How sitecore 7 maps template with class - sitecore

I have downloaded Sitecore 7 Autohaus demo for learning purpose.
I notice that in Autohaus code, there is a model - Car.
I would like to know how does sitecore know how to map between Car model (code) and CarModel template (sitecore template).

There are a few more steps between the car template and the car object model.
One of the main features of Sitecore 7 is the embedded search capability. When items, created from the car template, are saved, that information is stored in a search index (Lucene or Solr)
The Car model is not mapped directly from the template or the database item but from the search document created.
When you use the LINQ layer e.g.
var index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index");
using (var context = index.CreateSearchContext())
var query= context.GetQueryable<Car>()
.Where(item => item.Seats == 2);
Sitecore will execute a search and then take the 'Car' object and populate/hydrate it with the information from the search results by use of Sitecore's DocumentMapper.
This will populate public properties and also indexers of the Car object. The DocumentMapper takes care of casting to and from object types for you (such as DateTime / int etc).
The DocumentMapper will try and map properties with matching field names but you can place attributes on the object properties to help Sitecore map specifically to your objects.
This example tells Sitecore to map the field 'modelkey' to the property ModelId.
public string ModelId { get; set; }
You can see the LINQ queries used in Autohaus on most of the pages and should be a great resource for learning how Sitecore 7 works.
More info about various parts of Sitecore 7 can be found here:


Set default values when creating contact from lead

I added a few custom string fields using NameValuePair in the Lead form (CR301000). Using the an Action, I create a contact from the lead. I added the same custom fields to my Contact form (CR302000). How can I get the custom values from my lead to my new contact? I tried using the following:
[PXFormula(typeof(Selector<CRLead.contactID, ContactExtNV.usrCROnline>))]
I'm going to have the same issue when I create an account from the lead. Is there a better way to do this instead of using PXFormula?
The Selector parameter for the PXFormula attribute looks like this:
Selector –> Selector<KeyField, ForeignOperand>
KeyField-> The key field to which the PXSelector attribute should be attached.
ForeignOperand-> The expression that is calculated for the data record currently referenced by PXSelector.
That is, in your case it turns out like this:
[PXFormula(typeof(Selector<Contact.contactID, CRLeadExt.usrCROnline>))]
public string UsrCROnline { get; set; }
Adding namespace in the source code using Customization Project Editor

Can I use a Query String to drive personalized content in Sitecore 7.5?

I'm trying to display personalized content on a page IF I have clicked on a specific link on a specific page. My thought was to have a parameter on the link such as:
Go to product page
Then, on "Product Page", hopefully using the rules engine, check if the parameter home exists in the query string. If so, then display a piece of content.
I can't seem to figure out the best way to do this with Sitecore 7.5. Maybe this is the wrong approach.
Out of the box in Sitecore 7.5 there is no rule for using the querystring.
but you can easily create a rule and use with the personalize feature from Sitecore.
for a complete description and Example include a link to github with the code
so you would have to have something like this:
public ActionResult Index(string name)
Student student = new Student();
student.Name = "John";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["name"]))
student.Name = Request.QueryString["name"];
return View(student);
For this example, my controller is named Test. So if I want to call this method I would do ~/test/index, if I do that the student object will contain the name John, however if I do ~/test/index?name=Denis , I will send an object with the name Denis
Here the name will only change when we pass the query string "name" with a value.

adding models to backbone collections

I have a rails app with 4 Model classes, with multiple instances in each table. I have created backbone Model and Collection classes in CoffeeScript to match. I can successfully load all of the collections and can render them in views. So far, so good. Here is one of my collections, with its associated model:
class window.CoffeeWater.Collections.Histories extends Backbone.Collection
url: '/api/histories'
model: History
class window.CoffeeWater.Models.History extends Backbone.Model
I need to be able to create a History model object, and then add it to the Histories collection. The documentation states that I have to set a 'collection' property when creating my new model, in order for it to get the 'url' property from the collection. My problem is that I can't seem to set the 'collection' property value correctly, because the url property does not get set on the model instance
attributes = {'start_time': new Date (1434740259016), 'stop_time': new Date (1434740259016 +(86400*1000)), 'valve_id': 2}
options = { collection: window.CoffeeWater.Collections.Histories }
history = new window.CoffeeWater.Models.History(attributes, options)
Inspecting the resulting 'history' object does not show the same attributes that exist in models already in the collection, and the url property is missing.
I am currently at a loss. Does anyone have an example on how to do this? The backbone.js docs do not show any relevant examples.
The way the url in model is defined like this.
If there is a url property in model.
class window.CoffeeWater.Models.History extends Backbone.Model
Then when model.fetch(), it will call that url. If this property is not found, it will see if the associated collection does have a 'url'. You try to set this collection variable.
What you are missing is this. This
class window.CoffeeWater.Collections.Histories extends Backbone.Collection
is actually a definition of a class. It is not an object yet. You need to initialize it, like you do in java. so
var historyCollection=new window.CoffeeWater.Collections.Histories()
Now you have a collection object. When you do
The "collection" of model is automatically set to the "historyCollection" object, which contains a 'url'. So in fact, you do not need to manually put this in the option.
attributes = {'start_time': new Date (1434740259016), 'stop_time': new Date (1434740259016 +(86400*1000)), 'valve_id': 2}
var historyCollection=new window.CoffeeWater.Collections.Histories()
var history = new window.CoffeeWater.Models.History(attributes)

How to quickly create custom content elements in TYPO3 6.x

In TYPO3 6.x, what is an easy way to quickly create custom content elements?
A typical example (Maybe for a collection of testimonials):
In the backend (with adequate labels):
An image
An input field
A textarea
When rendering:
Image resized to xy
input wrapped in h2
textarea passed through parseFunc and wrapped in more markup
Ideally, these would be available in the page module as cType, but at least in the list module.
And use fluid templates.
My questions:
From another CMS I am used to content item templates being applied to the BE and the FE at the same time (you write the template for what it should do, and then there's a backend item just for that type of content element) - but that's not how fluid works - or can it be done?
Is there an extension that would handle such custom content elements (other than Templavoila)?
Or do I have to create a custom extbase/fluid extension for each such field type?
And, by the way: is there a recommendable tutorial for the new extbase kickstarter? I got scared away by all that domain modelling stuff.
That scaring domain modeling stuff is probably best option for you :)
Create an extension with FE plugin which holds and displays data as you want, so you can place it as a "Insert plugin". It's possible to add this plugin as a custom CType and I will find a sample for you, but little bit later.
Note, you don't need to create additional models as you can store required data ie. in FlexForm.
From FE plugin to CType
Let's consider that you have an extension with key hello which contains News controller with list and single actions in it.
In your ext_tables.php you have registered a FE plugin:
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::registerPlugin($_EXTKEY, 'News', 'Scared Hello News');
When it's working fine you can add it to the list of content types (available in TCA) just by adding fifth param to the configurePlugin method in your ext_localconf.php:
'TYPO3.' . $_EXTKEY,
array('News' => 'list, show'),
array('News' => ''),
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::PLUGIN_TYPE_CONTENT_ELEMENT // <- this one
Next part (basing on this site) is adding your plugin to the New Content Element Wizard as noticed in TYPO3 Wiki since TYPO3 ver. 6.0.0 changed a little, so easiest way is adding something like this into your ext_tables.php:
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPageTSConfig('<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:hello/Configuration/TypoScript/pageTsConfig.ts">');
and in /typo3conf/ext/hello/Configuration/TypoScript/pageTsConfig.ts file write add this:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.plugins.elements.tx_hello_news {
icon = gfx/c_wiz/regular_text.gif
title = Scared Hello News
description = Displays Scared News
tt_content_defValues.CType = hello_news
# Below the same for TemplaVoila
templavoila.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.plugins.elements.tx_hello_news {
icon = gfx/c_wiz/regular_text.gif
title = Scared Hello News
description = Displays Scared News
tt_content_defValues.CType = hello_news
Note that proper key tx_hello_news should be combination of lowercased tx_, $_EXTKEY and plugin name - used in registerPlugin method.
You can stop here if you are bored ;)
Bring tt_content's fields back into your CType
Above steps will cause that no typical fields will be available in the TCA for your element, so you need to copy something or create own. To see how it works just see some sample, in the backend in left menu choose ADMIN TOOLS > Configuration > TCA > tt_content > types
There you'll find all types in the system, choose the most required and copy its [showitem] node into your own. Again in ext_tables.php add this PHP array:
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['hello_news']['showitem'] = $TCA['tt_content']['types']['textpic']['showitem'];
Again: hello_news is combination of lowercased $_EXTKEY and FE plugin name...
Of course if it's required you can compose quite own set of fields, one by one by custom string:
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['hello_news']['showitem'] = '--palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xml:palette.general;general, --palette--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xml:palette.header;header';
Access the fields in Extbase Controller:
Fortunately is easiest part as you can just access it as an Array:
$currentTtContent = $this->configurationManager->getContentObject()->data;
$header = $currentTtContent['header'];
I think will do exactly what I was looking for

Search value in body tag in Sitecore

I want to implement search functionality, So my requirement is I want to search some keyword in body tag in all content page. I do not know how I can search keyword in body tag in Sitecore. Please guide me?
As Anton outlined, the concept of searching the Body tag is wrong for Sitecore. You want to think in terms of Content in fields of Items. Sitecore's ContentSearch is how you can achieve this.
Sitecore comes with default indexes out-of-the-box that you should use for the search. You should rebuild these via the Index Manager in the Content Editor and then base your search on the basic example I've outlined for you below.
public IEnumerable<Item> Search(string searchterm)
string indexName = "sitecore_web_index";
using (var index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName).CreateSearchContext())
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
IQueryable<SearchResultItem> query = index.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(i => i.Content.Contains(searchterm)).Filter(predicate);
var searchResults = query.GetResults();
foreach (var hit in searchResults.Hits)
yield return hit.Document.GetItem();
jRobbins's answer is sensible (he get's my upvote). However, it is technically possible to index the content of the body tag. I would be cautious with this. I've seen it working well, but I've also seen it completely destroy the performance of a site.
The approach involves the creating a computed field in your index. You populate the computed field by making a web request to your newly published page and scraping the response body tag.
Here's are a couple of module that more or less does that:
If you can accept something a little less accurate, then you could loop through each of the components on your page and extract content from their datasources. That approach is discussed in this video: