I'm working on a project for a computer science class. I wrote the code and tested it using MinGW, and it works fine. I then copied the code over to the university's Linux server and tested it there, since that's what my professor grades assignments on. The output is very different - like it printed out a carriage return in the middle of an output.
The interesting thing is, the issue also appears when compiled and run with Cygwin GCC (32-bit, 4.7.2). Does anyone have any insight as to why this is happening and how to fix it?
Code and a sample input file (to be named lifepath.txt and placed in the same directory as the executable).
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
bool younger(string s1, string s2) {
string y1 = s1.substr(s1.rfind('-')+1);
string y2 = s2.substr(s2.rfind('-')+1);
if(y1 < y2) return true;
else if(y1 > y2) return false;
string m1 = s1.substr(s1.find('-')+1, s1.rfind('-')-s1.find('-')-1);
string m2 = s2.substr(s2.find('-')+1, s2.rfind('-')-s2.find('-')-1);
if(m1 < m2) return true;
else if(m1 > m2) return false;
string d1 = s1.substr(0, s1.find('-'));
string d2 = s2.substr(0, s2.find('-'));
return d1 < d2;
int main() {
ifstream in("lifepath.txt");
map<int, int> pathcounts;
set<string> bdays;
string oldest, youngest;
map<string, int> years;
string line;
while(getline(in, line)) {
string monthday = line.substr(0, line.rfind('-'));
string num = line;
while(num.find('-') != string::npos) num.erase(num.find('-'));
int path = atoi(num.c_str()) % 9 + 1;
if(youngest == "" || younger(line, youngest)) youngest = line;
if(oldest == "" || younger(oldest, line)) oldest = line;
for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
cout << i << ": " << pathcounts[i] << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The oldest birthday is " << oldest << endl;
cout << "The youngest birthday is " << youngest << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "There are " << bdays.size() << " unique birthdays" << endl;
cout << endl;
string modeyear = "";
int modeyearcount = 0;
for(map<string, int>::iterator it = years.begin(); it != years.end(); it++) {
if(it->second > modeyearcount) {
modeyear = it->first;
modeyearcount = it->second;
else if(it->second == modeyearcount) modeyear += " " + it->first;
cout << "The mode of the birthyears is " << modeyear;
cout << ", appearing " << modeyearcount << " times" << endl;
return 0;
I will post a link to an image of the output as a reply, since I don't have enough rep to have more than two links in a post.
This is because different line endings, \r in Windows' case means just go to the beginning of the line, when you're reading data from a file and set the years array. You use keys, not just #### but ####\r, and this last symbol is displayed during cout.
So you need to change your code:
years[line.substr(line.rfind('-')+1, 4)]++;
i am storing some data in the file but after
if (titlemap.count(words[i]) == 1)
is reached i reopened the file and reading all data in a vector and then storing updated data but
But actually the program is not going into the below loop.
for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++)
Can anyone suggest why is it so? I am very confused and frustrated
// Cmarkup1.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <msxml.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include "functions.h"
#include <map>
#include <fileapi.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Open the file for parsing.
ofstream wfile("title.txt");
bool check = false;
string delimiter = " ,:,";
int results = 0, pages = 1;
time_t timer;
timer = clock();
CMarkup xmlfile;
unordered_map<string, string> titlemap;
unordered_map<string, string> textmap;
vector <string> words;
int line=0;
while (xmlfile.FindElem(MCD_T("page"))) {
title = xmlfile.GetData();
string str(title.begin(), title.end());
transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
split(words, str, is_any_of(delimiter));
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
if (titlemap.count(words[i]) == 1) {
ifstream rfile;
vector<string> vec;
string line;
while (getline(rfile, line)) {
for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) {
if (words[i] == vec[j]) {
cout << vec[j] <<"Checking"<< endl;
wfile << vec[j] << ",page" << pages << endl;
wfile << vec[j] << endl;
else {
titlemap.insert(make_pair(words[i], words[i]));
wfile << words[i] <<"-page"<<pages<< endl;
//cout << str << endl;
//text = xmlfile.GetData();
//string str1(text.begin(), text.end());
//transform(str1.begin(), str1.end(), str1.begin(), ::tolower);
//str1 = keeponlyalphabets(str1);
//textmap.insert(make_pair(str1, str1));
//cout << str1 << endl;
if (pages > 100)
// for (auto it : titlemap)
// cout << it.first << endl;
cout << "Total lines are as: "<<line << endl;
/*string input;
cout << "press s to seach the data" << endl;
getline(cin, input);
if (input == "s") {
string key;
cout << "Enter Key" << endl;
cin >> key;
transform(key.begin(), key.end(), key.begin(), ::tolower);
size_t temp;
cout << endl;
for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++) {
//temp = it->first.find(key);
//cout << temp;
if (it->first.find(key) != std::string::npos) {
cout << it->second << endl;
cout << "Invalid Character Exiting....." << endl;
timer = clock() - timer;
cout << "Total time taken by the process is: " << (float)timer / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
cout << " Total Results : " << results << endl;
return 0;
You have separate streams opened against the file, with separate buffers on each. writeing to a file only actually writes to disk infrequently (typically when a buffer fills, which may take a while for small writes, and always just before the file is closed). So when you re-open the file for read, it won't see anything still stuck in user-space buffers.
Just add:
prior to opening for read, to ensure the buffers are flushed to disk and available to the alternate handle.
I have been struggling with comparing two strings which I read from files, "one" & "two" both have the same words (e.g. salt) but it doesn't return "Equal". I have also used == but it made no difference.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main (){
string en[100];
string line;
int i=0;
ifstream fileEn ("hey.txt");
if (fileEn.is_open()){
while (!fileEn.eof()){
string fa[100];
string line1;
ifstream fileFa ("hey1.txt");
if (fileFa.is_open()){
while (!fileFa.eof()){
ifstream Matn("matn.txt");
string matn[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){
Matn >> matn[i];
string one = en[0];
string two = matn[0];
cout << one << " " << two;
if(one.compare(two) == 0){
cout << "Equal";
I suggest adding some debugging output to your program:
while (!fileEn.eof()){
// Debugging output
std::cout << "en[" << i << "] = '" << line << "'" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){
Matn >> matn[i];
// Debugging output
std::cout << "matn[" << i << "] = '" << matn[i] << "'" << std::endl;
Hopefully you can see what the problem is by looking at the output.
In addition, please note that use of while (!fileEn.eof()){ ... } is not correct. See Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong?.
I suggest changing that loop to:
while (getline(fileEn,line)) {
// Debugging output
std::cout << "en[" << i << "] = '" << line << "'" << std::endl;
Similarly, don't assume that Matn >> matn[i] is successful. I suggest changing that loop to:
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
std::string s;
if ( !(Matn >> s) )
// Read was not successful. Stop the loop.
matn[i] = s;
// Debugging output
std::cout << "matn[" << i << "] = '" << matn[i] << "'" << std::endl;
So in this program I'm trying to go through word by word and make it only lowercase letters, no whitespace or anything else. However, my string "temp" isn't holding anything in it. Is it because of the way I'm trying to modify it? Maybe I should try using a char * instead? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm brand new to c++, but I've been trying to debug it for hours and can't find much searching for this.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
/*if (argc != 3) {
cout << "Error: wrong number of arguments." << endl;
ifstream infile(argv[1]);
string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(infile)),
string final;
string temp;
string distinct[5000];
int distinctnum[5000] = { 0 };
int numdist = 0;
int wordcount = 0;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
int isdistinct = 0;
int len = content.length();
//cout << "test 1" << endl;
cout << "length of string: " << len << endl;
cout << "content entered: " << content << endl;
while (i < len) {
//cout << "test 2" << endl;
if (isalpha(content[i])) {
//cout << "test 3" << endl;
if (isupper(content[i])) {
//cout << "test 4" << endl;
temp[j] = tolower(content[i]);
else {
//cout << "test 5" << endl;
temp[j] = content[i];
else {
cout << temp << endl;
//cout << "test 6" << endl;
final = final + temp;
j = 0;
for (k = 0;k < numdist;k++) {
//cout << "test 7" << endl;
if (distinct[k] == temp) {
isdistinct = 1;
if (isdistinct == 0) {
//cout << "test 8" << endl;
distinct[numdist] = temp;
//cout << temp << endl;
cout << wordcount+1 << " words total." << endl << numdist << " distinct words." << endl;
cout << "New output: " << final << endl;
return 0;
You can't add to a string with operator[]. You can only modify what's already there. Since temp is created empty and routinely cleared, using [] is undefined. The string length is zero, so any indexing is out of bounds. There may be nothing there at all. Even if the program manages to survive this abuse, the string length is likely to still be zero, and operations on the string will result in nothing happening.
In keeping with what OP currently has, I see two easy options:
Treat the string the same way you would a std::vector and push_back
Build up a std::stringstream
stream << tolower(content[i])
and convert the result into a string when finished
string temp = stream.str();
Either approach eliminates the need for a j counter as strings know how long they are.
However, OP can pull and endrun around this whole problem and use std::transform
std::transform(content.begin(), content.end(), content.begin(), ::tolower);
to convert the whole string in one shot and then concentrate on splitting the lower case string with substring. The colons in front of ::tolower are there to prevent confusion with other tolowers since proper namespacing of the standard library has been switched off with using namespace std;
Off topic, it looks like OP is performing a frequency count on words. Look into std::map<string, int> distinct;. You can reduce the gathering and comparison testing to
I am new at coding , been coding for about a week and i am trying to do a script that finds the "?" and the "." in the script , then outputs their position in the script and i use those value to print the question to a text file.
Except it does not really work.
If you put the value in like this, it works.
myfile << test.substr( 18, 20 )
But like this it does not work it just print the whole script from the value of dot[0] until the end of the script.
myfile << test.substr( dot[0], interrogation[0] )
The way that i use to find the "?" position in the string is also not very accurate.
Where there is the .
if(x > 0){
I had a while loop but i replaced it for debugging reasons .
This is the whole code.
If you can help me i appreciate it.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main (){
std::vector< int > interrogation ;
std::vector< int > dot;
string look = "?";
string look_again = ".";
string test = "ver. o que e isto? nao sei. ola? adeus. fghfghfhfghf";
string::size_type pos = test.find(look);
string::size_type sop = test.find(look_again);
string::size_type exc = test.find(look_again_again);
while (pos != std::string::npos)
int a = pos ;
int b = sop;
cout << " . found at : " << sop << std::endl;
cout << " ? found at : " << pos << std::endl;
string fragment = test.substr (0 , pos ); // works
//cout << fragment << endl ;
string fragment2 = test.substr (0 , sop ); // works
//cout << fragment2 << endl ;
pos = test.find(look, pos + 1);
sop = test.find(look_again, sop + 1);
int x = 1;
if(x > 0){
int a = 1;
int q = dot[a];
int w = interrogation[a];
// to save text
// to save text
string save = "saved_question.txt" ;
ofstream myfile;
myfile.open (save.c_str(), ios::app);
myfile << test.substr( 18, 20 ) + "\n" ;
cout << "Question saved in text file" << endl;
The code is not finished yet but i got it working with help.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main (){
std::vector< int > interrogation ;
std::vector< int > dot;
//std::vector< int > exclamation;
string look = "?";
string look_again = ".";
string look_again_again = "!";
string test = " ver.o que e isto? nao sei. ola? adeus.";
string::size_type pos = test.find(look);
string::size_type sop = test.find(look_again);
while (pos != std::string::npos)
int a = pos ;
int b = sop;
cout << " . found at : " << sop << std::endl;
cout << " ? found at : " << pos << std::endl;
// cout << " ! found at : " << exc << std::endl;
string fragment = test.substr (0 , pos ); // works
//cout << fragment << endl ;
string fragment2 = test.substr (0 , sop) ; // works
//cout << fragment2 << endl ;
string fragment3 = test.substr (dot.back() + 1, interrogation.back() - dot.back()); // works
cout << fragment3 << endl ;
pos = test.find(look, pos + 1);
sop = test.find(look_again, sop + 1);
You can do something like this:
void function(string str) {
string sentence = "";
for(int i=0; i < str.length(); i++) {
if(str[i] == '.' || str[i] == '!')
sentence = ""; // the sentence is not a question so clear the sentence
else if(str[i] == '?') {
cout << sentence << endl; // output the question - just replace cout with your ofstream
I think I've seen this question before though..
I feel really stupid coming to ask this question here today after bugging everyone yesteday on understanding the algorithm. But I am not looking at this thing straight anymore. Anyways, it is a knapsack probled, solved with memoization and dynamic progrmming. The problem is that the printout of my answers is not matching the requierements.
All I want is a second look at it and if someone can point me where I am wrong at.
Appreciated for all the help.
This is the ProfitHeader.h file
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
namespace kproblem{
typedef int Money;
typedef int Labor;
struct Resources{
Money liquidity;
Labor officeWork;
Labor programmingWork;
Resources(Money li, Labor of, Labor pro) : liquidity(li), officeWork(of), programmingWork(pro){}
//operator -=
Resources & operator -=( const Resources &rhs ){
liquidity -=rhs.liquidity;
officeWork -=rhs.officeWork;
programmingWork -=rhs.programmingWork;
return *this;
//operator< Used to make sure that key elements Match. will not modify (this)
bool operator<(const Resources & rhs) const{
if(this->liquidity < rhs.liquidity)
return true;
else if(this->liquidity > rhs.liquidity)
return false;
else if(this->officeWork < rhs.officeWork)
return true;
else if(this->officeWork > rhs.officeWork)
return false;
//this is the iff conditional
else if(this->programmingWork < rhs.programmingWork)
return true;
return false;
//Global Operator-. This will not modify (this).
Resources operator-( const Resources & lhs, const Resources & rhs ){
return Resources(lhs.liquidity - rhs.liquidity,
lhs.officeWork - rhs.officeWork, lhs.programmingWork - rhs.programmingWork);
//This is the Project Struct. It should contain the resources and data from the file.
struct Project{
string name;
Resources resources;
Money profit;
Project(string n, Resources re, Money p) : name(n), resources(re), profit(p) {}
//Definition of the ValueMap
typedef map<pair<Resources, vector<Project>::size_type>, pair<Money, bool>> ValueMap;
This is my main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <exception>
#include "ProfitHeader.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace kproblem;
//The following was provided to us on the program
class IO_Exception : public runtime_error
IO_Exception(const string & message) : runtime_error(message) { }
void readProjects(vector<Project> & projects, const string & fileName)
ifstream infile(fileName.c_str());
if (!infile)
throw IO_Exception("Could not open " + fileName);
string oneLine;
unsigned int lineNum = 0;
while (getline(infile, oneLine))
istringstream st(oneLine);
string name;
Money liquidity;
Labor officeWork;
Labor programmingWork;
Money profit;
st >> name;
st >> liquidity;
st >> officeWork;
st >> programmingWork;
st >> profit;
if (st.fail())
cerr << "Skipping line number " << lineNum << ": "
<< oneLine << endl;
string junk;
if (st >> junk)
cerr << "Skipping line number " << lineNum << ": "
<< oneLine << endl;
projects.push_back(Project(name, Resources(liquidity, officeWork, programmingWork), profit));
if (!infile.eof())
throw IO_Exception("Error reading from " + fileName);
//Class Best Profit.
//This class will calculate the best possible profit we can get.
Money bestProfit(const vector<Project> & projects, Resources res, ValueMap & valMap,int n){
//initialize the best 2 possible solutions.
Money best1;
Money best2;
Money map; // the map where ou answers are stored
// First check if we are not at the end of the projects
if(n == 0){
return 0;
//now we are going to check the best project possible.
//Check the subinstance if it was solved.
if(valMap.find(make_pair(res, n-1)) != valMap.end()){
map = valMap.find(make_pair(res, n-1))->second.first;
return map;
}//check if the subinstance is solved. if it is return the value.
best1 = bestProfit(projects, res, valMap, n-1);//first best possible solution
//check the resources for the last project only. Fopr the second best possible solution.
if(res.liquidity >= projects.at(n-1).resources.liquidity
&& res.officeWork >= projects.at(n-1).resources.officeWork
&& res.programmingWork >= projects.at(n-1).resources.programmingWork){// feasability Check.
//all the above are requiered as it is necessary to check for all of them when doing the calculations.
best2 = bestProfit(projects, res - projects[n-1].resources, valMap, n-1) + projects[n-1].profit;
best2 = 0;
//after the whole check compare the results and store the best possible result in the map.
if(best1 >= best2){
valMap.insert(make_pair(make_pair(res, n), make_pair(best1,false)));
return best1;
valMap.insert(make_pair(make_pair(res, n), make_pair(best2,true)));
return best2;
//reportBestProfit. This will call Best profit and help us print the final results.
void reportBestProfit(vector<Project> projects, Resources resources){
ValueMap valueMap;
//Variables for the total resources used.
Money liq = 0;
Money ow = 0;
Money pw = 0;
int n = 1000; //number of projects, put here for fast testing
Money bestP = bestProfit(projects, resources, valueMap, n);
//Iterate the valuemap and print the best projects available to us.
cout << "Selected Projects -" << endl;
for(int i= 1; i <= 1000; i++){
//if(valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i-1)) == valueMap.end()){
if(valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.second == true){
//if(valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.first != valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i-1))->second.first){
//cout << valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.first; //money
//cout <<" "<< valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.second; //boolean
cout << " " << projects.at(i-1).name << " " << projects.at(i-1).resources.liquidity <<" ";//projects
cout << projects.at(i-1).resources.officeWork << " " << projects.at(i-1).resources.programmingWork;
cout << " " << projects.at(i-1).profit << endl;//profit
cout << "Total Resources Used -" << endl;
//Print the resources consumed.
for(int i= 1; i <= 1000; i++){
if(valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.second == true){
liq += projects.at(i-1).resources.liquidity;
ow += projects.at(i-1).resources.officeWork;
pw += projects.at(i-1).resources.programmingWork;
cout << " " << "Liquidity: " << liq <<endl;
cout << " " << "Office Work: " << ow <<endl;
cout << " " << "Programming Work: " << pw <<endl;
//Print the total Profit.
cout << "Profit: " << bestP << endl;
int main()
vector<Project> projects;
readProjects(projects, "Proj5Data.txt");
catch (const IO_Exception & ex)
cerr << "IO error from: " << ex.what() << endl;
return 1;
//these values can be changed for different analysis on projects.
Money liquidity = 200;
Labor officeWork = 450;
Labor programmingWork = 1000;
cout << "Available resources - " << endl
<< " Liquidity: " << liquidity << endl
<< " Office Work: " << officeWork << endl
<< " Programming Work: " << programmingWork << endl;
reportBestProfit(projects, Resources(liquidity, officeWork, programmingWork));
return 0;
The project file that contains the projects can be downloaded temporarily here:
my guess is the problem is on the valmap find, but I have tried all kinds of combinations and it does not work at all.
Finally this is the final printout I should be getting from this:
But instead I am getting all these other results, including some of the ones I need:
Again thank you for the one that can slap me in the head and say, you FOO, you shouldn't be doing this anymore :).
removing this would get rid of the leading numbers on the second part of the output
cout << valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.first; //money
cout <<" "<< valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.second; //boolean
cout << " "
the values you print at this point haven't been filtered by and ordered by which is why i think your printing these values
but you don't have code to print "The total resources used -" part
OK, so yes I do have an answer. Is now complete (after edit)
void reportBestProfit(vector<Project> projects, Resources resources){
ValueMap valueMap;
//Variables for the total resources used.
Money liq = 0;
Money ow = 0;
Money pw = 0;
vector<Project> result;
int n = 1000; //number of projects, put here for fast testing
Money bestP = bestProfit(projects, resources, valueMap, n);
//Iterate the valuemap and print the best projects available to us.
cout << "Selected Projects -" << endl;
// this loop just iterates through the values, it does not check the initial resources.
for(int i= 999; i > 0; i--){
//if(valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i-1)) == valueMap.end()){
//check first If I still have resources available
if(resources.liquidity >=0 && resources.officeWork >= 0 && resources.programmingWork >= 0){
if(valueMap.find(make_pair(resources, i))->second.second == true){
//when I find the first true, I need to substract the resources of it from the base resources,
//to ask the question again.
resources.liquidity -= projects.at(i-1).resources.liquidity;
resources.officeWork -= projects.at(i-1).resources.officeWork;
resources.programmingWork -= projects.at(i-1).resources.programmingWork;
//Push the results into a vector for the printout
//Also in one shot add together the resources used
liq += projects.at(i-1).resources.liquidity;
ow += projects.at(i-1).resources.officeWork;
pw += projects.at(i-1).resources.programmingWork;
//Print the saved vector in reverse order
for(int size = result.size(); size != 0; size--){
cout << " " << result.at(size -1).name;
cout << " " << result.at(size -1).resources.liquidity;
cout << " " << result.at(size -1).resources.officeWork;
cout << " " << result.at(size -1).resources.programmingWork;
cout << " " << result.at(size -1).profit << endl;
cout << "Total Resources Used -" << endl;
////Print the resources consumed.
cout << " " << "Liquidity: " << liq <<endl;
cout << " " << "Office Work: " << ow <<endl;
cout << " " << "Programming Work: " << pw <<endl;
//Print the total Profit.
cout << "Profit: " << bestP << endl;
Basically I was not substracting the resources, so I was always having over resources, but once I did that viola! it works. Thank you guys for looking at it, I guess I just needed inspiration this morning.