Moving average only for consecutive days in sas - sas

I have a question regarding moving average. I use Proc Expand (cmovave 3), but those three days can be non consecutive I suppose. I want to avoid missing data between days and use moving average for just those adjacent days.
Is there any way that I can do this? If I want to put it in another way 'how can I select a part of my data set where I have values for consecutive period (days)?'. I hope you give me some examples for this problem.

Use Expand to make sure you have all the values in the timeseries interval. Then use a data step to calculate the ma3 with the lagN() functions.
If you data already has the correct timeseries interval, then skip the PROC EXPAND step.
data test;
start = "01JAN2013"d;
format date date9.
value best.;
do i=1 to 365;
r = ranuni(1);
value = rannor(1);
date = intnx('weekday',start,i);
if r > .33 then output;
drop i start r;
proc expand data=test out=test2 to=weekday ;
id date;
var dummy;
data test(drop=dummy);
merge test2 test;
by date;
ma3 = (value + lag(value) + lag2(value))/3;
I use the DUMMY variable so that EXPAND will convert the series to WEEKDAY. Then drop it afterwards.


Sum a number of specific rows before and after

I want to do a sum of 250 previous rows for each row, starting from the row 250th.
X= lag1(VWRETD)+ lag2(VWRETD)+ ... +lag250(VWRETD)
X = sum ( lag1(VWRETD), lag2(VWRETD), ... ,lag250(VWRETD) )
I try to use lag function, but it does not work for too many lags.
I also want to calculate sum of 250 next rows after each row.
What you're looking for is a moving sum both forwards and backwards where the sum is missing until that 250th observation. The easiest way to do this is with PROC EXPAND.
Sample data:
data have;
do MKDate = '01JAN1993'd to '31DEC2000'd;
VWRET = rand('uniform');
format MKDate mmddyy10.;
proc expand data=have out=want;
id MKDate;
convert VWRET = x_backwards_250 / transform=(movsum 250 trimleft 250);
convert VWRET = x_forwards_250 / transform=(reverse movsum 250 trimleft 250 reverse);
Here's what the transformation operations are doing:
Creating a backwards moving sum of 250 observations, then setting the initial 250 to missing.
Reversing VWRET, creating a moving sum of 250 observations, setting the initial 250 to missing, then reversing it again. This effectively creates a forward moving sum.
The key is how to read observations from previous and post rows. As for your sum(n1, n2,...,nx) function, you can replace it with iterative summation.
This example uses multiple set skill to achieve summing a variable from 25 previous and post rows:
data test;
set sashelp.air nobs=nobs;
if 25<_n_<nobs-25+1 then do;
do i=_n_-25 to _n_-1;
set sashelp.air(keep=air rename=air=pre_air) point=i;
do j=_n_+1 to _n_+25;
set sashelp.air(keep=air rename=air=post_air) point=j;
drop pre_air post_air;
Only 26th to nobs-25th rows will be calculated, where nobs stands for number of observations of the setting data sashelp.air.
Multiple set may take long time when meeting big dataset, if you want to be more effective, you can use array and DOW-loop to instead multiple set skill:
data test;
array _val_[1024]_temporary_;
if _n_=1 then do i=1 by 1 until(eof);
set sashelp.air end=eof;
set sashelp.air nobs=nobs;
if 25<_n_<nobs-25+1 then do;
do i=_n_-25 to _n_-1;
do j=_n_+1 to _n_+25;
drop i j;
The weakness is you have to give a dimension number to array, it should be equal or great than nobs.
These skills are from a concept called "Table Look-Up", For SAS context, read "Table Look-Up by Direct Addressing: Key-Indexing -- Bitmapping -- Hashing", Paul Dorfman, SUGI 26.
You don't want use normal arithmetic with missing values becasue then the result is always a missing value. Use the SUM() function instead.
You don't need to spell out all of the lags. Just keep a normal running sum but add the wrinkle of removing the last one in by subtraction. So your equation only needs to reference the one lagged value.
Here is a simple example using running sum of 5 using SASHELP.CLASS data as an example:
%let n=5 ;
data step1;
set sashelp.class(keep=name age);
retain running_sum ;
if _n_ >= &n then want=running_sum;
So the sum of the first 5 observations is 68. But for the next observation the sum goes down to 66 since the age on the 6th observation is 2 less than the age on the first observation.
To calculate the other variable sort the dataset in descending order and use the same logic to make another variable.

How to determine the frequency of a time series?

For an if-query I would like to create a macro varibale giving the respective frequency of the underlying time
series. I tried to get some descriptive statistics from proc time series. However, they unfortunately do not include the figure for the frequency.
The underlying times series does not necessarily conclude all periods of the frequency. That excludes a selected count by proc sql from my point of view.
Does anyone know an efficient procedure to determine the frequency without computing the frequency on my own (in a data step or a proc sql code)?
You can use the outspectra statement to help learn what kind of seasonality it has. Based on the data, give PROC TIMESERIES your best guess of day, month, etc. In the example below, we know we want to forecast by month but we do not know what seasonality it has.
proc timeseries data=sashelp.air outspectra=spectra;
id date interval=month;
var air;
Plot this spectra dataset in proc sgplot and you'll see something that looks like this:
proc sgplot data=spectra;
where NOT missing(period);
series x=period y=p;
This line will naturally increase over time, but we're looking for a bumps in the line. Notice the large bump somewhere between 0 and 24 months and the several smaller bumps before it. Let's zoom in on that by filtering out the longer periods.
proc sgplot data=spectra;
where period < 24 and NOT missing(period);
series x=period y=p;
It's pretty clear that there is a strong seasonality of 12, with potentially smaller cycles at 3 and 6 months. From this plot, we can conclude that our seasonality should be 12 based on our spectra plot.
You can turn this into a macro to help identify the season if you'd like. Simply search for the largest bump within a reasonable timeframe. In our case we'll choose 36 because we do not suspect that we have any seasonality > 36 months.
proc sort data=spectra;
by period;
data identify_period;
set spectra;
by period;
where NOT missing(period) AND period LE 36;
delta = abs(p - lag(p) );
proc sql;
select period, max(delta) as max_delta
from identify_period
having delta = max(delta)
PERIOD max_delta
12 163712
I don't know how to do this without data step logic, but you could wrap the data step in a macro as follows:
%macro get_frequency(data,date_variable,output_variable);
proc sort data=&data (keep=&date_variable) out=__tempsorted;
by &date_variable;
data _null_;
set __tempsorted end=lastobs;
if _n_ > 1 then do;
interval_total + (&date_variable - prevdate);
if lastobs then do;
average_interval = interval_total/interval_number;
frequency = round(365.25/average_interval);
call symput ("&output_variable",left(put(frequency,best32.)));
proc datasets nolist;
delete __tempsorted;
%mend get_frequency;
Then you can call the macro on your original data set timeseries to examine the variable date and create a new macro variable frequency1 with the required frequency.
data work.timeseries;
input date date. value;
format date date9.;
01Oct18 3000
01Nov18 4000
01Dec18 6500
01Jan19 7000
01Feb19 4000
01Mar19 5000
01Apr19 7500
01May19 4800
01Jun19 4500
%put &=frequency1;
This seems to work on your sample data where each date is the first of the month. If your dates are evenly distributed (e.g. always near month start/end, or always near mid-month etc.) then this macro should work ok. Obviously if you have multiple observations per date then it will give the completely incorrect frequency.

Creating table with cumulative values

I have table like first table on the picture.
It's information about banks deals on the FX market on daily basis (buy minus sell). I would like to calculate cumulative results like on the second table. The number of banks and their names, also as date are not fixed. I'm new in SAS and tried to find solutions, but didn't find anything useful. I will be glad for any help.
When data such as this is in a wide format, it can be more difficult to process in SAS compared to a long format. Long data formats have numerous benefits in the form of by-group processing, indexing, filtering, etc. Many SAS procedures are designed around this concept.
For more information on the examples below, check out SAS's example on the Program Data Vector and by-group processing. Mastering these concepts will help you with data step programming.
Here are two ways you can solve it:
1. Use a sum statement and by-group processing.
In this example, we will:
Convert the data from wide to long in order to convert the bank name to a character variable
Perform a cumulative sum on each bank
Convert back to long again
By converting the bank name into a character variable, we can use by-group processing on it.
/* Convert from wide to long */
proc transpose data=raw
by date;
proc sort data=raw_transposed;
by bank date;
/* Use by-group processing to get cumulative values by month for each bank */
data cumulative_long;
set raw_transposed;
by bank date;
/* Reset the cumulative sum for each bank */
if( then call missing(cumulative);
proc sort data=raw_transposed;
by date bank;
/* Convert from long to wide */
proc transpose data=raw_transposed
by date;
id bank;
var COL1;
The sum statement can be used as a shortcut of the following code:
data cumulative_long;
set raw_transposed;
by bank date;
retain cumulative;
if( then cumulative = 0;
cumulative = cumulative + COL1;
cumulative does not exist in the dataset: we are creating it here. This value will become missing whenever SAS moves on to read a new row. We want SAS to carry the last value forward. retain tells SAS to carry its last value forward until we change it.
2. Use macro variables and dictionary tables
A second option would be to read all of the bank names from a dictionary table to prevent transposing. We will:
Read the names of the banks from the special table dictionary.columns into a macro variable using PROC SQL
Use arrays to perform cumulative sums
This assumes the bank naming scheme is always prefixed with "Bank." If does not follow a regular pattern, you can exclude all other variables from the initial SQL query.
proc sql noprint;
select name
, cats(name, '_cume')
into :banks separated by ' '
, :banks_cume separated by ' '
from dictionary.columns
where memname = 'RAW'
AND libname = 'WORK'
AND upcase(name) LIKE 'BANK%'
data want;
set raw;
array banks[*] &banks.;
array banks_cume[*] &banks_cume.;
do i = 1 to dim(banks);
drop i;

SAS forward looking Moving standard deviation

Hi does anyone know how to calculate the standard deviation over the next four quarters for each quarter? Thanks :)
My attempt is below:
date1 is the sas date for the quarter in a year
Proc sql ; create table th.totalroll as
Select distinct permco, date1 ,
(select std(adjret) from th.returns1 where qtr between
intnx('quarter',qtr(date),0) and intnx('quarter', qtr(date),+3)) as
TOTALroll From th.returns1 group by permco ,date1;
It's hard to tell how close you are because I'm not entirely certain what your data looks like, but here's an example assuming you have more than one date in each quarter. Create sample data:
data have;
format date date9.;
do m = 1 to 128;
date = intnx('month','01JAN2008'd,m-1);
amount = round(ranuni(date)*10);
drop m;
Using proc sql, create quarter variable (you might already have this variable?) and group by this variable. Use a having clause to restrict results to the first date of each quarter.
proc sql;
create table want as
yyq(year(,qtr( as quarter format=yyq.,
(select std(t2.amount)
from have t2
where >= yyq(year(,qtr(
and < intnx('quarter',yyq(year(,qtr(,4)) as stddev
have t1
group by
calculated quarter
having = min(
You should be able to adapt this to work for your data.
You can use proc expand if your dataset is already in quarterly. So something like this:
proc expand data=th.returns1
by permco date1;
id date;
convert adjret=TOTALroll / transformout=( MOVSTD 4 );
Don't forget to sort you data first. And MOVSTD gives you backward moving standard deviation. You may need to shift the output stream back by 4 quarters if you want the forward moving STD.
Transformation Operations for proc expand:

SAS: in the DATA step, how to calculate the grand mean of a subset of observations, skipping over missing values

I'm trying to calculate the grand mean of a subset of observations (e.g., observation 20 to observation 50) in the data step. In this calculation, I also want to skip over (ignore) any missing values.
I've tried to play around with the mean function using various if … then statements, but I can't seem to fit all of it together.
Any help would be much appreciated.
For reference, here's the basic outline of my data steps:
data sas1;
infile '[file path]';
input v1 $ 1-9 v2 $ 11 v3 13-17 [redacted] RPQ 50-53 [redacted] v23 101-106;
v1=translate(v1,"0"," ");
format [redacted];
label [redacted];
data gmean;
set sas1;
if id = 10-40 then do;
avg = mean(RPQ);
/*Here, I am trying to calculate the grand mean of the RPQ variable*/
/*but only observations 10 to 40, and skipping over missing values*/
Use the automatic variable /_N_/ to id the rows. Use a sum value that is retained row to row and then divide by the number of observations at the end. Use the missing() function to determine the number of observations present and whether or not to add to the running total.
data stocks;
set sashelp.stocks;
retain sum_total n_count 0;
if 10<=_n_<=40 and not missing(open) then do;
if _n_ = 40 then average=sum_total/n_count;
proc print data=stocks(obs=40 firstobs=40);
var average;
*check with proc means that the value is correct;
proc means data=sashelp.stocks (firstobs=10 obs=40) mean;
var open;