Create C++ Apps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 for Windows 8 [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have just installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 for Windows and I wonder how to create C++ apps in this.
Actually I have a code in C++ OpenGL (a bowling game I created which you can see in my older posts, that was in Eclipse), that I want to run in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 for Windows.

There is a little confusion. If you've got "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8", you cannot make classic C++ projects, only a XAML/C# and C++/CLI managed stuff.
For native C++, try "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop" or any commercial distributive.
BTW, AFAIK, you can test Visual Studio Express 2013 Release Candidate commercial editions free for now.


Including dll to Visual Studio project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to read a mat file in a Visual Studio project. I'm using Visual Studio 2015 32bit on Windows 10 64 bit.
I have installed a MatFileHandler library using NuGet Package Manager and got a MatFileHandler.dll file but I don't know how to use it. In program I've written use MatFileHandler but linker does not see this. Please don't judge me, I'm very new to Visual Studio.
MatFileHandler library is not a native C++ dll. It's .NET assembly and it depends on .NETStandard 2.0.
You should create .NET application and add this NuGet package to it. Here is the step-by-step instruction on how to create .NET Core application.

How can I change the visual studio 2015 compiler to cygwin [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is it possible to change the visual studio 2015 compiler to Cygwin the ide is nice I would just like a different compiler.
Not directly, but you can use CMake to generate both Cygwin and Visual Studio projects. Write code in Visual Studio, build the Cygwin build via CMake. Only downside: updates to the Visual Studio .vcxproj file aren't sync'ed back to the CMakelist.txt file.

can I use visual studio 2013 with unity 5 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have Windows 10 installed on my laptop and I want to know if can use Visual Studio 2013 with the latest unity 3-d software. Also unity installed a Visual Studio community 2015. Will that community software work as well?
Yes, you can use either: VS 2013 (any version) or VS-Community 2015.

How to open Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop (C++)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop, and now I want to start it. I expected I could just go to Metro and type, but nothing (relevant) comes up! I tried to find the installation folder but can't find it. There are a few versions of Visual Studio but none of them say "Express 2013". Despite how I sound, I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to computers, but I just can't seem to open Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop, well, the C++ IDE anyway. I have read the official "Getting Started" guides but they don't tell me how to actually open it! Why can't it be as easy as opening IntelliJ IDEA or PyCharm?
Ok for all who have trouble opening VS you can do it like so:
In the search area of Start type run and in the run window type devenv.
You can also press Win + R to open the run window.

Does MS Visual Studio 2012 Express include C#, Visual Basic, C++ at the same time? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to download a newer version of VS Express, but It seems to me that VS 2012 includes Basic, C# and C++ as well, however I only need C++...
Nevertheless I can download VS 2010 which includes only C++. (Visual C++ Express)
So I don't want to waste hard disk with unnecessery packages. Does 2012 include all these languages? What would you do in my place?
VS2012 is the first version of Visual Studio where the Express editions are no longer broken out by language preference. Guessing at a reason for this, it might have something to do with the proliferation of target platforms between these Express editions. New in VS2012 is the distinction between the Desktop, Windows 8 and Phone editions. If they would have kept the language choices, that would have added 8 more editions to choose from.
Be sure to pick the right one. With high odds that you want the Desktop edition unless you specifically want to target the Windows 8 Store or Phone. VB.NET, C# will come along with the ride, JS if you pick Store or Phone.
You could delete the VB and C# subdirectories after installing it but that will recover very little disk space. These languages share a lot of the plumbing in VS. Especially since C++ got integrated into the build system. Their compilers are not actually part of VS, they are part of .NET
Each Express edition is for a single language/purpose.
The full Visual Studio, however, combines everything into one big package.
EDIT: Chris, who's using it, notes in a comment that the Dekstop edition of Visual Studio Express indeed supports multiple languages.