Fabric and virtualenv working on Ubuntu but not on Solaris - django

I have a project that runs on Ubuntu and Solaris. Fabric works fine with Ubuntu but does not on Solaris. If I try something inside a virtualenv it fails with workon: command not found.
This is how my fabfile.py looks like:
with prefix('workon %s' % env.virtualenv):
sudo('manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
I put those lines in .profile on both platforms:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /path/to/virtualenvwrapper.sh
That's all I've done. Why does Ubuntu work but Solaris doesn't? Any ideas?

It's Virtualenvwrapper that's failing, not Fabric or Virtualenv. Try using Virtualenv directly with:
with prefix('source path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate'):
sudo('manage.py collectstatic --noinput')
to try to fix virtualenvwrapper, try wrapping your code in the following, and see if it solves the original error.
with prefix('source path/to/virtualenvwrapper.sh'):

Consider where you have put the following?
export WORKON_HOME=/opt/virtual_envs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
According to man bash, the -l flag, that fabric issues, will cause the the following to happen
[bash] looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable.
I had this bootstrap code in .bashrc, which wasn't being sourced by bash -l. I moved those two lines to .profile, and can now do the fabric lines below. (I don't have .bash_profile or .bash_login)
with cd('/www/code'):
with prefix('workon code'):
run('./manage.py validate')


Termux says "'Bad Interpreter: No such file or directory"

I have a problem and hope someone can help me. I am currently trying to write a script for Termux or Termux:Task. My script currently looks like this:
cd /./sdcard/www/public/
wp post list sleep 5
Every time I load the script I get the following error message:
/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/wp: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.
I've been looking for a solution to my problem for hours, unfortunately without success.
I am using an extension for Termux called "WordPress CLI". When I start termux and enter the commands individually, everything works. But as soon as I write the commands into a sh script and start it doesn't work anymore. :(
Can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot
This is simple error you can fix it by replacing !/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash. With #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash
Please tell if you get error again
Try with #!/usr/bin/env bash in the shebang line.
Termux-exec allows you to execute scripts with shebangs for traditional Unix file structures. So shebangs like #!/bin/sh and #!/usr/bin/env python should be able to run without termux-fix-shebang.
From https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Termux-exec
According to doc:
Why do I keep getting a '/bin/sh bad interpreter' error?
This error is thrown due to access script interpreter at nonexistent
Termux does not have common directories like /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin at
their standard place. There is an exception for certain devices where
/bin is a symbolic link to /system/bin, but that does not make a
Interpreters should be accessed at this directory only:
There are three ways to fix this:
Install termux-exec by using pkg install termux-exec. It won’t affect the current session, but after a restart should work without
any setup. Not needed if your Termux is up to date. If still not
working, try the next workaround.
Use command termux-fix-shebang to fix the shebang line of specified file.
Use termux-chroot from package proot to setup a chroot environment mimicking a normal Linux file system in Termux.
termux-fix-shebang my_script.py of second method work for me, which it modify the shebang(first line of my_script.py) from #!/usr/bin/env python to #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/env python. Since /usr/bin/ is not exist in Android, that's why it throws the error /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory. The other solution is run with python my_script.py, neither of my_script.py nor ./my_script.py.
In my test, termux-exec of the first method only work if I added correct shebang in main script(child OR child of child script no need) and ran command export LD_PRELOAD=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib/libtermux-exec.so.
And for the issue of this question, error shows /usr/bin/env in the middle with /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/wp even though the shebang of script #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash looks ok, it means that wp command (located at /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/wp) used inside the script contains shebang #!/usr/bin/env wp and should modify it to #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/env wp too. termux-exec of first method should fix this specific case too(already has correct shebang in main script).

Commands not working in ScrapyProject

I create a virtualenv name as ScrapyProject. when I use scrapy command or pip command it does not work but when I enter the python command it works. Here is how he shows me.
(ScrapyProject) C:\Users\Jake\ScrapyProject>scrapy
(ScrapyProject) C:\Users\Jake\ScrapyProject>pip
(ScrapyProject) C:\Users\Jake\ScrapyProject>python
python2.7.6 etc.
Here is how my paths are in virtualenv.
C:\Users\Jake\ScrapyProject\Scripts;Then some windows paths then some python paths There is not extra spaces between them I am sure! and here is how my python paths look;C:\python27;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages
Can anybody help me If he needs some extra information, I will give you? I totally didnot understand it!
You need to pip install all the set-up within the virtualenv.

Remote debugging with root privileges

i've got a trouble. Can't debug my program remotly due to can't call wiringPiSetupGpio(). I'm using netbeans to develop and debug my programs. I'm almost sure I need run debugging as root user but... how can I do that?
Is it possible to force netbeans start something like 'sudo gdb' insead of normal user? Or maybe to force my account in raspberry pi to call 'sudo gdb' when whatever try to call 'gdb'?
To force netbeans start gdb as root, you need to install netbeans as root. make sure your netbeans intall dir is in /usr/local and not in /home/[user_name]. You have to run netbeans installation as sudo
This is an old post but since I was facing the same issue I will post how I resolved this:
The problem for me did not seem to be the gdb, but the gdbserver running on the Raspi (or Beaglebone in my case).
I added a debug configuration to debug the application as root, therefore I added a script to the Beaglebone /usr/local/sbin/gdbserver and added the following lines:
sudo /usr/bin/gdbserver $*
and made it executable:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/sbin/gdbserver
and see that in the file /etc/login.defs the lines
contain /usr/local/sbin. then in the debug configuration for the root execution I changed the command gdbserver to /usr/local/sbin/gdbserver. If that still doesn't work you might have to do this too:
sudo visudo
and add
<your_user> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gdbserver
I hope this helps.

Getting Leiningen & Cygwin Working

I am trying to get Leiningen and Cygwin working together.
One of the problems I think I have is that I have Java installed in "C:\Program Files\Java..." directory. The space appears to be causing issues.
When I try to run the lein script in Cygwin, I am getting the following error:
./lein: line 325: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\java.exe : command not found
Then I thought the issue was the space. So I changed line 325 from:
to (for testing purposes):
"$'C:\\\Program Files\\\Java\\\jdk1.8.0_05\\\bin\\\java.exe'" \
But, I am still getting this error:
./lein: line 325: $'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_05\\bin\\java.exe' : commande introuvable
However, this file clearly exists:
Owner#Owner-PC ~
$ ls -alh $'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_05\\bin\\java.exe'
-rwxr-xr-x 1 Owner None 187K 8 mai 15:39 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\java.exe
The lein script appears to be properly configuring Leiningen for Cygwin, however I can't get it to work.
Note that I previously installed Leiningen outside of Cygwin (I was running it in Windows' normal shell).
What could be wrong with my setup, any ideas?
I use Leiningen via Cygwin with no problems.
Start over
Start over with a fresh copy of the lein script. There should be no need to edit it.
Set your PATH to include java
The easiest solution is to set your path in ~/.profile to include the path to Java's bin directory. Lein will then find java on the path and you'll have access to java and its related tools in your shell.
export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_05/"
export PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/:${PATH}"
Restart your shell or source ~/.profile. Verify that which java finds java command. And run java to verify you get the help output.
And/or explicitly set the LEIN_JAVA_CMD and JAVA_CMD variables
Alternatively, set the LEIN_JAVA_CMD and JAVA_CMD variables used by lein in your ~/.profile
export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_05/"
export LEIN_JAVA_CMD="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"
export JAVA_CMD=`cygpath -w "${LEIN_JAVA_CMD}"`
Restart your shell or source ~/.profile.
Note: You can also set a separate LEIN_JVM_OPTS and JVM_OPTS if desired, but this should not be necessary.
If you have lein previously installed on Windows and want to reach it from cygwin, then do:
on cmd:
cd C:/Users/%userprofile%/.lein/bin
mklink lein lein.bat
on cygwin:
export CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict
I feel your pain. I tried something like this myself several years ago.
You have at least two problems. One is getting lein to run as under unix as you noted. There are really two lein scripts - one for unix, the other a batch script for use under windows.
Your bigger problem is java.exe - getting the windows java executable to behave as a cygwin shell, and particular the unix lein script running in a cygwin shell, expects is messy and fragile undertaking.
I would strongly recommend either using a clojure ide that supports Windows (perhaps LightTable) or installing a full linux virtual machine with the unix java SDK and doing clojure development in that environment. Ubuntu running on virtualbox is freely available and an option I have used in the past for just this purpose.
You need to create a symbolic link to the "lein.bat" file.so you use it properly in Cygwin.
Open CMD and go to the ".lein" path (cd %userprofile%\.lein\bin) and run this: mklink lein lein.bat
#a-webb is almost right ,but there are still some steps to complete.First,you will find a folder called “.lein” where you run the lein script in cygwin,go in,copy the folder "self-installs" inside to C:\Users\yourUserName.lein
,then,add C:\Users\yourUserName.lein\bin to the environment variable $Path.
I've found the easiest way is to:
Install via the windows binaries and
Copy the lein bash script into .lein/bin
Then it should just work in cygwin.

No module named django.core when creating project in virtualenv

So I have looked around at a lot of questions similar to mine, however I couldn't find a concrete answer. My comp specifications are Windows 7 64-bit.
My problem is as such:
1) I installed virtualenv using pip:
pip install virtualenv
2) After that I created and activated a new environment:
path/virtualenv env
3) While running the new environment, I installed django:
(env) path/pip install django
4) After installing successfully, I am ready to make a project. However, upon trying it out:
path/django-admin.py startproject test
I get the following error:
File "C:/path/env/Scripts/django-admin.py", line 2, in (module)
from django.core import management
ImportError: No module named django.core
I have tried out various solutions people have posted, including using the full path:
python C:/path/to/django-admin.py startproject test
I have also checked to make sure the versions of Python it is referencing are correct,as both inside and outside the virtualenv it is associated with Python27. Many other solutions talked about PYTHONPATH or the syspath, however, when I import django or managemnet in the python shell, those work fine.
I have a feeling it may have something to do with the paths, but I'm not sure how a virtualenv interacts with the system paths. Since it is self-contained and the system paths are system wide, is it necessary to have something in the path specifically?
As an aside, my django-admin.py file is in both
and the django folder is in
How to fix this problem?
I solved this problem by using this command as following instead:
django-admin startproject
just remove the ".py" attached to "django-admin"
I could not get any other stack overflow answers to work either. Getting a venved Django stack running on Win64 is a bit of an ordeal.
But, I found an answer that worked for me here: http://samudranb.com/2012/06/02/how-to-setup-a-djangopython-development-env-on-windows/
Try running from an admin command prompt:
ftype Python.File="[your venv path]\Scripts\python.exe" "%1" %*
Just be sure to set it back to the original value when you're done.
This will help you understand why your facing that problem and there is also simple solution for that:
I've literally searched for hours to a solution for this issue... I came across this video randomly: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPmkl4jtYgA) where he put "python .\Script\django-admin.py startproject" into the command prompt while in a virtual environment, so I tried the same with the following modification to point to the correct path on my machine "python .\env\Script\django-admin.py startproject". Voila!
Hopefully this helps someone as it seems there are multiple reasons for this issue.
Windows server 2003 provides the Where command
where python.exe
will show the full path of the current python.exe found on the path, use that to check it's using the correct one for your virtualenv.
The association issue comes into play because running
so the .py is argv[0] passes it through the windows association, which won't follow your venv.
python file.py
will not find file.py unless it's in the current directory.
So the solution is -
python %VIRTUAL_ENV%\scripts\django-admin.py startproject myproject
This runs python from the current active venv
and uses the venv env variable so it points to the correct location of django-admin.py (or you could give it an absolute path yourself of course)
I had the same problem. I solved that using this command:
(env)C:\environment directory>python Scripts\django-admin.py
This link was helpful for me:
enter link description here
i had the same problem i am running both python 3.4 and 2.7, so i pip installed Django globally on my machine and when i returned to my virtual environment i was able to create a project with no problems.
In Windows, you set:
set PATH=C:\virtualenv\python2.7\Scripts REM Scripts folder contains python.exe, pip.exe, django-admin.exe,...
set PYTHONPATH=C:\virtualenv\python2.7\Lib\site-packages REM site-packages folder contains packages of python such as django,...
After, create project mysite by
django-admin.py startproject mysite
I had this same problem using virtualenv in Terminal in MacOSX (Snow Leopard). My solution to the problem was to change the first line of django-admin.py from
Hope this helps someone.
I had the same problem and the way I resolve it was by activating my project directory before making migrations and running my server "python manage.py runserver".
Activate project Directory: source /path/bin/active
Path meaning where your project is stored.
Had same error and This solved it out for me.
source /path/to/virtualwrapper/activate
pip install django
This fix tries to re-install and configure django
I had the same problem, but I solved it, first I activated the virtual env, then ran:
django-admin.exe startproject project_name