Multiple scans by key - c++

I have one 4-channel HSVL image - Hue, Saturation, Value (floats), Label (unsigned int).
The task is to compute an array of sums of Hues, Saturations, and Values, for each unique label. For example, I will be able to access the output Sum[of pixels with label 455] = { Hue: 500, Sat: 100, Val: 200 }. The size of the image is about 5 MP, and there are about 3000 different labels.
My idea is to have ~32 scans over parts of the image, that will produce 32 x nLabels sums. Then I can scan over the 32 partitions of the image, to arrive at nLabel sum structures.
Does a "scan by key?" algorithm exist that is a solution to this exact type of problem?

If you want to do this by CUDA, the following could help.
Since you only need the sum values, I think what you need is "reduce by key". Thrust provides an implementation thrust::reduce_by_key() which could meet your needs.
But before using it, you have to sort all the pixels by the labels. This can be done with thrust::sort_by_key()
You may also be interested in thrust::zip_iterator, which can zip the 3 channels HSV into a single value iterator for sorting and reduction.


Depth Values Don't Make Sense R200 Camera

I am running the tutorial found here:
It gets the depth values from the r200 using the following lines:
cv::Mat depth16( _depth_intrin.height, _depth_intrin.width, CV_16U,(uchar *)_rs_camera.get_frame_data( rs::stream::depth ) );
cv::Mat depth8u = depth16;
depth8u.convertTo( depth8u, CV_8UC1, 255.0/1000 );
imshow( WINDOW_DEPTH, depth8u );
And the output image steam is:
You can see the color image as well. I've also put a tape measure across the bottom that goes as far as 3.5m (the range for the r200 is supposed to be up to 3.5m)
Why on earth is the color binary? I've tried adding different color images but it seems to not be depth values at all. Also it makes no sense that the floor is consistently black even though it spans from 1m to 5m away. Why are all objects white? The table and couch are obviously different distances away.
How can I improve this? I know you can get good depth values from the r200 as I get them in the examples. See ( but these use glfw as opposed to OpenCV. I'm wondering why the depth values are so odd once theyve been converted.
Ideally i would like to generate depth values and filter any outside the range of 1m to 2m away. Thanks!
Edit: As #MSalters pointed out, the first half of my answer was erroneous and due to my misreading of the OP's code. The second half contains the right answer.
If your depth range is 1-3.5m, measured in millimetres (1000mm-3500mm); dividing the result by 1000 will give you data in the range 1.0-3.5. However, your source data is a 16-bit unsigned type, which can't represent decimal or floating point values, only integers, so your values get truncated to one of {0,1,2,3}. You might get away with this in convertTo, as it may marshal the types internally, but it's a potential source of error.
There is a second problem though... CV_8U is an 8-bit unsigned char, which can also only represent integer values, this time in the range from 0-255. Since your data can be in the range 0...3500, by multiplying by 0.255 as you do in your example, anything over 1000mm depth results in a value over 255 and so gets truncated there.
Instead of converting the raw depth image as you are above, you could use the cv::normalize function, with the NORM_MINMAX normalisation-type to normalise your data down to the 0...255 range. You can set the destination image format to CV_8U too.
This is probably only suitable for visualisation though, as it'll be affected by the source data input range. Instead, if you know your max value is 3500, and your min is 0, divide the source image by 3500 and multiply by 255. That said, where possible, it's probably best to keep it in the 16-bit format for the sake of depth resolution.

Histogram Binning of Gradient Vectors

I am working on a project that has a small component requiring the comparison of distributions over image gradients. Assume I have computed the image gradients in the x and y directions using a Sobel filter and have for each pixel a 2-vector. Obviously getting the magnitude and direction is reasonably trivial and is as follows:
However, what is not clear to me is how to bin these two components in to a two dimensional histogram for an arbitrary number of bins.
I had considered something along these lines(written in browser):
//Assuming normalised magnitudes.
//Histogram dimensions are bins * bins.
int getHistIdx(float mag, float dir, int bins) {
const int magInt = reinterpret_cast<int>(mag);
const int dirInt = reinterpret_cast<int>(dir);
const int magMod = reinterpret_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(1.0));
const int dirMod = reinterpret_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(TWO_PI));
const int idxMag = (magInt % magMod) & bins
const int idxDir = (dirInt % dirMod) & bins;
return idxMag * bins + idxDir;
However, I suspect that the mod operation will introduce a lot of incorrect overlap, i.e. completely different gradients getting placed in to the same bin.
Any insight in to this problem would be very much appreciated.
I would like to avoid using any off the shelf libraries as I want to keep this project as dependency light as possible. Also I intend to implement this in CUDA.
This is more of a what is an histogram question? rather than one of your tags. Two things:
In a 2D plain two directions equal by modulation of 2pi are in fact the same - so it makes sense to modulate.
I see no practical or logical reason of modulating the norms.
Next, you say you want a "two dimensional histogram", but return a single number. A 2D histogram, and what would make sense in your context, is a 3D plot - the plane is theta/R, 2 indexed, while the 3D axis is the "count".
So first suggestion, return
return Pair<int,int>(idxMag,idxDir);
Then you can make a 2D histogram, or 2 2D histograms.
Regarding the "number of bins"
this is use case dependent. You need to define the number of bins you want (maybe different for theta and R). Maybe just some constant 10 bins? Maybe it should depend on the amount of vectors? In any case, you need a function that receives either the number of vectors, or the total set of vectors, and returns the number of bins for each axis. This could be a constant (10 bins) initially, and you can play with it. Once you decide on the number of bins:
Determine the bins
For a bounded case such as 0<theta<2 pi, this is easy. Divide the interval equally into the number of bins, assuming a flat distribution. Your modulation actually handles this well - if you would have actually modulated by 2*pi, which you didn't. You would still need to determine the bin bounds though.
For R this gets trickier, as this is unbounded. Two options here, but both rely on the same tactic - choose a maximal bin. Either arbitrarily (Say R=10), so any vector longer than that is placed in the "longer than max" bin. The rest is divided equally (for example, though you could choose other distributions). Another option is for the longest vector to determine the edge of the maximal bin.
Getting the index
Once you have the bins, you need to search the magnitude/direction of the current vector in your bins. If bins are pairs representing min/max of bin (and maybe an index), say in a linked list, then it would be something like (for mag for example):
bin = histogram.first;
while ( mag > bin.min ) bin =;
magIdx = bin.index;
If the bin does not hold the index you can just use a counter and increase it in the while. Also, for the magnitude the final bin should hold "infinity" or some large number as a limit. Note this has nothing to do with modulation, though that would work for your direction - as you have coded. I don't see how this makes sense for the norm.
Bottom line though, you have to think a bit about what you want. In any case all the "objects" here are trivial enough to write yourself, or even use small arrays.
I think you should arrange your bins in a square array, and then bin by vx and vy independently.
If your gradients are reasonably even you just need to scan the data first to accumulate the min and max in x and y, and then split the gradients evenly.
If the gradients are very unevenly distributed, you might want to sort the (eg) vx first and arrange that the boundaries between each bin exactly evenly divides the values.
An intermediate solution might be to obtain the min and max ignoring the (eg) 10% most extreme values.

Converting 12 bit color values to 8 bit color values C++

I'm attempting to convert 12-bit RGGB color values into 8-bit RGGB color values, but with my current method it gives strange results.
Logically, I thought that simply dividing the 12-bit RGGB into 8-bit RGGB would work and be pretty simple:
// raw_color_array contains R,G1,G2,B in a bayer pattern with each element
// ranging from 0 to 4096
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
raw_color_array[i] /= 16; // 4096 becomes 256 and so on
However, in practice this actually does not work. Given, for example, a small image with water and a piece of ice in it you can see what actually happens in the conversion (right most image).
Why does this happen? and how can I get the same (or close to) image on the left, but as 8-bit values instead? Thanks!
EDIT: going off of #MSalters answer, I get a better quality image but the colors are still drasticaly skewed. What resources can I look into for converting 12-bit data to 8-bit data without a steep loss in quality?
It appears that your raw 12 bits data isn't on a linear scale. That is quite common for images. For a non-linear scale, you can't use a linear transformation like dividing by 16.
A non-linear transform like sqrt(x*16) would also give you an 8 bits value. So would std::pow(x, 12.0/8.0)
A known problem with low-gradient images is that you get banding. If your images has an area where the original value varies from say 100 to 200, the 12-to-8 bit reduction will shrink that to less than 100 different values. You get rounding , and with naive (local) rounding you get bands. Linear or non-linear, there will then be some inputs x that all map to y, and some that map to y+1. This can be mitigated by doing the transformation in floating point, and then adding a random value between -1.0 and +1.0 before rounding. This effectively breaks up the band structure.
After you clarified that this 12bit data is only for one color, here is my simple answer:
Since you want to convert its value to its 8 bit equivalent, it obviously means you lost some of the data (4bits). This is the reason why you are not getting the same output.
After clarification:
If you want to retain the actual colour values!
Apply de-mosaicking in the 12 Bit image and then scale the resultant data to 8 - Bit. So that the colour loss due to de-mosaicking will be less compared to the previous approach.
You say that your 12-bits represent 2^12 bits of one colour. That is incorrect. There are reds, greens and blues in your image. Look at the histogram. I made this with ImageMagick at the command line:
convert cells.jpg histogram:png:h.png
If you want 8-bits per pixel, rather than trying to blindly/statically apportion 3 bits to Green, 2 bits to Red and 3 bits to Blue, you would probably be better off going with an 8-bit palette so you can have 250+ colours of all variations rather than restricting yourself to just 8 blue shades, 4 reds an 8 green. So, like this:
convert cells.jpg -colors 254 PNG8:result.png
Here is the result of that beside the original:
The process above is called "quantisation" and if you want to implement it in C/C++, there is a writeup here.

openCV filter image - replace kernel with local maximum

Some details about my problem:
I'm trying to realize corner detector in openCV (another algorithm, that are built-in: Canny, Harris, etc).
I've got a matrix filled with the response values. The biggest response value is - the biggest probability of corner detected is.
I have a problem, that in neighborhood of a point there are few corners detected (but there is only one). I need to reduce number of false-detected corners.
Exact problem:
I need to walk through the matrix with a kernel, calculate maximum value of every kernel, leave max value, but others values in kernel make equal zero.
Are there build-in openCV functions to do this?
This is how I would do it:
Create a kernel, it defines a pixels neighbourhood.
Create a new image by dilating your image using this kernel. This dilated image contains the maximum neighbourhood value for every point.
Do an equality comparison between these two arrays. Wherever they are equal is a valid neighbourhood maximum, and is set to 255 in the comparison array.
Multiply the comparison array, and the original array together (scaling appropriately).
This is your final array, containing only neighbourhood maxima.
This is illustrated by these zoomed in images:
9 pixel by 9 pixel original image:
After processing with a 5 by 5 pixel kernel, only the local neighbourhood maxima remain (ie. maxima seperated by more than 2 pixels from a pixel with a greater value):
There is one caveat. If two nearby maxima have the same value then they will both be present in the final image.
Here is some Python code that does it, it should be very easy to convert to c++:
import cv
im = cv.LoadImage('fish2.png',cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
maxed = cv.CreateImage((im.width, im.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
comp = cv.CreateImage((im.width, im.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
#Create a 5*5 kernel anchored at 2,2
kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 2, 2, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT)
cv.Dilate(im, maxed, element=kernel, iterations=1)
cv.Cmp(im, maxed, comp, cv.CV_CMP_EQ)
cv.Mul(im, comp, im, 1/255.0)
cv.ShowImage("local max only", im)
I didn't realise until now, but this is what #sansuiso suggested in his/her answer.
This is possibly better illustrated with this image, before:
after processing with a 5 by 5 kernel:
solid regions are due to the shared local maxima values.
I would suggest an original 2-step procedure (there may exist more efficient approaches), that uses opencv built-in functions :
Step 1 : morphological dilation with a square kernel (corresponding to your neighborhood). This step gives you another image, after replacing each pixel value by the maximum value inside the kernel.
Step 2 : test if the cornerness value of each pixel of the original response image is equal to the max value given by the dilation step. If not, then obviously there exists a better corner in the neighborhood.
If you are looking for some built-in functionality, FilterEngine will help you make a custom filter (kernel).
Also, I would recommend some kind of noise reduction, usually blur, before all processing. That is unless you really want the image raw.

Fast/Efficent Pixel Access in Magick++

As an educational excercise for myself I'm writing an application that can average a bunch of images. This is often used in Astrophotography to reduce noise.
The library I'm using is Magick++ and I've succeeded in actually writing the application. But, unfortunately, its slow. This is the code I'm using:
red.clear(); blue.clear(); green.clear();
ColorRGB rgb(image[i].pixelColor(column,row));
redVal = avg(red);
greenVal = avg(green);
blueVal = avg(blue);
redVal = redVal*MaxRGB; greenVal = greenVal*MaxRGB; blueVal = blueVal*MaxRGB;
Color newRGB(redVal,greenVal,blueVal);
The code averages 10 images by going through each pixel and adding each channel's pixel intensity into a double vector. The function avg then takes the vector as a parameter and averages the result. This average is then used at the corresponding pixel in stackedImage - which is the resultant image. It works just fine but as I mentioned, I'm not happy with the speed. It takes 2 minutes and 30s seconds on a Core i5 machine. The images are 8 megapixel and 16 bit TIFFs. I understand that its a lot of data, but I have seen it done faster in other applications.
Is it my loop thats slow or is pixelColor(x,y) a slow way to access pixels in an image? Is there a faster way?
Why use vectors/arrays at all?
Why not
double red=0.0, blue=0.0, green=0.0;
ColorRGB rgb(image[i].pixelColor(column,row));;;;
This avoids 36 function calls on vector objects per pixel.
And you may get even better performance by using a PixelCache of the whole image instead of the original Image objects. See the "Low-Level Image Pixel Access" section of the online Magick++ documentation for Image
Then the inner loop becomes
PixelPacket* pix = cache[i]+row*columns+column;
red+= pix->red;
blue+= pix->blue;
green+= pix->green;
Now you have also removed 10 calls to PixelColor, 10 ColorRGB constructors, and 30 accessor functions per pixel.
Note, This is all theory; I haven't tested any of it
Why do you use vectors for red, blue and green? Because using push_back can perform reallocations, and bottleneck processing. You could instead allocate just once three arrays of 10 colors.
Couldn't you declare rgb outside of the loops in order to relieve stack of unnecessary constructions and destructions?
Doesn't Magick++ have a way to average images?
Just in case anyone else wants to average images to reduce noise, and doesn't feel like too much "educational exercise" ;-)
ImageMagick can do averaging of a sequence of images like this:
convert image1.tif image2.tif ... image32.tif -evaluate-sequence mean result.tif
You can also do median filtering and others by changing the word mean in the above command to whatever you want, e.g.:
convert image1.tif image2.tif ... image32.tif -evaluate-sequence median result.tif
You can get a list of the available operations with:
identify -list evaluate