Ember Data Sync - LocalStorage+REST+RealTime+Online/Offline - ember.js

We have a combination of requirements in terms o data access.
Pre-load some reference data.
We need reference data to survive browser restarts instead of just living in memory to avoid loading it all the time. I'm currently using the LocalStorageAdapter for that.
Once we have it, we would like to sync changes (polling or using Socket.IO in the background and updating the LocalStorage could do the trick)
There're other models that are more transactional, where we would need to directly go to the Server and get/save them. It would be nice to use something like the RESTAdapter for that.
Lastly, there're some operations that should work off-line and changes should be synced later.
To make it more concrete:
We pre-load vendor and "favorite products" into Local Storage. We work offline with those.
We need to sync server changes to vendor and product information.
If they search the full catalog, that requires them to be online.
When offline, we need to allow users to add something to their cart or even submit and order. We would like to queue this action and submit it when they have an Internet Connection.
So a few questions are derived from this:
Is there a way to user RESTAdapter in combination with LocalStorage?
Is there some Socket.IO support? (Happy to do this part manually)
Is there Queueing support? Ideally at the Ember-Data level.
I know we will have to do a lot of this manually and pull together the different lego pieces, but I wanted to ask for some perspective from experience Ember devs.

You definitely can do this. Like you said you're going to need to do a lot of lego pieces to put it all together.
You'll need to take the RESTAdapter and LSAdapter and create a hybrid. We've done something a little similar at my work, but it only goes one way (from server to client, not reverse).
That being said, I'd just like to pose a few questions:
How much do you plan on storing in localStorage, and do you have an eviction plan in place? Local Storage is generally small for most browsers, though the implementation is the same across most browsers (not implemented until IE8). IndexedDB gives you a much larger chunk of space, though implementation isn't available until later versions of IE.
Depending on performance needs, I'd recommend storing localStorage first, then attempting to persist to the server, if that works pop from localStorage, if it doesn't leave it in there for your adapter to attempt at a later date. (I'd look into using Ember's schedule or scheduleOnce or a slew of other convenient helpers that work within the run loop, http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.run.html#method_schedule).
Called by the store when a newly created record is
It serializes the record, and `POST`s it to a URL generated by `buildURL`.
See `serialize` for information on how to customize the serialized form
of a record.
createRecord: function(store, type, record) {
var data = {};
var serializer = store.serializerFor(type.typeKey);
serializer.serializeIntoHash(data, type, record, { includeId: true });
// build up a model that knows the url, the method, and the data to post
// store it to local storage in some queue to save
// schedule it to save to server later, keep track of the record since you'll
// need to update the record with new information later that could come down
// from the server
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(type.typeKey), "POST", { data: data });
Honestly I think the most difficult thing you might experience will be how you handle ids when you don't really save it to the server. Good luck


REST API - Update of single resource changes multiple others

I'm looking for a way how to deal with a following problem:
Imagine you modify a resource and that subsequently causes update of other resources.
E.g. you issue a PUT to, say /api/orders/1234, which by definition changes state of all other Orders of given user. There may be UI clients that display the table of Orders and they should know that not only single item in the table was updated, but eventually other as well.
Now, is there any standard way how inform a clients about such a situation?
So far I can only think of sending back the 205 Reset Content HTTP status code to inform the client that he should refresh the state, as not just a single thing was changed.
There are multiple solutions.
You can define specific resources as non-cacheable, so the client does not cache them at all. (no-store)
You can try giving a max-age of 0, so the client will have to re-validate those resources always. In this case you might have to implement ETags and conditional GETs, but it will be easier on the server than option 1.
Some push method like WebSockets.
If you really want to "notify" potentially multiple clients of a change, then it sounds like you would need option 3.
However, correctly configured caching is normally good enough. For example you could mark not-yet-executed orders as not cached (max-age=0), but as soon as it is executed, you might mark it to be cached indefinitely, since it can not change anymore.

How do you perform service-oriented parent-child transactions?

A SalesOrder is composed of a SalesOrderHeader and one or more SalesOrderItems. When editing an existing SalesOrder, the SalesOrderHeader can be modified and SalesOrderItems can be added, modified and deleted. All changes must be saved in a single transaction. Multiple users may edit the SalesOrder at the same time with optimistic concurrency.
I believe that the requirement to have the save done in a single transaction encourages us to communicate both the SaleOrderHeader and the SalesOrderItems in a single service call. The implication of packaging up the child data with its parent is that there will need to be some understanding as to whether the child data is added, modified or deleted.
Change tracking of the child entities can happen either on the server or on the client.
Change tracking on the server
The idea with this strategy is that the client can modify the SalesOrder to its will without tracking which SalesOrderItems are added, modified or deleted. The state of the SalesOrderItems will be determined on the server when the save service is called.
The server should remain stateless between service calls. This means that the server can’t retain any information about the state of the SalesOrder between its retrieval and its eventual save. The only option left if for the server to determine the state of its entities by comparing the modified object graph to the database object graph.
With nHibernate, there is a merge function to accomplish this. With Entity framework, the highest voted feature request is to have this added. There’s also an open source implementation of this for EF called GraphDiff.
This sounds great in theory because it makes the services very easy to design and use. However, I see two major issues with this strategy. The first is performance. The entire object graph must be sent back on every save. Whether or not a SalesOrderItem was modified, it must be sent back or the server will assume it’s been deleted. The second problem is even more critical and it has to do with concurrency. If User 1 adds a SalesOrderItem to a SalesOrder and User 2 makes a change to the same SalesOrder, when User 2 saves the server will assume that the SalesOrderItem added by User 1 should be deleted because it was not included in User 2’s object graph. I don’t see a way this can be prevented in any implementation of server side change tracking.
Change tracking on the client
The alternative is to have the client track changes to its entities and communicate that state when calling the save service. One benefit is that the client does not need to send its unchanged child entities. This helps with performance. A downside is that all entities will need an additional property named something along the lines of “ObjectState” to track whether it’s added, modified or deleted. This makes the entity models on the server quite messy and filled with concerns unrelated to the business domain. This also puts onus on the different consumers of the service to maintain this state. Another problem is that it becomes difficult to deal with deleted entities. Should the SalesOrderHeader maintain a list of deleted SalesOrderItems? or should the SalesOrderItems get assigned a state of deleted which must be filtered out by the client UI?
I know that breeze javascript library has its own implementation of client-side entity tracking but my concern is that its implementation requires both client-side and server-side components. Shouldn't the service layer isolate which technology we use on either side? What if non-javascript clients want to use my services?
I would think this is a common scenario that should be addressed by the majority of service implementations. Have I made any incorrect assumptions or am I doing anything out or the ordinary? What strategy have you implemented? Are there any reasonable alternatives?
Full disclosure: I work with Breeze, and I think change tracking on the client is the way to go. Change tracking on the client allows stateless servers, reduces traffic between the client and server, and allows offline use.
In Breeze, the "ObjectState" that you mention is called the EntityAspect, and each entity has one, but it is not part of the domain model. The server-side entities don't need an EntityAspect, but the server-side service has to know how to handle the entity state information that comes from the client.
Basically, the service needs to create, update, or delete entities based on the information coming from the client. There are existing server-side backends for Breeze that do all this already (in .NET (EF and NHibernate), Java, PHP, Node, and Ruby), but you can also write your own. Your server just needs to know how to talk to the client.
Let's say we've updated a SalesOrder and added a new SalesOrderItem. The Breeze client sends a save bundle that looks something like this:
"entities": [
"Id": 123,
"Title": "My Updated Title",
"OrderDate": "2014-08-03T07:00:00.000Z",
"entityAspect": {
"entityTypeName": "SalesOrder:#My.DomainModel",
"entityState": "Modified",
"originalValuesMap": {
"Title": "My Original Title"
"autoGeneratedKey": {
"propertyName": "Id",
"autoGeneratedKeyType": "Identity"
"Id": -1,
"SalesOrderId": 123,
"ProductId": 456,
"Quantity": 11,
"entityAspect": {
"entityTypeName": "SalesOrderItem:#My.DomainModel",
"entityState": "Added",
"originalValuesMap": {
"autoGeneratedKey": {
"propertyName": "Id",
"autoGeneratedKeyType": "Identity"
Here, SalesOrder with Id# 123 has been modified (its Title has been changed). The entityAspect includes the originalValuesMap which shows what the previous Title was.
The server would need to update the existing SalesOrder with the new value. Whether the server needs to query the existing SalesOrder from the database before applying the changes is implementation-dependent.
A new SalesOrderItem has been added. A temporary Id, -1, was created for it on the client. The server needs to create and persist a new SalesOrderItem and generate a real Id for it.
The response from the server should contain the entities that were created and updated, and KeyMapping information that shows what server-generated keys map to the temporary client-side keys, so that the client can replace them.
Change tracking is not a simple problem, but Breeze tries to do the hard parts for you.
I'd like to piggy back on Steve's answer.
We should be clear: the onus for implementing the Order-graph (AKA "Order aggregate") transaction in a relational data model falls on the developer. BreezeJS (and Breeze helpers for .NET servers) can facilitate but you have to make it work.
The key to making this work is including the root element of the aggregate - the Order - in all changes to any entity within the aggregate. If you add, delete, or modify an OrderItem, make sure you modify the Order at the same time .
How? By bumping the Order's concurrency property (e.g, the rowVersion) and making sure that Breeze KNOWS this is your concurrency property.
You must implement root entity optimistic concurrency if you want to ensure Order aggregate consistency.
Now you can detect if someone else has made a change to any part of the Order aggregate. That could be a change to the Order or an add/mod/delete of one of its OrderItems.
You do not have to include all OrderItems in the change-set when you save a changed Order aggregate. You only need to include the OrderItems that are added/modified/deleted.
Of course some other user may make a change to the Order aggregate before you save yours. When you try to save yours, the save will fail with an optimistic concurrency error.
Upon detecting an optimistic concurrency error for an Order, make sure the client removes the entire order aggregate from cache - the Order and all of its OrderItems - and then re-fetch the aggregate Don't just re-fetch the root Order entity and start messing with its items. Make sure you remove the entire aggregate from cache and then re-fetch it (the order and its items).
If everyone follows this protocol you'll be in fine shape on the server.

Sharing data across Sitecore pipelines

I´m trying to perform some actions in the pipeline "httpRequestBegin" only when necessary.
My processor is executed after Sitecore resolves the user (processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.UserResolver, Sitecore.Kernel" ), as i´m resolving the user too if Sitecore is not able to resolve it first.
Later, i want to add some rendering in the pipeline "insertRenderings", only if actions in the previous pipeline were executed (If i resolved the user, show a message), so i´m trying to save some "flag" in the first step, to check in the second.
My question is, where can I store that flag? I´m trying to find some kind of "per request" cache...
So far, I've tried:
The session: Wrong, it's too early, session doesn't exists yet.
Items (HttpContext.Current.Items): It doesn't work either, my item is not there on the seconds step.
So far i'm using the application cache (HttpContext.Current.Cache) with some unique key, but I don´t like this solution.
Anybody body knows a better approach to share this "flag"?
You could add a flag to the request header and then check it's existence in the latter pipelines, e.g.
// in HttpRequest pipeline
HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Add("CustomUserResolve", "true");
// in InsertRenderings pipeline
var customUserResolve = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["CustomUserResolve"];
if (Sitecore.MainUtil.GetBool(customUserResolve, false))
// custom logic goes here
This feels a little dirty, I think adding to Request.QueryString or Request.Params would been nicer but those are readonly. However, if you only need this for a one time deal (i.e. only the first time it is resolved) then it will work since in the next request the Headers are back to default without your custom header added.
HttpContext.Current.Cache or HttpRuntime.Cache could be the fastest solution here. Though this approach would not preserve data when the AppPool gets recycled.
If you add only a few keys to the cache and then maintain them, this solution might work for you. If each request puts an entry into the cache, it may eventually overflow the memory used by worker process in a long run.
As alternative to this you may try to use Sitecore.Context.ClientData property. It uses ClientDataStore that employs a database (look for clientDataStore section in the web.config file) to store data. These entries can survive the AppPool recycle.
Though if you use them a lot, it may become a bottleneck under the load when you need to write to and/or read from the entries.
If you do know that there could be a lot of entries created for sharing purposes, I'd create a scheduled task to clean up the data store from obsolete entries.
I know this is a very old question, but I just want post solution I worked around
Below will hold data per http request basis.
HttpContext.Current.Items["ModuleInfo"] = "Custom Module Info"
we can store data to httpcontext in one sitecore pipeline and retrieve in another...

DJANGO persistant site wide memory

I am new to Django, and probably using it in a way thats not normal.
That said, I would like to find a way to have site wide memory.
To Explain.
I have a very simple setup where one compter will make posts to the site every few seconds.
I want this data to be saved off somewhere.
I want everyone who is viewing the webpage to see updates based on this data in near real time via some javascript.
So using the sample code below.
Computer A would do a post to set_data and set data to "data set"
Computer B,C,D,etc.... would then do a get to get_data and see "data set"
Unfortunatly B,C,D just see ""
I have a feeling what i need is memcached, but I am on a hostgator shared server and cannot install that. In the meantime I am just writing them to files. This works but is really inneficient, and I am hopeing to serve a large user base.
Thanks for any help.
def set_data(request):
data = request.POST['data']
return HttpResponse("");
def get_data(request):
return HttpResponse(data);
memcached is lossy, hence doesn't fulfil "persistent".
Files are fine, but switch to accessing them via mmap.
Persistent storage is also called database (although for some cases Django's cache backend might work as well). Don't ever try to use global variables in web development.
Whether you should use a Django model or the cache backend really depends on your use case, but you just described a contrived example (or does your web app consist of a getter and a setter?).

Save data through a web service using NHibernate?

We currently have an application that retrieves data from the server through a web service and populates a DataSet. Then the users of the API manipulate it through the objects which in turn change the dataset. The changes are then serialized, compressed and sent back to the server to get updated.
However, I have begin using NHibernate within projects and I really like the disconnected nature of the POCO objects. The problem we have now is that our objects are so tied to the internal DataSet that they cannot be used in many situations and we end up making duplicate POCO objects to pass back and forth.
Batch.GetBatch() -> calls to web server and populates an internal dataset
Batch.SaveBatch() -> send changes to web server from dataset
Is there a way to achieve a similar model that we are using which all database access occurs through a web service but use NHibernate?
Edit 1
I have a partial solution that is working and persisting through a web service but it has two problems.
I have to serialize and send my whole collection and not just changed items
If I try to repopulate the collection upon return my objects then any references I had are lost.
Here is my example solution.
Client Side
public IList<Job> GetAll()
return coreWebService
public IList<Job> Save(IList<Job> Jobs)
return coreWebService
Server Side
public byte[] GetJobs()
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
return (from j in session.Linq<Job>()
select j).ToList().BinarySerialize();
public byte[] Save(byte[] JobBytes)
var Jobs = JobBytes.BinaryDeserialize<IList<Job>>();
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
foreach (var job in Jobs)
return Jobs.BinarySerialize();
As you can see I am sending the whole collection to the server each time and then returning the whole collection. But I'm getting a replaced collection instead of a merged/updated collection. Not to mention the fact that it seems highly inefficient to send all the data back and forth when only part of it could be changed.
Edit 2
I have seen several references on the web for almost a transparent persistent mechanism. I'm not exactly sure if these will work and most of them look highly experimental.
ADO.NET Data Services w/NHibernate (Ayende)
ADO.NET Data Services w/NHibernate (Wildermuth)
Custom Lazy-loadable Business Collections with NHibernate
NHibernate and WCF is Not a Perfect Match
Spring.NET, NHibernate, WCF Services and Lazy Initialization
How to use NHibernate Lazy Initializing Proxies with Web Services or WCF
I'm having a hard time finding a replacement for the DataSet model we are using today. The reason I want to get away from that model is because it takes a lot of work to tie every property of every class to a row/cell of a dataset. Then it also tightly couples all of my classes together.
I've only taken a cursory look at your question, so forgive me if my response is shortsighted but here goes:
I don't think you can logically get away from doing a mapping from domain object to DTO.
By using the domain objects over the wire you are tightly coupling your client and service, part of the reason to have a service in the first place is to promote loose coupling. So that's an immediate issue.
On top of that you're going to end up with a brittle domain logic interface where you can't make changes on the service side without breaking your client.
I suspect your best bet would be to implement a loosely coupled service which implements a REST / or some other loosely coupled interface. You could use a product such as automapper to make the conversions simpler and easier and also flatten data structures as necessary.
At this point I don't know of any way to really cut down the verbosity involved in doing the interface layers but having worked on large projects that didn't make the effort I can honestly tell you the savings wasn't worth it.
I think your issue revolves around this issue:
Are you or are you not going to send ORM-Entities over the wire?
Since you have a Services-Oriented architecture.. I (like the author) do not recommend this practice.
I use NHibernate. I call those ORM-Entities. They are THE POCO model. But they have "virtual" properties that allow for lazy-loading.
However, I also have some DTO-Objects. These are also POCO's. These do not have lazy'loading friendly properties.
So I do alot of "converting". I hydrate ORM-Entities (with NHibernate)...and then I end up converting them to Domain-DTO-Objects. Yes, it stinks in the beginning.
The server sends out the Domain-DTO-Objects's. There is NO lazy loading. I have to populate them with the "Goldie Locks" "just right" model. Aka, if I need Parent(s) with one level of children, I have to know that up front and send the Domain-DTO-Objects over that way, with just the right amount of hydration.
WHen I send back Domain-DTO-Objects's (from client to the server), I have to reverse the process. I convert the Domain-DTO-Objects into ORM-Entities. And allow NHibernate to work with the ORM-Entities.
Because the architecture is "disconnected", I do alot of (NHiberntae) ".Merge()" calls.
// ormItem is any NHibernate poco
using (ISession session = ISessionCreator.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
ParkingAreaNHEntity mergedItem = session.Merge(ormItem);
.Merge is a wonderful thing. Entity Framework does not have it. Boo.
Is this alot of setup? Yes.
Do I think it is perfect? No.
However. Because I send very basic DTO's(Poco's) that are not "flavored" to the ORM, I have the ability to switch ORM's without killing my contracts to the outside world.
My datalayer can be ADO.NET, EF, NHibernate, or anything. I have to write the "Converters" if I switch, and the ORM code, but everything else is isolated.
Many people argue with me. They said I'm doing too much, and the ORM-Entities are fine.
Again, I like to "now allow any lazy loading" appearances. And I prefer to have my data-layer isolated. My clients should not know or care about my data-layer/orm of choice.
There are just enough subtle differences (or some not so subtle ones) between EF and NHibernate to screwball the game plan.
Do my Domain-DTO-Objects's look 95% like my ORM-Entities? Yep. But its the 5% that can screwball you.
Moving from DataSets, especially if they are populated from stored-procedures with alot of biz-logic in the TSQL, isn't trivial. But now that I do object model, and I NEVER write a stored procedure that isn't simple CRUD functions, I'd never go back.
And I hate maintenance projects with voodoo TSQL in the stored procedures. It ain't 1999 anymore. Well, most places.
Good luck.
PS Without .Merge(in EF), here is what you have to do in a disconnected world: (boo microsoft)