How strict C/C++ compilers about operator precedence/evaluation? [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
order of evaluation of || and && in c
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
This question is been on my mind for a while so time to let it out and see what what you guys you have to say about it.
In C/C++ the operator precedence is defined by the C specification but as with everything there may be backdoors or unknown / not well known things that the compilers may employ under the name of 'optimization' which will mess up your application in the end.
Take this simple example :
bool CheckStringPtr(const char* textData)
return (!textData || textData[0]==(char)0);
In this case I test if the pointer is null then I check the first char is zero, essentially this is a test for a zero length string. Logically the 2 operations are exchangeable but if that would happen in some cases it would crash with since it's trying to read a non-existent memory address.
So the question is : is there anything that enforces the order of how operators/functions are executed, I know the safest way is to use 2 IFs below each other but this way should be the same assuming that the evaluation order of the operators never ever change.
So are compilers forced by the C/C++ specification to not change the order of evaluation or are they sometimes allowed to change the order, like it depends on compiler parameters, optimizations especially?

First note that precedence and evaluation order are two different (largely unrelated) concepts.
So are compilers forced by the C/C++ specification to not change the order of evaluation?
The compiler must produce behaviour that is consistent with the behaviour guaranteed by the C language standard. It is free to change e.g. the order of evaluation so long as the overall observed behaviour is unchanged.
Logically the 2 operations are exchangeable but if that would happen in some cases it would crash
|| and && are defined to have short-circuit semantics; they may not be interchanged.

The C and C++ standards explicitly support short-circuit evaluation, and thus require the left-hand operand of the &&, ||, or ? operator to be evaluated before the right-hand side.
Other "sequence points" include the comma operator (not to be confused with commas separating function arguments as in f(a, b)), the end of a statement (;), and between the evaluation of a function's arguments and the call to the function.
But for the most part, order of evaluation (not to be confused with precedence) is implementation defined. So, for example, don't depend on f to be called first in an expression like f(x) + g(y).


When are the ++c and c++ increments applied exactly here? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior?
(14 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Just to see how much I understood how the ++c/c++ operator works, I tried to run these C programs:
int c = 5;
c = c - c++;
printf("%d\n", c);
prints 1, I guess the logic is that the ++ is applied after the line of code where it's used, so c becomes = c - c which is 0, and on the "next line" it's increased by one. But it seems strange to me, I'd like to know more in detail what should happen with regards to the operators priority.
Now on to this:
int c = 5;
c = c - ++c;
printf("%d\n", c);
this one prints 0, and I can't really understand why. If right hand values are parsed from left to right, I guess it would read c which is 5, then ++c which is 6 as it should be applied immediately. Or does it calculate the ++c before the whole right hand value calculation, so that it's actually doing 6 - 6 because the increment also involves the first calling of c?
For C++ (all versions, explanation applies to C++11 and later):
Both have undefined behavior, meaning that not only is the value that it will return unspecified, but that it causes your whole program to behave in an undefined manner.
The reason for this is that evaluation order inside an expression is only specified for certain cases. The order in which expressions are evaluated does not follow the order in the source code and is not related to operator precedence or associativity. In most cases the compiler can freely choose in which order it will evaluate expressions, following some general rules (e.g. the evaluation of an operator is sequenced after the value computation of its operands, etc.) and some specific ones (e.g. &&'s and ||'s left-hand operands are always sequenced before their right-hand operands).
In particular the order in which the operands of - are evaluated is unspecified. It is said that the two operands are unsequenced relative to one another.
This in itself means that we won't know whether c on the left-hand side of c - [...] will evaluate to the value of c before or after the increment.
There is however an even stricter rule forbidding the use of a value computation from a scalar object (here c) in a manner unsequenced relative to a side effect on the same scalar object. In your case both ++c and c++ cause side effects on c, but they are unsequenced with the use of the value on the left hand side of c - [...]. Not following this rule causes undefined behavior.
Therefore your compiler is allowed to output whatever it wants and you should avoid writing code like that.
For a detailed list of all the evaluation order rules of C++, see Note that they changed somewhat with the different C++ versions, making more and more previously undefined or unspecified behavior defined. None of these changes apply to your particular case though.
c = c - c++;
In C, this is a very bad idea(a). You are not permitted to modify and modify/use the same object without an intervening sequence point, and that subtraction operator is not a sequence point.
The things that are sequence points can be found in Annex C of the ISO standard.
(a) Technically, the behaviour of each operation (the evaluation of c1 and c++, and the assignment to c) is well defined but the sequencing is either unsequenced or indeterminate. In the former case, actions from each part can interleave while, in the latter, they do not interleave but you don't know in which order the two parts will be done.
However, the standard C11 6.5/2 also makes it clear that a sequencing issue using the same variable is undefined behaviour:
If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either a different side effect on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar object, the behavior is undefined. If there are multiple allowable orderings of the subexpressions of an expression, the behavior is undefined if such an unsequenced side effect occurs in any of the orderings.
Bottom line, it's not something you should be doing.

Double increment on an integer variable, does it work as intended? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multiple preincrement operations on a variable in C++(C ?)
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have some code with lines which increment a counter.
++ count;
Sometimes I have an if condition which means I should increment count by 2.
count += 2;
Does "double increment'ing" work in the same way?
++ ++ count;
It would be helpful to know if both C and C++ compilers interpret this the same way.
As this is clearly syntactically correct, the question that remains is: "Is this UB because of unsequenced writes?"
It is not (in C++11 and later) because
5) The side effect of the built-in pre-increment and pre-decrement operators is sequenced before its value computation (implicit rule due to definition as compound assignment)
(From here)
So the code is fine as of C++11.
However, the sequencing rules were different before that, and pre-C++11, the code actually has UB.
In C, that code does not even compile.
The fact that the behavior is different between C and C++ and even between different C++ standards and that this question arises in the first place is a hint that the simple count += 2; is the safer and more readable version. You should prefer it over the "cute and clever" ++ ++count;.
There are two methods. One that obviously works, one where you have to ask a question on StackOverflow. There are comments saying "in C++ 11 or later"... How sure are you that your C++ code runs with C++ 11 and not something older? Even if you use extensions that were not part of an earlier language, your language could be C++0x with some extensions.
Clearly you shouldn't care whether the second method works or not, but use the one that obviously works.

computation order of equal priority operands in C

What is the computation order of the equal priority operands in C / C++ ?
For example in following piece of code:
if ( scanf("%c", &ch_variable) && (ch_variable == '\n') )
Can I be sure that 1st expression inside the IF statement is performed before the 2nd (i.e. the value of ch_variable compared, is a newly scanned one)?
Or is it somehow decided by compiler? And if so, how this decision is being made?
BTW, I usually use the following flags for compilation:
-std=c99 -O0 -pedantic -Wall -ansi
Can I be sure that 1st expression inside the IF statement is performed before the 2nd (i.e. the value of ch_variable compared, is a newly scanned one)?
Yes - the first expression (the scanf call) is evaluated first, and what's more the second doesn't happen at all if the scanf call returns 0 - see below. That's short circuit evaluation.
Broader discussion.
Read about the operator precedence at
Summarily - operators are arranged in groups with well-defined relative precedence (e.g. '*' has higher precendence than +, as per usage in mathematics), and left-to-right or right-to-left associativity (e.g. a + b + c is left associative and evaluated as (a + b) + c, but a = b = c is right-associative and evaluated as a = (b = c)).
In your code:
if (scanf("%c", &ch_variable) && (ch_variable == '\n') )
The ( and ) work as you'd expect - overriding any implicit precedence between && and == (but in this case the precedence is the same). && is therefore uncontested, and as a short-circuit operator it ensures its left argument is converted - if necessary - to boolean (so if scanf returns 0 it's deemed false, otherwise true), then if and only if that's true does it evaluate the right-hand-side argument, and only if they're both true does the if statement run the following statement or {} statement block.
This has nothing to do with "priority" (operator precedence), but with the order of evaluation of sub-expressions.
The && operator is a special case in C, as it guarantees order of evaluation from left to right. There is a sequence point between the evaluation of the left operand and the right operand, meaning that the left operation will always be executed/evaluated first.
Many C operators do not come with this nice guarantee, however. Imagine the code had been like this:
if ( (scanf("%c", &ch_variable)!=0) & (ch_variable == '\n') )
This is obfuscated code but it logically does the same thing as your original code. With one exception: the & operator behaves as most operators in C, meaning there are no guarantees that the left operand will get evaluated before the right one. So my example has the potential of evaluating ch_variable before it has been given a valid value, which is a severe bug.
The order of evaluation of such sub-expressions is unspecified behavior, meaning that the compiler is free to evaluate any side first. It doesn't need to document what it will do and it doesn't even need to pick the same side consistently between compilations, or even pick the same side consistently throughout the program.
The language was deliberately designed this way to allow compilers to optimize the code in the best possible way, from case to case.
Yes, absolutely, anything involving && and || (except if you use operator&& or operator|| - which is one of the main reasons NOT to use these operators) is "strict short cutting" - in other words, if the overall outcome of the result can be determined, the rest is not evaluated, and the order is strictly left to right - always, by the language standard. [Of course, if the compiler can be SURE it's completely safe, it may reorder things, but that is part of the "as-if" definition of the standard - if the compiler behaves "as-if" it is doing it the way the standard says].
Beware that:
if(scanf("%c", &ch_variable) && scanf("%c", &second_variable))
may not have set "second_variable" at all in the else part, so it's unsafe to use it at this point.
I would aos use scanf("%c", &ch_variable) > 0 instead - as it could return -1 at EOF, which is true in your case, without an intermediate 0 return value...
It's guaranteed that the first expression is evaluated before the second one.
See Is short-circuiting logical operators mandated? And evaluation order? for a citation of the standard.
Note that if you overload the && operator, the whole expression is equivalent to a function call. In that case both expressions will be evaluated unconditionally (i.e. even if the first expression would be some "falsy" value...).
The order that the operands are evaluated is defined in this case, and it is left-to-right.
This goes for both C and C++.
For a reference of this, see for example page 99 of the C standard:
Hence, in terms of order-of-evaluation, your code will do what you want it to. But it does have some other problems; see the post comments for this.

Operator associativity and order of evaluation [duplicate]

The terms 'operator precedence' and 'order of evaluation' are very commonly used terms in programming and extremely important for a programmer to know. And, as far as I understand them, the two concepts are tightly bound; one cannot do without the other when talking about expressions.
Let us take a simple example:
int a=1; // Line 1
a = a++ + ++a; // Line 2
printf("%d",a); // Line 3
Now, it is evident that Line 2 leads to Undefined Behavior, since Sequence points in C and C++ include:
Between evaluation of the left and right operands of the && (logical
AND), || (logical OR), and comma
operators. For example, in the
expression *p++ != 0 && *q++ != 0, all
side effects of the sub-expression
*p++ != 0 are completed before any attempt to access q.
Between the evaluation of the first operand of the ternary
"question-mark" operator and the
second or third operand. For example,
in the expression a = (*p++) ? (*p++)
: 0 there is a sequence point after
the first *p++, meaning it has already
been incremented by the time the
second instance is executed.
At the end of a full expression. This category includes expression
statements (such as the assignment
a=b;), return statements, the
controlling expressions of if, switch,
while, or do-while statements, and all
three expressions in a for statement.
Before a function is entered in a function call. The order in which
the arguments are evaluated is not
specified, but this sequence point
means that all of their side effects
are complete before the function is
entered. In the expression f(i++) + g(j++) + h(k++),
f is called with a
parameter of the original value of i,
but i is incremented before entering
the body of f. Similarly, j and k are
updated before entering g and h
respectively. However, it is not
specified in which order f(), g(), h()
are executed, nor in which order i, j,
k are incremented. The values of j and
k in the body of f are therefore
undefined.3 Note that a function
call f(a,b,c) is not a use of the
comma operator and the order of
evaluation for a, b, and c is
At a function return, after the return value is copied into the
calling context. (This sequence point
is only specified in the C++ standard;
it is present only implicitly in
At the end of an initializer; for example, after the evaluation of 5
in the declaration int a = 5;.
Thus, going by Point # 3:
At the end of a full expression. This category includes expression statements (such as the assignment a=b;), return statements, the controlling expressions of if, switch, while, or do-while statements, and all three expressions in a for statement.
Line 2 clearly leads to Undefined Behavior. This shows how Undefined Behaviour is tightly coupled with Sequence Points.
Now let us take another example:
int x=10,y=1,z=2; // Line 4
int result = x<y<z; // Line 5
Now its evident that Line 5 will make the variable result store 1.
Now the expression x<y<z in Line 5 can be evaluated as either:
x<(y<z) or (x<y)<z. In the first case the value of result will be 0 and in the second case result will be 1. But we know, when the Operator Precedence is Equal/Same - Associativity comes into play, hence, is evaluated as (x<y)<z.
This is what is said in this MSDN Article:
The precedence and associativity of C operators affect the grouping and evaluation of operands in expressions. An operator's precedence is meaningful only if other operators with higher or lower precedence are present. Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first. Precedence can also be described by the word "binding." Operators with a higher precedence are said to have tighter binding.
Now, about the above article:
It mentions "Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first."
It may sound incorrect. But, I think the article is not saying something wrong if we consider that () is also an operator x<y<z is same as (x<y)<z. My reasoning is if associativity does not come into play, then the complete expressions evaluation would become ambiguous since < is not a Sequence Point.
Also, another link I found says this on Operator Precedence and Associativity:
This page lists C operators in order of precedence (highest to lowest). Their associativity indicates in what order operators of equal precedence in an expression are applied.
So taking, the second example of int result=x<y<z, we can see here that there are in all 3 expressions, x, y and z, since, the simplest form of an expression consists of a single literal constant or object. Hence the result of the expressions x, y, z would be there rvalues, i.e., 10, 1 and 2 respectively. Hence, now we may interpret x<y<z as 10<1<2.
Now, doesn't Associativity come into play since now we have 2 expressions to be evaluated, either 10<1 or 1<2 and since the precedence of operator is same, they are evaluated from left to right?
Taking this last example as my argument:
int myval = ( printf("Operator\n"), printf("Precedence\n"), printf("vs\n"),
printf("Order of Evaluation\n") );
Now in the above example, since the comma operator has same precedence, the expressions are evaluated left-to-right and the return value of the last printf() is stored in myval.
In SO/IEC 9899:201x under J.1 Unspecified behavior it mentions:
The order in which subexpressions are evaluated and the order in which side effects
take place, except as specified for the function-call (), &&, ||, ?:, and comma
operators (6.5).
Now I would like to know, would it be wrong to say:
Order of Evaluation depends on the precedence of operators, leaving cases of Unspecified Behavior.
I would like to be corrected if any mistakes were made in something I said in my question.
The reason I posted this question is because of the confusion created in my mind by the MSDN Article. Is it in Error or not?
Yes, the MSDN article is in error, at least with respect to standard C and C++1.
Having said that, let me start with a note about terminology: in the C++ standard, they (mostly--there are a few slip-ups) use "evaluation" to refer to evaluating an operand, and "value computation" to refer to carrying out an operation. So, when (for example) you do a + b, each of a and b is evaluated, then the value computation is carried out to determine the result.
It's clear that the order of value computations is (mostly) controlled by precedence and associativity--controlling value computations is basically the definition of what precedence and associativity are. The remainder of this answer uses "evaluation" to refer to evaluation of operands, not to value computations.
Now, as to evaluation order being determined by precedence, no it's not! It's as simple as that. Just for example, let's consider your example of x<y<z. According to the associativity rules, this parses as (x<y)<z. Now, consider evaluating this expression on a stack machine. It's perfectly allowable for it to do something like this:
push(z); // Evaluates its argument and pushes value on stack
test_less(); // compares TOS to TOS(1), pushes result on stack
This evaluates z before x or y, but still evaluates (x<y), then compares the result of that comparison to z, just as it's supposed to.
Summary: Order of evaluation is independent of associativity.
Precedence is the same way. We can change the expression to x*y+z, and still evaluate z before x or y:
Summary: Order of evaluation is independent of precedence.
When/if we add in side effects, this remains the same. I think it's educational to think of side effects as being carried out by a separate thread of execution, with a join at the next sequence point (e.g., the end of the expression). So something like a=b++ + ++c; could be executed something like this:
side_effects_thread.queue(inc, b);
side_effects_thread.queue(inc, c);
This also shows why an apparent dependency doesn't necessarily affect order of evaluation either. Even though a is the target of the assignment, this still evaluates a before evaluating either b or c. Also note that although I've written it as "thread" above, this could also just as well be a pool of threads, all executing in parallel, so you don't get any guarantee about the order of one increment versus another either.
Unless the hardware had direct (and cheap) support for thread-safe queuing, this probably wouldn't be used in in a real implementation (and even then it's not very likely). Putting something into a thread-safe queue will normally have quite a bit more overhead than doing a single increment, so it's hard to imagine anybody ever doing this in reality. Conceptually, however, the idea is fits the requirements of the standard: when you use a pre/post increment/decrement operation, you're specifying an operation that will happen sometime after that part of the expression is evaluated, and will be complete at the next sequence point.
Edit: though it's not exactly threading, some architectures do allow such parallel execution. For a couple of examples, the Intel Itanium and VLIW processors such as some DSPs, allow a compiler to designate a number of instructions to be executed in parallel. Most VLIW machines have a specific instruction "packet" size that limits the number of instructions executed in parallel. The Itanium also uses packets of instructions, but designates a bit in an instruction packet to say that the instructions in the current packet can be executed in parallel with those in the next packet. Using mechanisms like this, you get instructions executing in parallel, just like if you used multiple threads on architectures with which most of us are more familiar.
Summary: Order of evaluation is independent of apparent dependencies
Any attempt at using the value before the next sequence point gives undefined behavior -- in particular, the "other thread" is (potentially) modifying that data during that time, and you have no way of synchronizing access with the other thread. Any attempt at using it leads to undefined behavior.
Just for a (admittedly, now rather far-fetched) example, think of your code running on a 64-bit virtual machine, but the real hardware is an 8-bit processor. When you increment a 64-bit variable, it executes a sequence something like:
load variable[0]
store variable[0]
for (int i=1; i<8; i++) {
load variable[i]
add_with_carry 0
store variable[i]
If you read the value somewhere in the middle of that sequence, you could get something with only some of the bytes modified, so what you get is neither the old value nor the new one.
This exact example may be pretty far-fetched, but a less extreme version (e.g., a 64-bit variable on a 32-bit machine) is actually fairly common.
Order of evaluation does not depend on precedence, associativity, or (necessarily) on apparent dependencies. Attempting to use a variable to which a pre/post increment/decrement has been applied in any other part of an expression really does give completely undefined behavior. While an actual crash is unlikely, you're definitely not guaranteed to get either the old value or the new one -- you could get something else entirely.
1 I haven't checked this particular article, but quite a few MSDN articles talk about Microsoft's Managed C++ and/or C++/CLI (or are specific to their implementation of C++) but do little or nothing to point out that they don't apply to standard C or C++. This can give the false appearance that they're claiming the rules they have decided to apply to their own languages actually apply to the standard languages. In these cases, the articles aren't technically false -- they just don't have anything to do with standard C or C++. If you attempt to apply those statements to standard C or C++, the result is false.
The only way precedence influences order of evaluation is that it
creates dependencies; otherwise the two are orthogonal. You've
carefully chosen trivial examples where the dependencies created by
precedence do end up fully defining order of evaluation, but this isn't
generally true. And don't forget, either, that many expressions have
two effects: they result in a value, and they have side effects. These
two are no required to occur together, so even when dependencies
force a specific order of evaluation, this is only the order of
evaluation of the values; it has no effect on side effects.
A good way to look at this is to take the expression tree.
If you have an expression, lets say x+y*z you can rewrite that into an expression tree:
Applying the priority and associativity rules:
x + ( y * z )
After applying the priority and associativity rules, you can safely forget about them.
In tree form:
Now the leaves of this expression are x, y and z. What this means is that you can evaluate x, y and z in any order you want, and also it means that you can evaluate the result of * and x in any order.
Now since these expressions don't have side effects you don't really care. But if they do, the ordering can change the result, and since the ordering can be anything the compiler decides, you have a problem.
Now, sequence points bring a bit of order into this chaos. They effectively cut the tree into sections.
x + y * z, z = 10, x + y * z
after priority and associativity
x + ( y * z ) , z = 10, x + ( y * z)
the tree:
, ------------
, ------------
The top part of the tree will be evaluated before the middle, and middle before bottom.
Precedence has nothing to do with order of evaluation and vice-versa.
Precedence rules describe how an underparenthesized expression should be parenthesized when the expression mixes different kinds of operators. For example, multiplication is of higher precedence than addition, so 2 + 3 x 4 is equivalent to 2 + (3 x 4), not (2 + 3) x 4.
Order of evaluation rules describe the order in which each operand in an expression is evaluated.
Take an example
y = ++x || --y;
By operator precedence rule, it will be parenthesize as (++/-- has higher precedence than || which has higher precedence than =):
y = ( (++x) || (--y) )
The order of evaluation of logical OR || states that (C11 6.5.14)
the || operator guarantees left-to-right evaluation.
This means that the left operand, i.e the sub-expression (x++) will be evaluated first. Due to short circuiting behavior; If the first operand compares unequal to 0, the second operand is not evaluated, right operand --y will not be evaluated although it is parenthesize prior than (++x) || (--y).
It mentions "Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first."
I am just going to repeat what I said here. As far as standard C and C++ are concerned that article is flawed. Precedence only affects which tokens are considered to be the operands of each operator, but it does not affect in any way the order of evaluation.
So, the link only explains how Microsoft implemented things, not how the language itself works.
I think it's only the
a++ + ++a
epxression problematic, because
a = a++ + ++a;
fits first in 3. but then in the 6. rule: complete evaluation before assignment.
a++ + ++a
gets for a=1 fully evaluated to:
1 + 3 // left to right, or
2 + 2 // right to left
The result is the same = 4.
a++ * ++a // or
a++ == ++a
would have undefined results. Isn't it?

Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation

The terms 'operator precedence' and 'order of evaluation' are very commonly used terms in programming and extremely important for a programmer to know. And, as far as I understand them, the two concepts are tightly bound; one cannot do without the other when talking about expressions.
Let us take a simple example:
int a=1; // Line 1
a = a++ + ++a; // Line 2
printf("%d",a); // Line 3
Now, it is evident that Line 2 leads to Undefined Behavior, since Sequence points in C and C++ include:
Between evaluation of the left and right operands of the && (logical
AND), || (logical OR), and comma
operators. For example, in the
expression *p++ != 0 && *q++ != 0, all
side effects of the sub-expression
*p++ != 0 are completed before any attempt to access q.
Between the evaluation of the first operand of the ternary
"question-mark" operator and the
second or third operand. For example,
in the expression a = (*p++) ? (*p++)
: 0 there is a sequence point after
the first *p++, meaning it has already
been incremented by the time the
second instance is executed.
At the end of a full expression. This category includes expression
statements (such as the assignment
a=b;), return statements, the
controlling expressions of if, switch,
while, or do-while statements, and all
three expressions in a for statement.
Before a function is entered in a function call. The order in which
the arguments are evaluated is not
specified, but this sequence point
means that all of their side effects
are complete before the function is
entered. In the expression f(i++) + g(j++) + h(k++),
f is called with a
parameter of the original value of i,
but i is incremented before entering
the body of f. Similarly, j and k are
updated before entering g and h
respectively. However, it is not
specified in which order f(), g(), h()
are executed, nor in which order i, j,
k are incremented. The values of j and
k in the body of f are therefore
undefined.3 Note that a function
call f(a,b,c) is not a use of the
comma operator and the order of
evaluation for a, b, and c is
At a function return, after the return value is copied into the
calling context. (This sequence point
is only specified in the C++ standard;
it is present only implicitly in
At the end of an initializer; for example, after the evaluation of 5
in the declaration int a = 5;.
Thus, going by Point # 3:
At the end of a full expression. This category includes expression statements (such as the assignment a=b;), return statements, the controlling expressions of if, switch, while, or do-while statements, and all three expressions in a for statement.
Line 2 clearly leads to Undefined Behavior. This shows how Undefined Behaviour is tightly coupled with Sequence Points.
Now let us take another example:
int x=10,y=1,z=2; // Line 4
int result = x<y<z; // Line 5
Now its evident that Line 5 will make the variable result store 1.
Now the expression x<y<z in Line 5 can be evaluated as either:
x<(y<z) or (x<y)<z. In the first case the value of result will be 0 and in the second case result will be 1. But we know, when the Operator Precedence is Equal/Same - Associativity comes into play, hence, is evaluated as (x<y)<z.
This is what is said in this MSDN Article:
The precedence and associativity of C operators affect the grouping and evaluation of operands in expressions. An operator's precedence is meaningful only if other operators with higher or lower precedence are present. Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first. Precedence can also be described by the word "binding." Operators with a higher precedence are said to have tighter binding.
Now, about the above article:
It mentions "Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first."
It may sound incorrect. But, I think the article is not saying something wrong if we consider that () is also an operator x<y<z is same as (x<y)<z. My reasoning is if associativity does not come into play, then the complete expressions evaluation would become ambiguous since < is not a Sequence Point.
Also, another link I found says this on Operator Precedence and Associativity:
This page lists C operators in order of precedence (highest to lowest). Their associativity indicates in what order operators of equal precedence in an expression are applied.
So taking, the second example of int result=x<y<z, we can see here that there are in all 3 expressions, x, y and z, since, the simplest form of an expression consists of a single literal constant or object. Hence the result of the expressions x, y, z would be there rvalues, i.e., 10, 1 and 2 respectively. Hence, now we may interpret x<y<z as 10<1<2.
Now, doesn't Associativity come into play since now we have 2 expressions to be evaluated, either 10<1 or 1<2 and since the precedence of operator is same, they are evaluated from left to right?
Taking this last example as my argument:
int myval = ( printf("Operator\n"), printf("Precedence\n"), printf("vs\n"),
printf("Order of Evaluation\n") );
Now in the above example, since the comma operator has same precedence, the expressions are evaluated left-to-right and the return value of the last printf() is stored in myval.
In SO/IEC 9899:201x under J.1 Unspecified behavior it mentions:
The order in which subexpressions are evaluated and the order in which side effects
take place, except as specified for the function-call (), &&, ||, ?:, and comma
operators (6.5).
Now I would like to know, would it be wrong to say:
Order of Evaluation depends on the precedence of operators, leaving cases of Unspecified Behavior.
I would like to be corrected if any mistakes were made in something I said in my question.
The reason I posted this question is because of the confusion created in my mind by the MSDN Article. Is it in Error or not?
Yes, the MSDN article is in error, at least with respect to standard C and C++1.
Having said that, let me start with a note about terminology: in the C++ standard, they (mostly--there are a few slip-ups) use "evaluation" to refer to evaluating an operand, and "value computation" to refer to carrying out an operation. So, when (for example) you do a + b, each of a and b is evaluated, then the value computation is carried out to determine the result.
It's clear that the order of value computations is (mostly) controlled by precedence and associativity--controlling value computations is basically the definition of what precedence and associativity are. The remainder of this answer uses "evaluation" to refer to evaluation of operands, not to value computations.
Now, as to evaluation order being determined by precedence, no it's not! It's as simple as that. Just for example, let's consider your example of x<y<z. According to the associativity rules, this parses as (x<y)<z. Now, consider evaluating this expression on a stack machine. It's perfectly allowable for it to do something like this:
push(z); // Evaluates its argument and pushes value on stack
test_less(); // compares TOS to TOS(1), pushes result on stack
This evaluates z before x or y, but still evaluates (x<y), then compares the result of that comparison to z, just as it's supposed to.
Summary: Order of evaluation is independent of associativity.
Precedence is the same way. We can change the expression to x*y+z, and still evaluate z before x or y:
Summary: Order of evaluation is independent of precedence.
When/if we add in side effects, this remains the same. I think it's educational to think of side effects as being carried out by a separate thread of execution, with a join at the next sequence point (e.g., the end of the expression). So something like a=b++ + ++c; could be executed something like this:
side_effects_thread.queue(inc, b);
side_effects_thread.queue(inc, c);
This also shows why an apparent dependency doesn't necessarily affect order of evaluation either. Even though a is the target of the assignment, this still evaluates a before evaluating either b or c. Also note that although I've written it as "thread" above, this could also just as well be a pool of threads, all executing in parallel, so you don't get any guarantee about the order of one increment versus another either.
Unless the hardware had direct (and cheap) support for thread-safe queuing, this probably wouldn't be used in in a real implementation (and even then it's not very likely). Putting something into a thread-safe queue will normally have quite a bit more overhead than doing a single increment, so it's hard to imagine anybody ever doing this in reality. Conceptually, however, the idea is fits the requirements of the standard: when you use a pre/post increment/decrement operation, you're specifying an operation that will happen sometime after that part of the expression is evaluated, and will be complete at the next sequence point.
Edit: though it's not exactly threading, some architectures do allow such parallel execution. For a couple of examples, the Intel Itanium and VLIW processors such as some DSPs, allow a compiler to designate a number of instructions to be executed in parallel. Most VLIW machines have a specific instruction "packet" size that limits the number of instructions executed in parallel. The Itanium also uses packets of instructions, but designates a bit in an instruction packet to say that the instructions in the current packet can be executed in parallel with those in the next packet. Using mechanisms like this, you get instructions executing in parallel, just like if you used multiple threads on architectures with which most of us are more familiar.
Summary: Order of evaluation is independent of apparent dependencies
Any attempt at using the value before the next sequence point gives undefined behavior -- in particular, the "other thread" is (potentially) modifying that data during that time, and you have no way of synchronizing access with the other thread. Any attempt at using it leads to undefined behavior.
Just for a (admittedly, now rather far-fetched) example, think of your code running on a 64-bit virtual machine, but the real hardware is an 8-bit processor. When you increment a 64-bit variable, it executes a sequence something like:
load variable[0]
store variable[0]
for (int i=1; i<8; i++) {
load variable[i]
add_with_carry 0
store variable[i]
If you read the value somewhere in the middle of that sequence, you could get something with only some of the bytes modified, so what you get is neither the old value nor the new one.
This exact example may be pretty far-fetched, but a less extreme version (e.g., a 64-bit variable on a 32-bit machine) is actually fairly common.
Order of evaluation does not depend on precedence, associativity, or (necessarily) on apparent dependencies. Attempting to use a variable to which a pre/post increment/decrement has been applied in any other part of an expression really does give completely undefined behavior. While an actual crash is unlikely, you're definitely not guaranteed to get either the old value or the new one -- you could get something else entirely.
1 I haven't checked this particular article, but quite a few MSDN articles talk about Microsoft's Managed C++ and/or C++/CLI (or are specific to their implementation of C++) but do little or nothing to point out that they don't apply to standard C or C++. This can give the false appearance that they're claiming the rules they have decided to apply to their own languages actually apply to the standard languages. In these cases, the articles aren't technically false -- they just don't have anything to do with standard C or C++. If you attempt to apply those statements to standard C or C++, the result is false.
The only way precedence influences order of evaluation is that it
creates dependencies; otherwise the two are orthogonal. You've
carefully chosen trivial examples where the dependencies created by
precedence do end up fully defining order of evaluation, but this isn't
generally true. And don't forget, either, that many expressions have
two effects: they result in a value, and they have side effects. These
two are no required to occur together, so even when dependencies
force a specific order of evaluation, this is only the order of
evaluation of the values; it has no effect on side effects.
A good way to look at this is to take the expression tree.
If you have an expression, lets say x+y*z you can rewrite that into an expression tree:
Applying the priority and associativity rules:
x + ( y * z )
After applying the priority and associativity rules, you can safely forget about them.
In tree form:
Now the leaves of this expression are x, y and z. What this means is that you can evaluate x, y and z in any order you want, and also it means that you can evaluate the result of * and x in any order.
Now since these expressions don't have side effects you don't really care. But if they do, the ordering can change the result, and since the ordering can be anything the compiler decides, you have a problem.
Now, sequence points bring a bit of order into this chaos. They effectively cut the tree into sections.
x + y * z, z = 10, x + y * z
after priority and associativity
x + ( y * z ) , z = 10, x + ( y * z)
the tree:
, ------------
, ------------
The top part of the tree will be evaluated before the middle, and middle before bottom.
Precedence has nothing to do with order of evaluation and vice-versa.
Precedence rules describe how an underparenthesized expression should be parenthesized when the expression mixes different kinds of operators. For example, multiplication is of higher precedence than addition, so 2 + 3 x 4 is equivalent to 2 + (3 x 4), not (2 + 3) x 4.
Order of evaluation rules describe the order in which each operand in an expression is evaluated.
Take an example
y = ++x || --y;
By operator precedence rule, it will be parenthesize as (++/-- has higher precedence than || which has higher precedence than =):
y = ( (++x) || (--y) )
The order of evaluation of logical OR || states that (C11 6.5.14)
the || operator guarantees left-to-right evaluation.
This means that the left operand, i.e the sub-expression (x++) will be evaluated first. Due to short circuiting behavior; If the first operand compares unequal to 0, the second operand is not evaluated, right operand --y will not be evaluated although it is parenthesize prior than (++x) || (--y).
It mentions "Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first."
I am just going to repeat what I said here. As far as standard C and C++ are concerned that article is flawed. Precedence only affects which tokens are considered to be the operands of each operator, but it does not affect in any way the order of evaluation.
So, the link only explains how Microsoft implemented things, not how the language itself works.
I think it's only the
a++ + ++a
epxression problematic, because
a = a++ + ++a;
fits first in 3. but then in the 6. rule: complete evaluation before assignment.
a++ + ++a
gets for a=1 fully evaluated to:
1 + 3 // left to right, or
2 + 2 // right to left
The result is the same = 4.
a++ * ++a // or
a++ == ++a
would have undefined results. Isn't it?