pcl::MovingLeastSquares doesn't work - c++

I'm new to PCL and I'm trying to do this tutorialhere. The problem is that I can compile it, but when I run this, it give me an error: *exception at 0x000007fefd27940d in pcl_VFHexperiment.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: pcl::IOException at memory location 0x001cf0e0*
I guess the problem is that mls. process function doesn't work correctly and the operation of file saving provides an error.
Could be the input file the problem? I use ism_test_cat.pcd file found here. I don't know where the file suggested in the tutorial is. How should the input file be?
Anyway I can see ism_test_cat.pcd file in the viewer following the other tutorial.
How to solve? Please help me.
I use VS2010, PCL 1.6, all 64bit
Thanks in advance a lots

"You should be able to find the input file at pcl/test/bun0.pcd." It says in the tutorial.


error MSB4044: The "CheckRuntimeLibrary" task was not given a value for the required parameter "RuntimeLibrary"

I tried to use a C++ code for converting mnist dataset into lmdb format. I installed all the needed packages, but when I ran the code I got this error:
Error MSB4044: The "CheckRuntimeLibrary" task was not given a value for the required parameter "RuntimeLibrary". c:\Users\mohamed-witti-adou\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Project2\packages\gflags.\build\native\gflags.targets
I am new to C++ and VS coding, I would like some help to overcome this error. Thanks in advance.
As noone else has answered and I found this question when Googling my error text: The problem in my case was that I was building a completely empty Visual Studio project that I had copied and modified for a new project. When I added a source file to the project the error went away.

how I can figure out where the output of my software is printed?

I just installed Sympol in my Ubuntu. Sympol is an open source software in the mathematics. My problem is that when I run sympol on some input data, I don't know where the output is printed. here in page 6 of this pdf (http://www.math.uni-rostock.de/~rehn/software/sympol-manual-0.1.pdf), it says the output is in .ine or .ext format but I don't know where is these output files!!!!!! please help me if you understand how it works. and it is the website of sympol for installation. http://www.math.uni-rostock.de/~rehn/software/sympol.html
I should add that when it says: Segmentation fault
Ubuntu: Assuming your app is actually running properly and you have root permissions, open another terminal, install and run fatrace, and watch for file output. When running, fatrace prints all files touched in real-time, so you should be able to see your output file's location if it's getting output.
Reading the docs again and again is almost always the correct answer, but if in this case the documentation is that bad, then watching for the file getting written is another good way to figure it out.
Windows: Sysinternals procmon (you can get it from Microsoft) can achieve the same result.

C++ and xercesc: Cannot load message domain

I'm trying to read a a XML file with C++ using xercesc. It compiles OK, but when I try to excecute the app (and read the XML), I get this error:
Could not open catalog:
XercesMessages_en_US.cat or
Cannot load message domain
Someone knows what this means?
I answer myself:
As the error says, xerces is unable to find XercesMessages_en_US.cat, wich is a file located in /usr/share/xerces-c/msg/ (in my case, gentoo linux).
To solve it, just need to write in a bash:
export XERCESC_NLS_HOME=/usr/share/xerces-c/msg/
Then, it will find it.
In my case, I wrote this in .bashrc so it is exceuted in every start.

How do I run a simple C++ program in the Cloud9 IDE?

I am working on a translation application in my high school Computer Science Advanced Studies class. MY school's computers have a CodeBlocks IDE, but no compiler installed. So, I decided to try and find one online that I can use, and Cloud9 seemed like a good prospect. However, when I try to run my program, I get errors such as the following:
g++: error: /home/ubuntu/workspace/English-Spanish: No such file or directory
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
chmod: cannot access ‘/home/ubuntu/workspace/runme’: No such file ordirectory
sh: 1: /home/ubuntu/workspace/runme: not found
I'm not sure where the problem is or how to fix it. Any tips? I'm new to the online IDE scene.
Looks like you didn't add any source code to your project.
I figured out what was wrong. It was a simple mistake, really. My project's filename was "English-Spanish Translator," but spaces are not acceptable for filenames. I renamed it "eng-esp_translate.cpp," and it ran just fine.

PCL: Creating a real-time visualization from kinect point clouds

Im trying to follow this tutorial: http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/openni_grabber.php#openni-grabber but I'm not being able to complete it. The tutorial seems simple enough, but nothing seems to be working.
When I try to compile it I get the following error: point_cloud_geometry_handlers.h:48:29: fatal error: vtkSmartPointer.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
I've tried to find out what this vtkSmartPointer.h is about but with no luck, probably it has something to do with that ConstPtr type?
Thanks in advance