Reading through files quickly [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My question is : how to read files longer than 50 MB quickly (i.e. in about a second) by using a C++ or C program...
What I'm interested in is files, which contain plain integers...
I have already ruled out ifstream, cause it's far too slow for this purpose (8-9 secs).
Currently, I'm using fscanf, but still, it's very very slow (4 secs)....
I'm 100 % sure that the way files are read is the problem, and I'm not I/O bound.
Can you suggest any alternatives?
File format:
1 2 41 2 1 5 1 2 ... (integers)

Try using memory mapped files. Try googling

To read in data faster you have to reduce the quantity of reads and increase the amount of data reading.
Assuming a worst case, the hard drive has to initialize for every read command:
The platters have to come up to speed (takes time).
The OS reads the directory structure.
The OS searches the directory structure for your file.
The OS tells the hard drive which sector or platter & sector to read
The hard drive waits for the start of the sector, then reads
contiguous data from the start of the sector.
The hard drive spins down.
Everything but reading from the sector is considered overhead. The overhead would be applied for reading whether one byte is read or 10k is read. The efficiency is to keep the drive spinning, which means reading more data per "read" command.
The are many methods to optimize this:
Single large buffer -- read a lot of data into a single buffer and
parse the buffer.
Double Buffering or Multiple Buffering -- Use multiple buffers so one
thread can parse one buffer while another thread reads data into
another buffer.
Memory Mapped files -- The OS manages file reading as if it were
Other methods outside of your program:
Optimize the file data structure for efficient reading by using fixed
record sizes.
Reduce the number of fragments in the file -- aim for one huge
contiguous area on the hard drive.

Why does it matter what this file contains? Reading a 54Mb file took half a second with this very quick-and-dirty standard C program:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
unsigned char *big_file = NULL;
size_t length;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *f;
clock_t start_time, end_time;
if (argc >= 2)
start_time = clock();
f = fopen (argv[1], "rb");
if (f)
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
length = ftell(f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
big_file = (unsigned char *)malloc(length);
if (big_file)
if (fread (big_file, 1,length, f) == length)
printf ("successfully read %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)length);
free (big_file);
fclose (f);
end_time = clock() - start_time;
printf ("this took %f second(s)\n", ((double)end_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
successfully read 54721618 bytes
this took 0.523000 second(s)
Be warned: running it a second time on the same file returns this:
successfully read 54721618 bytes
this took 0.037000 second(s)
With this, your question may need to be rephrased: "okay so I can read fast, but I need to do XXX on that data" -- and if "XXX" = "a lot", you may go over the 0.477 seconds that remain within the 1-second time allotment.


c++ read small portions of big number of files

I have a relatively simple question to ask, there has been an ongoing discussion regarding many programming languages about which method provides the fastest file read. Mostly debated on read() or mmap(). As a person who also participated in these debates, I failed to find an answer to my current problem, because most answers help in the situation where the file to read is huge (example, how to read a 10 TB text file...).
But my problem is a bit different, I have lots of files, lets say a 100 million. I want to read the first 1-2 lines from these files. Whether the file is 10 kb or 100 TB is irrelevant. I just want the first one or two lines from every file. So I want to avoid reading or buffering the unnecessary parts of the files. My knowledge was not enough to thoroughly test which method is faster, or to discover what are all my options in the first place.
What I am doing right know: (I am doing this multithreaded for the moment)
for(const auto& p: std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) {
if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(p)) {
std::ifstream read_file(p.path().string());
if (read_file.is_open()) {
while (getline(read_file, line)) {
// Get two lines here.
What does C++, or the linux environment provide me in this situation ? Is there a faster or more efficient way to read small portions of millions of files ?
Thank you for your time.
Info: I have access to C++20 and Ubuntu 18.04
You can save one underlying call to fstat by not testing if the path is a directory, and then rely on is_open test
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string line,path=".";
for(const auto& p: std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) {
std::ifstream read_file(p.path().string());
if (read_file.is_open()) {
std::cout << "opened: " << p.path().string() << '\n';
while (getline(read_file, line)) {
// Get two lines here.
At least on Windows this code skips the directories. And as suggested in comments is_open test can even be skipped since getline doesn't read anything from a directory either.
Not the cleanest, but if it can save time it's worth it.
Any function in a program accessing a file under Linux will result in calling some "system calls" (for example read()).
All other available functions in some programming language (like fread(), fgets(), std::filesystem ...) call functions or methods which in turn call some system calls.
For this reason you can't be faster than calling the system calls directly.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think in most cases, the combination open(), read(), close() will be the fastest method for reading data from the start of a file.
(If the data is not located at the start of the file, pread() might be faster than read(); I'm not sure.)
Note that read() does not read a certain number of lines but a certain number of bytes (e.g. into an array of char), so you have to find the end(s) of the line(s) "manually" by searching the '\n' character(s) and/or the end of the file in the array of char.
Unfortunately, a line may be much longer than you expect, so reading the first N bytes from the file does not contain the first M lines and you have to call read() again.
In this case it depends on your system (e.g. file system or even hard disks) how many bytes you should read in each call to read() to get the maximum performance.
Example: Let's say in 75% of all files, the first N lines are found in the first 512 bytes of the file; in the other 25% of all files, first N lines are longer than 512 bytes in sum.
On some computers, reading 1024 bytes at once might require nearly the same time as reading 512 bytes, but reading 512 bytes twice will be much slower than reading 1024 bytes at once; on such computers it makes sense to read() 1024 bytes at once: You save a lot of time for 25% of the files and you lose only very little time for the other 75%.
On other computers, reading 512 bytes is significantly faster than reading 1024 bytes; on such computers it would be better to read() 512 bytes: Reading 1024 bytes would save you only little time when processing the 25% of files but cost you very much time when processing the other 75%.
I think in the most cases this "optimal value" will be a multiple of 512 bytes because most modern file systems organize files in units that have a multiple of 512 bytes.
I was just typing something similar to Martin Rosenau answer (when his popped up): unstructured read of the max length of two lines. But I would go further: queue that text buffer with corresponding file name and let another thread parse / analyze that. If parsing takes about the same time as reading, you can save half of the time. If it takes longer (unlikely) - you can use multiple threads and save even more.
Side note - you should not parallelize reading (tried that).
It may be worth experimenting: can you open one file, read it asynchronously while proceeding to open the next one? I don't know if any OS can overlap those things.

CPU usage 99% when reading large txt file using fgets() c++

I have to read in large txt files (1Gb) line-by-line, and use fgets() to do so. I run an empty while loop and execution takes extremely long (30mins) with 99% CPU utilization.
int buffer_size = 30;
char buffer[buffer_size];
while (fgets(buffer, buffer_size, traceFile1) != NULL)
I did do some reading and apparently the overheads related to text parsing causes this. So the question is, is there any way to read in a txt file while avoiding this? I'm reading in traces for a network simulator, so each line typically has |Injection_cycle source destination|
I've been searching for a while, so if anyone has a smart answer to this I would be absolutely delighted :)
1GB = 1024MB= 1048576 KB = 1073741824 B
30 min = 1800 seconds
So you are basically comparing about 595k/s comparisons (checking if the current character is '\n' or '\t' or eof) and making around the same amount of memory assignations. Not just that but also making a jump operation since you have a loop statement.
This while not being too fast it's not too slow either, I've seen a few "critical cases" that are unable to use the computer memory system properly, how does the result scale for various sizes?
I think I'm rather off the reason, but hope it helps

Limit CPU usage of fwrite operations

I'm developing a program with several threads that manages the streaming from several cameras. I have to write every raw images on SSD disk. I'm using fwrite to put the image in a binary file. Something like:
FILE* output;
output = fopen(fileName, "wb");
fwrite(imageData, imageSize, 1, output);
The procedure seems to runs fast enough to save all images with the given cameras throughput. The problem is that the save procedure is CPU consuming, and I start to have sync issues when the save process is enabled, due to the CPU usage of the save threads.
Is there any way to reduce the CPU load of fwrite operations? Like playing with buffering, better DMA settings, ...?
Forgetting the multithreading software, here is a simple file writer software:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const unsigned int TOT_DATA = 1280*2*960;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc != 2)
printf(" %s totWrite\n\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
char* imageData;
FILE* output;
char fileName[256];
unsigned int totWrite;
totWrite = atoi(argv[1]);
imageData = new char[TOT_DATA];
printf("Write imageData[%u] on file %u times.\n", TOT_DATA, totWrite);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < totWrite; i++)
sprintf(fileName, "image_%06u.raw", i);
output = fopen(fileName, "wb");
fwrite(imageData, TOT_DATA, 1, output);
delete [] imageData;
return 0;
A char buffer will be created, and it will be written on file totWrite times. No overwrites, since each cycle writes on a new file. (of course, one have to remove files written by previous run...)
Running top (I'm on Linux) while the program is running I see that ~50% of the CPU (that means 50% of one of the 4 cores) is used. I suppose fwrite is the bottleneck regarding the CPU usage since it is the "slower" operation in the cycle, so the one "more probably" running when top update its stats. Even "more probable" if TOT_DATA will be increased, say, 100 times.
Any further consideration about what can reduce CPU usage in such program?
If you consider playing with DMA settings you're way out of the scope of the standard C library. It will be nowhere near portable - and then you don't have any benefits of using portable functions.
The first step you probably should use (after you've confirmed that it's CPU that is the bottleneck) is to use lower level functions like for example open/write (or whatever your OS calls them).
Basically what can happen with fwrite is that the program first copies the data to another place in memory (the FILE* buffer) before actually writing the data to disc. This operation certainly is CPU bound and if data transfer by the CPU is slower than the data transfer to the SSD it could be a case where CPU power is consumed for no good reason.
Also one should note that using multiple threads have it's drawbacks. First if it were not an SSD multiple threads writing to disk could result in redundant head movements which is not bad, but even SSD may suffer somewhat as you might fragment the layout of the data.
There's also a problem in loading the entire file as you seem to do in the example, especially if you do it in multiple threads. It will simply consume a lot of memory (which could result in that swapping is required). If possible you should write the data to the file as the data arrives.

How to read 4GB file on 32bit system

In my case I have different files lets assume that I have >4GB file with data. I want to read that file line by line and process each line. One of my restrictions is that soft has to be run on 32bit MS Windows or on 64bit with small amount of RAM (min 4GB). You can also assume that processing of these lines isn't bottleneck.
In current solution I read that file by ifstream and copy to some string. Here is snippet how it looks like.
std::ifstream file(filename_xml.c_str());
uintmax_t m_numLines = 0;
std::string str;
while (std::getline(file, str))
And ok, that's working but to slowly here is a time for my 3.6 GB of data:
real 1m4.155s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.030s
I'm looking for a method that will be much faster than that for example I found that How to parse space-separated floats in C++ quickly? and I loved presented solution with boost::mapped_file but I faced to another problem what if my file is to big and in my case file 1GB large was enough to drop entire process. I have to care about current data in memory probably people who will be using that tool doesn't have more than 4 GB installed RAM.
So I found that mapped_file from boost but how to use it in my case? Is it possible to read partially that file and receive these lines?
Maybe you have another much better solution. I have to just process each line.
Nice to see you found my benchmark at How to parse space-separated floats in C++ quickly?
It seems you're really looking for the fastest way to count lines (or any linear single pass analysis), I've done a similar analysis and benchmark of exactly that here
Fast textfile reading in c++
Interestingly, you'll see that the most performant code does not need to rely on memory mapping at all there.
static uintmax_t wc(char const *fname)
static const auto BUFFER_SIZE = 16*1024;
int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if(fd == -1)
/* Advise the kernel of our access pattern. */
posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, 1); // FDADVICE_SEQUENTIAL
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
uintmax_t lines = 0;
while(size_t bytes_read = read(fd, buf, BUFFER_SIZE))
if(bytes_read == (size_t)-1)
handle_error("read failed");
if (!bytes_read)
for(char *p = buf; (p = (char*) memchr(p, '\n', (buf + bytes_read) - p)); ++p)
return lines;
The case of a 64-bit system with small memory should be fine to load a large file into - it's all about address space - although it may well be slower than the "fastest" option in that case, it really depends on what else is in memory and how much of the memory is available for mapping the file into. In a 32-bit system, it won't work, since the pointers into the filemapping won't go beyond about 3.5GB at the very most - and typically around 2GB is the maximum - again, depending on what memory addresses are available to the OS to map the file into.
However, the benefit of memory mapping a file is pretty small - the huge majority of the time spent is from actually reading the data. The saving from using memory mapping comes from not having to copy the data once it's loaded into RAM. (When using other file-reading mechanisms, the read function will copy the data into the buffer supplied, where memory mapping a file will stuff it straight into the correct location directly).
You might want to look at increasing the buffer for the ifstream - the default buffer is often rather small, this leads to lots of expensive reads.
You should be able to do this using something like:
std::ifstream file(filename_xml.c_str());
char buffer[1024*1024];
file.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer, 1024*1024);
uintmax_t m_numLines = 0;
std::string str;
while (std::getline(file, str))
See this question for more info:
How to get IOStream to perform better?
Since this is windows, you can use the native windows file functions with the "ex" suffix:
windows file management functions
specifically the functions like GetFileSizeEx(), SetFilePointerEx(), ... . Read and write functions are limited to 32 bit byte counts, and the read and write "ex" functions are for asynchronous I/O as opposed to handling large files.

fread speeds managed unmanaged

Ok, so I'm reading a binary file into a char array I've allocated with malloc.
(btw the code here isn't the actual code, I just wrote it on the spot to demonstrate, so any mistakes here are probably not mistakes in the actual program.) This method reads at about 50million bytes per second.
char *buffer = (char*)malloc(file_length_in_bytes*sizeof(char));
//start time here
//end time here
void read_whole_buffer(char* buffer)
//file already opened
fseek(_file_pointer, 0, SEEK_SET);
int a = sizeof(buffer[0]);
fread(buffer, a, file_length_in_bytes*a, _file_pointer);
I've written something similar with managed c++ that uses filestream I believe and the function ReadByte() to read the entire file, byte by byte, and it reads at around 50million bytes per second.
Also, I have a sata and an IDE drive in my computer, and I've loading the file off of both, doesn't make any difference at all(Which is weird because I was under the assumption that SATA read much faster than IDE.)
Maybe you can all understand why this doesn't make any sense to me. As far as I knew, it should be much faster to fread a whole file into an array, as opposed to reading it byte by byte. On top of that, through testing I've discovered that managed c++ is slower (only noticeable though if you are benchmarking your code and you require speed.)
Why in the world am I reading at the same speed with both applications. Also is 50 million bytes from a file, into an array quick?
Maybe I my motherboard is bottle necking me? That just doesn't seem to make much sense eather.
Is there maybe a faster way to read a file into an array?
My 'script timer'
Records start and end time with millisecond resolution...Most importantly it's not a timer
#pragma once
#ifndef __Script_Timer__
#define __Script_Timer__
#include <sys/timeb.h>
extern "C"
struct Script_Timer
unsigned long milliseconds;
unsigned long seconds;
struct timeb start_t;
struct timeb end_t;
void End_ST(Script_Timer *This)
This->seconds = This->end_t.time - This->start_t.time;
This->milliseconds = (This->seconds * 1000) + (This->end_t.millitm - This->start_t.millitm);
void Start_ST(Script_Timer *This)
Read buffer thing
char face = 0;
char comp = 0;
char nutz = 0;
for(int i=0;i<(_length*sizeof(char));++i)
face = buffer[i];
if(face == comp)
nutz = (face + comp)/i;
Transfers from or to main memory run at speeds of gigabytes per second. Inside the CPU data flows even faster. It is not surprising that, whatever you do at the software side, the hard drive itself remains the bottleneck.
Here are some numbers from my system, using PerformanceTest 7.0:
hard disk: Samsung HD103SI 5400 rpm: sequential read/write at 80 MB/s
memory: 3 * 2 GB at 400 MHz DDR3: read/write around 2.2 GB/s
So if your system is a bit older than mine, a hard drive speed of 50 MB/s is not surprising. The connection to the drive (IDE/SATA) is not all that relevant; it's mainly about the number of bits passing the drive heads per second, purely a hardware thing.
Another thing to keep in mind is your OS's filesystem cache. It could be that the second time round, the hard drive isn't accessed at all.
The 180 MB/s memory read speed that you mention in your comment does seem a bit on the low side, but that may well depend on the exact code. Your CPU's caches come into play here. Maybe you could post the code you used to measure this?
The FILE* API uses buffered streams, so even if you read byte by byte, the API internally reads buffer by buffer. So your comparison will not make a big difference.
The low level IO API (open, read, write, close) is unbuffered, so using this one will make a difference.
It may also be faster for you, if you do not need the automatic buffering of the FILE* API!
I've done some tests on this, and after a certain point, the effect of increased buffer size goes down the bigger the buffer. There is usually an optimum buffer size you can find with a bit of trial and error.
Note also that fread() (or more specifically the C or C++ I/O library) will probably be doing its own buffering. If your system suports it a plain read() may (or may not) be a bit faster.