Unable to import MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer function - c++

I am working on some video editing software and need to use some Direct3D components to improve performance. Specifically, I need to use the MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer function to create samples from a direct3d surface. After adding code to use this function, I get the following message when trying to run the compiled executable:
The procdedure entry point MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer could not be located in the dynamic link library MFPlat.dll
Output window: The program '[0x1C04] ClassLibrary1.exe: Native' has exited with code -1073741511 (0xc0000139) 'Entry Point Not Found'.
I created a minimalistic project that reproduces the problem:
#include < mfapi.h >
#include < d3d9.h >
#include < evr.h >
static void
IDirect3DSurface9* theSurface = nullptr;
IMFMediaBuffer* theBuffer = nullptr;
MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer(__uuidof(IDirect3DSurface9), theSurface, FALSE, &theBuffer);
int main()
I added "evr.lib;mfplat.lib;D3d9.lib" to Properties->Linker->Input Additional dependencies
I am using:
Windows 7 64 bit
MS Visual Studio 2012
What I've tried:
Google - no mention of a similar problem
Ran the code on a co worker's machine. Same issue occurs.
Call other functions from evr.dll. Some work, some have the same problem
Dependency Walker: mini project EXE Depends on MFPLAT.DLL, MSVCR110D.DLL and KERNEL32.DLL.
Error message:
"At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module."
Obviously, the function that did not import was MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer.
You may have noticed that MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer is defined EVR.dll, which is conspicuously absent from my dependency list.
Why is the function failing to import and how do I fix it?

The procdedure entry point MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer could not be located in the dynamic link library MFPlat.dll
MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer function is exported off evr.dll, not mfplat.dll - you already discovered this. I suppose you might be using some wrong/corrupt Windows SDK version. At least with Windows SDK 7.0 the code builds and starts fine. Besides the code snippet quoted above you only need to add evr.lib as additional linker input.

I'm also facing this issue.
For the record, I'm writing the solution I found here :
HMODULE evrModule = LoadLibraryA("evr.dll");
/* MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer prototype */
typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *MFCDXSB)(_In_ REFIID iid, _In_ IUnknown *unkSurface, _In_ BOOL bottomUpWhenLinera, _Out_ IMFMediaBuffer **mediaBuffer);
MFCDXSB pMFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer = (MFCDXSB)GetProcAddress(evrModule, "MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer");
Do not forget to check for errors and to call FreeLibrary(evrModule) at the end
I tried several things and they all failed. I know this is a bit hardcore but at least it works and I only do this for this method so I guess it's ok.

After coming across this problem, I searched the library files in the Windows SDK directory and found a .lib file that exports the MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer function. The file is called evr_vista.lib.
I have no clue why EVR functions have been split into the evr.lib and evr_vista.lib.
Adding "evr_vista.lib" in addition to "evr.lib" to the list of libraries to link with should resolve any linking errors.
Under Visual Studio:
Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies


Linker error LNK2019 when using DCMTK with Visual Studio

This is not a new question but the solutions haven't worked for me. I want to read dicom files using C++. I have 32-bit Windows PC with VS 2013 community edition.
This post and other answers therein suggested using DCMTK. I installed DCMTK (using CMake followed by VS) and configured it for use with VS using guidelines and links provided in this post. Then I wrote a simple test program and tried to compile it:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dcmtk\dcmdata\dctk.h"
#include "dcmtk\config\osconfig.h"
#include "dcmtk\dcmimgle\dcmimage.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
DicomImage *image = new DicomImage("test.dcm");
if (image != NULL)
if (image->getStatus() == EIS_Normal)
if (image->isMonochrome())
Uint8 *pixelData = (Uint8 *)(image->getOutputData(8 /* bits */));
if (pixelData != NULL)
/* do something useful with the pixel data */
cerr << "Error: cannot load DICOM image (" << DicomImage::getString(image->getStatus()) << ")" << endl;
delete image;
return 0;
Upon compilation, it gives the following error:
dcmdata.lib(dcuid.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _Netbios#4 referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl getMACAddress(unsigned char * const)" (?getMACAddress##YAPAEQAE#Z)
This error seems to be common but none of the following solutions work for me:
FAQ#27 and another post of DCMTK forum: It suggests using particular order of lib files to be included. My order of including files is as follows (I tried the reverse order as well but it didn't work):
All of this doesn't work. In fact, I'm not sure which lib files are supposed to be included? How to decide that?
I've also included "C:\Program Files\DCMTK\lib" under additional library directories and "C:\Program Files\DCMTK\include" under additional include directories in project properties.
Another similar question at stackoverflow has not been answered. Comments suggest to re-run CMake by disabling DCMTK_OVERWRITE_WIN32_COMPILER_FLAGS. I didn't do it because the DCMTK help page says don't disable this unless you really know what you're doing.
Can someone please guide?
The NetBios function resides in NETAPI32.LIB, so you can try moving NetAPI32.lib (which is in your list) to the top of that list.
Not sure which version of the DCMTK you use, but for the current development snapshot you need the following standard libraries (on Windows): "ws2_32 netapi32 wsock32". This information can be found in DCMTK's CMake files. By the way, you don't seem to use CMake for your project, right?
I think you misspelled dcmsign.lib as dcmsig.lib.
If changing that doesn't fix it, I would suggest the following order based on the support page that you linked to:
I think that in this list, each library has to come after all the libraries that it depends on.
check your .lib and vs platform if the same ,such lib for x64, then your vs platform must be x64.
I had the same error. You can go to project properties-> linker -> input -> Additional Dependencies-> Edit -> add these two libraries-( netapi32.lib,wsock32.lib) before all other libraries . This solved the error for me .

C++: Why does libtiff break the console-output?

So finally I’m not able to help myself out by researching anymore. Hopefully you can help me.
I recently decided to learn C++ in the context of my bachelor-thesis: My first aim is to read the pixel-values of a tiff-image with the libtiff-library. Yet, every call of a function of the library seems to break parts of my program.
Here’s the simple “HelloWorld”-Program, it works as it should:
#include "tiffio.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello" << endl;
// TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("path to .tif", "r");
return 0;
When I uncomment the second line in main(), the code still does compile without errors (except the warning that ‘tif’ isn’t used) and I can start the program as usual. Yet nothing gets printed into the console anymore. Not “Hello” nor any errors.
Any suggestions where the error could be? The code should be alright, I guess I messed something up during the setup of the library or so. Here’s what I did:
I managed to set up eclipse (Mars, 32bit) for C++ and MinGW (32bit) on my 64bit Win7, then downloaded libtiff 4.0.4 and built it following this instruction.
I created a new C++-project with the mentioned code and did the following adjustments in the project-properties:
Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Library
Paths-> Added “D:/… /tiff-4.0.4/libtiff/.libs”
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->MinGW C++
Linker->Miscellaneous->Set Linkerflags to “-static-libgcc
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->MinGW C++ Linker->Libraries-> Set
(-L) to “D:/… /tiff-4.0.4/libtiff/.libs” and (-l) to “libtiff”
I know the .tif is a valid file as I implemented parts of my program in C#, using the LibTiff.NET library by BitMiracle.
Thank you in advance!
Edit 1: The same error occures, even if TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("path to .tif", "r"); is never called but written down in a dead part of the code. Debugging does not work either, the program seems to be terminated (exit value 0) before a single line is executed, without any error-reports.
I had the same issue and managed to get rid of it.
I set up eclipse (Mars) for C++ and MinGW on my 64bit Win7, then downloaded libtiff 4.0.4 and built it following this instruction.
After the build, I got two directories containing files:
I also linked all include files and only the libtiff.a to my project and that solved it, ie, the other lines are now executed.
I hope, I helped with this post.

C++ Port in VS: new project crashes (same files & settings)

I am trying to move the code from a preliminary project to a new project (both made under Visual Studio 2012).
The original one has been made as a console application and I want the new to be a Windows application. I created an empty project and moved the files/set the library paths.
It is a simple OpenGL program with shaders.
It happens that even when I switch back to creating a Console application with the same .vcproj properties, I have a fatal error on Release and Debug.
You can find them below.
Why does my program crash? All the library paths are set just fine because it's the same settings used for a previous project with the same files that DID work (in a different solution).
Release crash location (outside a #ifdef _DEBUG in the dbghook.c
int _debugger_hook_dummy;
void __cdecl _CRT_DEBUGGER_HOOK(int _Reserved)
/* assign 0 to _debugger_hook_dummy so that the function is not folded in retail */
_debugger_hook_dummy = 0;
Debug crash location (fread.c) - a pop-up error window appears
(Debug assertion failed):
After cutting my source file in parts, I managed to debug this. The problem was not the port (sorry).
I had minor issues dealing with the location of the executable: Visual Studio puts them by default in SolutionDir/DebugorRelease while I was looking for them in ProjectDir/DebugorRelease.
But the main problem came from a change of function.
There is a side file I use to load textures, which is pretty old and uses fopen to open files.
Following the warnings I got, I changed all the fopen occurrences to fopen_s, with all necessary modifications. That's the precise line where the program crashed.
I put back the fopen version, checked the file locations, and it went back to executing (not in Visual Studio but through command line only, like the original project). That's for the Console Application.
To make it a Windows Application, the following line does the job, and this time, though command-line-only, it works for real.
#pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:\"windows\" /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"" )

Having trouble embedding Lua for Windows install into C++ program

This is the first question I have found myself not being able to get to the bottom of using my normal googling/stack overflowing/youtubing routine.
I am trying to compile a minimal Lua program inside of a C++ environment just to ensure my environment is ready to development. The Lua language will be later used for User Interface programming for my C++ game.
First some basic information on my environment:
Windows 7 64-bit
Visual studio 2010
Lua for Windows 5.1 (latest build I could download from google code)
Here is the code I am trying to compile:
// UserInt.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#pragma comment(lib,"lua5.1.dll")
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef __LUA_INC_H__
#define __LUA_INC_H__
extern "C"
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
lua_State * ls = luaL_newstate();
return 0;
#endif // __LUA_INC_H__
Here is the Error I am getting:
1>UserInt.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _luaL_newstate referenced in function _wmain
1>c:\users\deank\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\UserInt\Debug\UserInt.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Things I have tried:
I have read about lua_open()(and several other functions) no longer being used so I tried the newstate function instead. I get the same error. This was more of a sanity check than anything. I am using 5.1 and not 5.2 so I do not think this really matters.
I have also read this thread Cannot link a minimal Lua program but it does not seem to help me because I am not running the same environment as that OP. I am on a simple windows 7 and visual studio environment.
The top pragma comment line was something I saw in yet another thread. I get the same error with or without it.
I have gone into my visual studio C++ directories area and added the lua include to the includes and the lua lib to the libraries.
So it seems like my program is seeing the .h and seeing the symbol. But for some reason it is not getting the .cpp implementation for the functions. This is why I was hoping including that .dll directly would help fix the problem, but it hasn't.
So, I feel like I have exhausted all of my options solving this on my own. I hope someone is able to help me move forward here. Lua looks like an awesome language to script in and I would like to get my environment squared away for development.
I hope it is just some silly error on my part. I believe I have provided as much information as I can. If you need more specifics I will update with info if I can provide it.
Tried the solution in this Can't build lua a project with lua in VS2010, library issue suspected
That did not work either.
You'll need to have the library (.LIB) file and add that to VS. Use Project > Properties and go to Linker > Input and add the full .lib filename to the "Additional Dependencies" line. Note that the .LIB is different from the .DLL.
Personally, I prefer adding the source code to my project, over referencing the dynamic link library. The following procedure will let you do as such.
Download the source code ( http://www.lua.org/ftp/ ), uncompress it.
In Visual Studio, choose File > New > Project and choose Visual C++, Win32, "Win32 Console Application".
In your project in Visual Studio, add all the source code, except luac.c. Also delete the main() function out of the file that VS created for you. This is usually given the name of the project you specified with the .cpp file extension. You could just remove this file all-together from the project.
Build and Run.
This is the Lua console

Calling functions in a DLL from C++

I have a solution in VS 2008 with 2 projects in it. One is a DLL written in C++ and the other is a simple C++ console application created from a blank project. I would like know how to call the functions in the DLL from the application.
Assume I am starting with a blank C++ project and that I want to call a function called int IsolatedFunction(int someParam)
How do I call it?
There are many ways to do this but I think one of the easiest options is to link the application to the DLL at link time and then use a definition file to define the symbols to be exported from the DLL.
CAVEAT: The definition file approach works bests for undecorated symbol names. If you want to export decorated symbols then it is probably better to NOT USE the definition file approach.
Here is an simple example on how this is done.
Step 1: Define the function in the export.h file.
int WINAPI IsolatedFunction(const char *title, const char *test);
Step 2: Define the function in the export.cpp file.
#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI IsolatedFunction(const char *title, const char *test)
MessageBox(0, title, test, MB_OK);
return 1;
Step 3: Define the function as an export in the export.def defintion file.
EXPORTS IsolatedFunction #1
Step 4: Create a DLL project and add the export.cpp and export.def files to this project. Building this project will create an export.dll and an export.lib file.
The following two steps link to the DLL at link time. If you don't want to define the entry points at link time, ignore the next two steps and use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to load the function entry point at runtime.
Step 5: Create a Test application project to use the dll by adding the export.lib file to the project. Copy the export.dll file to ths same location as the Test console executable.
Step 6: Call the IsolatedFunction function from within the Test application as shown below.
#include "stdafx.h"
// get the function prototype of the imported function
#include "../export/export.h"
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
// call the imported function found in the dll
int result = IsolatedFunction("hello", "world");
return 0;
Can also export functions from dll and import from the exe, it is more tricky at first but in the end is much easier than calling LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress. See MSDN.
When creating the project with the VS wizard there's a check box in the dll that let you export functions.
Then, in the exe application you only have to #include a header from the dll with the proper definitions, and add the dll project as a dependency to the exe application.
Check this other question if you want to investigate this point further Exporting functions from a DLL with dllexport.
The following are the 5 steps required:
declare the function pointer
Load the library
Get the procedure address
assign it to function pointer
call the function using function pointer
You can find the step by step VC++ IDE screen shot at http://www.softwareandfinance.com/Visual_CPP/DLLDynamicBinding.html
Here is the code snippet:
int main()
__declspec(dllimport) bool GetWelcomeMessage(char *buf, int len); // used for static binding
typedef bool (*GW)(char *buf, int len);
HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(TEXT("TestServer.DLL"));
GW GetWelcomeMessage = (GW) GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetWelcomeMessage");
char buf[128];
if(GetWelcomeMessage(buf, 128) == true)
std::cout << buf;
return 0;
You can either go the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress route (as Harper mentioned in his answer, here's link to the run-time dynamic linking MSDN sample again) or you can link your console application to the .lib produced from the DLL project and include the hea.h file with the declaration of your function (as described in the load-time dynamic linking MSDN sample)
In both cases, you need to make sure your DLL exports the function you want to call properly. The easiest way to do it is by using __declspec(dllexport) on the function declaration (as shown in the creating a simple dynamic-link library MSDN sample), though you can do it also through the corresponding .def file in your DLL project.
For more information on the topic of DLLs, you should browse through the MSDN About Dynamic-Link Libraries topic.
Might be useful: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/6299/Step-by-Step-Calling-C-DLLs-from-VC-and-VB-Part-4
For the example above with "GetWelcomeMessage" you might need to specify "__stdcall" in the typedef field before the function name if getting error after calling imported function.
Presuming you're talking about dynamic runtime loading of DLLs, you're looking for LoadLibrary and GetProAddress. There's an example on MSDN.
When the DLL was created an import lib is usually automatically created and you should use that linked in to your program along with header files to call it but if not then you can manually call windows functions like LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to get it working.