Understanding Balance Factors/Node Height for AVL rotations - tree-balancing

So I am having a hard time understanding how to balance AVL trees. I understand the rotation stuff, but I can't figure out how to find the balance factor of node heights, for example:
Can anyone explain to me how we actually find the balance factor for EACH node?
I know if the height of [(left subtree) - (right subtree)] is not within (-1<= x <= 1) then its unbalanced...but I can't figure how to find "x".
(edit: I don't need code, I just want to understand how to find BF).

If I understand your question correctly, you want to know how to maintain the balance-factor of a given node. The best way to keep the track is when doing an "insert" in the tree. This is because you know whether your new node is going to the left or the right side of the "current" node. When it goes to the left, you decrement the balance and when it goes to the right, you increment the balance. The idea is to have the tree already balanced before you exit the "insert" method.
Another approach I have seen is NOT doing the balancing during the "insert". You simply insert like you would in BST. After the insert, you begin your balancing act where you get the left subtree and right subtree height at each node and start shuffling pointers. This is not a good approach since you incur O(logn) for every node in finding the height and since you would do that for every node, it results into n*O(logn).
I am posting the "insert" method that I once wrote that keeps the tree balanced at every insert and does NOT compute the height separately at any point during the insert. See if it helps:
AVL::insert(Node* node, int key, int value)
if(node == NULL)
node = new Node(key, value);
else if (key <= node->key)
node->left = insert(node->left, key, value);
else if (key > node->key)
node->right = insert(node->right, key, value);
// Right Tree Heavy
if (node->balance == 2)
// Left tree unbalanced
if (node->right && node->right->balance == 1)
// LL
node = singleLeftRotation(node);
node->balance = 0;
node->left->balance = 0;
if (node->right && node->right->balance == -1)
// LR
int nodeRLBalance = node->right->left->balance;
node = doubleLeftRotation(node);
node->balance = 0;
node->left->balance = nodeRLBalance == 1 ? -1 : 0;
node->right->balance = nodeRLBalance == -1 ? 1 : 0;
// Left Tree Heavy
if (node->balance == -2)
// Right tree unbalanced
if (node->left && node->left->balance == -1)
// RR
node = singleRightRotation(node);
node->balance = 0;
node->right->balance = 0;
if (node->left && node->left->balance == 1)
// RL
int nodeLRBalance = node->left->right->balance;
node = doubleRightRotation(node);
node->balance = 0;
node->left->balance = nodeLRBalance == 1 ? -1 : 0;
node->right->balance = nodeLRBalance == -1 ? 1 : 0;
return node;

The balance factor of a node is the difference of the height of it's left and right descendant nodes.
The balance factor is defined by some as:
balance = node.left.height - node.right.height
and by other as:
balance = node.right.height - node.left.height
so if you want to understand the balance of some nodes in a graph you have to know how they define the balance factor.
For example wikipedia defines it as node.left.height - node.right.height
and you can see that the formula results matches the node balance factors
Avl Tree Balance of Nodes Example

X is the height of the left subtree - the height of the right subtree.
If the left subtree has a max height of three and the right subtree has a max height of two, then the balance factor would be
3 - 2 = Balance Factor of 1 (Left Heavy)
The other way around:
2 - 3 = Balance Factor of -1 (Right Heavy)
If both are the same:
3 - 3 = Balance Factor of 0 (Even Heavy)
A tree becomes unbalanced when the difference between the heights is greater than 1 or less than -1.
5 - 3 = Balance Factor of 2 (UNBALANCED!)
3 - 5 = Balance Factor of -2 (UNBALANCED!)

this image will probably help you. Unbalanced AVL tree has a violation in the E-node
unbalanced AVL tree


What is the space complexity of a function dependent on the number of leaf nodes in a Binary Tree?

A Binary Tree:
class BinaryTree {
int value;
BinaryTree *left;
BinaryTree *right;
BinaryTree(int value) {
this->value = value;
left = nullptr;
right = nullptr;
A function:
vector<int> myFunc(BinaryTree *root) {
vector<int> results;
if(root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL){
if(root->left != NULL){
auto lResults = myFunc(root->left);
for(auto& result : lResults){
results.push_back(root->value + result);
if(root->right != NULL){
auto rResults = myFunc(root->right);
for(auto& result : rResults){
results.push_back(root->value + result);
return results;
As you can see, space complexity of the function is dependent on the number of leaf nodes in the tree.
So what is the space complexity of this function?
The answer depends on the actual structure of your binary tree. If you actively balance the tree, or if the tree tends to be balanced due to its use, the number of leaves of a binary tree is close to n/2 with n the total number of nodes in the tree. Think about a tree with 31 nodes, it would have 1 as root (depth 0) 2 at depth 1 and 2^i at depth i with all leaves at depth 4 so 2^4 == 16. Note that if a binary tree is filled with random numbers, it typically tends to be roughly balanced.
However, if you insert a sorted array of numbers and do not actively balance the tree, it will only have a single leaf node. However, in that case the depth of the tree is O(n) and your function recurses n times resulting in O(n) space complexity.
So in conclusion, the space complexity would be O(n).

Counting the number of nodes in a level of a binary search tree

Like the title says, I want to count the nodes in for any given level of the tree. I already know how to make member functions for counting all the nodes of the tree, just not sure how to approach a specific level. Here's what I've tried. Any help is appreciated.
First parameter is a point to a character array inputted by the user. root is a private variable representing the "oldest" node.
int TreeType::GetNodesAtLevel(ItemType* itemArray, int level)
TreeNode* p = root;
if (itemArray == NULL)
if (level == 0)
cout << p->info << " ";
GetNodesAtLevel(itemarray->left, level); //dereference in one and not the other was just testing
GetNodesAtLevel(*itemarray->right, level); //neither seems to work
The way to do it is by using a queue (employing level order traversal - BFS). Now follow this:
Take two variables, count_level and count_queue (keeping total nodes in a queue).
for a tree like this:
/ \
/ \ \
initially count_level = 0 and count_queue = 0. Now:
Add a node to the queue(at this point A, increment count_queue to 1).
Now when you find count_level = 0 do this -> count_level = count_queue.
Add the kid nodes while dequeuing till the count_level becomes 0. So at this point the follow step 2 and that will give you the no of nodes at level beneath what just has been processed.

Binary tree insert function does not work over 10 entries

I have a binary tree with nodes like this:
struct node
int info;
node *left = NULL;
node *right = NULL;
node(int data, node* ln = 0, node* rn = 0): info(data), left(ln), right(rn) {}
bool addItemToTree(struct node* node, int item, bool isRoot) {
if (!node)
return false;
if (isRoot) {
node->info = item;
return true;
if (!node->left) {
node->left = new struct node(item);
else if (!node->right) {
node->right = new struct node(item);
else {
if (node->left->left && node->left->right && (!node->right->left || !node->right->right)) {
return addItemToTree(node->right, item, false);
else {
return addItemToTree(node->left, item, false);
return true;
int main()
node* root = createRoot();
for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) {
if (i == 1) {
addItemToTree(root, i, true);
else {
addItemToTree(root, i, false);
For some reason, my insert function (adds element to tree) stops working after 10 iterations, meaning it adds elements into an incorrect node (doesn't follow binary tree pattern). Anyone know why it breaks? Thanks.
I assume it's actually after 11 iterations, not 10.
That's because after 11 iterations your tree looks like this:
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
/ \ / \
8 9 10 11
Now you want to add 12 under 6, for that your addItemToTree, when looking at 1, needs to go to the right. But it only goes to the right if the right child has no children of its own. In this case the right child of 1 is 3, and it has children of its own, so your method will go to the left, which is wrong.
To fix it, you will need to maintain some auxiliary information about the nodes that would let you decide when to go to the left and when to the right. Some options:
Store the total number of nodes in a subtree. If the left subtree has number of children that is 1 less that some power of two, and the right child has less than that, go to the right (try to prove why that works).
Store whether a subtree has openings at the current depth. You go to the left child if either left->hasOpenings or if !left->hasOpenings && !right->hasOpenings (the latter means that the tree is full at the current depth, and needs to be extended). You set hasOpenings for a parent of a node whenever you recurse to a left child of the node.
In your addItemToTree maintain the current depth (the depth of the root being 0). Let leftmostOne be the index of the leftmost 1 in the binary representation of item. Go to the left if item & (1 << (leftmostOne - depth - 1)) == 0. E.g. when you add 9, the leftmostOne is 3. Then you will do three iterations, and make the following decisions:
At node 1, depth 0, 9 & (1 << (3 - 0 - 1)) = 0, go left
At node 2, depth 1, 9 & (1 << (3 - 1 - 1)) = 0, go left
At node 3, depth 2, 9 & (1 << (3 - 2 - 1)) = 1, go right
Which is exactly what you want.
Try to prove why this works for the general case.

Red-Black Tree Height using Recursion

I have these following methods to get the height of a red black tree and this works (I send the root). Now my question is, how is this working? I have drawn a tree and have tried following this step by step for each recursion call but I can't pull it off.
I know the general idea of what the code is doing, which is going through all the leaves and comparing them but can anyone give a clear explanation on this?
int RedBlackTree::heightHelper(Node * n) const{
if ( n == NULL ){
return -1;
return max(heightHelper(n->left), heightHelper(n->right)) + 1;
int RedBlackTree::max(int x, int y) const{
if (x >= y){
return x;
return y;
Well, the general algorithm to find the height of any binary tree (whether a BST,AVL tree, Red Black,etc) is as follows
For the current node:
if(node is NULL) return -1
h1=Height of your left child//A Recursive call
h2=Height of your right child//A Recursive call
Add 1 to max(h1,h2) to account for the current node
return this value to parent.
An illustration to the above algorithm is as follows:
(Image courtesy Wikipedia.org)
This code will return the height of any binary tree, not just a red-black tree. It works recursively.
I found this problem difficult to think about in the past, but if we imagine we have a function which returns the height of a sub-tree, we could easily use that to compute the height of a full tree. We do this by computing the height of each side, taking the max, and adding one.
The height of the tree either goes through the left or right branch, so we can take the max of those. Then we add 1 for the root.
Handle the base case of no tree (-1), and we're done.
This is a basic recursion algorithm.
Start at the base case, if the root itself is null the height of tree is -1 as the tree does not exist.
Now imagine at any node what will be the height of the tree if this node were its root?
It would be simply the maximum of the height of left subtree or the right subtree (since you are trying to find the maximum possible height, so you have to take the greater of the 2) and add a 1 to it to incorporate the node itself.
That's it, once you follow this, you're done!
As a recursive function, this computes the height of each child node, using that result to compute the height of the current node by adding + 1 to it. The height of any node is always the maximum height of the two children + 1. A single-node case is probably the easiest to understand, since it has a height of zero (0).
Here the call stack looks like this:
height(A) =
max(height(A->left), height(A->right)) + 1
Since both left and right are null, both return (-1), and therefore this reduces to
height(A) = max (-1, -1) + 1;
height(A) = -1 + 1;
height(A) = 0
A slightly more complicated version
The recursive calls we care about are:
height(A) =
max(height(B), height(C)) + 1
height(B) =
max(height(D), height(E)) + 1
The single nodes D, E, and C we already know from our first example have a height of zero (they have no children). therefore all of the above reduces to
height(A) = max( (max(0, 0) + 1), 0) + 1
height(A) = max(1, 0) + 1
height(A) = 1 + 1
height(A) = 2
I hope that makes at least a dent in the learning curve for you. Draw them out on paper with some sample trees to understand better if you still have doubts.

find sum of maximum possible triangular chord

I am having a binary tree
/ \
3 4
/ \ \
5 1 8
/ \ / \
1 6 9 2
i want to find the maximum possible triangular chord info sum of nodes ( between any two leaves and a node having both left and right child ) in the given tree.
a triangular chord will be
for triangular chord :
just imagine a line between any two leaves, go upward towards root, find a common parent (that can be parent, grandparent, grandgrandparent or even the root itself). While moving upwards, for each leaf ( for any leaf either we have to go upward only left left left .... and so OR either only right right right right .. and so) means ( left leaf will only move right upward only and right leaf will move left upward only..... So for any single leaf, we can not move in both direction while moving upwards).. Now we get a triangular shape.. in which a side may contain any no. of nodes/links possible.. NOW, if that triangular shape does not contain any extra internal branches. that triangular shape will be a triangular chord.
Do remember that every leaf node is also always a triangular chord (It is just to create the default cases if the binary tree do not have any triangular shaped chord)
maximum triangular chord will be that triangular chord
which have maximum total in sum of all its node info.
we are required to return that maximum total.
If we do not have triangular shaped chord..
then we have to return the leaf with maximum info.
for example
/ \
2 3
is a triangular chord
/ \
2 3
\ \
4 1
only subtree with single node 4 will be maximum triangular chord (as its sum is greater than another triangular chord with single node 1) Not the whole tree will be triangular chord
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 3
is a triangular chord
so the solution of the very first tree on the first line of question is
8+9+2+4 = 23
i am badly trapped in this problem.
I have a rough approach
I will recursively call leftchild as root of subtree and find the left maximum triangular chord sum
then same for rightchild as root of subtree.
add the max of leftmax and rightmax, and the add to rood node and return
in c++ mycode is :
int maxtri(node* n)
lsum = maxtri(n->left);
rsum = maxtri(n->right);
k = maxof(lsum,rsum);
return (n->info + k);
edit : my another recursive approach
int l =0, r =0;
int maxtri(node* n)
if (n == NULL) return 0;
if (!(n->left) && !(n->right)) return n->info;
if ((n->left) && (n->right))
l = maxtri(n->left);
r = maxtri(n->right);
if ((n->left) && !(n->right))
l = l + maxtri(n->left);
if (!(n->left) && (n->right))
r = r + maxtri(n->right);
return (l+r+n->info);
i have doubt on my approach.
can anyone give another solution.??
What about this logic:
For each node traverse the left portion and right portion, if you find any branches then don't consider this node in your calculation else consider this. Moreover, for the part of calculation node should have left & right nodes or it should be leaf node.
Note: I have not tested it properly but i believe it should work.
// Node by Node traverse the tree
void addSum(Node *head, vector<int>& sum)
if (head == NULL)
else {
int s = traverseThisNode(head);
sum.push_back(s); // Add to vector
addSum(head->left, sum);
addSum(head->right, sum);
// For each node traverse left & right
int traverseThisNode(Node *head)
if (head && head->left && head->right) {
Node *temp = head; // To traverse right portion of this node
int sum = head->value;
while(head->left) { // Traverse right
head = head->left;
sum = sum + head->value;
if (head->right) { // Condition to check if there is any branching
sum = 0;
while(temp->right && sum != 0) { // Traverse Right now
temp = temp->right;
sum = sum + temp->value;
if (temp->left) { // Condition to check if there is any branching
sum = 0;
return sum;
} else if (head && !head->left && !head->right) {
return head->value; // To add leaf node
return 0;
Now you have vector containing all the value of triangular in the tree, traverse it and
find the maximum.
int maximum()
// Traverse the vector "sum" & find the maximum
I write the pseudocode for my approach, as far as I have understood the question.
Max = min_value; //possibly 0 if no negative value is allowed for nodes.
sum = 0;
for each node in the tree
temp = node;
sum+= temp->data //collects data at the current level, the current level may be leaf too.
Until temp->left is not null, // Traversing uni-directionally to the left most deep and collecting data.
temp = temp->left
Until temp->right is not null, // Traversing uni-directionally to the right most deep and collecting data.
temp = temp->right
sum+= temp->data
if(sum > Max)
Max = sum;
sum = 0;
print Max;