MFC WebBrowser Control: How many (normal) lines of code does it take to simulate Ctrl+N? - c++

Update: Answer: Two normal lines of code required. Thanks Noseratio!
I banged my head on the keyboard for more hours than I would have cared to trying to simulate IEs Ctrl+N behavior in my hosted Browser control app. Unfortunately, due to complications which I've abstracted out of my code examples below, I can't just let IE do Ctlr+N itself. So I have to do it manually.
Keep in mind that I am running a hosted browser. So typically, opening links in new windows will actuall open it within a new "tab" within my application (it's not really a tab, but another window... but appearance-wise it's a tab). However, Ctrl+N is different -- here, it is expected a fully-fledged IE window will launch when pressed.
I think my problem is that of framing the questions -- admittedly I am new to WebBrowser control and I find it to be a lot of yucky. Regardless, I've scoured the Internet for the past day and couldn't come up with an elegant solution.
Basically, the ideal solution would be to call a "NewWindow" function within WebBrowser control or its affiliate libraries; however, all I was able to find where the *On*NewWindow methods, which were event handlers, not event signallers. Which I understand that most of the time, the user will be creating the events... but what about programmatic simulation?
I tried looking into an SENDMESSAGE approach where I could use the IDs that the OnNewWindow events use... that ended up in nothing than crashes. Perhaps I could go back to get it work, but I'd like confirmation is that approach is even worth my time.
The next approach, which should have been the most elegeant, but sadly didn't pan out, was like the following:
Navigate2(GetLocationURL().GetBuffer(), BrowserNavConstants::navOpenInNewWindow);
It would have worked marvelously if it weren't for the fact that the new window would open in the background, blinking in the taskbar. needing clicking to bring it to the front.
I tried to get around the limitation in a myriad of ways, including getting the dispatcher of the current context, then calling OnNewWindow2 with that IDispatch object. Then I would invoke QueryInterface on the dispatch object for an IWebBrowser control. The webBrowser control (presumably under the control of the new window) could then navigate to the page of the original context. However... this too was a pretty messy solution and in the end would cause crashes.
Finally, I resorted to manually invoking JavaScript to get the desired behavior. Really?? Was there really no more elegant a solution to my problem than the below mess of code?
if ((pMsg->wParam == 'N') && (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) && !(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) && !(GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000))
LPDISPATCH pDisp = CHtmlView::GetHtmlDocument();
IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc;
if (SUCCEEDED(pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void **)&pDoc)))
IHTMLWindow2* pWnd;
BSTR bStrLang = ::SysAllocString(L"JavaScript");
CString sCode(L"\"");
BSTR bStrCode = sCode.AllocSysString();
COleVariant retVal;
pWnd->execScript(bStrCode, bStrLang, retVal);
I find it hard to believe that I must resort to such hackery as this to get something as simple as opening a new window when the user presses Ctrl+N.
Please stackoverflow, please point out the clearly obvious thing I overlooked.

Ctrl-N in IE starts a new window on the same session. In your case, or webBrowser.Navigate2 will create a window on a new session, because it will be run by iexplore.exe process which is separate from your app. The session is shared per-process, this is how the underlying UrlMon library works. So you'll loose all cookies and authentication cache for the new window. On the other hand, when you create a new window which hosts WebBrowser control within your own app process, you'll keep the session.
If such behavior is OK for your needs, try first your initial Navigate2 approach, precededing it with AllowSetForegroundWindow(ASFW_ANY) call. If the new window still doesn't receive the focus correctly, you can try creating an instance of InternetExplorer.Application out-of-proc COM object, and use the same IWebBrowser2 interface to automate it. Below is a simple C# app which works OK for me, the new window is correctly brought to the foreground, no focus issues. It should not be a problem to do the same with MFC.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace IeApp
public partial class MainForm : Form
// get the underlying WebBrowser ActiveX object;
// this code depends on SHDocVw.dll COM interop assembly,
// generate SHDocVw.dll: "tlbimp.exe ieframe.dll",
// and add as a reference to the project
public MainForm()
private void NewWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// could do: var ie = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()
var ie = (SHDocVw.InternetExplorer)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("InternetExplorer.Application"));
ie.Visible = true;
const int ASFW_ANY = -1;
static extern bool AllowSetForegroundWindow(int dwProcessId);


How to eliminate the MessageBeep from the RICHEDIT control?

The RichEdit control has this very annoying feature. It beeps every time the user tries to move the cursor past its "end point". For instance, you can test it with the WordPad that also implements RICHEDIT. Open it up, type in some text, then hit the Home key. If the cursor was not in the beginning of the line:
hitting Home key will move it there, but then hitting the Home key again will produce this beep.
At first glance it seemed like overriding WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages and blocking the situations when RICHEDIT can produce that beep was a solution ... until I actually started implementing it. Unfortunately though, it's not as simple as it sounds, as that control beeps in a LOT OF CASES! So my keystroke blocking code literally ballooned to over 300+ lines, and I still see that there are some key-presses that I either didn't account for, or worse, I might have overridden some useful behavior with. (Read below for more details.)
Then I decided to look inside the implementation of the RICHEDIT control itself. And sure enough, for instance if we look at the implementation of the Home key press, the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\msftedit.dll on my Windows 10 OS, has the function called ?Home#CTxtSelection##QAEHHH#Z (or public: int __thiscall CTxtSelection::Home(int,int) demangled) at the mapped offset 0x3FC00, that is hard-coded to call the MessageBeep(MB_OK), or exactly what I'm trying to eliminate:
And if you look at the address 0x6B64FD38 in the screenshot above, there's a built-in way to bypass it, with what looks to be flag 0x800.
So having dug into msftedit.dll a little bit more, there appears to be a function called ?OnAllowBeep#CTxtEdit##QAEJH#Z (or public: long __thiscall CTxtEdit::OnAllowBeep(int) demangled) that can modify this flags:
After a bit more research I found out that there are COM interfaces built into RICHEDIT control, such as ITextServices and ITextHost that reference that flag as TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP in ITextServices::OnTxPropertyBitsChange method.
Unfortunately though, I can't seem to find the way how I can directly change that TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP flag (COM is not my forte.) I tried looking into implementing ITextHost, but it has a lot of virtual methods that have nothing to do with what I'm trying to achieve that I don't know how to implement.
Does anyone have any idea how to clear that TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP flag?
PS. Here's why I didn't go the route of overriding key-presses:
Just to give you an example. Say, if I override the VK_HOME key press. I need to make sure that the cursor is not at the beginning of the line, but also that there's no selection. Yet, I need to make sure that Ctrl key is not down in a situation when the cursor is at the very top of the window. Then the same with the Shift key, and I'm not even sure what Alt does with it ... and so forth. Oh, and this is just the Home key. There's also Up, Down, Left, Right, PageUp, PageDown, End, Delete, Backspace. (And that's what I was aware of. There may be more, plus I'm not even talking about IME or other keyboard layouts, etc.) In other words, it becomes a mess!
So, eventually I realized that anticipating a keystroke is not the way to go.
first we need send EM_GETOLEINTERFACE message to rich edit window - this is Retrieves an IRichEditOle object that a client can use to access a rich edit control's Component Object Model (COM) functionality.
then for retrieve an ITextServices pointer, call QueryInterface on the private IUnknown pointer returned by EM_GETOLEINTERFACE.
here exist interesting point - the IID_ITextServices not well known but need get in runtime from Msftedit.dll
from About Windowless Rich Edit Controls
Msftedit.dll exports an interface identifier (IID) called IID_ITextServices that you can use to query the IUnknown pointer for the ITextServices interface.
after we got ITextServices pointer - we simply can call OnTxPropertyBitsChange with TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP mask
code example:
#include <textserv.h>
if (HMODULE hmodRichEdit = LoadLibrary(L"Msftedit.dll"))
// create richedit window
if (HWND hwndRich = CreateWindowExW(0, MSFTEDIT_CLASS, ...))
if (IID* pIID_ITS = (IID*) GetProcAddress(hmodRichEdit, "IID_ITextServices"))
IUnknown* pUnk;
if (SendMessageW(hwndRich, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM)&pUnk))
ITextServices* pTxtSrv;
HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(*pIID_ITS, (void**)&pTxtSrv);
if (0 <= hr)
pTxtSrv->OnTxPropertyBitsChange(TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP, 0);

C++ Global Hotkeys with platform APIs

I'm working on an application for taking screenshots on Windows, OSX and Linux in C++/Qt. Now I need to set global hotkeys, so the user can take screenshots when the application is running in the background. I tried with Qxt and UGlobalHotkey, which are both Qt libraries, but neither of them seemed to work.
I tried to implement it for OSX with Carbon (tutorial), but I need to call a class member function, which just doesn't work. Could someone provide me with an example? You can find my code here. The function i need to call is new_screenshot().
Or is there any other way to achieve something like this? I really need my application to take a screenshot from the background, otherwise it's pretty useless (yes, I should probably have implemented it at the very beginning to see if it even works). Would it maybe be better to have a separate client for every platform (Cocoa Swift for OSX, GTK for Linux, C# client for Windows)? I have often thought about this the past few days.
Do I understand correctly that you want to call new_screenshot from the hot key event handler? If so, InstallApplicationEventHandler lets you pass a pointer to user data in 4th argument. Pass a pointer to your MainWindow instance (based on code from the tutorial):
MainWindow *mainWindow = ... // get main window somehow
Then you can use it in the event handler.
OSStatus MyHotKeyHandler(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler,EventRef theEvent, void *userData)
//Do something once the key is pressed
return noErr;
I did something in the past with MFC and WIN32 it only works on Windows...but pressing ALT+F10 was able to hide/show a window...
void CWinHideDlg::OnButtonActive()
CString tmp;
if(0 == strcmp(tmp.GetBuffer(tmp.GetLength()),"Activate"))
int err=RegisterHotKey(this->GetSafeHwnd(),m_myAtom,MOD_ALT,VK_F10);
CButton *pBtn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_UNHIDE);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_INFO,"Set the mouse over the window \nand press ALT + F10 to hide it...");
CButton *pBtn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_UNHIDE);
Basically this code activates/deactivates the hot key ALT+F10, once it activates you can hide/unhide a running window on the system by setting the mouse pointer over the window and press ALT+F10...
This is from the WindowProc function:
if(message == WM_HOTKEY)
CString tmp;
HWND hwnd=::WindowFromPoint(pc);
You can use the code to register your own HOT Key and use it to take a screenshot...
Hope it helps...

QtWebView - How to enable scrolling of page and scrolling of elements in a page (e.g. Google Maps)

I've run into a bit of an issue related to a whitelist Web Browser my company has been developing / maintaining for one of our product lines. The browser runs on top of Qt 4.8.6, using qtwebkit (Migration to 5.X would be ideal, but the embedded Linux OS we're using is too old to support the newer versions based on our testing, and upgrading to a newer OS is too costly to us / our customers). The primary interface to the browser is a 6x8 touchscreen, mounted inside an aircraft cockpit.
For sites that have things like scrollable/embedded maps (ex. Google Maps), the users of the browser want the ability to drag the entire page when they are selecting something outside of the map, and drag just the map (without the entire page scrolling) when the map is selected (Ala most of the popular mobile browsers).
Thus far, I am able to do one or the other, but not both:
When I hook mouse handlers into a QWebView or QGraphicsWebView, I can turn the cursor into a hand and very easily support dragging of the entire web page. However, that inhibits the page's ability to handle the mouse events for when a user is pulling over a map (i.e. When a user drags over a map, it drags the entire page without moving the map).
When I don't add in the hooks to handle mouse events, things like maps are scrollable by grapping/dragging them, but of course the user loses the ability to drag the entire page.
Right now, the browser uses the later, with scroll bars disabled and a directional-arrow overlay to allow the user to scroll the entire page (as the display size is limited, and scrollbars take up too much space when they are sized large enough for the user to interact with them)...but this is not ideal.
My Question: Is there any easy way to make it so that the page, and elements in a page, can be scrolled seamlessly?
Seems to me like you need to check if you are over such a map and ignore(pass along) the event in that case. I think you should be able to do something like this:
bool GraphicsWebView::isOverMap(QPoint pos) {
QWebPage* webPage = this->page();
if (webPage) {
QWebFrame* webFrame = webPage->frameAt(pos);
if (webFrame) {
QString selectorQuery = "#map-canvas"; // Based on
QList<QWebElement> list = webFrame->findAllElements(selectorQuery).toList(); // Find all the maps!
foreach(QWebElement element, list) {
if (element.geometry().contains(pos)) {
return true; // Cursor is over a map
return false; // No match
Obviously this is a pretty specific function but there is probably a way to come up with a better selector query that will apply to all those kinds of QWebElement.
Assuming you hook mouse events by subclassing QGraphicsWebView and reimplementing void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event), I suggest you do something like:
void GraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) {
if (isOverMap(mapFromScene(event->scenePos()).toPoint())) { // We got a map!
event.ignore(); // Clear the accept flag
return; // Return, we're done here
handleMoveView(); // Not over any maps, let's scroll the page
This part of the doc explains how events are handled with regard to the topmost item. I especially recommend you read the third paragraph.
Hope that helps!
EDIT: Did a bit more research and it looks like something like that could be more generic:
It's at the very least worth investigating as a replacement to isOverMap()
EDIT: Gotcha, here is something you can try then.
Start by subclassing QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent and add a signal called void destroyedWithoutAccept() that's emitted in the destructor if the event has not been accepted.
Then modify mouseMoveEvent to look like this:
void GraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) {
MyEvent myEvent = new MyEvent(event); // Copy event
event.accept(); // accept original event
connect(myEvent, SIGNAL(destroyedWithoutAccept),
this, SLOT(handleMoveView)); // Callback if unused
QGraphicsWebView::mouseMoveEvent(myEvent); // Pass it to Base class
If that works, it might introduce a bit of delay if deleteLater is used to destroy it. But in that case reimplement it as well.

Does anyone know which relation may exist between registration-free COM and drag/drop functionality?

Does anyone know which relation may exist between registration-free COM and drag/drop functionality?
Specifically, we have a huge C++ CAD/CAM application comprising a number of EXEs and several hundreds DLLs. Many of them serve as COM servers (both in-proc and out-of-proc) and/or clients, and also implement ActiveX controls.
The most of ActiveX controls and the main CMDIFrameWnd-based window of one of EXEs implement drag/drop functionality. ActiveX controls implement the both drop source and drop target, and the main window is only drop target, in particular, for files from Windows Explorer.
The drag/drop implementation is pretty standard and based on two data members derived from COleDataSource and COleDropTarget for drop source and drop target respectively. The COleDropTarget-derived member is registered with respective window in the window's OnCreate method. It also overrides OnDragEnter, OnDragOver and OnDrop methods in a similar way. Namely, the system-supplied COleDataObject parameter is asked for specific format (in particular, CF_HDROP), and in the case of positive answer, the data (e.g., file path) is extracted from the clipboard. The code looks like the following:
// Inside OnDragEnter, OnDragOver or OnDrop method
STGMEDIUM stgmedium = {0,0,0};
if (pDataObject->IsDataAvailable(g_FileFmt.cfFormat))
HRESULT hr = pDataObject->GetData(g_FileFmt.cfFormat, &stgmedium);
HDROP hdrop = (HDROP)GlobalLock(stgmedium.hGlobal);
if (hdrop != 0)
int FilesCount = DragQueryFile(hdrop, (UINT)-1, 0, 0);
if (FilesCount != 0)
DragQueryFile(hdrop, 0, FileName, _MAX_PATH);
// Check file extension and store the file name for farther use.
The drop source implementation is also straightforward and looks like the following:
void CDmDocListCtrl::OnBeginDrag(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
if (pNMListView->iItem != -1 && m_pOleDataSource && prv_BeginDrag())
DROPEFFECT DE = m_pOleDataSource->DoDragDrop(
*pResult = 0;
where prv_BeginDrag() function collects dragged data, packs it and puts on the clipboard by calling SetData method from the m_pOleDataSource object's IDataObject interface.
The all this stuff worked perfectly until it was decided to make the whole application registration-free. It took me three months to force the application run isolated (without registration of COM components) by embedding manifests, launching out-of-proc COM servers on demand and altering CLSID of some classes in order to separate instances of the same server launched from different folders. At last it begins to work - but without drag/drop functionality, despite it wasn't even touched by my changes.
On the drop target side, when I drag file from Windows Explorer, depicted above call to COleDataObject::IsDataAvailable returns false, although before my changes returned true. At the same time, if I add a single line of code "DragAcceptFiles();" to the main window's OnCreate method, drag/drop begins working via the standard CFrameWnd's WM_DROPFILE message handler.
On the drop source side, the dragged data are successfully packed and placed on the clipboard, but COleDataSource::DoDragDrop method fails, because a call to ::DoDragDrop API inside MFC implementation returns REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG "Class not registered" result.
It means, that COM activation changes somehow influence drag/drop behavior. How?
P.S. 1) The EXE, to which I drag files from Windows Explorer, has in its project properties "UAC Execution Level = asInvoker". As far as I understand, it tells that the EXE will run at the same UAC level as Windows Explorer when launched by double-click on the file.
2) Quite surprisingly, although drag/drop stopped working with symptoms described above, Copy/Paste continues work well, despite the both technologies have similar implementation.
3) I believe, that if find out when ::DoDragDrop API returns "Class not registered" error, and which class it is looking for, it would be possible to solve the problem.
Thanks for help,
Following to MartinBa advice, I solved the problem with the help of Process Monitor. The Process Monitor showed me that while I drag an item in the ActiveX control (mentioned in the question), the system unsuccessfully tries get access to a class ID in the Registry. Looking for that ID, I found that it is really not class ID, but IDataObject interface ID. It was referenced in one of my manifest files.
The most of manifests I have written by hand, but a few, especially at the beginning of the project having no experience in the area, I generated automatically by Visual Studio from existing type library. In one of them Studio included the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub statement for a couple of system interfaces, in which proxyStubClsid32 element was (erroneously) equal to the interface ID.
I'm still not sure whether those system interfaces should present in the manifest; for example, the IDataObject is only mentioned as a method's parameter in one of IDL definitions. Anyway, I corrected only the proxyStubClsid32 value, and the problem disappeared...
The moral of this very painful for me story is to always check output of automatic tools...

How to close a MFC CVIEW while keeping the document open

I have a MFC CDocument and associated CView open in a MDI application. I would like to detach and close the view (and associated frame), while keeping the document open. Looking around the MFC code to see how it does it, reveals the following in CDocument::OnCloseDocument();
// destroy all frames viewing this document
// the last destroy may destroy us
BOOL bAutoDelete = m_bAutoDelete;
m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; // don't destroy document while closing views
while (!m_viewList.IsEmpty())
// get frame attached to the view
CView* pView = (CView*)m_viewList.GetHead();
CFrameWnd* pFrame = pView->EnsureParentFrame();
// and close it
// will destroy the view as well
m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete;
which I guess I could use in conjunction with CDocument::RemoveView. Is there a better way to approach this than just lifting the MFC source, and is this approach going to cause me other problems or side effects? The project is VS2010 C++.
If you set CDocument::m_bAutoDelete to FALSE (after the document has been created) it should not delete the document when the last view closes.
I'm not sure what you're specifically trying to do but you might want to consider creating a separate 'data' object that can be attached to a document rather than trying to keep the document itself around.