Extract raw audio data from WAV files using libsndfile in C++ - c++

I am working on an application that will provide audio input to some device. The device expects the audio input to be provided in the form of raw audio data stream (16 bit, 48kHz). So, irrespective of the format of audio data in the wave file (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit etc.), I want to extract raw audio data from the WAV file. I planned to use libsndFile library for this purpose. I modified the C++ sample code of libsndfile as shown below:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <sndfile.hh>
static void create_file (const char * fname, int format, const short* buffer,const unsigned int& len)
// file ;
int channels = 1 ; //A Mono wave file.
int srate = 48000 ;
printf ("Creating file named '%s'\n", fname) ;
SndfileHandle file = SndfileHandle (fname, SFM_WRITE, format, channels, srate) ;
int x = file.write (buffer, len) ;
static void read_file (const char * fname)
SndfileHandle file ;
file = SndfileHandle (fname) ;
const unsigned int uiBuffLen = file.channels() * file.frames();
short* data = new short [uiBuffLen] ;
int x = file.command(SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ, (void*)data, uiBuffLen);
file.read (data, uiBuffLen) ; //Read the audio data in the form of 16 bit short integer
//Now create a new wave file with audio data in the form of 16 bit short integers
create_file ("ConvertedFile.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16,data, (const unsigned int&)uiBuffLen) ;
//Now fill a buffer containing audio data and dump it into a file so that the same can be fed to a device expecting the raw audio data
unsigned char* bytBuffer = new unsigned char[uiBuffLen*2];
memset(bytBuffer, 0x00, uiBuffLen*2);
file.readRaw(bytBuffer, uiBuffLen*2);
FILE * pFile;
pFile = fopen ("RawAudio.dat","w");
if (pFile!=NULL)
fwrite(bytBuffer, 1, uiBuffLen*2, pFile);
fclose (pFile);
delete [] data;
delete [] bytBuffer;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//The sample file is a Mono file containing audio data in float format.
const char * fname = "MonoWavFile.wav" ;
read_file (fname) ;
return 0;
Well, the above code might look horrible, but I am just looking for the idea at the moment. I use a file "MonoWaveFile.wav" which is a mono wave file and has audio data in the form of 32 bit float values.
I create a new file "ConvertedFile.wav" using the libsndfile library. This file has audio data in 16-bit PCM format. I play this file in a media player and I see that the conversion has been done properly.
Then I create another file "RawAudio.dat" to save only the audio data, which I can use to feed the audio input to the device. The file is created and when I send it to the device, the audio is not proper at all. This indicates that I am doing somthing horribly wrong. Can any one let me know what wrong I am doing? I have never worked on anything like this before, so I will appreciate if I get any sort of help.

I used sf_open_virtual.
I made another buffer which I have filled using sf_open_virtual. Then I used this "another buffer" to feed RTP packets.
So I guess this is what you need.
I have problems making it the other directions from RTP packet to file.
// Name : libsndfile_demo.cpp
// Author :
// Version :
// Copyright : Your copyright notice
// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include "sndfile.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
typedef struct
{ sf_count_t offset, length ;
unsigned char data [160] ;
FILE *checker;
const void* old_ptr = NULL;
static sf_count_t vfget_filelen (void *user_data)
VIO_DATA *vf = (VIO_DATA *) user_data ;
return vf->length ;
} /* vfget_filelen */
static sf_count_t vfseek (sf_count_t offset, int whence, void *user_data)
VIO_DATA *vf = (VIO_DATA *) user_data ;
switch (whence)
{ case SEEK_SET :
vf->offset = offset ;
break ;
case SEEK_CUR :
vf->offset = vf->offset + offset ;
break ;
case SEEK_END :
vf->offset = vf->length + offset ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} ;
return vf->offset ;
} /* vfseek */
static sf_count_t vfread (void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data)
VIO_DATA *vf = (VIO_DATA *) user_data ;
** This will brack badly for files over 2Gig in length, but
** is sufficient for testing.
if (vf->offset + count > vf->length)
count = vf->length - vf->offset ;
memcpy (ptr, vf->data + vf->offset, count) ;
vf->offset += count ;
return count ;
} /* vfread */
static sf_count_t vfwrite (const void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data)
static int skip = 0;
//TODO: Why this is working ?!?!?!
if (skip < 1)
return count;
//SendTo RTP packetizer instead of writing to file
fwrite(ptr, count, 1, checker);
return count ;
} /* vfwrite */
static sf_count_t vftell (void *user_data)
VIO_DATA *vf = (VIO_DATA *) user_data ;
return vf->offset ;
} /* vftell */
int main()
SF_INFO writing_sfinfo;
writing_sfinfo.channels = 1;
writing_sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_GSM610;
writing_sfinfo.samplerate = 8000;
assert(true == sf_format_check(&writing_sfinfo));
SF_INFO reading_sfinfo;
memset(&reading_sfinfo, 0, sizeof(reading_sfinfo));
SNDFILE *input = sf_open("/home/georgi/Downloads/thank_you_60.PCMA", SFM_READ, &reading_sfinfo);
checker = fopen("/home/georgi/Downloads/checker.wav", "w+");
short file_data[reading_sfinfo.channels * 160];
int read_frames = 0;
// Set up pointers to the locally defined functions.
vio.get_filelen = vfget_filelen ;
vio.seek = vfseek ;
vio.read = vfread ;
vio.write = vfwrite ;
vio.tell = vftell ;
VIO_DATA vio_data ;
// Set virtual file offset and length to zero.
vio_data.offset = 0 ;
vio_data.length = 0 ;
SNDFILE *virt_file = sf_open_virtual (&vio, SFM_WRITE, &writing_sfinfo, &vio_data);
int old_length = 0;
while ((read_frames = sf_readf_short(input, file_data, 160)))
sf_writef_short(virt_file, file_data, read_frames);
return 0;


Using zlib1.2.7 uncompress gzip data,how to get the files' name in the compression package

Using zlib version 1.2.7 uncompress gzip data, but I couldn't know how to get the files' name in the compression package, or some one you are extracting.The method I find,it looks like read all data to buffer, and then return it.
like this:
int gzdecompress(Byte *zdata, uLong nzdata, Byte *data, uLong *ndata)
int err = 0;
z_stream d_stream = {0}; /* decompression stream */
static char dummy_head[2] = {
0x8 + 0x7 * 0x10,
(((0x8 + 0x7 * 0x10) * 0x100 + 30) / 31 * 31) & 0xFF,
d_stream.zalloc = NULL;
d_stream.zfree = NULL;
d_stream.opaque = NULL;
d_stream.next_in = zdata;
d_stream.avail_in = 0;
d_stream.next_out = data;
//only set value "MAX_WBITS + 16" could be Uncompress file that have header or trailer text
if(inflateInit2(&d_stream, MAX_WBITS + 16) != Z_OK) return -1;
while(d_stream.total_out < *ndata && d_stream.total_in < nzdata) {
d_stream.avail_in = d_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
if((err = inflate(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH)) == Z_STREAM_END) break;
if(err != Z_OK) {
if(err == Z_DATA_ERROR) {
d_stream.next_in = (Bytef*) dummy_head;
d_stream.avail_in = sizeof(dummy_head);
if((err = inflate(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH)) != Z_OK) {
return -1;
} else return -1;
if(inflateEnd(&d_stream) != Z_OK) return -1;
*ndata = d_stream.total_out;
return 0;
Using Example:
// file you want to extract
filename = "D:\\gzfile";
// read file to buffer
ifstream infile(filename, ios::binary);
cerr<<"open error!"<<endl;
int begin = infile.tellg();
int end = begin;
int FileSize = 0;
end = infile.tellg();
FileSize = end - begin;
char* buffer_bin = new char[FileSize];
char buffer_bin2 = new char[FileSize * 2];
for(int i=0;i<FileSize;i++)
infile.close( );
// uncompress
uLong ts = (FileSize * 2);
gzdecompress((Byte*)buffer_bin, FileSize, (Byte*)buffer_bin2, &ts);
Array "buffer_bin2" get the extracted data.Attribute "ts" is the data length.
The question is, I don't know what is it name, is there only one file.How can I get the infomation?
Your question is not at all clear, but if you are trying to get the file name that is stored in the gzip header, then it would behoove you to read the zlib documentation in zlib.h. In fact that would be good idea if you plan to use zlib in any capacity.
In the documentation, you will find that the inflate...() functions will decompress gzip data, and that there is an inflateGetHeader() function that will return the gzip header contents.
Note that when gzip decompresses a .gz file, it doesn't even look at the name in the header, unless explicitly asked to. gzip will decompress to the name of the .gz file, e.g. foo.gz becomes foo when decompressed, even if the gzip header says the name is bar. If you use gzip -dN foo.gz, then it will call it bar. It is not clear why you even care what the name in the gzip header is.

FFMPEG I/O output buffer

I'm currently having issues trying to encapsulate raw H264 nal packets into a mp4 container. Instead of writing them to disk however, I want to have the result stored in memory. I followed this approach Raw H264 frames in mpegts container using libavcodec but haven't been successful so far.
First, is this the right way to write to memory? I have a small struct in my header
struct IOOutput {
uint8_t* outBuffer;
int bytesSet;
where I initialize the buffer and bytesset. I then initialize my AVIOContext variable
AVIOContext* pIOCtx = avio_alloc_context(pBuffer, iBufSize, 1, outptr, NULL, write_packet, NULL);
where outptr is a void pointer to IOOutput output, and write_packet looks like the following
int write_packet (void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) {
IOOutput* out = reinterpret_cast<IOOutput*>(opaque);
memcpy(out->outBuffer+out->bytesSet, buf, buf_size);
return buf_size;
I then set
fc->pb = pIOCtx;
on my AVFormatContext *fc variable.
Then, whenever I encode the nal packets I have from a frame, I write them to the AVFormatContext via av_interleaved_write_frame and then get the mp4 contents via
void getBufferContent(char* buffer) {
memcpy(buffer, output.outBuffer, output.bytesSet);
and thus reset the variable bytesSet, so during the next writing operation bytes will be inserted at the start of the buffer. Is there a better way to do this? Is this actually a valid way to do it? Does FFMPEG do any reading operation if I only do call av_interleaved_write_frame and avformat_write_header in order to add packets?
Thank you very much in advance!
Here is the code regarding the muxing process - in my encode Function I have something like
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(obj->mEncoder, &obj->nals, &obj->i_nals, obj->pic_in, obj->pic_out);
int total_size=0;
for(int i=0; i<obj->i_nals;i++)
if ( !obj->fc ) {
obj->create( obj->nals[i].p_payload, obj->nals[i].i_payload );
if ( obj->fc ) {
obj->write_frame( obj->nals[i].p_payload, obj->nals[i].i_payload);
// Here I get the output values
int currentBufferSize = obj->output.bytesSet;
char* mem = new char[currentBufferSize];
And the create and write functions look like this
int create(void *p, int len) {
AVOutputFormat *of = av_guess_format( "mp4", 0, 0 );
fc = avformat_alloc_context();
// Add video stream
AVStream *pst = av_new_stream( fc, 0 );
vi = pst->index;
void* outptr = (void*) &output;
// Create Buffer
pIOCtx = avio_alloc_context(pBuffer, iBufSize, 1, outptr, NULL, write_packet, NULL);
fc->oformat = of;
fc->pb = pIOCtx;
pcc = pst->codec;
AVCodec c= {0};
avcodec_get_context_defaults3( pcc, &c );
pcc->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
pcc->codec_id = codec_id;
pcc->bit_rate = br;
pcc->width = w;
pcc->height = h;
pcc->time_base.num = 1;
pcc->time_base.den = fps;
void write_frame( const void* p, int len ) {
AVStream *pst = fc->streams[ vi ];
// Init packet
AVPacket pkt;
av_init_packet( &pkt );
pkt.flags |= ( 0 >= getVopType( p, len ) ) ? AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY : 0;
pkt.stream_index = pst->index;
pkt.data = (uint8_t*)p;
pkt.size = len;
pkt.dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
pkt.pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
av_interleaved_write_frame( fc, &pkt );
See the AVFormatContext.pb documentation. You set it correctly, but you shouldn't touch AVFormatContext.flags. Also, make sure you set it before calling avformat_write_header().
When you say "it doesn't work", what exactly doesn't work? Is the callback not invoked? Is the data in it not of the expected type/format? Something else? If all you want to do is write raw nal packets, then you could just take encoded data directly from the encoder (in the AVPacket), that's the raw nal data. If you use libx264's api directly, it even gives you each nal individually so you don't need to parse it.

Error reading .jpeg file using libjpeg

I am getting NULL pointer exception in the function jpeg_read_header() in following code while the input image file is successfully read by FILE object.
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void decode_frame(char *filename)
unsigned char* raw_image;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
unsigned long location = 0;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo ;
FILE *infile = fopen(filename, "rb" );
if (infile == NULL )
printf("Error opening jpeg file %s\n!", filename );
return -1;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
/* create decompressor */
/* this makes the library read from infile */
jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile );
/* read jpeg header */
jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
/* decompress */
/*allocate memory */
raw_image = (unsigned char*)malloc( cinfo.output_width*cinfo.output_height*cinfo.num_components );
/* now actually read the jpeg into the raw buffer */
row_pointer[0] = (unsigned char *)malloc( cinfo.output_width*cinfo.num_components );
/* read scanlines */
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
jpeg_read_scanlines( &cinfo, row_pointer, 1 );
for( int i=0; i < cinfo.image_width*cinfo.num_components;i++)
raw_image[location++] = row_pointer[0][i];
/* clean up */
fclose( infile );
free( row_pointer[0] );
int main(){
char *f = "Example.jpg";
return 0;
The value of cinfo alfter jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile ) function call is :
cinfo{err=0x0020f8fc mem=0x021cb320 progress=0x00000000 ...}
progress 0x00000000 {progress_monitor=??? pass_counter=??? pass_limit=??? ...}
client_data 0xcccccccc void *
is_decompressor 1
global_state 200
src 0x021c4480 {next_input_byte=0x00000000 <Bad Ptr> bytes_in_buffer=0 init_source=0x686ccb50 ...}
image_width 0
image_height 0
num_components 0
jpeg_color_space JCS_UNKNOWN
out_color_space JCS_UNKNOWN
scale_num 0
scale_denom 0
output_gamma 0.00000000000000000
buffered_image 0
raw_data_out 0
dct_method JDCT_ISLOW
Where I am getting wrong? This is the first time I am using image library.
The global state 200 means (according to libjpeg source code):
#define DSTATE_START 200 /* after create_decompress */
Calling jpeg_stdio_src has only for effect to prepare the decompressor structure, i.e it allocates the internal cinfo->src buffer and initialize other decompressor state.
In other words the JPEG file parsing has not yet started: so you have no problem here.
You need at least to execute jpeg_read_header to make sure the cinfo structure is filled with all metadata info (image_width, image_height, jpeg_color_space, etc). If something goes wrong at that step, this might be related to your JPEG file that might be broken (?).
Do you see something like Not a JPEG file printed on stderr?

Write to memory buffer instead of file with libjpeg?

I have found this function which uses libjpeg to write to a file:
int write_jpeg_file( char *filename )
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
/* this is a pointer to one row of image data */
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
FILE *outfile = fopen( filename, "wb" );
if ( !outfile )
printf("Error opening output jpeg file %s\n!", filename );
return -1;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error( &jerr );
jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, outfile);
/* Setting the parameters of the output file here */
cinfo.image_width = width;
cinfo.image_height = height;
cinfo.input_components = bytes_per_pixel;
cinfo.in_color_space = color_space;
/* default compression parameters, we shouldn't be worried about these */
jpeg_set_defaults( &cinfo );
/* Now do the compression .. */
jpeg_start_compress( &cinfo, TRUE );
/* like reading a file, this time write one row at a time */
while( cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height )
row_pointer[0] = &raw_image[ cinfo.next_scanline * cinfo.image_width * cinfo.input_components];
jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, row_pointer, 1 );
/* similar to read file, clean up after we're done compressing */
jpeg_finish_compress( &cinfo );
jpeg_destroy_compress( &cinfo );
fclose( outfile );
/* success code is 1! */
return 1;
I would actually need to write the jpeg compressed image just to memory buffer, without saving it to a file, to save time. Could somebody give me an example how to do it?
I have been searching the web for a while but the documentation is very rare if any and examples are also difficult to come by.
You can define your own destination manager quite easily. The jpeg_compress_struct contains a pointer to a jpeg_destination_mgr, which contains a pointer to a buffer, a count of space left in the buffer, and 3 pointers to functions:
init_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
empty_output_buffer (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
term_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
You need to fill in the function pointers before you make the first call into the jpeg library, and let those functions handle the buffer. If you create a buffer that is larger than the largest possible output that you expect, this becomes trivial; init_destination just fills in the buffer pointer and count, and empty_output_buffer and term_destination do nothing.
Here's some sample code:
std::vector<JOCTET> my_buffer;
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16384
void my_init_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
cinfo->dest->next_output_byte = &my_buffer[0];
cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer = my_buffer.size();
boolean my_empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
size_t oldsize = my_buffer.size();
my_buffer.resize(oldsize + BLOCK_SIZE);
cinfo->dest->next_output_byte = &my_buffer[oldsize];
cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer = my_buffer.size() - oldsize;
return true;
void my_term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo)
my_buffer.resize(my_buffer.size() - cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer);
cinfo->dest->init_destination = &my_init_destination;
cinfo->dest->empty_output_buffer = &my_empty_output_buffer;
cinfo->dest->term_destination = &my_term_destination;
There is a predefined function jpeg_mem_src defined in jdatasrc.c. The simplest usage example:
unsigned char *mem = NULL;
unsigned long mem_size = 0;
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_mem_dest(&cinfo, &mem, &mem_size);
// do compression
// use mem buffer
Do not forget to deallocate your buffer.
I have tried Mark's solution and on my platform it always gives SEGMENTATION FALUT error when it executes
cinfo->dest->term_destination = &my_term_destination;
And I turned to the jpeglib source codes (jdatadst.c) and found this:
jpeg_mem_dest (j_compress_ptr cinfo, unsigned char ** outbuffer, unsigned long * outsize)
just below the method jpeg_stdio_dest(), and I've tried it by simply fill in the address of the buffer(char*) and the address of the buffer size(int). The destination manager automatically allocates memory for the buffer and the program need to free the memory after use.
It successfully runs on my platform, Beaglebone Black with the pre-installed Angstrom Linux. My libjpeg version is 8d.
All you need to do is pass a FILE-like object to jpeg_stdio_dest().
unsigned char ***image_ptr
unsigned char* ptr;
unsigned char** image_buf;
for(int i=0;i<h;i++){
image_buf[i] = new unsigned char[w*o];
ptr = image_buf[0];
while (info.output_scanline < info.image_height) {
ptr = image_buf[c];
*image_ptr = image_buf;
This is all you need to read.
JSAMPROW row_pointer;
while (info.next_scanline < info.image_height) {
row_pointer = &image_buf[info.next_scanline][0];
(void) jpeg_write_scanlines(&info, &row_pointer, 1);
And this is all you need to write.

Winpcap saving raw packets not from an adapter

I am trying to build an application that converts my old custom Ethernet logs (bin files) to standard winpcap style logs.
The problem is that I can't seem to find an example of how to opening a pcap_t* without using an adapter (network card). The temp.pkt has not been created.
I have looked thou the examples provided with Winpcap and all of them use a live adapter when dumping packets. This example is the closest \WpdPack\Examples-pcap\savedump\savedump.c is the closest, see example below slightly modified.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
* we do not want the warnings about the old deprecated and unsecure CRT functions
* since these examples can be compiled under *nix as well
#include "pcap.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_if_t *alldevs;
pcap_if_t *d;
int inum;
int i=0;
pcap_t *adhandle;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
pcap_dumper_t *dumpfile;
/* Open the adapter */
if ((adhandle= pcap_open(??????, // name of the device
65536, // portion of the packet to capture.
// 65536 grants that the whole packet will be captured on all the MACs.
1, // promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous)
1000, // read timeout
errbuf // error buffer
)) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n", d->name);
/* Free the device list */
return -1;
/* Open the dump file */
dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(adhandle, argv[1]);
if(dumpfile==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"\nError opening output file\n");
return -1;
// ---------------------------
struct pcap_pkthdr header;
header.ts.tv_sec = 1 ; /* seconds */
header.ts.tv_usec = 1; /* and microseconds */
header.caplen = 100; /* length of portion present */
header.len = 100 ; /* length this packet (off wire) */
u_char pkt_data[100];
for( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++ ) {
pkt_data[i] = i ;
pcap_dump( (u_char *) dumpfile, &header, (u_char *) &pkt_data);
// ---------------------------
/* start the capture */
// pcap_loop(adhandle, 0, packet_handler, (unsigned char *)dumpfile);
return 0;
I suggest doing that using pcap_t since using WinPcap is better than writing it yourself.
The following steps is how to do it:
Use pcap_open_dead() function to create a pcap_t. Read the function description here. The linktype for Ethernet is 1.
Use pcap_dump_open() function to create a pcap_dumper_t.
Use pcap_dump() function to write the packet to the dump file.
I hope this would help you.
If all you're doing is converting your own file format to .pcap, you don't need a pcap_t*, you can just use something like:
FILE* create_pcap_file(const char *filename, int linktype)
struct pcap_file_header fh;
fh.magic = TCPDUMP_MAGIC;
fh.sigfigs = 0;
fh.version_major = 2;
fh.version_minor = 4;
fh.snaplen = 2<<15;
fh.thiszone = 0;
fh.linktype = linktype;
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if(file != NULL) {
if(fwrite(&fh, sizeof(fh), 1, file) != 1) {
file = NULL;
return file;
int write_pcap_packet(FILE* file,size_t length,const unsigned char *data,const struct timeval *tval)
struct pcap_pkthdr pkhdr;
pkhdr.caplen = length;
pkhdr.len = length;
pkhdr.ts = *tval;
if(fwrite(&pkhdr, sizeof(pkhdr), 1, file) != 1) {
return 1;
if(fwrite(data, 1, length, file) != length) {
return 2;
return 0;