Typesafe activator not starting - akka

I installed typesafe activator(Windows) for using akka frame work. But when i am trying to start the activator it is not opening in the browser as mentioned on the Akka website. I tried opening it using command prompt but it is showing "jansi 1.11 could not be retrieved" error. How to reslove this?

Looks like you can't download the right version of the jansi.jar which unfortunately isn't included in the download.
If you are using a web proxy on Windows you have to follow the configuration steps described here http://typesafe.com/activator/docs in the section "Behind a proxy"

try setting the http_proxy environment variable. It worked for me. See this


Titanium app not opening android N

Appcelerator application is not opening after installation. I tried one android module which was invoked in index.js to check if device datetime was enabled.When i commented this module reference from tiapp.xml, it worked. But i need this module. Please help on this.
Which version of Titanium SDK are you using? If we consider that you are using SDK 6.0 and above, then for Android modules, you need to re-build them with Titanium SDK 6.0 to make it compatible. For this reason if you remove the module it is working fine. Can you rebuild the module using the updated SDK and confirm.
I found the root cause is that Camera,Location,Storage,Calendar permissions are not getting set on app launch. Once i enable them manually via device app settings its working. I tried to set these permissions via example in
http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/api/Titanium.Android Permissions section but not getting set. Please advise how to set permissions in Android N

Amazon AWS Service Error

I am currently trying to set up a Virtual Machine and a Database Server for my website to launch off of. I decided to go with Amazon's AWS.
I have beeing working through This Tutorial and am at Part 3 now.
I got to the point where I started the Apache Web Server and went to my local DNS name in my browser, and successfully saw the Test Page.
I proceeded forward with Downloading "Drupal" and got to the section where it says "Configure Drupal". I am now trying to load my local DNS name in my browser again, only to get a 500 Server Error.
I'm not sure what could've went wrong, I only entered the commands in the tutorial for the whole section on "Install Drupal".
Thank you
EDIT: Also, what exactly does Drupal do? And do I need to use it?
Drupal is a CMS system, and you don't have to use it. It is only being used to provide an example for a website. Instead of installing Drupal, you can install your own site on the server if you prefer or even something like Wordpress if you're more familiar with that.
However, if you do want to follow the example your best bet for discovering the problem is to look into what the exact error is. You should be able to find more information about that in the log files located in /var/log/httpd. The error log in there should show you more details about what failed.

Error deploying yii2-starter-kit Yii2 installation

I'm trying to deploy this Yii2 installation (https://github.com/trntv/yii2-starter-kit/blob/master/docs/installation.md#configure-your-web-server) but I'm having problems.
I think problems are related with this configuration step: "Configure your web server".
I've the webpage running here: http://vector5.raspctl.com/yii2-starter-kit/frontend/web/
But no one of the options works. For example, "Connect" option (http://vector5.raspctl.com/yii2-starter-kit/frontend/web/user/sign-in/login)
I can't found the error, any help?
The Yii2-Starter-Kit is not ready to work in a single-domain installation. You must enable, for example: backend.website.com, storage.website.com and the frontpage www.website.com
The installation guide, specifies this.
You can use this guide, to setup your single-domain installation (remember that the yii2-starter-kit also uses the storage folder!).
Have a great week.

Issues while deploying tomcat 7 in cloudfoundry

I have a java Spring application that I want to deploy to Cloudfoundry on Tomcat7. I am newbie to Cloudfoundry and followed the steps mentioned here but when I issue vmc push command I am getting warning Can't determine the Application Type with no options provided. Any idea to resolve this ?
C:\apps\tomcat7>vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]:
Application Name: myApp77
[WARNING] Can't determine the Application Type.
Select Application Type:
Dan's comment is correct. You should be given the option to choose standalone app.
You may want to have a look at https://github.com/ericbottard/cloudfoundry-tomcat-7 which is a distribution of tomcat already customized (and tested) as described in the blog post you mention.
Even better, if you're using Maven, just follow the README and you'll be able to deploy your war project automatically as a tomcat7 standalone.
Hope this helps,
This actually sounds correct to me, in the list of application types should be an entry named "standalone application". Select that one and then provide the command you wish to start the application with, in this case it's 'bin/startup.sh'

Coldfusion 9 issue

Just downloaded Coldfusion 9 developer for review purposes. I am at the administrator page and I think everything has worked fine. I want to do a simple "Hello World" example. One tutorial gave me a simple 6 line script to do this and it looks pretty simple and understandable. I went to notepad and created the following:
<head><title>Hello World</title></head>
<cfoutput>#ucase("hello world")#</cfoutput>
It told me to save it as helloworld.cfm in inetpub/wwwroot directory. I could not find such a directory on my system. So I saved it to C:\helloworld.cfm. Then it told me to go to my browser and type http://localhost/helloworld.cfm. I got something to the effect of a page not found error. Any help you can spare here.
Secondly, and more importantly, exactly where do I really need to be to be to create and run the above helloworld.cfm script above? Is there another tool I must have to create the above script to do this? I also understand that there is very little tutorial documentation on Coldfusion 9, why is that the case. Can you offer me any suggestions. I would really like to use this development tool. Adobe says it is the easiest development tool out there. You will have a tough time convincing me of that at this stage, however, I just might be missing a procedural/processing step thats real simple. I hope this is the case. Thanks for you valuable time.
When you installed ColdFusion did you hook it up to a webserver or did you install it in standalone mode?
Did you install it as standard ColdFusion or Multiserver?
The reason I ask is that depending on how you installed it will determine where you will find the web root.
For example, ColdFusion standard in stand alone mode will have the web root under something like C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot
Multiserver standalone will be something like C:\Jrun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\
Installation with a connection to a web server will have asked you where you server's web root is and so on
To create scripts; notepad, but there are two eclipse based IDEs you might like to try. CFEclipse is free and ColdFusion Builder is adode's commercial product.
First of all, Welcome to the ColdFusion community!
I believe Jerry has done a default ColdFusion install. The CFAdmin URL as mentioned is 8300, so i guess it is a multi server installation.
As pointed out by stephen, your web root would be something like \Jrun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\
You need to place your helloworld.cfm in the above path.
I recommend ColdFusion builder/ CFEclipse to start with.
CF is a easy language, you will realize that soon :)
http://localhost/ will point to where your web server is configured. So obvious question is did you configure a web server such as IIS or Apache? Which OS are you using and which install of ColdFusion did you pick (standard, multiserver, other...)?
If you don't want to use an external web server you can use the built-in one, I have never really used it much but here is a link that should get you going: http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/help.html?content=webservmgmt_3.html
To create CFM files you can use pretty much any editor, the most popular one is Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org/) coupled with the CFEclipse plugin (http://www.cfeclipse.org/). Adobe now has a IDE based on Eclipse called CFBuilder (http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/cfbuilder/features/) which is gaining speed quickly, but it is not free.