Django pagination - nice urls - django

I did pagination in my django projet. Everything works just perfect, but my urls looks terrible, like
How to create nice urls like
host:8000/page/2/ or host:8000/2/
I use standard Paginator class via ListView
How to do this w/o third party code ?

If you define url pattern like this:
url(r'^/page/(?P<page>\d+)/$', 'myapp.views.list_view'),
then ListView will pass page url keyword into paginator.
Each path segment is supposed to be a valid resource, so it's not clear what you will display on /path/ URL.
Django pagination system assumes that webpages will default to using the URL query, so it's recommended to keep it as a URL query and it's more revealing.


django dynamic scraper range_funct pagination

I am using django-dynamic-scraper in one of my applications, I have gone through the docs and following is my setup:
object class url I am using is :
The pagination on the site is something like the following.
page 1:
page 2:
page 3:
page 4:
The brandname in the above urls is dynamic and depends on a brand's products page. I cannot have a different scraper for each brand as there are over 10000 brands so I am trying to use a single scraper object.
In the scraper object that I am using I have defined the pagination options as follows:
pagination_type: RANGE_FUNCT
pagination_append_str: _products{page}.html
pagination_page_replace: 1,100,2
but the scraper requests the following pagination urls
Instead of
Q: Why is it appending the replace string to the end of the url instead of actually replacing it with _products.html in the object class url ? What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this.
The pagination_append_str option is called like this, because the string is appended to the base url and not replacing it! :-)
So everything is correct, you just have to remove _products_html from your base url so that the final url is build together without doubling url parts.

django url parse formatted url

I'm in the design stages of a single page web app, and would like to make it so that a user can click on a formatted URL and the data requests will load in the page.
For example, a url of will trigger the Category view with the relevant data.
My intention is to parse the URL, gather the data, then pass it to the index.html template for rendering on page load. Once the page has been loaded, a Javascript trigger setting will trigger the appropriate button to load the client view.
However, I'm having an issue setting up the URL parser, as the following settings are not matching the example url above.
from app.views import app_views, photo_views, user_views, admin_views
urlpatterns = patterns("",
url(r'^/(?P<category>\d+)/$', app_views.index)
You're confusing between sending information through your urls with GET and formatting you urls with arguments for the view functions. Say I am visiting a site called and the page has a form that looks like this:
<input type='text' name='category' id='category'></input>
<button type='submit'>Send!</button>
upon clicking, the url will automatically change to<value of input>. The ? marks that everything afterwards should be treated as GET data, with the syntax of <id>=<value>. You can then access them like so:
def response(request):
category = request.GET['category']
formatting urls is different, because it means looking for patterns that are part of the url. i.e. a pattern that looks like r'^/(?P<category>\d+)/$' will look for this:<category>/ and it will send it to the request in your views as an additional argument like so:
def response(request, category):
The regex is used to define how you recognize that part of the url. For example, the \d+ you're using means that category needs to be a number. You can search how to define different types of patterns according to your needs
Note that with GET you are sending the data to the same view function that rendered the page you are currently visiting, while using a different url means you tell it where to go through your (usually a different function). Does that make things a bit clearer?

Issues with question mark in url

Hi i am using multiple languages in my app and it is accessible by the url like
Is there some way with which i can remove this "?" from my url and it becomes like and also my functionality of multiple language is working properly.
When you access url with ?lang=es, you will get a parameter named lang with value es in your view. This is generic HTTP url scheme.
With django, similar thing can be done using appropriate url pattern. For example:
url(r'^reg/(?P<lang>[\w]+)$', 'your_app.views.view_func',),
And in view
def view_func(request, lang=None):
# lang will have value passed.
# do your stuff
So when you access, parameter lang will have value es in your view.
Django 1.4 has a native support for such URLs - i18n_patterns. As I understand there was an app for this called django-i18nurls but it was included into django core
Also you can use django-localeurl application for this (available at BitBucket). It has a middleware that patches request.path and django's reverse function to achive locale URLs. Perhaps there are alternatives for this app
However this solutions will provide you URLs in format

'Hiding' form query from URL (Django 1.3)

I have a form with 6-7 fields. After user input, my webapp searches for those fields in a database and displays the results.
Now the issue is, that the URL ends up having all the form field names and their values in it.
Now with the form having 7-8 fields the url ends up looking ugly.
Is there a Django technique to 'hide' these from the URL? Quotes around hide because I'd be okay with a completely different way to pass the objects to my database from the form as well.
Use a POST request. Here's the django docs on forms and a specific example using POST>. HTML-wise, all you need to do is change the method on the form tag.
I do not recommend to use POST requests for search. If you'll use GET it will be easer for user, he can just bookmark a link and save search or share search results with friends.

Django: Pagination with

I'm building a Blog in Django (using Generic Views) and I use the same template for both my date based and list detail views. I'm trying to setup pagination, but I want to do so with URL patterns rather than using an ugly ?page=1 url suffix.
The problem is in the actual html template, I cannot find a way to determine which view was used to render the page, so while I have access to all the pagination stuff, I have no way to generate the appropriate URL.
In other words, if the view was rendered by my archive_month(request, month, year, page=0) view, I would need to structure the URL for the next and previous pages as /blog/dec/2009/PageX/, versus the blog index, which would mean the URL would be /blog/pageX/.
Well I just realized that date_based generic views don't support pagination, so problem solved.