how can i test synchronize function in C++ - c++

i have a synchronize function that i want to test if it ends.
i want to be able to run code for X time, and if the time ends to continue.
here what i want:
bool flag = false;
flag = true;
is there a simple way to do this?

The link you posted gives me little insight on how that class would be used (maybe Microsoft is saving up bytes on sample code to pay for Ballmer's golden parachute next year?) so pardon me for completely ignoring it.
Something like this:
auto result = async(launch::async, my_sync_func_that_i_want_to_test);
future_status status = result.wait_for(chrono::milliseconds(100));
if (status == future_status::timeout)
cout << "Timed out" << endl;
if (status == future_status::ready)
cout << "Finished on time" << endl;
Need inclusion of the <future> and <chrono> headers.
If my_sync_func_that_i_want_to_test() never finishes you'll have another problem. The future object (result) will block until the thread launched by async() finishes. There's no portable way to recover from "killed/canceled/aborted" threads, so this will probably require some platform-specific code, even if you roll out your own async_that_detaches_the_thread() (which is not hard to find, here's one example).


C++ condition variable with no time out

Recently, I met a problem which is related with condition variable in C++. The code is shown below :
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mutex;
int main(){
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> uniqueLock(mutex);
while (true)
if(cv.wait_for(uniqueLock, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)) == std::cv_status::no_timeout)
std::cout << "has image" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "time out " << std::endl;
return 0;
The goal of this code is that : each time when condition variable is notified in another thread (cv.notify()), it show "has image " in the console, and if it can not be notified more than 1000 milliseconds, it shows "time out".
So the theoretical output of the above code is (because the condition variable is not notified) :
time out
time out
time out
time out
But when i execute this code in the Vs2015, I found that the output is strange:
has image
time out
has image
time out
time out
time out
has image
has image
time out
time out
time out
time out
time out
has image
has image
I would like to know why i have this output and how can i achieve my goal
Thanks !
I don't know what the cause of your error is (but there are some plausible explanations in the comments). However, one way to fix your issue is to use the other overload of wait_for, which includes a predicate.
It could look something like this (hasImage is just a bool here, replace it with something that makes sense for your needs - !imageStorage.empty() or similar):
while (true)
if (cv.wait_for(uniqueLock, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000), []() {return hasImage;}))
std::cout << "has image" << std::endl;
hasImage = false;
std::cout << "time out " << std::endl;
The pertinent point is that the predicate checks if there actually is a new image, and if there isn't then it should continue to wait.
One limitation with this method is that, if the predicate returns false (no image), then you don't know if the condition variable woke due to a spurious wakeup, a timeout, or if there actually was an image but another thread just took it away before this one woke up. But if that is something your design can handle, then this variation works very well.

C++ SQLite Serialized Mode Questions

I have been through Quite a few pages, and have an ok Idea of whats happening it think, but I have a few Questions just to be sure....
my program uses the -DTHREADSAFE=1 compile options, forks on receiving a database request (Select, Delete, Insert, Update) from a user or my network, then the child process handles the various database tasks, and relaying of messages should that be required and so on,
at the moment my database is not setup for concurrency which I wont lie is a major design flaw, but that's beside the point at the moment, let's say I have a function that prints all the entries in my table LEDGER as follows...
void PersonalDataBase::printAllEntries()
//get all entries
const char query [] = "select * from LEDGER";
sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
int error
if ((error = sqlite3_prepare(publicDB, query, -1, &stmt, 0 )) == SQLITE_OK)
int ctotal = sqlite3_column_count(stmt);
int res = 0;
while ( 1 )
res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
if ( res == SQLITE_ROW )
Entry *temp = loadBlockRow(stmt);
string from, to;
from = getNameForHash(temp -> from);
to = getNameForHash(temp -> to);
temp -> setFromOrTo(from, 0);
temp -> setFromOrTo(to, 1);
temp -> printEntry();
delete temp;
else if ( res == SQLITE_DONE || res==SQLITE_ERROR)
if (res == SQLITE_ERROR) { throw res; }
throw error;
catch (int err)
cout << "Database Error: " << sqlite3_errmsg(publicDB) << ", Error Code: " << (int) error << endl;
cout << "Did Not Find Values Try Again After Fixing Problems Above." << endl;
my setupOutput(), printlnEnd(), println(), all help with my use of 'non-blocking' keyboard i/o, they work as I want lets not worry about them here, and think of them as just a call to cout
ok so now at this point I figure there are 4 options...
A while around my try/catch, then in catch check if err = 5, if so I need to setup a sqlite3_busy_handler and have it wait for whatever is blocking the current operation (once it returns SQLITE_OK and have cleaned up all my old variables I reiterate through the while/try again), now as only one of these can be setup at a time, let's say for instance Child1 is doing a large write and child2 and child3 are trying to say read and update concurrently on top of the first child's write, so if a SQLITE_BUSY is returned by this function I print out an error, then restart my while loop (restarting the function), of course after I have finalized my old statement, and cleared up any local objects that may have been created, if this a correct line of thinking?
Should I setup a recursive mutex, say screw it to SQLites own locking mechanism, set it up to be shared across processes then only allow one operation on a database at a time? for using my app on a small scale this doesn't seem to bad of an option, however I'm reading a lot of warnings on using a recursive mutex and am wondering if this is is the best option, as many posts say handle mutual exclusion yourself. however then I cannot have concurrent reads, which is a bit of a pain
Use option 1 but instead of using the SQLite busy handler, just call usleep on a random number, clean up data, and restart while?
before/after any function involving my database use sqlite3_exec() with "BEGIN IMMEDIATE"/"COMMIT" respectively, Locking the database for the duration of the code in between those 2 statements. So that nothing enclosed within can(or at least should) return SQLITE_BUSY, then if my "BEGIN IMMEDIATE" returns BUSY (it should be the only one so long as everything is set up correctly), I use the sqlite3_busy_handler which honestly, if only one process can use it at a time seems annoying... or a random number with usleep(), (presumably at this number is rather large 1mil = 1 second the chance of overlap between 1-20 processes is pretty slim) so each process will constantly try to re lock the database at random intervals for their own purposes
Is there a better way? or which one of these is best?
SQLite's internal busy handler (installed with sqlite3_busy_timeout()) already sleeps a more-or-less random number of times; there is no need to write your own handler.
Using your own locking mechanism would be more efficient than random waiting, but only if you have reader/writer locks.
BEGIN or BEGIN IMMEDIATE ensure that no other statement in the same transaction can run into a lock, but only if IMMEDIATE is used for transactions that write.
To allow concurrent readers and writers, consider using WAL mode. (But this does not allow multiple writers either.)

boost thread and try_join_for gives different output each time

Suppose that I have the following code:
#include <boost/chrono.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
boost::thread thd([]{ std::cout << "str \n"; });
if (thd.try_join_for(boost::chrono::nanoseconds(1)))
std::cout << "Finished \n";
std::cout << "Running \n";
MSVC-12.0 and boost 1.55 gives me the different output each time when I start this program. For example,
When I change boost::chrono::nanoseconds to boost::chrono::microseconds the output is looks as expected.
Why? What am I doing wrong? Is it a bug in boost library? Is there a ticket about in in boost bug tracker?
Thanks in advance.
Your program simply has a race, most probably due to the fact that 1 nanosecond is awfully short.
try_join_for is implemented by calling try_join_until, a function that will attempt joining until a certain timepoint has been reached:
// I stripped some unrelated template stuff from the code
// to make it more readable
bool try_join_for(const chrono::duration& rel_time)
return try_join_until(chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time);
bool try_join_until(const chrono::time_point& t)
system_clock::time_point s_now = system_clock::now();
bool joined= false;
do {
Clock::duration d = ceil<nanoseconds>(t-Clock::now());
if (d <= Clock::duration::zero())
return false; // in case the Clock::time_point t is already reached
// only here we attempt to join for the first time:
joined = try_join_until(s_now + d);
} while (! joined);
return true;
The problem is now that try_join_until will check whether the requested time_point has been reached before attempting the join. As you can see, it needs to perform two other calls to clock::now() and some computation to compare the obtained values to the deadline given by the user. This may or may not be completed before the clock jumps beyond your given 1 nanosecond deadline, resulting in the unpredictability of the output.
Be aware that in general timing dependent code like this is fragile. Even with timeouts in the order of milliseconds, if you get preempted at a bad point during execution and there is a high load on the CPU, you might miss a deadline in rare cases. So be sure to always chose your deadlines carefully and never make assumptions that a deadline will be big enough in all possible cases.
What is wrong with just calling .join()? If you insist you can check before you join:
#include <boost/chrono.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
boost::thread thd([]{ std::cout << "str\n"; });
if (thd.joinable())
Note that the behaviour is Undefined anyway if you fail to join a thread before program exit. Use
condition variables or
to signal job completion if that's what you were trying to monitor.

C++: How Can I keep my program (output console) alive

I am writing a simple program (my 1st program) to display the laptop battery, however, I would like to keep it active to monitor the battery %.:
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (GetSystemPowerStatus(&spsPwr)) {
cout << "\nAC Status : " << static_cast<double>(spsPwr.ACLineStatus)
<< "\nBattery Status : " << static_cast<double>(spsPwr.BatteryFlag)
<< "\nBattery Life % : " << static_cast<double>(spsPwr.BatteryLifePercent)
<< endl;
goto id;
return 0;
else return 1;
using goto seems to be a bad idea as the CPU utilization jump to 99% ! :(, I am sure this is not the right way to do it.
Any suggestion?
while (true) {
// do the stuff
::Sleep(2000); // suspend thread to 2 sec
(you are on Windows according to the API function)
see: Sleep
First of all, the issue you are asking about: of course you get 100% CPU usage, since you're asking the computer to try and get and print the power status of the computer as fast it possibly can. And since computers will happily do what you tell them to, well... you know what happens next.
As others have said, the solution is to use an API that will instruct your application to go to sleep. In Windows, which appears to be your platform of choice, that API is Sleep:
// Sleep for around 1000 milliseconds - it may be slightly more since Windows
// is not a hard real-time operating system.
Second, please do not use goto. There are looping constructs in C and you should use them. I'm not fundamentally opposed to goto (in fact, in my kernel-driver programming days I used it quite frequently) but I am opposed to seeing it used when better alternatives are available. In this case the better alternative is a while loop.
Before I show you that let me point out another issue: DO NOT USE THE system function.
Why? The system function executes the command passed to it; on Windows it happens to execute inside the context of the command interpreter (cmd.exe) which supports and internal command called cls which happens to clear the screen. At least on your system. But yours isn't the only system in the world. On some other system, there might be a program called cls.exe which would get executed instead, and who knows what that would do? It could clear the screen, or it could format the hard drive. So please, don't use the system function. It's almost always the wrong thing to do. If you find yourself looking for that command stop and think about what you're doing and whether you need to do it.
So, you may ask, how do I clear the screen if I can't use system("cls")? There's a way to do it which should be portable across various operating systems:
int main(int, char **)
while (GetSystemPowerStatus(&spsPwr))
std::string status = "unknown";
if (spsPwr.ACLineStatus == 0)
status = "offline";
else if (spsPwr.ACLineStatus == 1)
status = "online";
// The percent of battery life left is returned as a value
// between 0 and 255 so we normalize it by multiplying it
// by 100.0 and dividing by 255.0 which is ~0.39.
std::cout << "Current Status: " << status << " ("
<< static_cast<int>(spsPwr.BatteryFlag) << "): "
<< 0.39 * static_cast<int>(spsPwr.BatteryLifePercent)
<< "% of battery remaining.\r" << std::flush;
// Sleep for around 1000 milliseconds - it may be slightly more
// since Windows is not a hard real-time operating system.
// Print a new line before exiting.
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
What this does is print the information in a single line, then move back to the beginning of that line, sleep for around one second and then write the next line, overwriting what was previously there.
If the new line you write is shorter than the previous line, you may see some visual artifacts. Removing them should not be difficult but I'll leave it for you as an exercise. Here's a hint: what happens if you output a space where a letter used to be?
In order to do this across lines, you will need to use more advanced techniques to manipulate the console, and this exercise becomes a lot trickier.
You are having 100% CPU usage because your program is always running.
I don't want to get into details, and given that this is your first program, I'll recommend to put a call to usleep before the goto.
And, of course, avoid goto, use a proper loop instead.
int milliseconds2wait = 3000;
while (!flag_exit) {
// code
usleep( 1000 * milliseconds2wait )
Update: This is windows, use Sleep instead of usleep:
Sleep( milliseconds2wait );

semop() failing at failing

I'm trying to write a program in C++, compiled in GCC 4.6.1 on Ubuntu 11.10, and the IPC is giving me a hard time. To demonstrate, here's my code for signaling a semaphore, with semid and semnum already supplied:
struct sembuf x;
x.sem_num = semnum;
x.sem_op = 1;
x.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
int old_value = semctl(semid, 0, GETVAL);
if(semop(semid, &x, 1) < 0)
std::cerr << "semaphore failed to signal" << std::endl;
else if(semctl(semid, 0, GETVAL) == old_value)
std::cerr << "signal returned OK, but didn't work" << std::endl;
The code for "wait" is similar; the main difference, of course, is that sem_op is set to -1. Sometimes I get the first error message here, but as often as not I get the second, which makes no sense at all to me. The first, I imagine I could hunt for an error code (though I'm not sure if that depends on C++11 features I'm not supposed to use), but I've got no idea how to even begin addressing the second. Rebooting didn't work. GDB isn't being much help, especially when "next" and "step" seem to jump around back and forth instead of going forward in sequence.