How can I implement grouping preference in antlr? - regex

I want to write a lexer and parser which could take expressions like
And then parse them considering the priority of multiplication over addition. In particular, I can't figure out how I could avoid
being grouped as
My lexer looks like that:
PLUS : '+';
TIMES : '*';
NUMBER : [0-9]+'.'?[0-9]*;
VARIABLE : [(a-z)|(A-Z)]+;
OPENING : '(';
CLOSING : ')';
WHITESPACE : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;

The correct grouping will happen automatically if you define your lower-priority operations closer to your "root expression" rule than the higher-priority ones:
: e=multDivExpr
( PLUS e=multDivExpr
| MINUS e=multDivExpr
: e=atomExpr
( TIMES e=atom
| DIV e=atom
| REM e=atom
A simple way to understand what's going on is to think that the recursive descent parser generated by ANTLR will use multDivExpr non-terminals as "building blocks" for the "additive" expr non-terminal, therefore applying the grouping to multiplication and division before considering addition and subtraction.


How to write Antlr4 grammar rule to match file path?

What is the best method to write antlr4 grammar to match file paths like
Or relative path like
My guess is you are trying to parse some sort of scripting language, like bash or zsh.
I agree that Antlr might not be the best choice to merely parse a file path, but that wasn't your question was it?
Here is a grammar excerpt from a larger grammar that parses windows batch files.
It's worth noting again that Antlr might not be the best choice for parsing Windows batch commands either in that each command can have peculiar syntax that doesn't readily apply to all the commands in a batch file.
That doesn't mean you can't do it though! Here, I use the 'island grammar' feature which requires separate lexer.g4 and grammar.g4 files but allows you to treat each command as its own little grammer.
Token reuse is a little awkward but not horrible.
lexer grammar BatchLexer;
options {
CD : ('CD' | 'CHDIR') -> pushMode(CD_CMD) ;
DOT : '.' ;
DOTDOT : '..' ;
NL : '\n';
OPTION : '/' [a-z]+? ;
DRIVE : [a-z] ':' ; //posix?
WS : [ \t\r]+ ->skip ;
// This introduces the type name, but doesn't match anything at this scope
PATH : ~[.] ;
fragment ESCAPED_QUOTE : '\\"' ;
fragment PATH_WORD : ~[ <>:/|\r\n]+ ;
mode CD_CMD ;
CD_NL : NL -> type(NL), popMode ;
CD_WS : WS ->skip ;
grammar Batch;
options {
file : (command)* EOF ;
command : (
)? (NL | BLANK_LINE) ;
cd_cmd : CD OPTION? PATH*? ;

EBNF for capturing a comma between two optional values

I have two optional values, and when both are present, a comma needs to be in between them. If one or both values are present, there may be a trailing comma, but if no values are present, no comma is allowed.
Valid examples:
Invalid examples:
I have EBNF code (XML-flavored) that suffices, but is there a way I can simplify it? I would like to make it more readable / less repetitive.
tuple ::= "(" ( ( "first" | "second" | "first" "," "second" ) ","? )? ")"
If it’s easier to understand in regex, here’s the equivalent code, but I need a solution in EBNF.
And here’s a helpful railroad diagram:
This question becomes even more complex when we abstract it to three terms: "first", "second", and "third" are all optional, but they must appear in that order, separated by commas, with an optional trailing comma. The best I can come up with is a brute-force method:
"(" (("first" | "second" | "third" | "first" "," "second" | "first" "," "third" | "second" "," "third" | "first" "," "second" "," "third") ","?)? ")"
Clearly, a solution involving O(2n) complexity is not very desirable.
I found a way to simplify it, but not by much:
"(" ( ("first" ("," "second")? | "second") ","? )? ")"
For the three-term solution, take the two-term solution and prepend a first term:
"(" (("first" ("," ("second" ("," "third")? | "third"))? | "second" ("," "third")? | "third") ","?)? ")"
For any (n+1)-term solution, take the n-term solution and prepend a first term. This complexity is O(n), which is significantly better than O(2n).
This expression might help you to maybe design a better expression. You can do this with only using capturing groups and swipe from left to right and pass your possible inputs, maybe similar to this:
I'm just guessing that you wish to capture the middle comma:
This may not be the exact expression you want. However, it might show you how this might be done in a simple way:
You can add more boundaries to the left and right of your expression, maybe similar to this expression:
This graph shows how the second expression would work:
This JavaScript snippet shows the performance of the second expression using a simple 1-million times for loop, and how it captures first and second using $1 and $3.
repeat = 1000000;
start =;
for (var i = repeat; i >= 0; i--) {
var string = "(first,second,)";
var regex = /^(?!\(,)\((first|second|)(,|)(second|)([\)|,]+)$/gms;
var match = string.replace(regex, "$1 and $3");
end = - start;
console.log("YAAAY! \"" + match + "\" is a match 💚💚💚 ");
console.log(end / 1000 + " is the runtime of " + repeat + " times benchmark test. 😳 ");
I'm not familiar with EBNF but I am familiar with BNF and parser grammars. The following is just a variation of what you have based on my own regex. I am assuming the unquoted parens are not considered tokens and are used to group related elements.
tuple ::= ( "(" ( "first,second" | "first" | "second" ) ","? ")" ) | "()"
It matches on either (first,second or (first or (second
Then it matches on an optional ,
Followed by a closing parens. )
or the empty parens grouping. ()
But I doubt this is an improvement.
Here is my Java test code. The first two lines of strings in the test data match. The others do not.
String[] testdata = {
"(first,second,)", "(first,second)", "(first,)", "(first)",
"(second,)", "(second)", "()",
"(first,first,)", "(first,first)", "(second,second,)",
"(second,second)", "(second,first,)", "(second,first)",
"(,first,second,)", "(,first,second)", "(,first,)", "(,first)",
"(,second,)", "(,second)", "(,)", "(,first,first,)",
"(,first,first)", "(,second,second,)", "(,second,second)",
"(,second,first,)", "(,second,first)"
String reg = "\\(((first,second)|first|second),?\\)|\\(\\)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(reg);
for (String t : testdata) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(t);
if (m.matches()) {

Parse arbitrary delimiter character using Antlr4

I try to create a grammar in Antlr4 that accepts regular expressions delimited by an arbitrary character (similar as in Perl). How can I achieve this?
To be clear: My problem is not the regular expression itself (which I actually do not handle in Antlr, but in the visitor), but the delimiter characters. I can easily define the following rules to the lexer:
REGEXP: '/' (ESC_SEQ | ~('\\' | '/'))+ '/' ;
fragment ESC_SEQ: '\\' . ;
This will use the forward slash as the delimiter (like it is commonly used in Perl). However, I also want to be able to write a regular expression as m~regexp~ (which is also possible in Perl).
If I had to solve this using a regular expression itself, I would use a backreference like this:
(which is an "m", followed by an arbitrary character, followed by the expression, followed by the same arbitrary character). But backreferences seem not to be available in Antlr4.
It would be even better when I could use pairs of brackets, i.e. m(regexp) or m{regexp}. But since the number of possible bracket types is quite small, this could be solved by simply enumerating all different variants.
Can this be solved with Antlr4?
You could do something like this:
lexer grammar TLexer;
: REGEX_DELIMITER ( {getText().charAt(0) != _input.LA(1)}? REGEX_ATOM )+ {getText().charAt(0) == _input.LA(1)}? .
| '{' REGEX_ATOM+ '}'
| '(' REGEX_ATOM+ ')'
: .
: [/~##]
fragment REGEX_ATOM
: '\\' .
| ~[\\]
If you run the following class:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
TLexer lexer = new TLexer(new ANTLRInputStream("/foo/ /bar\\ ~\\~~ {mu} (bla("));
for (Token t : lexer.getAllTokens()) {
System.out.printf("%-20s %s\n", TLexer.VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(t.getType()), t.getText().replace("\n", "\\n"));
you will see the following output:
REGEX /foo/
REGEX ~\~~
REGEX {mu}
The {...}? is called a predicate:
Syntax of semantic predicates in Antlr4
Semantic predicates in ANTLR4?
The ( {getText().charAt(0) != _input.LA(1)}? REGEX_ATOM )+ part tells the lexer to continue matching characters as long as the character matched by REGEX_DELIMITER is not ahead in the character stream. And {getText().charAt(0) == _input.LA(1)}? . makes sure there actually is a closing delimiter matched by the first chararcter (which is a REGEX_DELIMITER, of course).
Tested with ANTLR 4.5.3
And to get a delimiter preceded by m + some optional spaces to work, you could try something like this (untested!):
lexer grammar TLexer;
#lexer::members {
boolean delimiterAhead(String start) {
return start.replaceAll("^m[ \t]*", "").charAt(0) == _input.LA(1);
: '/' ( '\\' . | ~[/\\] )+ '/'
| 'm' SPACES? REGEX_DELIMITER ( {!delimiterAhead(getText())}? ( '\\' . | ~[\\] ) )+ {delimiterAhead(getText())}? .
| 'm' SPACES? '{' ( '\\' . | ~'}' )+ '}'
| 'm' SPACES? '(' ( '\\' . | ~')' )+ ')'
: .
: [~##]
fragment SPACES
: [ \t]+

Changing how Antlr4 prints a tree

I am using Antlr4 in IntelliJ to make a small compiler for arithmetic expressions.
I want to print the tree and use this code snippet to do so.
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tree");
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
TreeViewer viewr = new TreeViewer(Arrays.asList(
viewr.setScale(2);//scale a little
This makes a tree which looks like this, for the input 3*5\n
Is there a way to adjust this so it reads from top to bottom
Expression /n
3 5
My grammar is defined as:
grammar Expression;
statement: expression ENDSTATEMENT # printExpr
| ID '=' expression ENDSTATEMENT # assign
expression: expression MULTDIV expression # MulDiv
| expression ADDSUB expression # AddSub
| INT # int
| FLOAT # float
| ID # id
| '(' expression ')' # parens
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; // match identifiers
INT : [0-9]+ ; // match integers
MULTDIV : ('*' | '/'); //match multiply or divide
ADDSUB : ('+' | '-'); //match add or subtract
FLOAT: INT '.' INT; //match a floating point number
ENDSTATEMENT:'\r'? '\n' ; // return newlines to parser (is end-statement signal)
WHITESPACE : [ \t]+ -> skip ; // ignore whitespace
No, not without changing the source of the tree viewer yourself.

How to parse grammar of XSD Regex with ANTLR4?

Dear Antlr4 community,
I recently started to use ANTLR4 to translate regular expression from XSD / xml to cvc4.
I use the grammar as specified by w3c, see .
For this question I have simplified this grammar (by removing charClass) to:
grammar XSDRegExp;
regExp : branch ( '|' branch )* ;
branch : piece* ;
piece : atom quantifier? ;
quantifier : Quantifiers | '{'quantity'}' ;
quantity : quantRange | quantMin | QuantExact ;
quantRange : QuantExact ',' QuantExact ;
quantMin : QuantExact ',' ;
atom : NormalChar | '(' regExp ')' ; // excluded | charClass ;
QuantExact : [0-9]+ ;
NormalChar : ~[.\\?*+{}()|\[\]] ;
Quantifiers : [?*+] ;
Parsing seems to go fine:
input a(bd){6,7}c{14,15}
However, I get an error message for:
input 12{3,4}
The error is:
line 1:0 mismatched input '12' expecting {, '(', '|', NormalChar}
I understand that the Lexer could also see a QuantExact as the first symbol, but since the Parser is only looking for a NormalChar I did not expect this error.
I tried a number of changes:
[1] Swapping the definitions of QuantExact and NormalChar.
But swapping introduces an error in the first input:
line 1:6 no viable alternative at input '6'
since in that case '6' is only seen as a NormalChar and NOT as a QuantExact.
[2] Try to make a context for QuantExact (the curly brackets of quantity), such that the lexer only provides the QuantExact symbols in this limited context. But I failed to find ANTLR4 primitives for this.
So nothing seems to work, therefore my question is:
Can I parse this grammar with ANTLR4?
And if so, how?
I understand that the Lexer could also see a QuantExact as the first symbol, but since the Parser is only looking for a NormalChar I did not expect this error.
The lexer does not "listen" to the parser: no matter if the parser is trying to match a NormalChar, the characters 12 will always be matched as a QuantExact. The lexer tries to match as much characters as possible, and in case of a tie, it chooses the rule defined first.
You could introduce a normalChar rule that matches both a NormalChar and QuantExact and use that rule in your atom:
atom : normalChar | '(' regExp ')' ;
normalChar : NormalChar | QuantExact ;
Another option would be to let the lexer create single char tokens only, and let the parser glue these together (much like a PEG). Something like this:
regExp : branch ( '|' branch )* ;
branch : piece* ;
piece : atom quantifier? ;
quantifier : Quantifiers | '{'quantity'}' ;
quantity : quantRange | quantMin | quantExact ;
quantRange : quantExact ',' quantExact ;
quantMin : quantExact ',' ;
atom : normalChar | '(' regExp ')' ;
normalChar : NormalChar | Digit ;
quantExact : Digit+ ;
Digit : [0-9] ;
NormalChar : ~[.\\?*+{}()|\[\]] ;
Quantifiers : [?*+] ;