How to read a utf-8 string from an xml using rapidxml? - c++

My question is same as this unanswered question ?
How to read Unicode XML values with rapidxml
But the content of my XML is encoded in UTF-8. I am a newbie to MS Visual Studio, C++.
My question is, How do we read an UTF-8 string into a wchar_t type string ?
Say, I define a structure like this,
typedef struct{
vector<int> stroke_labels;
int stroke_count;
wchar_t* uni_val;
and when I read the value from xml i use..
WORD_DETAIL this_detail;
But the utf-8 strings that are being stored are not as expected. They are corrupted characters.
My questions are:
How can I use rapidxml to read Unicode/Utf-8 values ?
Are there any more simple xml parsers that do the same thing ?
Any example code will be deeply appreciated.
In section 2.1 here it is mentioned
"Note that RapidXml performs no decoding - strings returned by name() and value() functions will contain text encoded using the same encoding as source file."
If the encoding of my XML is UTF-8 , what is the best way to get the return value of ->value() function ?
Thanks in advance.

Remember that RapidXML is an 'in-situ' parser: It parses the XML and modifies the content by adding null terminators in the correct places (and other things).
So the value() function is really just returning a char * pointer into your original data. If that's UTF-8, then RapidXML returns a pointer to a UTF-8 character string. In other words, you're already doing what you asked for in the question title.
But, in the code snippet you posted you want to store a wchar_t in a struct. First off, I recommend you don't do that at all, because of the memory ownership issues. Remember, you're meant to be using C++, not C. And if you really want to store a raw pointer, why not the UTF-8 one you already have?
But, because it's windows there's a (remote) chance you'll need to pass a wide char array to an API function. If so, you will need to convert UTF-8 to Wide chars, using the OS function MultiByteToWideChar
// Get the UTF-8
char *str = xml->first_node("codeSequence")->value();
// work out the size
int size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0);
// allocate a vector for that size
std::vector<wchar_t> wide(size);
// do the conversion
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, &wide[0], size);


Convert a multibyte UTF8 to wchar_t for usage with _wfopen()

There are different threads to similar problems, but after searching and trying a lot, I could not find a solution. So that's what I have:
There is a pathname of a file which originally has the name "C:\F\鸡汤饭\abstr.txt". This is some internal representation where I do not have access to.
What I get in my application is this string converted to UTF-8 multi-byte handed over as a char array. So in this array I can find the data "C:\F\鸡汤饭\abstr.txt".
Now I want to open the related file. I found _wfopen() could do that job, but it expects a wchar_t string. So I tried to convert this multibyte UTF-8 char array to wchar_t via mbstowcs() - but this does not work, the resulting wchar_t array contains exactly the same data and _wfopen() fails.
So... any idea how I can open this file correctly?
Finally the solution
fs::path p = fs::u8path(u8"要らない.txt");
using std::filesystem did work properly. Surprisingly this was introduced with C++17 but is already deprecated :-O

How to read java unicode byte string encoded with utf-8 in c++

I have proto message which is stored in mongo as string with below syntax
Which is nothing but unicode encoded as utf8.
Now i am trying to read the same in c++ side from mongo using below -
std::wstring str(mongoData.get_utf8().value.to_string().begin(), mongoData.get_utf8().value.to_string().end());
String str1(boost::locale::conv::utf_to_utf<char>(str.c_str(), str.c_str()+str.size());
But doing above, str1 is giving corrupted data.
Please help what am doing wrong. Thanks.
Just guessing here: mongoData.get_utf8().value.to_string() returns a string by value.
That means the beginning and end iterators are totally unrelated as they come from different strings.
Simple solution to that is to create your own copy of the string and get the iterators from that copy:
auto mongo_string = mongoData.get_utf8().value.to_string();
std::wstring str(mongo_string.begin(), mongo_string().end());

how to convert utf8 to std::string?

I am working on this code which receives a cpprest sdk response containing a base64_encoded payload which is a json. here is my code snippet:
typedef std::wstring string_t; //defined in basic_types.h in cpprest lib
void demo() {
http_response response;
//code to handle respose ...
json::value output= response.extract_json();
string_t payload ="payload").as_string();
vector<unsigned char> base64_encoded_payload = conversions::from_base64(payload);
std::string utf8_payload(base64_encoded_payload.begin(), base64_encoded_payload.end()); //in debugger I see the Japanese chars are garbled.
string_t utf16_payload = utf8_to_utf16(utf8_payload); //in debugger I see the Japanese chars are good here
//then I need to process the utf8_payload which is an xml.
//I have an API available to process the xml which takes an string
processXML(utf16_payload); //need to convert utf16_payload to a string here;
I also tried this and I see str contains garbled chars!
#include <codecvt> // for codecvt_utf8_utf16
#include <locale> // for wstring_convert
#include <string> // for string, wstring
void wstr2str(void) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> conversion;
std::wstring japanese = L"北島 美奈";
std::string str = conversion.to_bytes(japanese); //str is garbled:(
my questions is: can utf8 containing Japanese char be converted to std::string without being garbled?
Update: I gained access to the processXML() code and changed the input argument type to std::wstring and it worked.
I figured when the xml was getting created, it was converting the std::string to wstring; however, it was not turning out good!
void processXML(std::wstring xmlStrBuf) { //chaned xmlStrBuf to wstring and worked
// more code
CComBSTR xmlBuff = xmlStrBuf.c_str();
VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess = false;
xmlDoc->loadXML(xmlBuff, &bSuccess);
//more code
Thanks for the answers and they were helpful when mentioned the string is only a storage.
You are confusing different concepts here.
This is how we save/store/hold our data. A std::string is a collection of chars, which are bytes. A std::wstring is a collection of wchar_ts, which are sometimes 2-byte wide value (but this is not guaranteed!).
This is what the data means, and how it should be interpreted. A std::string, a collection of bytes, could hold UTF-8, or UTF-16, or UTF-32, or ASCII, or ShiftJIS, or morse code, or a JPEG, or a movie, or my DNA (lucky string!).
There are some strong conventions in play in the world. For example, on Windows, a std::wstring is generally accepted to hold UTF-16 (because the two-byte storage is convenient for this, and also because that's how the Windows API does it).
Newer versions of C++ give us things like std::u16_string and std::u32_string as well, which still do not directly have any notion of encoding, but are intended to be used for UTF-16 and UTF-32 respectively because their names make that intention more obvious to readers of code. C++20 will introduce std::u8_string which is intended to signify a UTF-8 encoded string (and is otherwise more or less like a std::string).
But these are just conventions. Nothing about the type std::string says "UTF-8" or any other thing. It doesn't know about or care about or enforce any encoding. It just stores bytes.
So, your question about "converting UTF-8 to std::string" does not really make any sense; it's like asking how to convert a road into a car.
"What should I do, then?"
Well, Base64 is also not an encoding. Well, actually, it totally is, but it's an encoding on top of the string encoding. It's a way of transmitting/escaping/sanitising the raw bytes, not a way of describing how to interpret them later. By asking cpprest to convert from Base64, that's just transforming the way the raw bytes are provided. That's why it gives you a std::vector<char> rather than a std::string because, although (as discussed above) std::string doesn't care about encoding, we sometimes use a std::vector<char> to really, properly, completely say that "this collection does not have any particular encoding, so please don't try to guess from convention or whatever what the encoding is in this use case; all it knows is that it is a bunch of bytes". This is down to opinion. Some people will still use a std::string for that; the authors of cpprest decided not to.
The point is that the use of the function from_base64 cannot tell us anything about the encoding of the text that you've retrieved. For that, we have to go back to the documentation for the text. We have no access to that, and you did not tell us anything about it. If it were just a JSON string, the encoding would be down to the cpprest JSON library and so you'd already be done. However, it's not: it's something packed into a Base64 representation by whoever created the JSON object. Again, that information is not something that you shared with us.
But, based on the variable names you've chosen, the data you're looking at is already UTF-8. You've then attempted to convert it to UTF-16, which is rather the opposite of what you've described you wanted to do.
(Similarly, in your second example, you've taken a std::wstring that [probably] already stores UTF-16 thanks to the L"wide string literal", then told the computer that it's UTF-8 and to convert it "again" to UTF-16, then extracted the raw bytes into a std::string. None of that makes sense.)
Instead, why not literally just processXML(utf8_payload);?
General advice
Encoding can be quite complex, although it's significantly easier to deal with once you've wrapped your mind around the basic concepts of all these layers of abstraction. For the future, and for this question if you wish to clarify it, you will need to ensure that you are absolutely clear, at each stage of the "pipeline" of your data as it gets transmitted from place A to place B, and gets converted from type C to type D, and whatever else, about what encoding it should be at each of those steps. If you want to change the encoding at one of those steps, then do so (though this should be rare!). But before you write any code make sure that you know for sure what it is that you need, otherwise you'll get yourself in a massive tangle.
Eventually you'll start to detect patterns that can help, though. For example, if you were expecting some delicious non-ASCII output and instead see strange text with lots of "Å" characters in it, that's probably UTF-8 that's being interpreted as ASCII by mistake. That's because of the way that the special sequence denoting Unicode codepoints larger than one byte in UTF-8 often starts with a byte whose numerical value is the same as that of the letter "Å" in ASCII (well, ISO/IEC 8859, but close enough).
Similarly, if you get Japanese and didn't expect it, in my experience that's usually because you've given the computer some bytes and told it that they are a string in UTF-16 encoding, when actually they were UTF-8. You just get more experienced at recognising these patterns as you work more, and it can help you to fix your bugs faster.
Just last week the last example there saved me quite a bit of time: I knew immediately that my source data must have been UTF-8, and was therefore able to quickly decide to remove the byte-copy into a std::wstring that I'd been attempting. Examining the bytes in an encoding-agnostic way revealed the "Å" pattern as well and then that was that. This was important because I had no documentation for the data source and thus no way to just look up what the encoding was supposed to be. I had to guess/deduce it. Hopefully that won't be the case for you here.
std::string is just a container for 8-bit wide char, and does not know/care about the encoding. Always think in symbols (letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.) The first 128 characters (0-127) were defined per the ASCII standard, thus requiring a single char to store each symbol. With all the languages and symbols there is, we couldn't represent each of them with just 256 possibilities. The UTF-8 encoding introduces a way to deal with this problem by allowing a single symbol to take 1, 2, 3 or 4 char wide. But, for the std::string object, this is entirely transparent and it's still dealing with a series of chars.
The reason why you're thinking the string is garbled is probably because your debugger assumes the contents of the std::string is always 1 symbol per char (extended ASCII for example), and as such, it's displaying the wrong characters.
Edit: you might want to read this post also.

Required to convert a String to UTF8 string

Problem Statement:
I am required to convert a generated string to UTF8 string, this generated string has extended ascii characters and I am on Linux system (2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64).
A POC is still in progress so I can only provide small code samples
and complete solution can be posted only once ready.
Why I required UFT8 (I have extended ascii characters to be stored in a string which has to be UTF8).
How I am proceeding:
Convert generated string to wchar_t string.
Please look at the below sample code
int main(){
char CharString[] = "Prova";
iconv_t cd;
wchar_t WcharString[255];
size_t size= mbstowcs(WcharString, CharString, strlen(CharString));
wprintf(L"%ls\n", WcharString);
wprintf(L"%s\n", WcharString);
One question here:
Output is
Why the size is not printed here ?
Why the second printf prints only one character.
If I print size before both printed string then only 5 is printed and both strings are missing from console.
Moving on to Second Part:
Now that I will have a wchar_t string I want to convert it to UTF8 string
For this I was surfing through and found iconv will help here.
Question here
These are the methods I found in manual
**iconv_t iconv_open(const char *, const char *);
size_t iconv(iconv_t, char **, size_t *, char **, size_t *);
int iconv_close(iconv_t);**
Do I need to convert back wchar_t array to char array to before feeding to iconv ?
Please provide suggestions on the above issues.
Extended ascii I am talking about please see letters i in the marked snapshot below
For your first question (which I am interpreting as "why is all the output not what I expect"):
Where does the '?????' come from? In the call mbstowcs(WcharString, CharString, strlen(CharString)), the last argument (strlen(CharString)) is the length of the output buffer, not the length of the input string. mbstowcs will not write more than that number of wide characters, including the NUL terminator. Since the conversion requires 6 wide characters including the terminator, and you are only allowing it to write 5 wide characters, the resulting wide character string is not NUL terminated, and when you try to print it out you end up printing garbage after the end of the converted string. Hence the ?????. You should use the size of the output buffer in wchar_t's (255, in this case) instead.
Why does the second wprintf only print one character? When you call wprintf with a wide character string argument, you must use the %ls format code (or, more accurately, the %s conversion needs to be qualified with an l length modifier). If you use %s without the l, then wprintf will interpret the string as a char*, and it will convert each character to a wchar_t as it outputs it. However, since the argument is actually a wide character string, the first wchar_t in the string is L"p", which is the number 0x70 in some integer size. That means that the second byte of the wchar_t (counting from the end, since you have a little-endian architecture) is a 0, so if you treat the string as a string of characters, it will be terminated immediately after the p. So only one character is printed.
Why doesn't the last printf print anything? In C, an output stream can either be a wide stream or a byte stream, but you don't specify that when you open the stream. (And, in any case, standard output is already opened for you.) This is called the orientation of the stream. A newly opened stream is unoriented, and the orientation is fixed when you first output to the stream. If the first output call is a wide call, like wprintf, then the stream is a wide stream; otherwise, it is a byte stream. Once set, the orientation is fixed and you can't use output calls of the wrong orientation. So the printf is illegal, and it does nothing other than raise an error.
Now, let's move on to your second question: What do I do about it?
The first thing is that you need to be clear about what format the input is in, and how you want to output it. On Linux, it is somewhat unlikely that you will want to use wchar_t at all. The most likely cases for the input string are that it is already UTF-8, or that it is in some ISO-8859-x encoding. And the most likely cases for the output are the same: either it is UTF-8, or it is some ISO-8859-x encoding.
Unfortunately, there is no way for your program to know what encoding the console is expecting. The output may not even be going to a console. Similarly, there is really no way for your program to know which ISO-8859-x encoding is being used in the input string. (If it is a string literal, the encoding might be specified when you invoke the compiler, but there is no standard way of providing the information.)
If you are having trouble viewing output because non-ascii characters aren't displaying properly, you should start by making sure that the console is configured to use the same encoding as the program is outputting. If the program is sending UTF-8 to a console which is displaying, say, ISO-8859-15, then the text will not display properly. In theory, your locale setting includes the encoding used by your console, but if you are using a remote console (say, through PuTTY from a Windows machine), then the console is not part of the Linux environment and the default locale may be incorrect. The simplest fix is to configure your console correctly, but it is also possible to change the Linux locale.
The fact that you are using mbstowcs from a byte string suggests that you believe that the original string is in UTF-8. So it seems unlikely that the problem is that you need to convert it to UTF-8.
You can certainly use iconv to convert a string from one encoding to another; you don't need to go through wchar_t to do so. But you do need to know the actual input encoding and the desired output encoding.
It's no good idea to use iconv for utf8. Just implement the definition of utf8 yourself. That is quite easily in done in C from the Description
You don't even need wchar_t, just use uint32_t for your characters.
You will learn much if you implement yourself and your program will gain speed from not using mb or iconv functions.

How to tell if LPCWSTR text is numeric?

Entire string needs to be made of integers which as we know are 0123456789 I am trying with following function but it doesnt seem to work
bool isNumeric( const char* pszInput, int nNumberBase )
string base = "0123456789";
string input = pszInput;
return (::strspn(input.substr(0, nNumberBase).c_str(), base.c_str()) == input.length());
and the example of using it in code...
isdigit = (isNumeric((char*)text, 11));
It returns true even with text in the string
Presumably the issue is that text is actually LPCWSTR which is const wchar_t*. We have to infer this fact from the question title and the cast that you made.
Now, that cast is a problem. The compiler objected to you passing text. It said that text is not const char*. By casting you have not changed what text is, you simply lied to the compiler. And the compiler took its revenge.
What happens next is that you reinterpret the wide char buffer as being a narrow 8 bit buffer. If your wide char buffer has latin text, encoded as UTF-16, then every other byte will be zero. Hence the reinterpret cast that you do results in isNumeric thinking that the string is only 1 character long.
What you need to do is either:
Start using UTF-16 encoded wchar_t buffers in isNumeric.
Convert from UTF-16 to ANSI before calling isNumeric.
You should think about this carefully. It seems that at present you have a rather unholy mix of ANSI and UTF-16 in your program. You really ought to settle on a standard character encoding an use it consistently throughout. That is tenable internal to your program, but you will encounter external text that could use different encodings. Deal with that by converting at the boundary between your program and the outside world.
Personally I don't understand why you are using C strings at all. Surely you should be using std::wstring or std::string.