Need a sample webserivce which publish data for testing . - web-services

I am doing a POC for a tool called informatica functionality if that can be used to read the data from a webservice which publish data. It will be like there is a external data provided which is ready to publish data over webservice and I have to use the adapter of this toll to read that data and create a flat flile out of it. There will be no input provided from our side(other than autentication.). Are there any such web services available which can be sued for that /

You can look an UDDI of some available web services you can use, and also few companies has web services for test purpose like Publicly Available Web Services

In my experience, reading webservice data is fragile using Informatica and it depends on the type of Webservice how well it works.
Testing works best, if you have at least some wsdl file, that you can feed into SoapUI. With the pro-Version you can even use that wsdl File to provide a dummy Webservice which you can then read data using Informatica.

Here are some webservices you can try:


What WSO2 technologies can I use to implement something like this? Is Enterprise Integration the right choice?

I am absolutly new in the WSO2 world and I have the following problem.
I have to developer a toolkit application and the customer says to me that, if possible, they want introduce WSO2 technologies in this project. I will try to explain what exactly this toolkit project have to do to try to understand if and what WSO2 technologies eventually can match with the requirement.
The toolkint project have to do:
1) When executed have to connect to a local database and perform some queries.
2) Use the data obtained from the previous query to create an XML document.
3) Send this XML document into a request to a web service (I think that the content of this XML will be put into the request body of the sended request).
4) Use the web service response to update some data in the local database.
So I am trying to understand if there are some WSO2 technologies that match these requirements or if it is better to create this toolkit as a simple standard Java program.
Searching online I have identified WSO2 Enterprise Integration and WSO2 Data Services Server (that I think it is included into WSO2 Enterprise Integration).
At the beginning I had thought to use Data Services Server to access to the DB, perform the queries and so retrieve data from the DB tables.
But reading the official documentation ( it seems to me that it is more a technology thinked to expose a DB using web service, infact in this documentation I can read:
Data services provide a convenient mechanism to configure a Web
service interface for data in various datasources such as relational
databases, CSV files, Microsoft Excel sheets, Google spreadsheets
Infact reading this official tutorial:
it seems to me that if does the opposite of what I have to do.
So it seems to me that Data Services Server is not the right choice because it seems to me that more than help me to do data access, data manipulation and send these data to an endpoing it is useful to do data access and to expose these data as a web service (but maybe I am missing something).
So I am trying to understand if WSO2 Enterprise Integration contains some modules that better fulfills my requirements.
Reading the official documentation ( it seems to me that I can use:
1) BPEL/BPMN process to define the operations flow.
2) It seems to me that I can do DB queries but I always have the same doubt (that it is used to expose the retrieved data as service and not to use internally, it seems to me that this is WSO2 Data Services Server putted into WSO2 Enterprise Integration).
3) I think that this module provides me a way to aggragate data from some queries into an XML document:
4) I can send a request with the previous generated XML usingsomething like this:
So can you help me to identify what WSO2 techonlogies I can use to implement something like this or if it is better to implement it manually in pure Java?
1) When executed have to connect to a local database and perform some queries.
R:/For this point you can create a data service using DSS or EI.
2) Use the data obtained from the previous query to create an XML document.
R:/You can create a proxy service using the ESB or EI, inside the proxy service you call the data service created in the previous point(using call mediator) and get the response message in a property mediator to create a new payload message(using payload, enrich or/and a xslt mediator).
3) Send this XML document into a request to a web service (I think that the content of this XML will be put into the request body of the sended request).
R:/Inside the proxy service created in the previous point and after the creation of the new payload message you can send that payload to another webservice using call mediator.
4) Use the web service response to update some data in the local database.
R:/ You can get the response message, create a new payload message and call another data service, or another operation of the same data service created in the first point.
you can use the IDE or the web UI, as you like. for the implementation check this out: Combine two queries using WSO2 ESB as a start.
Inside the IDE you can go to Developer Studio menu, clic in OpenDashboard and create a "ESB Solution Project" or a "ESB Config Project" for the ESB stuff, and a Data Service Project for the data service.

How do you create a simple webservice in mule and accept data from a mobile app?

Apologies as I am new to the webservice space. I would like to ask some guidance on how to create a webservice that will receive data from a mobile app (XML or JSON). It will just be a simple call and Inwould need the data to be inserted to our database. I can manage to deal with the DB and the actual flow and my issue is more on how to create the actual webservice from Mule. and thought examples and comment will be appreciated.
Thanks Again
Creating web-services in Mule is pretty easy to implement and start consuming.
You can go through these links to give you a good headstart:
And you can play with this project:
However, as you mention you know something about the mule components and flows, you'll have to do transformation of your XML/JSON input received from the mobile App to be able to be saved in Database properly.
To accept requests from mobile applications - create light weight rest APIs that consume JSON payload over the http protocol.
There are various frameworks to create rest APIs. To develop rest APIs using mule follow:
Once you create a rest API, use a JSON-Object transformer with a return type of to access each of the fields in the JSON payload.
Check out the available transformers at the below mentioned link.

Extract data from Crystal Reports via Web Service

I would like to access the aggregated data of a chart in a Crystal Report. It seems there are many different Web services such as SAP BO RESTful Web Service, Crystal Reports REST WebService, OpenDocument Web service and it is - to be honest - a bit confusing.
Does anyone know if accessing the aggregated data of a Crystal Report via a Web Service is possible?
If so, which web service is the correct one?
In the best case I would expect to get the data in XML or JSON format in return.
Thanks for your suggestions. :)
I'm not an expert on Crystal Reports, but you can already eliminate OpenDocument for this scenario, as this is used to open a document hosted in the BI Platform, and display it in the browser. The use case for OpenDocument is to provide inter- and intra-document links as well as allow you to link from outside the BI Platform to a specific document.
Using the Crystal Report REST SDK, you could perhaps use the OData protocol to retrieve the necessary information. Have a look at the RESTful Web Services documentation to see if that provides what you need (OData is described in section 3.6).

Sending data to the web service

I'm developing an application that requires storing data on an internet database.
Because of WP7 doesn't support databases,I think if I send my variables-datas to the web services that i craated,i can do what i want.
I know how to write a webservice but how can i send my variables to the webservice from WP7?
You can have a look at which provides a nice and lightweight database. I'm also using this in my project and it works fine.

Should JSON RESTful web services use data contract

This is actually a design question.
I'm wondering if Spring3.0 REST web services that carries JSON payload provide some kind of data contract similar to traditional web services which follows contract-first design.
I know that JSON has schema similar to XSD but where does it fits in spring ?
I consider using json as the payload of a client server architecture project where the client is .NET based application and data contract should provide a way to handle multiple versions of the client. The client should be able to post data structures to the server.
Or maybe I should take a schema-less approach and use "Simple Data Binding" which is similar to XmlAnyElement?
The "contract" with "regular" web-services is defined in WSDL files (which include XSDs). With RESTful services these files are called WADL. And spring-mvc does not have support for generating WADLs. (JAX-RS implementations have).
But even if if did, RESTful services are considered more "dynamic" and they don't need to be fixed like that. For example take a look at Facebook's and twitter's REST APIs. They don't provide WADLs or JSON schemas. They provide some free-form documentation of their services. That should be sufficient.
If clients should be enabled to mock the services for unit testing the client (and actually they should), the services should provide a contract. Free form documentation is not a reliable base for testing, because it leaves space for misunderstanding, while contracts don't.
JSON Schema and Hyper-Schema are JSON Schema formats for specifying content and content negotiation.
I have been working on a HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the engine of application state) API, using JSON Hyper Schema.
You can go to the URL below, browse around, register, login and do some actions.
Check it out, here:
I also open sourced my actual API code thus far:
Feel free to take a look, borrow, and comment.
Also, check out the Javascript JSON-Hyper-Schema client. It dynamically builds an HTML client app using Angular, by parsing the Schema provided at a given resources endpoint with the OPTIONS method.