AS3 and HTML5 - parse string into array using regex - regex

I've been looking and playing with RegEx for a while now and am trying to find this solution that I can apply to both AS3 and to HTML5.
I've got a custom user entry section, 256 chars that they can customize.
What I would like is for them to use my predefined table of codes 00 - 99 and they can insert them into the box to automatically generate a response that can go through a few hundred examples.
Here is a simple example:
Please call: 04
And ask for help for product ID:
I'd be able to take this and say, okay i got the following into an array:
[Please call: ]
[And ask for help for product ID: ]
and possibly apply a flag to say whether this is a database entry or not
[Please call: ][false]
[And ask for help for product ID: ][false]
this would be something that my program could read. Where I know that for the ## matches, to find a database entry and insert, though for anything else, use the strings.
I have been playing around on
to try and brute force an answer to no avail so far.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The best I've come up with so far for matches is the following. Though this is my first time playing with the regex functions and would need to find out how to push these entries into my ordered array.
And would need some way to combine them to pull an array... or I'll be stuck with a crappy loop:
//AS3 example
database_line_item:int = 127;
previous_value_was_int:boolean = false;
_display_text:string = "";
for(var i:int = 0; i < string.length; i++){
if(string.charAt(i) is int){
previous_value_was_int = true;
_display_text += getDatabaseValue(string.charAt(i-1)+string.charAt(i), database_line_item);
previous_value_was_int = false;
//Hopefully this handles carriage returns, if not, will have to add that in.
_display_text += string.charAt(i);
// >>>>>>>>> HTML5 Example <<<<<<<<<<<<<
and I would cycle through the database_line_item, though for maybe 400 line items, this will be a taxing, to go through that string. Splitting it into smaller arrays would be easier to handle.

Here is the magic reg : /([^0-9\n\r]+)|(\d+)|(\r\n?|\n)/gi
Exemple output :
[Please call: ][false]
[And ask for help for product ID:][false]
Exemple code that do the job and put the data into an array :
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class TestReg extends Sprite
public function TestReg()
var data : Array = parse("Please call: 04\n"+
"And ask for help for product ID:\n"+
// Output
for(var i : uint = 0; i < data.length; i += 2)
trace("[" + data[ i ] + "][" + data[ i + 1 ] + "]");
private var _search : RegExp = /([^0-9\n\r]+)|(\d+)|(\r\n?|\n)/gi;
public function parse(str : String) : Array
var result : Array = [];
var data : Array = str.match( _search );
for each(var item : * in data)
// Replace new line by /n
if(item.charAt( 0 ) == "\n" || item.charAt( 0 ) == "\r")
item = "/n";
// Convert to int if is a number
if( ! isNaN( parseFloat( item.charAt( 0 ) ) ) )
item = parseInt( item );
result.push( item );
result.push( !( item is String ));
return result;


How to use regex for my List<String> in Flutter/Dart?

class Article{
final String id;
final List<ArticleArray> arrays;
class ArticleArray {
final String id;
final String array;
onChanged: (_searchinput) {
List<String> searcharray = _searchinput.split(',');
_articlesForDisplay = _articles.where((article){
for(int i = 0; i < article.arrays.length; i++)
searchinit = article.arrays[i].arrays.toLowerCase();
return searchinit.contains(
RegExp(//necessary code here, caseSensitive: false),
basically what i am trying to do is i am trying to search
array by array like:
-Textformfields follows the user input and every time "," is entered,i
put that word into "searcharray".
-Then i initiate a search in my function(total code is not needed to write here,
i included necessary functions),i try to use "regexp" function to search for the arrays
in my article archives.
articles[0].arrays[0].array = 'a1'
articles[0].arrays[1].array = 'a2'
articles[1].arrays[0].array = 'a1'
articles[1].arrays[1].array = 'b2'
searcharray = ['a1','b2']
Here,basically what i try to do is i try to search my article arrays by every list of arrays as possible so it matches the right one. Thats what i want.
Not sure I understand your specific requirements.
Here, I define a RegExp that I try to match to at least one item of my data.
void main() {
List<String> data = ['a1','b2', 'c3', 'a4', 'a5', 'd6'];
RegExp exp = new RegExp(r"(a\d+)");
print(data.any((item) => exp.hasMatch(item)));

Evaluate es6 template literals without eval() and new Function [duplicate]

Is it possible to create a template string as a usual string,
let a = "b:${b}";
and then convert it into a template string,
let b = 10;
console.log(a.template()); // b:10
without eval, new Function and other means of dynamic code generation?
In my project I've created something like this with ES6:
String.prototype.interpolate = function(params) {
const names = Object.keys(params);
const vals = Object.values(params);
return new Function(...names, `return \`${this}\`;`)(...vals);
const template = 'Example text: ${text}';
const result = template.interpolate({
text: 'Foo Boo'
As your template string must get reference to the b variable dynamically (in runtime), so the answer is: NO, it's impossible to do it without dynamic code generation.
But, with eval it's pretty simple:
let tpl = eval('`'+a+'`');
No, there is not a way to do this without dynamic code generation.
However, I have created a function which will turn a regular string into a function which can be provided with a map of values, using template strings internally.
Generate Template String Gist
* Produces a function which uses template strings to do simple interpolation from objects.
* Usage:
* var makeMeKing = generateTemplateString('${name} is now the king of ${country}!');
* console.log(makeMeKing({ name: 'Bryan', country: 'Scotland'}));
* // Logs 'Bryan is now the king of Scotland!'
var generateTemplateString = (function(){
var cache = {};
function generateTemplate(template){
var fn = cache[template];
if (!fn){
// Replace ${expressions} (etc) with ${map.expressions}.
var sanitized = template
.replace(/\$\{([\s]*[^;\s\{]+[\s]*)\}/g, function(_, match){
return `\$\{map.${match.trim()}\}`;
// Afterwards, replace anything that's not ${map.expressions}' (etc) with a blank string.
.replace(/(\$\{(?!map\.)[^}]+\})/g, '');
fn = Function('map', `return \`${sanitized}\``);
return fn;
return generateTemplate;
var kingMaker = generateTemplateString('${name} is king!');
console.log(kingMaker({name: 'Bryan'}));
// Logs 'Bryan is king!' to the console.
Hope this helps somebody. If you find a problem with the code, please be so kind as to update the Gist.
What you're asking for here:
//non working code quoted from the question
let b=10;
is exactly equivalent (in terms of power and, er, safety) to eval: the ability to take a string containing code and execute that code; and also the ability for the executed code to see local variables in the caller's environment.
There is no way in JS for a function to see local variables in its caller, unless that function is eval(). Even Function() can't do it.
When you hear there's something called "template strings" coming to JavaScript, it's natural to assume it's a built-in template library, like Mustache. It isn't. It's mainly just string interpolation and multiline strings for JS. I think this is going to be a common misconception for a while, though. :(
There are many good solutions posted here, but none yet which utilizes the ES6 String.raw method. Here is my contriubution. It has an important limitation in that it will only accept properties from a passed in object, meaning no code execution in the template will work.
function parseStringTemplate(str, obj) {
let parts = str.split(/\$\{(?!\d)[\wæøåÆØÅ]*\}/);
let args = str.match(/[^{\}]+(?=})/g) || [];
let parameters = => obj[argument] || (obj[argument] === undefined ? "" : obj[argument]));
return String.raw({ raw: parts }, ...parameters);
let template = "Hello, ${name}! Are you ${age} years old?";
let values = { name: "John Doe", age: 18 };
parseStringTemplate(template, values);
// output: Hello, John Doe! Are you 18 years old?
Split string into non-argument textual parts. See regex.
parts: ["Hello, ", "! Are you ", " years old?"]
Split string into property names. Empty array if match fails.
args: ["name", "age"]
Map parameters from obj by property name. Solution is limited by shallow one level mapping. Undefined values are substituted with an empty string, but other falsy values are accepted.
parameters: ["John Doe", 18]
Utilize String.raw(...) and return result.
Everyone seems to be worried about accessing variables. Why not just pass them? I'm sure it won't be too hard to get the variable context in the caller and pass it down. Use
ninjagecko's answer to get the props from obj.
function renderString(str,obj){
return str.replace(/\$\{(.+?)\}/g,(match,p1)=>{return index(obj,p1)})
Here is the full code:
function index(obj,is,value) {
if (typeof is == 'string')
if (is.length==1 && value!==undefined)
return obj[is[0]] = value;
else if (is.length==0)
return obj;
return index(obj[is[0]],is.slice(1), value);
function renderString(str,obj){
return str.replace(/\$\{.+?\}/g,(match)=>{return index(obj,match)})
renderString('abc${a}asdas',{a:23,b:44}) //abc23asdas
renderString('abc${a.c}asdas',{a:{c:22,d:55},b:44}) //abc22asdas
The issue here is to have a function that has access to the variables of its caller. This is why we see direct eval being used for template processing. A possible solution would be to generate a function taking formal parameters named by a dictionary's properties, and calling it with the corresponding values in the same order. An alternative way would be to have something simple as this:
var name = "John Smith";
var message = "Hello, my name is ${name}";
console.log(new Function('return `' + message + '`;')());
And for anyone using Babel compiler we need to create closure which remembers the environment in which it was created:
console.log(new Function('name', 'return `' + message + '`;')(name));
I liked s.meijer's answer and wrote my own version based on his:
function parseTemplate(template, map, fallback) {
return template.replace(/\$\{[^}]+\}/g, (match) =>
.slice(2, -1)
(searchObject, key) => searchObject[key] || fallback || match,
Similar to Daniel's answer (and s.meijer's gist) but more readable:
const regex = /\${[^{]+}/g;
export default function interpolate(template, variables, fallback) {
return template.replace(regex, (match) => {
const path = match.slice(2, -1).trim();
return getObjPath(path, variables, fallback);
//get the specified property or nested property of an object
function getObjPath(path, obj, fallback = '') {
return path.split('.').reduce((res, key) => res[key] || fallback, obj);
Note: This slightly improves s.meijer's original, since it won't match things like ${foo{bar} (the regex only allows non-curly brace characters inside ${ and }).
UPDATE: I was asked for an example using this, so here you go:
const replacements = {
name: 'Bob',
age: 37
interpolate('My name is ${name}, and I am ${age}.', replacements)
#Mateusz Moska, solution works great, but when i used it in React Native(build mode), it throws an error: Invalid character '`', though it works when i run it in debug mode.
So i wrote down my own solution using regex.
String.prototype.interpolate = function(params) {
let template = this
for (let key in params) {
template = template.replace(new RegExp('\\$\\{' + key + '\\}', 'g'), params[key])
return template
const template = 'Example text: ${text}',
result = template.interpolate({
text: 'Foo Boo'
NOTE: Since I don't know the root cause of an issue, i raised a ticket in react-native repo,, so that once they can able to fix/guide me about the same :)
You can use the string prototype, for example
return eval('`'+this+'`');
var a="b:${b}";
var b=10;
But the answer of the original question is no way.
I required this method with support for Internet Explorer. It turned out the back ticks aren't supported by even IE11. Also; using eval or it's equivalent Function doesn't feel right.
For the one that notice; I also use backticks, but these ones are removed by compilers like babel. The methods suggested by other ones, depend on them on run-time. As said before; this is an issue in IE11 and lower.
So this is what I came up with:
function get(path, obj, fb = `$\{${path}}`) {
return path.split('.').reduce((res, key) => res[key] || fb, obj);
function parseTpl(template, map, fallback) {
return template.replace(/\$\{.+?}/g, (match) => {
const path = match.substr(2, match.length - 3).trim();
return get(path, map, fallback);
Example output:
const data = { person: { name: 'John', age: 18 } };
parseTpl('Hi ${} (${person.age})', data);
// output: Hi John (18)
parseTpl('Hello ${} from ${}', data);
// output: Hello John from ${}
parseTpl('Hello ${} from ${}', data, '-');
// output: Hello John from -
I currently can't comment on existing answers so I am unable to directly comment on Bryan Raynor's excellent response. Thus, this response is going to update his answer with a slight correction.
In short, his function fails to actually cache the created function, so it will always recreate, regardless of whether it's seen the template before. Here is the corrected code:
* Produces a function which uses template strings to do simple interpolation from objects.
* Usage:
* var makeMeKing = generateTemplateString('${name} is now the king of ${country}!');
* console.log(makeMeKing({ name: 'Bryan', country: 'Scotland'}));
* // Logs 'Bryan is now the king of Scotland!'
var generateTemplateString = (function(){
var cache = {};
function generateTemplate(template){
var fn = cache[template];
if (!fn){
// Replace ${expressions} (etc) with ${map.expressions}.
var sanitized = template
.replace(/\$\{([\s]*[^;\s\{]+[\s]*)\}/g, function(_, match){
return `\$\{map.${match.trim()}\}`;
// Afterwards, replace anything that's not ${map.expressions}' (etc) with a blank string.
.replace(/(\$\{(?!map\.)[^}]+\})/g, '');
fn = cache[template] = Function('map', `return \`${sanitized}\``);
return fn;
return generateTemplate;
Still dynamic but seems more controlled than just using a naked eval:
const vm = require('vm')
const moment = require('moment')
let template = '### ${context.hours_worked[0].value} \n Hours worked \n #### ${Math.abs(context.hours_worked_avg_diff[0].value)}% ${fns.gt0(context.hours_worked_avg_diff[0].value, "more", "less")} than usual on ${fns.getDOW(new Date())}'
let context = {
function getDOW(now) {
return moment(now).locale('es').format('dddd')
function gt0(_in, tVal, fVal) {
return _in >0 ? tVal: fVal
function templateIt(context, template) {
const script = new vm.Script('`'+template+'`')
return script.runInNewContext({context, fns:{getDOW, gt0 }})
console.log(templateIt(context, template))
I made my own solution doing a type with a description as a function
export class Foo {
description?: Object;
let myFoo:Foo = {
description: (a,b) => `Welcome ${a}, glad to see you like the ${b} section`.
and so doing:
let myDescription = myFoo.description('Bar', 'bar');
I came up with this implementation and it works like a charm.
function interpolateTemplate(template: string, args: any): string {
return Object.entries(args).reduce(
(result, [arg, val]) => result.replace(`$\{${arg}}`, `${val}`),
const template = 'This is an example: ${name}, ${age} ${email}'
console.log(interpolateTemplate(template,{name:'Med', age:'20', email:''}))
You could raise an error if arg is not found in template
This solution works without ES6:
function render(template, opts) {
return new Function(
'return new Function (' + Object.keys(opts).reduce((args, arg) => args += '\'' + arg + '\',', '') + '\'return `' + template.replace(/(^|[^\\])'/g, '$1\\\'') + '`;\'' +
').apply(null, ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(opts).reduce((vals, key) => vals.push(opts[key]) && vals, [])) + ');'
render("hello ${ name }", {name:'mo'}); // "hello mo"
Note: the Function constructor is always created in the global scope, which could potentially cause global variables to be overwritten by the template, e.g. render("hello ${ someGlobalVar = 'some new value' }", {name:'mo'});
You should try this tiny JS module, by Andrea Giammarchi, from github :
/*! (C) 2017 Andrea Giammarchi - MIT Style License */
function template(fn, $str, $object) {'use strict';
stringify = JSON.stringify,
hasTransformer = typeof fn === 'function',
str = hasTransformer ? $str : fn,
object = hasTransformer ? $object : $str,
i = 0, length = str.length,
strings = i < length ? [] : ['""'],
values = hasTransformer ? [] : strings,
open, close, counter
while (i < length) {
open = str.indexOf('${', i);
if (-1 < open) {
strings.push(stringify(str.slice(i, open)));
open += 2;
close = open;
counter = 1;
while (close < length) {
switch (str.charAt(close++)) {
case '}': counter -= 1; break;
case '{': counter += 1; break;
if (counter < 1) {
values.push('(' + str.slice(open, close - 1) + ')');
i = close;
} else {
i = length;
if (hasTransformer) {
str = 'function' + (Math.random() * 1e5 | 0);
if (strings.length === values.length) strings.push('""');
strings = [
'with(this)return ' + str + '([' + strings + ']' + (
values.length ? (',' + values.join(',')) : ''
) + ')'
} else {
strings = ['with(this)return ' + strings.join('+')];
return Function.apply(null, strings).apply(
hasTransformer ? [fn] : []
template.asMethod = function (fn, object) {'use strict';
return typeof fn === 'function' ?
template(fn, this, object) :
template(this, fn);
Demo (all the following tests return true):
const info = 'template';
// just string
`some ${info}` === template('some ${info}', {info});
// passing through a transformer
transform `some ${info}` === template(transform, 'some ${info}', {info});
// using it as String method
String.prototype.template = template.asMethod;
`some ${info}` === 'some ${info}'.template({info});
transform `some ${info}` === 'some ${info}'.template(transform, {info});
Faz assim (This way):
let a = 'b:${this.b}'
let b = 10
function template(templateString, templateVars) {
return new Function('return `' + templateString + '`').call(templateVars)
result.textContent = template(a, {b})
<b id=result></b>
Since we're reinventing the wheel on something that would be a lovely feature in javascript.
I use eval(), which is not secure, but javascript is not secure. I readily admit that I'm not excellent with javascript, but I had a need, and I needed an answer so I made one.
I chose to stylize my variables with an # rather than an $, particularly because I want to use the multiline feature of literals without evaluating til it's ready. So variable syntax is #{OptionalObject.OptionalObjectN.VARIABLE_NAME}
I am no javascript expert, so I'd gladly take advice on improvement but...
var prsLiteral, prsRegex = /\#\{(.*?)(?!\#\{)\}/g
for(i = 0; i < myResultSet.length; i++) {
prsLiteral = rt.replace(prsRegex,function (match,varname) {
return eval(varname + "[" + i + "]");
// you could instead use return eval(varname) if you're not looping.
A very simple implementation follows
myResultSet = {totalrecords: 2,
Name: ["Bob", "Stephanie"],
Age: [37,22]};
rt = `My name is #{myResultSet.Name}, and I am #{myResultSet.Age}.`
var prsLiteral, prsRegex = /\#\{(.*?)(?!\#\{)\}/g
for(i = 0; i < myResultSet.totalrecords; i++) {
prsLiteral = rt.replace(prsRegex,function (match,varname) {
return eval(varname + "[" + i + "]");
// you could instead use return eval(varname) if you're not looping.
In my actual implementation, I choose to use #{{variable}}. One more set of braces. Absurdly unlikely to encounter that unexpectedly. The regex for that would look like /\#\{\{(.*?)(?!\#\{\{)\}\}/g
To make that easier to read
\#\{\{ # opening sequence, #{{ literally.
(.*?) # capturing the variable name
# ^ captures only until it reaches the closing sequence
(?! # negative lookahead, making sure the following
# ^ pattern is not found ahead of the current character
\#\{\{ # same as opening sequence, if you change that, change this
\}\} # closing sequence.
If you're not experienced with regex, a pretty safe rule is to escape every non-alphanumeric character, and don't ever needlessly escape letters as many escaped letters have special meaning to virtually all flavors of regex.
You can refer to this solution
const interpolate = (str) =>
new Function(`return \`${new String(str)}\`;`)();
const foo = 'My';
const obj = {
text: 'Hanibal Lector',
firstNum: 1,
secondNum: 2
const str = "${foo} name is : ${obj.text}. sum = ${obj.firstNum} + ${obj.secondNum} = ${obj.firstNum + obj.secondNum}";
I realize I am late to the game, but you could:
const a = (b) => `b:${b}`;
let b = 10;
console.log(a(b)); // b:10

Parsing tags in string

I'm trying to parse a string with custom tags like this
[color value=0x000000]This house is [wave][color value=0xFF0000]haunted[/color][/wave].
I've heard about ghosts [shake]screaming[/shake] here after midnight.[/color]
I've figured out what regexps to use
/\[color value=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/gs
But the thing is - I need to get correct ranges (startIndex, endIndex) of those groups in result string so I could apply them correctly. And that's where I feel completely lost, because everytime I replace tags there's always a chance for indexes to mess up. It gets espesically hard for nested tags.
So input is a string
[color value=0x000000]This house is [wave][color value=0xFF0000]haunted[/color][/wave].
I've heard about ghosts [shake]screaming[/shake] here after midnight.[/color]
And in output I want to get something like
Apply color 0x000000 from 0 to 75
Apply wave from 14 to 20
Apply color 0xFF0000 from 14 to 20
Apply shake from 46 to 51
Notice that's indices match to result string.
How do I parse it?
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with ActionScript, but this C# code shows one solution using regular expressions. Rather than match specific tags, I used a regular expression that can match any tag. And instead of trying to make a regular expression that matches the whole start and end tag including the text in between (which I think is impossible with nested tags), I made the regular expression just match a start OR end tag, then did some extra processing to match up the start and end tags and remove them from the string keeping the essential information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string data = "[color value=0x000000]This house is [wave][color value=0xFF0000]haunted[/color][/wave]. " +
"I've heard about ghosts [shake]screaming[/shake] here after midnight.[/color]";
ParsedData result = ParseData(data);
foreach (TagInfo t in result.tags)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.attributeName))
Console.WriteLine("Apply {0} from {1} to {2}",, t.start, t.start + t.length - 1);
Console.WriteLine("Apply {0} {1}={2} from {3} to {4}",, t.attributeName, t.attributeValue, t.start, t.start + t.length - 1);
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}\n", new string(' ', t.start), new string('-', t.length));
static ParsedData ParseData(string data)
List<TagInfo> tagList = new List<TagInfo>();
Regex reTag = new Regex(#"\[(\w+)(\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\]]+))?\]|\[(\/\w+)\]");
Match m = reTag.Match(data);
// Phase 1 - Collect all the start and end tags, noting their position in the original data string
while (m.Success)
if (m.Groups[1].Success) // Matched a start tag
tagList.Add(new TagInfo()
name = m.Groups[1].Value,
attributeName = m.Groups[3].Value,
attributeValue = m.Groups[4].Value,
tagLength = m.Groups[0].Length,
start = m.Groups[0].Index
else if (m.Groups[5].Success)
tagList.Add(new TagInfo()
name = m.Groups[5].Value,
tagLength = m.Groups[0].Length,
start = m.Groups[0].Index
m = m.NextMatch();
// Phase 2 - match end tags to start tags
List<TagInfo> unmatched = new List<TagInfo>();
foreach (TagInfo t in tagList)
if ("/"))
for (int i = unmatched.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (unmatched[i].name ==
t.otherEnd = unmatched[i];
unmatched[i].otherEnd = t;
int subtractLength = 0;
// Phase 3 - Remove tags from the string, updating start positions and calculating length in the process
foreach (TagInfo t in tagList.ToArray())
t.start -= subtractLength;
// If this is an end tag, calculate the length for the corresponding start tag,
// and remove the end tag from the tag list.
if (t.otherEnd.start < t.start)
t.otherEnd.length = t.start - t.otherEnd.start;
// Keep track of how many characters in tags have been removed from the string so far
subtractLength += t.tagLength;
return new ParsedData()
data = reTag.Replace(data, string.Empty),
tags = tagList.ToArray()
class TagInfo
public int start;
public int length;
public int tagLength;
public string name;
public string attributeName;
public string attributeValue;
public TagInfo otherEnd;
class ParsedData
public string data;
public TagInfo[] tags;
The output is:
Apply color value=0x000000 from 0 to 76
This house is haunted. I've heard about ghosts screaming here after midnight.
Apply wave from 14 to 20
This house is haunted. I've heard about ghosts screaming here after midnight.
Apply color value=0xFF0000 from 14 to 20
This house is haunted. I've heard about ghosts screaming here after midnight.
Apply shake from 47 to 55
This house is haunted. I've heard about ghosts screaming here after midnight.
Let me show you a parsing method that you can apply not only to the case above, but to every case with a pattern cutting through the case. This method is not limited to the terms - color, wave, shake.
private List<Tuple<string, string>> getVals(string input)
List<Tuple<string, string>> finals = new List<Tuple<string,string>>();
// first parser
var mts = Regex.Matches(input, #"\[[^\u005D]+\]");
foreach (var mt in mts)
// has no value=
if (!Regex.IsMatch(mt.ToString(), #"(?i)value[\n\r\t\s]*="))
// not closing tag
if (!Regex.IsMatch(mt.ToString(), #"^\[[\n\r\t\s]*\/"))
finals.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(Regex.Replace(mt.ToString(), #"^\[|\]$", "").Trim(), ""));
catch (Exception es)
// has value=
var spls = Regex.Split(mt.ToString(), #"(?i)value[\n\r\t\s]*=");
finals.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(Regex.Replace(spls[0].ToString(), #"^\[", "").Trim(), Regex.Replace(spls[1].ToString(), #"^\]$", "").Trim()));
catch (Exception es)
return finals;
I also have an experience parsing JSON with a single regular expression. If you wonder what it is, visit my blog .

Eliminate newlines in google app script using regex

I'm trying to write part of an add-on for Google Docs that eliminates newlines within selected text using replaceText. The obvious text.replaceText("\n",""); gives the error Invalid argument: searchPattern. I get the same error with text.replaceText("\r","");. The following attempts do nothing: text.replaceText("/\n/","");, text.replaceText("/\r/","");. I don't know why Google App Script does not allow for the recognition of newlines in regex.
I am aware that there is an add-on that does this already, but I want to incorporate this function into my add-on.
This error occurs even with the basic
My full function:
function removeLineBreaks() {
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();
if (selection) {
var elements = selection.getRangeElements();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
// Only deal with text elements
if (element.getElement().editAsText) {
var text = element.getElement().editAsText();
if (element.isPartial()) {
// Deal with fully selected text
else {
// No text selected
else {
DocumentApp.getUi().alert('No text selected. Please select some text and try again.');
It seems that in replaceText, to remove soft returns entered with Shift-ENTER, you can use \v:
.replaceText("\\v+", "")
If you want to remove all "other" control characters (C0, DEL and C1 control codes), you may use
.replaceText("\\p{Cc}+", "")
Note that the \v pattern is a construct supported by JavaScript regex engine, and is considered to match a vertical tab character (≡ \013) by the RE2 regex library used in most Google products.
The Google Apps Script function replaceText() still doesn't accept escape characters, but I was able to get around this by using getText(), then the generic JavaScript replace(), then setText():
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var bodyText = body.getText();
//DocumentApp.getUi().alert( "Does document contain \\t? " + /\t/.test( bodyText ) ); // \n true, \r false, \t true
bodyText = bodyText.replace( /\n/g, "" );
bodyText = bodyText.replace( /\t/g, "" );
body.setText( bodyText );
This worked within a Doc. Not sure if the same is possible within a Sheet (and, even if it were, you'd probably have to run this once cell at a time).
here is my pragmatic solution to eliminate newlines in Google Docs, or, more exact, to eliminate newlines from Gmail message.getPlainBody().
It looks that Google uses '\r\n\r\n' as a plain EOL and '\r\n' as a manuell Linefeed (Shift-Enter). The code should be self explainable.
It might help to get alone with the newline problem in Docs.
A solution possibly not very elegant, but works like a charm :-)
function GetEmails2Doc() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
var pc = 0; // Paragraph Counter
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("_Send2Sheet");
var threads = label.getThreads();
var i = threads.length;
// LOOP Messages within a THREAT
for (i=threads.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {
var message = messages[j];
/* Here I do some ...
body.insertParagraph(pc++, Utilities.formatDate(message.getDate(), "GMT",
"dd.MM.yyyy (HH:mm)")).setHeading(DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING4)
str = message.getFrom() + ' to: ' + message.getTo();
if (message.getCc().length >0) str = str + ", Cc: " + message.getCc();
if (message.getBcc().length >0) str = str + ", Bcc: " + message.getBcc();
// Body !!
var str = processBody(message.getPlainBody()).split("pEOL");
Logger.log(str.length + " EOLs");
for (var k=0; k<str.length; k++) body.insertParagraph(pc++,str[k]);
function processBody(tx) {
var s = tx.split(/\r\n\r\n/g);
// it looks like message.getPlainBody() [of mail] uses \r\n\r\n as EOL
// so, I first substitute the 'EOL's with the string pattern "pEOL"
// to be replaced with body.insertParagraph in the main function
tx = '';
for (k=0; k<s.length; k++) tx = tx + s[k] + "pEOL";
// then replace all remaining simple \r\n with a blank
s = tx.split(/\r\n/g);
tx = '';
for (k=0; k<s.length; k++) tx = tx + s[k] + " ";
return tx;
I have now found out through much trial and error -- and some much needed help from Wiktor Stribiżew (see other answer) -- that there is a solution to this, but it relies on the fact that Google Script does not recognise \n or \r in regex searches. The solution is as follows:
function removeLineBreaks() {
var selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument()
if (selection) {
var elements = selection.getRangeElements();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
// Only deal with text elements
if (element.getElement()
.editAsText) {
var text = element.getElement()
if (element.isPartial()) {
var start = element.getStartOffset();
var finish = element.getEndOffsetInclusive();
var oldText = text.getText()
.slice(start, finish);
if (oldText.match(/\r/)) {
var number = oldText.match(/\r/g)
for (var j = 0; j < number; j++) {
var location =\r/);
text.deleteText(start + location, start + location);
text.insertText(start + location, ' ');
var oldText = oldText.replace(/\r/, ' ');
// Deal with fully selected text
else {
text.replaceText("\\v+", " ");
// No text selected
else {
.alert('No text selected. Please select some text and try again.');
Google Docs allows searching for vertical tabs (\v), which match newlines.
Partial text is a whole other problem. The solution to dealing with partially selected text above finds the location of newlines by extracting a text string from the text element and searching in that string. It then uses these locations to delete the relevant characters. This is repeated until the number of newlines in the selected text has been reached.
This Stack Overflow answer removes, specifically, "\n". It may help, it helped me indeed.

Restrict TextField to act like a numeric stepper

I am making a numeric stepper from scratch, so I want my text field to only accept numbers in this format: xx.x, x.x, x, or xx where x is a number. For example:
Acceptable numbers:
None Acceptable numbers:
Maybe this will help some how:
This is what I got so far:
var tx:TextField = new TextField();
tx.restrict="0-9."; //Maybe there is a regular expression string for this?
You can copy past this in flash and it should work.
Thank you very much for your help good sirs.
Very similar to TheDarklins answer, but a little more elegant. And actually renders _tf.restrict obsolete, but I would still recommend using it.
_tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, _onTextInput_validate);
Both of these event listeners here do the EXACT same function identically. One is written in a one line for those who like smaller code. The other is for those who like to see what's going on line by line.
private function _onTextInput_validate(__e:TextEvent):void
if ( !/^\d{1,2}(?:\.(?:\d)?)?$/.test(TextField(__e.currentTarget).text.substring(0, TextField(__e.currentTarget).selectionBeginIndex) + __e.text + TextField(__e.currentTarget).text.substring(TextField(__e.currentTarget).selectionEndIndex)) ) __e.preventDefault();
for a more broken down version of the event listener
private function _onTextInput_validate(__e:TextEvent):void
var __reg:RegExp;
var __tf:TextField;
var __text:String;
// set the textfield thats causing the event.
__tf = TextField(__e.currentTarget);
// Set the regular expression.
__reg = new RegExp("\\d{1,2}(?:\\.(?:\\d)?)?$");
// or depending on how you like to write it.
__reg = /^\d{1,2}(?:\.(?:\d)?)?$/;
// Set all text before the selection.
__text = __tf.text.substring(0, __tf.selectionBeginIndex);
// Set the text entered.
__text += __e.text;
// Set the text After the selection, since the entered text will replace any selected text that may be entered
__text += __tf.text.substring(__tf.selectionEndIndex);
// If test fails, prevent default
if ( !__reg.test(__text) )
I have had to allow xx. as a valid response otherwise you would need to type 123 then go back a space and type . for 12.3. That is JUST NOT NICE. So 12. is now technically valid.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
public class DecimalPlaces extends Sprite
public function DecimalPlaces()
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
tf.border = true;
tf.width = 200;
tf.height = 16;
tf.x = tf.y = 20;
tf.restrict = ".0-9"
tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, restrictDecimalPlaces);
function restrictDecimalPlaces(evt:TextEvent):void
var matches:Array = evt.currentTarget.text.match(/\./g);
var allowedDecimalPlaces:uint = 1;
if ((evt.text == "." && matches.length >= 1) ||
(matches.length == 1 && (evt.currentTarget.text.lastIndexOf(".") + allowedDecimalPlaces < evt.currentTarget.text.length)))