Lotus Notes throws NotesException: Database open failed (%1) - web-services

I am running a web service from an instance of Salesforce to our client's Lotus Notes server. I am able to get hard-coded content to return, so I feel certain that the connection itself is working as intended.
However, as noted in the subject, I am running into a NotesException. This is being thrown on the last line of the code below (db and path are simply parameters I pass into the function, I am able to view records from the nsf they correspond to):
s = WebServiceBase.getCurrentSession();
Database data = s.getDatabase(db, path);
If I try not opening the database, I get an exception that says I need to open the database. We had been developing this web service for a while without ever opening the database or knowing that this was something to concern ourselves with. Obviously something changed, but as my office is full of Salesforce devs and not LN devs, we don't know what.
Any help in tracking down the root cause of this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Comments want to know what I meant by hardcoded content. The function returns a 2d String array, so it would be something like:
result[0][0] = "Hello World";
return result;

The Problem is that the db ist not found. So try to change the path from the db.
if your db is in a folder on the server give the path for the folder in java.
Your path variable must have the right format.


WireMock returns image that's corrupt

I've recorded a mock through WireMock that contains an image in the body. When I try to get the stub using Postman the response back is an image that won't load and the size of the content is roughly 20-50% larger than when I get the same image from the production server. In Google Chrome it says Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/jpeg.
I can't tell if this is an underlying issue with Jetty or WireMock. I read some related chatter on the user group about images being returned incorrectly, but I've tried the suggestion of removing the mapping stub and just keeping the __file - no luck. This seems like an encoding issue, but I don't know how to debug it further.
If you can hang in there until next week we're putting the finishing touches on a brand new recorder and I've been specifically working through the encoding issues the current recorder suffers from.
Meanwhile, you might want to try turning off gzip in your client code.

Migrate ColdFusion scheduled tasks using neo-cron.xml

We currently have two ColdFusion 10 dedicated servers which we are migrating to a single VPS server. We have many scheduled tasks on each. I have taken each of the neo-cron.xml files and copied the var XML elements, from within the struct type='coldfusion.server.ConfigMap' XML element, and pasted them within that element in the neo-cron.xml file on the new server. Afterward I restarted the ColdFusion service, log into cf admin, and the tasks all show as expected.
My problem is, when I try to update any of the tasks I get the following error when saving:
An error occured scheduling the task. Unable to store Job :
because one already exists with this identification
Also, when I try to delete a task it tells me a task with that name does not exist. So it seems to me that the task information must also be stored elsewhere. So there when I try to update a task, the record doesn't exist in the secondary location so it tries to add it new to the neo-cron.xml file, which causes an error because it already exists. And when trying to delete, it doesn't exist in the secondary location so it says a task with that name does not exist. That is just a guess though.
Any ideas how I can get this to work without manually re-creating dozens of tasks? From what I've read this should work, but I need to be able to edit the tasks.
Thank you.
After a lot of hair-pulling I was able to figure out the problem. It all boiled down to having parentheses in the scheduled task names. This was causing both the "Unable to store Job : 'SERVERSCHEDULETASK#$%^DEFAULT.job_MAKE CATALOGS (SITE CONTROL)', because one already exists with this identification" error and also causing me to be unable to delete jobs. I believe it has something to do with encoding the parentheses because the actual neo-cron.xml name attribute of the var element encodes the name like so:
serverscheduletask#$%^default#$%^MAKE CATALOGS (SITE CONTROL)
Note that this anomaly did not exist on ColdFusion 10, Update 10, but does exist on Update 13. I'm not sure which update broke it, but there you go.
You will have to copy the neo-cron.xml from C:\ColdFusion10\\lib of one server to another. After that restart the server to make the changes effective. Login to the CF Admin and check the functionality.
This should work.
Note:- Please take a backup of the existing neo-cron.xml, before making the changes.

Updating a hit counter when an image is accessed in Django

I am working on doing some simple analytics on a Django webstite (v1.4.1). Seeing as this data will be gathered on pretty much every server request, I figured the right way to do this would be with a piece of custom middleware.
One important metric for the site is how often given images are accessed. Since each image is its own object, I thought about using django-hitcount, but figured that was unnecessary for what I was trying to do. If it proves easier, I may use it though.
The current conundrum I face is that I don't want to query the database and look for a given object for every HttpRequest that occurs. Instead, I would like to wait until a successful response (indicated by an HttpResponse.status of 200 or whatever), and then query the server and update a hit field for the corresponding image. The reason the only way to access the path of the image is in process_request, while the only way to access the status code is in process_response.
So, what do I do? Is it as simple as creating a class variable that can hold the path and then lookup the file once the response code of 200 is returned, or should I just use django-hitcount?
Thanks for your help
Set up a cron task to parse your Apache/Nginx/whatever access logs on a regular basis, perhaps with something like pylogsparser.
You could use memcache to store the counters and then periodically persist them to the database. There are risks that memcache will evict the value before it's been persisted but this could be acceptable to you.
This article provides more information and highlights a risk arising when using hosted memcache with keys distributed over multiple servers. http://bjk5.com/post/36567537399/dangers-of-using-memcache-counters-for-a-b-tests

Codeception - HTML report generation seems slow?

I am using Codeception to run three acceptance tests which basically are as follows:-
Check the email address 'admin#admin.com' exists
Create a new user account
Login to the website
Obviously this requires the database so I have added 'Db' to the list of modules in the acceptance.suite.yml, however the generation of the report takes sometime, is this normal or do I have something wrong with my setup?
Below is the report (and time taken for each according to the html file it is generating)
check admin#admin.com account exists (AdminCept.php) (0.01s)
create new user account (CreateUserCept.php) (19.1s)
log in to the website (LoginCept.php) (21.72s)
Approx 40 seconds in total (although the command line states 1:02 - I guess as it replaces the mock database dump.sql back into the database as well)
Can anybody shed any light on the matter?
Not really an answer but closing this off - simply put the report generation takes time.

Amazon Product Advertising API: XXX is not a valid value for BrowseNodeId

I am using the Amazon product Advertising API to fetch the product categories. For US categories it is working.
But using browse nodes from different sites I get the following error:
"569604 is not a valid value for BrowseNodeId. Please change this value and retry your request."
I got the browse-nodes from the following site:
Where is the problem?
Thanks for your help!
This is an error that happens pretty regularly with the Products API, but not because the BrowseNodeId does not exist. Rather, the API intermittently craps out and returns this error. If you run it again, it will probably return the node correctly.
The way I have gotten around this limitation is to wrap the call in retry code.
I tried running this BrowseNodeId, and indeed, it is invalid. The BrowseNodeIds change regularly, and because this is a german browse node you may not be able to access it from the US.
However, according to this, your BrowseNode (Electronics, DE) should be available in the US:
You can test browse nodes at this url:
where $N is the browse node.