portably, but is not UB either. The code must run without error, but the resulting int value is implementation defined. So as long as you are working on platforms that guarantee the desired behavior, this is fine (as long as the difference can be represented by an int of course), otherwise, just use signed types everywhere (see last paragraph).
Subtracting two std::size_ts will yield a new std::size_t† and its value will be determined by wrapping. In your example, assuming 64 bit size_t, a - b will equal 18446744073709551526. This does not fit into an (commonly used 32 bit) int, so an implementation defined value is assigned to result.
To be honest, I would recommend to not use unsigned integers for anything but bit magic. Several members of the standard committee agree with me: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Interactive-Panel-Ask-Us-Anything 9:50, 42:40, 1:02:50
Rule of thumb (paraphrasing Chandler Carruth from the above video): If you could count it yourself, use int, otherwise use std::int64_t.
†Unless its conversion rank is less than int, e.g. if std::size_t is unsigned short. In that case, the result is an int and everything will work fine (unless int is not wider than short). However
I do not know of any platform that does this.
This would still be platform specific, see first paragraph.
The size_t type is unsigned. The subtraction of any two size_t values is defined-behavior
However, firstly, the result is implementation-defined if a larger value is subtracted from a smaller one. The result is the mathematical value, reduced to the smallest positive residue modulo SIZE_T_MAX + 1. For instance if the largest value of size_t is 65535, and the result of subtracting two size_t values is -3, then the result will be 65536 - 3 = 65533. On a different compiler or machine with a different size_t, the numeric value will be different.
Secondly, a size_t value might be out of range of the type int. If that is the case, we get a second implementation-defined result arising from the forced conversion. In this situation, any behavior can apply; it just has to be documented by the implementation, and the conversion must not fail. For instance, the result could be clamped into the int range, producing INT_MAX. A common behavior seen on two's complement machines (virtually all) in the conversion of wider (or equal width) unsigned types to narrower signed types is simple bit truncation: enough bits are taken from the unsigned value to fill the signed value, including its sign bit.
Because of the way two's complement works, if the original arithmetically correct abstract result itself fits into int, then the conversion will produce that result.
For instance, suppose that the subtraction of a pair of 64 bit size_t values on a two's complement machine yields the abstract arithmetic value -3, which is becomes the positive value 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD. When this is coerced into a 32 bit int, then the common behavior seen in many compilers for two's complement machines is that the lower 32 bits are taken as the image of the resulting int: 0xFFFFFFFD. And, of course, that is just the value -3 in 32 bits.
So the upshot is, that your code is de facto quite portable because virtually all mainstream machines are two's complement with conversion rules based on sign extension and bit truncation, including between signed and unsigned.
Except that sign extension doesn't occur when a value is widened while converting from unsigned to signed. Thus he one problem is the rare situation in which int is wider than size_t. If a 16 bit size_t result is 65533, due to 4 being subtracted from 1, this will not produce a -3 when converted to a 32 bit int; it will produce 65533!
If you don't use size_t, you are screwed: size_t is the one type that exists to be used for memory sizes, and which is consequently guaranteed to always be big enough for that purpose. (uintptr_t is quite similar, but it's neither the first such type, nor is it used by the standard libraries, nor is it available without including stdint.h.) If you use an int, you can get undefined behavior when your allocations exceed 2GiB of address space (or 32kiB if you are on a platform where int is only 16 bits!), even though the machine has more memory and you are executing in 64 bit mode.
If you need a difference of size_t that may become negative, use the signed variant ssize_t.

Is the using `int` is more preferably than the using of `unsigned int`? [duplicate]

Should one ever declare a variable as an unsigned int if they don't require the extra range of values? For example, when declaring the variable in a for loop, if you know it's not going to be negative, does it matter? Is one faster than the other? Is it bad to declare an unsigned int just as unsigned in C++?
To reitterate, should it be done even if the extra range is not required? I heard they should be avoided because they cause confusion (IIRC that's why Java doesn't have them).
The reason to use uints is that it gives the compiler a wider variety of optimizations. For example, it may replace an instance of 'abs(x)' with 'x' if it knows that x is positive. It also opens up a variety of bitwise 'strength reductions' that only work for positive numbers. If you always mult/divide an int by a power of two, then the compiler may replace the operation with a bit shift (ie x*8 == x<<3) which tends to perform much faster. Unfortunately, this relation only holds if 'x' is positive because negative numbers are encoded in a way that precludes this. With ints, the compiler may apply this trick if it can prove that the value is always positive (or can be modified earlier in the code to be so). In the case of uints, this attribute is trivial to prove, which greatly increases the odds of it being applied.
Another example might be the equation y = 16 * x + 12. If x can be negative, then a multiply and add would be required. Yet if x is always positive, then not only can the x*16 term be replaced with x<<4, but since the term would always end with four zeros this opens up replacing the '+ 12' with a binary OR (as long as the '12' term is less than 16). The result would be y = (x<<4) | 12.
In general, the 'unsigned' qualifier gives the compiler more information about the variable, which in turn allows it to squeeze in more optimizations.
You should use unsigned integers when it doesn't make sense for them to have negative values. This is completely independent of the range issue. So yes, you should use unsigned integer types even if the extra range is not required, and no, you shouldn't use unsigned ints (or anything else) if not necessary, but you need to revise your definition of what is necessary.
More often than not, you should use unsigned integers.
They are more predictable in terms of undefined behavior on overflow and such.
This is a huge subject of its own, so I won't say much more about it.
It's a very good reason to avoid signed integers unless you actually need signed values.
Also, they are easier to work with when range-checking -- you don't have to check for negative values.
Typical rules of thumb:
If you are writing a forward for loop with an index as the control variable, you almost always want unsigned integers. In fact, you almost always want size_t.
If you're writing a reverse for loop with an index as a the control variable, you should probably use signed integers, for obvious reasons. Probably ptrdiff_t would do.
The one thing to be careful with is when casting between signed and unsigned values of different sizes.
You probably want to double-check (or triple-check) to make sure the cast is working the way you expect.
int is the general purpose integer type. If you need an integer, and int meets your requirements (range [-32767,32767]), then use it.
If you have more specialized purposes, then you can choose something else. If you need an index into an array, then use size_t. If you need an index into a vector, then use std::vector<T>::size_type. If you need specific sizes, then pick something from <cstdint>. If you need something larger than 64 bits, then find a library like gmp.
I can't think of any good reasons to use unsigned int. At least, not directly (size_t and some of the specifically sized types from <cstdint> may be typedefs of unsigned int).
The problem with the systematic use of unsigned when values can't be negative isn't that Java doesn't have unsigned, it is that expressions with unsigned values, especially when mixed with signed one, give sometimes confusing results if you think about unsigned as an integer type with a shifted range. Unsigned is a modular type, not a restriction of integers to positive or zero.
Thus the traditional view is that unsigned should be used when you need a modular type or for bitwise manipulation. That view is implicit in K&R — look how int and unsigned are used —, and more explicit in TC++PL (2nd edition, p. 50):
The unsigned integer types are ideal for uses that treat storage as a bit array. Using an unsigned instead of an int to gain one more bit to represent positive integers is almost never a good idea. Attempts to ensure that some values are positive by declaring variables unsigned will typically be defeated by the implicit conversion rules.
In almost all architectures the cost of signed operation and unsigned operation is the same. So efficiency wise you wont get any advantage for using unsigned over signed. But as you pointed out, if you use unsigned you will have a bigger range
Even if you have variables that should only take non negative values unsigned can be a problem. Here is an example. Suppose a programmer is asked to write a code to print all pairs of integer numbers (a,b) with 0 <= a < b <= n where n is a given input. An incorrect code is
for (unsigned b = 0; b <= n; b++)
for (unsigned a=0; a <=b-1; b++)
cout << a << ',' << b << n ;
This is easy to correct, but thinking with unsigned is a bit less natural than thinking with int.

Why prefer signed over unsigned in C++? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to understand better why choose int over unsigned?
Personally, I've never liked signed values unless there is a valid reason for them. e.g. count of items in an array, or length of a string, or size of memory block, etc., so often these things cannot possibly be negative. Such a value has no possible meaning. Why prefer int when it is misleading in all such cases?
I ask this because both Bjarne Stroustrup and Chandler Carruth gave the advice to prefer int over unsigned here (approx 12:30').
I can see the argument for using int over short or long - int is the "most natural" data width for the target machine architecture.
But signed over unsigned has always annoyed me. Are signed values genuinely faster on typical modern CPU architectures? What makes them better?
As per requests in comments: I prefer int instead of unsigned because...
it's shorter (I'm serious!)
it's more generic and more intuitive (i. e. I like to be able to assume that 1 - 2 is -1 and not some obscure huge number)
what if I want to signal an error by returning an out-of-range value?
Of course there are counter-arguments, but these are the principal reasons I like to declare my integers as int instead of unsigned. Of course, this is not always true, in other cases, an unsigned is just a better tool for a task, I am just answering the "why would anyone prefer defaulting to signed" question specifically.
Let me paraphrase the video, as the experts said it succinctly.
Andrei Alexandrescu:
No simple guideline.
In systems programming, we need integers of different sizes and signedness.
Many conversions and arcane rules govern arithmetic (like for auto), so we need to be careful.
Chandler Carruth:
Here's some simple guidelines:
Use signed integers unless you need two's complement arithmetic or a bit pattern
Use the smallest integer that will suffice.
Otherwise, use int if you think you could count the items, and a 64-bit integer if it's even more than you would want to count.
Stop worrying and use tools to tell you when you need a different type or size.
Bjarne Stroustrup:
Use int until you have a reason not to.
Use unsigned only for bit patterns.
Never mix signed and unsigned
Wariness about signedness rules aside, my one-sentence take away from the experts:
Use the appropriate type, and when you don't know, use an int until you do know.
Several reasons:
Arithmetic on unsigned always yields unsigned, which can be a problem when subtracting integer quantities that can reasonably result in a negative result — think subtracting money quantities to yield balance, or array indices to yield distance between elements. If the operands are unsigned, you get a perfectly defined, but almost certainly meaningless result, and a result < 0 comparison will always be false (of which modern compilers will fortunately warn you).
unsigned has the nasty property of contaminating the arithmetic where it gets mixed with signed integers. So, if you add a signed and unsigned and ask whether the result is greater than zero, you can get bitten, especially when the unsigned integral type is hidden behind a typedef.
There are no reasons to prefer signed over unsigned, aside from purely sociological ones, i.e. some people believe that average programmers are not competent and/or attentive enough to write proper code in terms of unsigned types. This is often the main reasoning used by various "speakers", regardless of how respected those speakers might be.
In reality, competent programmers quickly develop and/or learn the basic set of programming idioms and skills that allow them to write proper code in terms of unsigned integral types.
Note also that the fundamental differences between signed and unsigned semantics are always present (in superficially different form) in other parts of C and C++ language, like pointer arithmetic and iterator arithmetic. Which means that in general case the programmer does not really have the option of avoiding dealing with issues specific to unsigned semantics and the "problems" it brings with it. I.e. whether you want it or not, you have to learn to work with ranges that terminate abruptly at their left end and terminate right here (not somewhere in the distance), even if you adamantly avoid unsigned integers.
Also, as you probably know, many parts of standard library already rely on unsigned integer types quite heavily. Forcing signed arithmetic into the mix, instead of learning to work with unsigned one, will only result in disastrously bad code.
The only real reason to prefer signed in some contexts that comes to mind is that in mixed integer/floating-point code signed integer formats are typically directly supported by FPU instruction set, while unsigned formats are not supported at all, making the compiler to generate extra code for conversions between floating-point values and unsigned values. In such code signed types might perform better.
But at the same time in purely integer code unsigned types might perform better than signed types. For example, integer division often requires additional corrective code in order to satisfy the requirements of the language spec. The correction is only necessary in case of negative operands, so it wastes CPU cycles in situations when negative operands are not really used.
In my practice I devotedly stick to unsigned wherever I can, and use signed only if I really have to.
The integral types in C and many languages which derive from it have two general usage cases: to represent numbers, or represent members of an abstract algebraic ring. For those unfamiliar with abstract algebra, the primary notion behind a ring is that adding, subtracting, or multiplying two items of a ring should yield another item of that ring--it shouldn't crash or yield a value outside the ring. On a 32-bit machine, adding unsigned 0x12345678 to unsigned 0xFFFFFFFF doesn't "overflow"--it simply yields the result 0x12345677 which is defined for the ring of integers congruent mod 2^32 (because the arithmetic result of adding 0x12345678 to 0xFFFFFFFF, i.e. 0x112345677, is congruent to 0x12345677 mod 2^32).
Conceptually, both purposes (representing numbers, or representing members of the ring of integers congruent mod 2^n) may be served by both signed and unsigned types, and many operations are the same for both usage cases, but there are some differences. Among other things, an attempt to add two numbers should not be expected to yield anything other than the correct arithmetic sum. While it's debatable whether a language should be required to generate the code necessary to guarantee that it won't (e.g. that an exception would be thrown instead), one could argue that for code which uses integral types to represent numbers such behavior would be preferable to yielding an arithmetically-incorrect value and compilers shouldn't be forbidden from behaving that way.
The implementers of the C standards decided to use signed integer types to represent numbers and unsigned types to represent members of the algebraic ring of integers congruent mod 2^n. By contrast, Java uses signed integers to represent members of such rings (though they're interpreted differently in some contexts; conversions among differently-sized signed types, for example, behave differently from among unsigned ones) and Java has neither unsigned integers nor any primitive integral types which behave as numbers in all non-exceptional cases.
If a language provided a choice of signed and unsigned representations for both numbers and algebraic-ring numbers, it might make sense to use unsigned numbers to represent quantities that will always be positive. If, however, the only unsigned types represent members of an algebraic ring, and the only types that represent numbers are the signed ones, then even if a value will always be positive it should be represented using a type designed to represent numbers.
Incidentally, the reason that (uint32_t)-1 is 0xFFFFFFFF stems from the fact that casting a signed value to unsigned is equivalent to adding unsigned zero, and adding an integer to an unsigned value is defined as adding or subtracting its magnitude to/from the unsigned value according to the rules of the algebraic ring which specify that if X=Y-Z, then X is the one and only member of that ring such X+Z=Y. In unsigned math, 0xFFFFFFFF is the only number which, when added to unsigned 1, yields unsigned zero.
Speed is the same on modern architectures. The problem with unsigned int is that it can sometimes generate unexpected behavior. This can create bugs that wouldn't show up otherwise.
Normally when you subtract 1 from a value, the value gets smaller. Now, with both signed and unsigned int variables, there will be a time that subtracting 1 creates a value that is MUCH LARGER. The key difference between unsigned int and int is that with unsigned int the value that generates the paradoxical result is a commonly used value --- 0 --- whereas with signed the number is safely far away from normal operations.
As far as returning -1 for an error value --- modern thinking is that it's better to throw an exception than to test for return values.
It's true that if you properly defend your code you won't have this problem, and if you use unsigned religiously everywhere you will be okay (provided that you are only adding, and never subtracting, and that you never get near MAX_INT). I use unsigned int everywhere. But it takes a lot of discipline. For a lot of programs, you can get by with using int and spend your time on other bugs.
Use int by default: it plays nicer with the rest of the language
most common domain usage is regular arithmetic, not modular arithmetic
int main() {} // see an unsigned?
auto i = 0; // i is of type int
Only use unsigned for modulo arithmetic and bit-twiddling (in particular shifting)
has different semantics than regular arithmetic, make sure it is what you want
bit-shifting signed types is subtle (see comments by #ChristianRau)
if you need a > 2Gb vector on a 32-bit machine, upgrade your OS / hardware
Never mix signed and unsigned arithmetic
the rules for that are complicated and surprising (either one can be converted to the other, depending on the relative type sizes)
turn on -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -Wsign-promo (gcc is better than Clang here)
the Standard Library got it wrong with std::size_t (quote from the GN13 video)
use range-for if you can,
for(auto i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(v.size()); ++i) if you must
Don't use short or large types unless you actually need them
current architectures data flow caters well to 32-bit non-pointer data (but note the comment by #BenVoigt about cache effects for smaller types)
char and short save space but suffer from integral promotions
are you really going to count to over all int64_t?
To answer the actual question: For the vast number of things, it doesn't really matter. int can be a little easier to deal with things like subtraction with the second operand larger than the first and you still get a "expected" result.
There is absolutely no speed difference in 99.9% of cases, because the ONLY instructions that are different for signed and unsigned numbers are:
Making the number longer (fill with the sign for signed or zero for unsigned) - it takes the same effort to do both.
Comparisons - a signed number, the processor has to take into account if either number is negative or not. But again, it's the same speed to make a compare with signed or unsigned numbers - it's just using a different instruction code to say "numbers that have the highest bit set are smaller than numbers with the highest bit not set" (essentially). [Pedantically, it's nearly always the operation using the RESULT of a comparison that is different - the most common case being a conditional jump or branch instruction - but either way, it's the same effort, just that the inputs are taken to mean slightly different things].
Multiply and divide. Obviously, sign conversion of the result needs to happen if it's a signed multiplication, where a unsigned should not change the sign of the result if the highest bit of one of the inputs is set. And again, the effort is (as near as we care for) identical.
(I think there are one or two other cases, but the result is the same - it really doesn't matter if it's signed or unsigned, the effort to perform the operation is the same for both).
The int type more closely resembles the behavior of mathematical integers than the unsigned type.
It is naive to prefer the unsigned type simply because a situation does not require negative values to be represented.
The problem is that the unsigned type has a discontinuous behavior right next to zero. Any operation that tries to compute a small negative value, instead produces some large positive value. (Worse: one that is implementation-defined.)
Algebraic relationships such as that a < b implies that a - b < 0 are wrecked in the unsigned domain, even for small values like a = 3 and b = 4.
A descending loop like for (i = max - 1; i >= 0; i--) fails to terminate if i is made unsigned.
Unsigned quirks can cause a problem which will affect code regardless of whether that code expects to be representing only positive quantities.
The virtue of the unsigned types is that certain operations that are not portably defined at the bit level for the signed types are that way for the unsigned types. The unsigned types lack a sign bit, and so shifting and masking through the sign bit isn't a problem. The unsigned types are good for bitmasks, and for code that implements precise arithmetic in a platform-independent way. Unsigned opearations will simulate two's complement semantics even on a non two's complement machine. Writing a multi-precision (bignum) library practically requires arrays of unsigned types to be used for the representation, rather than signed types.
The unsigned types are also suitable in situations in which numbers behave like identifiers and not as arithmetic types. For instance, an IPv4 address can be represented in a 32 bit unsigned type. You wouldn't add together IPv4 addresses.
int is preferred because it's most commonly used. unsigned is usually associated with bit operations. Whenever I see an unsigned, I assume it's used for bit twiddling.
If you need a bigger range, use a 64-bit integer.
If you're iterating over stuff using indexes, types usually have size_type, and you shouldn't care whether it's signed or unsigned.
Speed is not an issue.
For me, in addition to all the integers in the range of 0..+2,147,483,647 contained within the set of signed and unsigned integers on 32 bit architectures, there is a higher probability that I will need to use -1 (or smaller) than need to use +2,147,483,648 (or larger).
One good reason that I can think of is in case of detecting overflow.
For the use cases such as the count of items in an array, length of a string, or size of memory block, you can overflow an unsigned int and you may not notice a difference even when you take a look at the variable. If it is an signed int, the variable will be less than zero and clearly wrong.
You can simply check to see if the variable is zero when you want to use it. This way, you do not have to check for overflow after every arithmetic operation as is the case for unsigned ints.
It gives unexpected result when doing simple arithmetic operation:
unsigned int i;
i = 1 - 2;
//i is now 4294967295 on a 64bit machine
It gives unexpected result when doing simple comparison:
unsigned int j = 1;
std::cout << (j>-1) << std::endl;
//output 0 as false but 1 is greater than -1
This is because when doing the operations above, the signed ints are converted to unsigned, and it overflows and goes to a really big number.

Is `short` the same as `int` in C++?

I've looked at some answers that use short in C#, but I'm not sure if they really answer my question here. Is short in C++ another name for int? I know you can make short int, which seems to be able to handle a lot of values but I'm still starting out, so obviously if it's short it's not a lot of values. But in this code snippet here:
short lives,aliensKilled;
it doesn't use int short, it just uses short. So I guess my question is, can I just use short as a replacement for int if I'm not going under -32,768 or over 32,767?
Also, is it okay to just replace short with int, and it won't really mess with anything as long as I change the appropriate things? (Btw lives and aliensKilled are both variable names.)
In C++ (and C), short, short int, and int short are different names for the same type. This type is guaranteed to have a range of at least -32,767..+32,767. (No, that's not a typo.)
On most modern systems, short is 16 bits and int is 32 bits. You can replace int with short without ill effects as long as you don't exceed the range of a short. On most modern systems, exceeding the range of a short will usually result in the values wrapping around—this behavior is not guaranteed by the standard and you should not rely on it, especially now that common C++ compilers will prune code paths that contain signed integer overflow.
However, in most situations, there is little benefit to replacing int with short. I would only replace int with short if I had at least thousands of them. There's not always a benefit, by using short you can reduce the memory used and the bandwidth required, but you can potentially increase the number of CPU cycles required to convert from short to int (a short is always "promoted" to int when you do arithmetic on it).
short int, int short and short are all synonymous in C and C++.
These work like int, but the range is smaller (typically, but not always) 16 bit. As long as none of the code relies on the transitions when the number "wraps around" due to it being 16 bits (that is, no calculation goes above the highest value (SHORT_MAX) or below the lowest value (SHORT_MIN)), using a larger type (int, long) will work just fine.
C++ (and C# and Objective-C and other direct descendants of C) have a quirky way of naming and specifying the primitive integral types.
As specified by C++, short and int are simple-type-specifiers, which can be mixed and matched along with the keywords long, signed, and unsigned in any of a page-full of combinations.
The general pattern for the single type short int is [signed] short [int], which is to say the signed and int keywords are optional.
Note that even if int and short are the same size on a particular platform, they are still different types. int has at least the same range as short so it's numerically a drop-in replacement, but you can't use an int * or int & where a short * or short & is required. Besides that C++ provides all kinds of machinery for working with types… for a large program written around short, converting to int may take some work.
Note also that there is no advantage to declaring something short unless you really have a reason to save a few bytes. It is poor style and leads to overflow errors, and can even reduce performance as CPUs today aren't optimized for 16-bit operations. And as Dietrich notes, according to the crazy way C arithmetic semantics are specified, the short is upcast to int before any operation is performed and then if the result is assigned back to a short, it's cast back again. This dance usually has no effect but can still lead to compiler warnings and worse.
In any case, the best practice is to typedef your own types for whatever jobs you need done. Always use int by default, and leverage int16_t, uint32_t from <stdint.h> (<cstdint> since C++11), etc instead of relying on platform-dependent short and long.
Yes, short is equivalent to short int, and it uses at least 2 bytes, but if you stay in the range you can replace int with short without any problem.
Yes, you can use it. short = short int. Signed -32768 to 32767 and unsigned 0 to 65535 .
short can at max be two bytes long. On machines where int is two bytes, short and int have same range i.e. -32767 to +32767. For most of the new platforms, int is 4 bytes, catering to much larger range of values.
I recommend to go for explicit declaration such as int16_t for short and int32_t for int to avoid any confusion.
Also notice that for the following code:
short a = 32767;
cout << a;
It will print -32768.
So, if you go over its limit, it will "go back" with the counting.

What is wrong with this bit-manipulation code from an interview question?

I was having a look over this page: http://www.devbistro.com/tech-interview-questions/Cplusplus.jsp, and didn't understand this question:
What’s potentially wrong with the following code?
long value;
//some stuff
value &= 0xFFFF;
Note: Hint to the candidate about the base platform they’re developing for. If the person still doesn’t find anything wrong with the code, they are not experienced with C++.
Can someone elaborate on it?
Several answers here state that if an int has a width of 16 bits, 0xFFFF is negative. This is not true. 0xFFFF is never negative.
A hexadecimal literal is represented by the first of the following types that is large enough to contain it: int, unsigned int, long, and unsigned long.
If int has a width of 16 bits, then 0xFFFF is larger than the maximum value representable by an int. Thus, 0xFFFF is of type unsigned int, which is guaranteed to be large enough to represent 0xFFFF.
When the usual arithmetic conversions are performed for evaluation of the &, the unsigned int is converted to a long. The conversion of a 16-bit unsigned int to long is well-defined because every value representable by a 16-bit unsigned int is also representable by a 32-bit long.
There's no sign extension needed because the initial type is not signed, and the result of using 0xFFFF is the same as the result of using 0xFFFFL.
Alternatively, if int is wider than 16 bits, then 0xFFFF is of type int. It is a signed, but positive, number. In this case both operands are signed, and long has the greater conversion rank, so the int is again promoted to long by the usual arithmetic conversions.
As others have said, you should avoid performing bitwise operations on signed operands because the numeric result is dependent upon how signedness is represented.
Aside from that, there's nothing particularly wrong with this code. I would argue that it's a style concern that value is not initialized when it is declared, but that's probably a nit-pick level comment and depends upon the contents of the //some stuff section that was omitted.
It's probably also preferable to use a fixed-width integer type (like uint32_t) instead of long for greater portability, but really that too depends on the code you are writing and what your basic assumptions are.
I think depending on the size of a long the 0xffff literal (-1) could be promoted to a larger size and being a signed value it will be sign extended, potentially becoming 0xffffffff (still -1).
I'll assume it's because there's no predefined size for a long, other than it must be at least as big as the preceding size (int). Thus, depending on the size, you might either truncate value to a subset of bits (if long is more than 32 bits) or overflow (if it's less than 32 bits).
Yeah, longs (per the spec, and thanks for the reminder in the comments) must be able to hold at least -2147483647 to 2147483647 (LONG_MIN and LONG_MAX).
For one value isn't initialized before doing the and so I think the behaviour is undefined, value could be anything.
long type size is platform/compiler specific.
What you can here say is:
It is signed.
We can't know the result of value &= 0xFFFF; since it could be for example value &= 0x0000FFFF; and will not do what expected.
While one could argue that since it's not a buffer-overflow or some other error that's likely to be exploitable, it's a style thing and not a bug, I'm 99% confident that the answer that the question-writer is looking for is that value is operated on before it's assigned to. The value is going to be arbitrary garbage, and that's unlikely to be what was meant, so it's "potentially wrong".
Using MSVC I think that the statement would perform what was most likely intended - that is: clear all but the least significant 16 bits of value, but I have encountered other platforms which would interpret the literal 0xffff as equivalent to (short)-1, then sign extend to convert to long, in which case the statement "value &= 0xFFFF" would have no effect.
"value &= 0x0FFFF" is more explicit and robust.