Windows C++ Lock file in memory - c++

If I need to read from a file very often, and I will load the file into a vector of unsigned char using fread, the consequent fread are really fast, even if the vector of unsigned char is destroy right after reading.
It seems to me that something (Windows or the disk) caches the file and thus freads are very fast. I have not read anything about this behaviour, so I am unsure what really causes this.
If I don't use my application for 1 hour or so and then do an fread again, the fread is slow.
It seems to me that the cache got emptied.
Can somebody explain this behaviour to me? I would like to actively use it.
It is a problem for me when the freads are slow.
Memory-mapping the file works theoretically, but the file itself is too big, so I can not use it.

90/10 law
90% of the execution time of a computer program is spent executing 10% of the code
It is not a rule but usually it is so, so lots of programs tries to keep recent data if possible because it is very likely that that data will be accessed very soon again.
Windows OS is not an exception, after receiving command to read file OS keeps some data about file. It stores in memory addresses of ages where the program is stored, if possible even store some part (or even all) of binary data in memory, it makes next file read much faster if that read is just after the first-one.
All-in-all you are right that there is caching, but I can't to say, that is really going on as I'm not working in Microsoft...
Also answering into next part of question. File mapping into memory may be solution but if the file is very large machine may not have stat much memory so it wouldn't be an option. However, you can use the 90/10 law. In your case you should have just a part of file mapped into memory (that part that is the most important), also while reading you should make a data table of overall parameters.
Don't know exact situation, but it may save.


Read with File Mapping Objects in C++

I am trying to use Memory Mapped File (MMF) to read my .csv data file (very large and time consuming).
I've heared that MMF is very fast since it caches content of the file, thus users can get access to the content in disk as in memory.
May I know if MMF is any faster than using other reading methods?
If this is true, can anyone show me a simple example how to read a file from disk?
Many thanks in advance.
May I know if MMF is any faster than using other reading methods?
If you're reading the entire file sequentially in one pass, then a memory-mapped file is probably approximately the same as using conventional file I/O.
can anyone show me a simple example how to read a file from disk?
Memory mapped files are typically an operating system feature, so you'd have to tell us which platform you're on to get an example of using it.
If you want to read a file sequentially, you can use the C++ ifstream class or the C run-time functions like fopen, fread, and fclose.
If it's faster or not depends on many different factors (such as what data you are accessing, how you are accessing it, etc. To determine what is right for YOUR case, you need to benchmark different solutions, and see what is best in your case.
The main benefit of memory mapped files is that the data can be copied directly from the filesystem into the user-accessible memory.
In traditional (fstream::read(), fredad(), etc) types of file-reading, the content of the file is read into a temporary buffer in the OS, then (part of) that buffer is copied to the user supplied buffer. This is because the OS can't rely on the memory being there and it gets pretty messy pretty quickly. For memory mapped files, the OS knows directly where the memory is for the different sections (because it's the OS's task to assign that memory and keep track of where it is!) of the file, so the OS can just copy it straight in.
However, I strongly suspect that the method of reading the file is a minor part, and the actual interpretation/parsing/copying out of the file may well be a large part. [Speculation, we haven't seen your code, of course]. And of course, the I/O speed available from the DISK itself may play a large factor if the file is very large.

Best way to read/write file in multithreaded environment (C++)

i have a multithreaded program that reads and writes files. One thread receives data and writes them in a file. Every 250 Mb of data, a new file is created. Multiple other threads can read into these files to retrieve data. I'm using C++ std file stream.
To prevent problems, my current implementation uses two file descriptors for the same file: one for readers and one for the writer. A mutex protects from multiple access at the same time, and the file descriptor position is moved each time the mutex owner needs it.
I really need to be able to read in the file as fast as possible, and the mutex doesn't really help me.
Firstly, I would like to know if it's safe to read and write the file or have multiple reads at the same time (on every platform).
Secondly, if yes, I would like to know how it is safe for the hardware like the "Disk read-and-write head" for a HDD. The software works on the disk all the time to save data, and i don't want my algorithm to decrease too much the hard disk life time (already short).
Thank you for your help
There is no problem regarding multiple threads reading the same file.
Now, if I understood your description correctly, you do not modify already-written data, you just continuously append data to your file until it reaches 250Mb, then you continue writing on a new file.
If this is the case, you may not need a mutex at all. For instance, you might be able to keep your whole "file" into memory until it reaches 250mb, and only then you would write it all to disk, so you know that any files already on disk aren't going to be written anymore and can be read freely with no worries. As for the file that is still being written, you can have a global integer that holds how many bytes (or strings or whatever you use) have already been written, and reading-threads are limited by this integer, which does not need a lock, as long as you only update the integer after you have already written the data. (since you said there is only 1 thread writing data).
Simply reading the integer cannot corrupt it even when being done by multiple threads at the same time and being written by a single one, so this will ensure your reader threads will not read beyond the limit, and such limit will always be safe and consistent, while the writer-thread can peacefully write data in an area that is guaranteed to not be bothered by read-threads until it is finished.
As for your second question, if you are indeed able to keep the currently-being-written file fully in memory, that will already save up some HDD usage, as well as time. Additionally, keep in mind most modern HDDs have 32Mb+ of cache, so it is not like every read and write will be directly hitting the HDD itself, unless you have a ton of threads reading random files and random parts of them all the time. If that is the case, there is probably not much you can do to help the HDD. And if that's not the case, there is not much to worry about, as the OS and the caches will do what they were meant to do :)

C++ memcopy from mapped file too slow

I would like to ask if anybody sees a bottle bottleneck in my code or any way to optimize it.
I am thinking about if my code has a fault somewhere or if I need to choose a completely new approach.
I have memory-mapped a file, and I need to read doubles from this memory-mapped file.
I need to do this around 100.000 times as fast as possible.
I was expecting that it would be quite fast in Release mode, but that is not the case.
The first time I do it, it takes over 5 seconds. The next time it takes around 200 ms. This is a bit faster (I guess it has to do with the way Windows handles a memory-mapped file), but it is still too slow.
void clsMapping::FeedJoinFeaturesFromMap(vector<double> &uJoinFeatures,int uHPIndex)
int iBytePos=this->Content()[uHPIndex];
int iByteCount=16*sizeof(double);
memcpy(&uJoinFeatures[0], &((char*)(m_pVoiceData))[iBytePos],iByteCount);
Does anybody see a way to improve my code? I hardcoded the iByteCountCount, but that did not really change anything.
Thank you for your ideas.
You're reading 12.5MB of data from the file. That's not so much, but it's still not trivial.
The difference between your first and second run is probably due to file caching - the second time you want to read the file, the data is already in memory so less I/O is required.
However, 5 seconds for reading 12.5MB of data is still a lot. The only reason I can find for this is that your doubles are scattered all over the file, requiring Windows read a lot more than 12.5MB to memory.
You can avoid memory mapping altogether. If the data is stored in order in the file (not consecutive, but in order - you can read the data without seeking back), you can try avoiding the memory mapped file altogether, and just seek your way to the right place.
I doubt this will help much. Other things you can do is reorder your file, if it's at all possible, or place it on an SSD.

Performance when reading a file line by line vs reading the whole file

Is there a noticeable difference (in theory) when reading a while line by line compared to reading the whole file in one go?
Reading the whole file does have a negative impact on the amount of memory used but does it work faster?
I need to read a file and process each line. I don't know whether I should read one line at a time and process it, or read the whole file, process all, then write to output.
I've already setup the prgm to read line by line and I want to know whether it is worth the effort to change it to read the whole file (not easy given my setup).
Reading the whole file will be slightly faster -- but not much!
But be careful reading the whole file is not scalable as you are limited by the available memory in the system, once the file size exceeds the size of RAM avaibale to your program it will start using swap space will be much slower. If the file size exceeds the size of virtual memory available then your program will crash.
I think it would depend on the needs of your application (like most things, I know). Reading a 1 MB file in Node js is ~3-4x faster with fs.readFile() than using a readable stream or line reader as far as just file reading goes. Streams may offer some additional performance if the file is very large and you are processing input on the fly. It may also be ideal if your application is already consuming a lot of memory as a Node process has a ~1.5 GB memory limit on 64 bit systems. Processing chunks as they come in may also be more performant if the source of the data is slow relative to how fast the cpu can process it (archives on HDD or tape, network connections like TCP). As far as reading a file into memory vs. streaming it into memory, I am guessing the function call overhead of emitting data events and switching to the processing function callback slow down the process.
Like others, I believe doing bigger reads will improve the performance of your application some, but don't expect miracles, I/O is already buffered at the OS layer, so you'll only be gaining by reducing the overhead of having too many read calls. Reading the whole file in one go is dangerous, unless you know the maximum possible size for your input files. A most reasonable approach is to read the file in large blocks.
If you wanted to improve even more, you should consider overlapping the I/O with the processing. Let's say you read the input file in blocks of 128MB. On your main thread you read the first 128MB block and then pass it on to a worker thread for processing. While the worker thread gets to work the main thread reads the second 128MB block. From that point on, while the worker thread is processing block N, the main thread is reading block N+1 from disk.
Reading the entire file into memory is generally not a good idea because the files can be huge and may take up a lot of memory and in worst case run out of memory. So, to balance performance and memory usage, you read a block of file into a buffer and parse through the buffer. When you are done processing the block, read the next block until EOF.
Deciding on a good block size will have to be done based on what you want to achieve.
To be honest, after studying the efficiency for a while during my degree, I came to conclude this about your question: it depends how often this file is going to be read. If you reading it once, then do the whole thing, because that would just free the process for other tasks.
Again one more thing to keep in your mind, is the file going to be edited later and require update (as in read the updated part only?) if so you might need to set a marker to recgonise where to read from (and then again how often it is updated?). But yes if it is a one time job, go ahead and read it as a whole, as long as you do not require tokens to be created of certain literals in the file.
hope this helps.
One factor is how much data you are going to be reading, and so how long the program initially takes to run, i.e. whether there's any benefit in working on the performance.
See the book quotes in this answer for some good, general advice on thinking about software performance.
(I know you're for an answer in theory, but this aspect of when to worry about performance is also important, whenever you have a finite amount of time to spend.)

performance of fread/fwrite while doing operation with binary file

I am writing some binary data into a binary file through fwrite and once i am through with writing i am reading back the same data thorugh fread.While doing this i found that fwrite is taking less time to write whole data where as fread is taking more time to read all data.
So, i just want to know is it fwrite always takes less time than fread or there is some issue with my reading portion.
Although, as others have said, there are no guarantees, you'll typically find that a single write will be faster than a single read. The write will be likely to copy the data into a buffer and return straight away, while the read will be likely to wait for the data to be fetched from the storage device. Sometimes the write will be slow if the buffers fill up; sometimes the read will be fast if the data has already been fetched. And sometimes one of the many layers of abstraction between fread/fwrite and the storage hardware will decide to go off into its own little world for no apparent reason.
The C++ language makes no guarantees on the comparative performance of these (or any other) functions. It is all down to the combination of hardware and operating system, the load on the machine and the phase of the moon.
These functions interact with the operating system's file system cache. In many cases it is a simple memory-to-memory copy. Write could indeed be marginally faster if you run your program repeatedly. It just needs to find a hole in the cache to dump its data. Flushing that data to the disk happens at a time you can't see or measure.
More work is usually needed to read. At a minimum it needs to traverse the cache structure to discover if the disk data is already cached. If not, it is going to have to block on a disk driver request to retrieve the data from the disk, that takes many milliseconds.
The standard trap with profiling this behavior is taking measurements from repeated runs of your program. They are not at all representative for the way your program is going to behave in the wild. The odds that the disk data is already cached are very good on the second run of your program. They are very poor in real life, reads are likely to be very slow, especially the first one. An extra special trap exists for a write, at some point (depending on the behavior of other programs too), the cache is not going to be able to buffer the write request. Write performance is then going to fall of a cliff as your program gets blocked until enough data is flushed to the disk.
Long story short: don't ever assume disk read/write performance measurements are representative for how your program will behave in production. And perhaps more to the point: there isn't anything you can do to solve disk I/O perf problems in your code.
You are seeing some effect of the buffer/cache systems as other have said, however, if you use async API (as you said your suing fread/write you should look at aio_read/aio_write) you can experiment with some other methods for I/O which are likely more well optimized for what your doing.
One suggestion is that if you are read/update/write/reading a file a lot, you should, by way of an ioctl or DeviceIOControl, request to the OS to provide you the geometry of the disk your code is running on, then determine the size of a disk cylander so you may be able to determine if you can do your read/write operations buffered inside of a single cylinder. This way, the drive head will not move for your read/write and save you a fair amount of run time.