Angular modal template not displaying - templates

I'm somewhat new to Angular. I am trying to display a Bootstap 3 modal dialog when an invalid user role is detected. I cannot get my modal template to display. The behavior seems to work i.e. I can dismiss the faded overlay..I just don't see the actual modal template.
Bootstrap 3
AngularJS 1.0.7
AngularJS UI Bootstrap 0.6.0
gsApp.controller('MainController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$q', '$window', '$location', '$modal', 'ApplicationCache', 'UserService',
function MainController($rootScope, $scope, $q, $window, $location, $modal, ApplicationCache, UserService) {
$scope.userRole = "BadRole";
$scope.showBadRoleModel = function () {
var showBadRoleModelInstance = ${
templateUrl: "badRoleModal.html",
backdrop: true,
windowClass: 'modal',
controller: badRoleModalInstance,
resolve: {
items: function () {
return $scope.userRole;
var badRoleModalInstance = function($scope, $modalInstance, items){
$scope.ok = function () {
$scope.cancel = function () {
<div class="row" ng-controller="MainController">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="badRoleModal.html">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3>I'm a modal!</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()">OK</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button>
<button class="btn" ng-click="showBadRoleModel()">Show bad role modal</button>

AngularJs UI Bootstrap doesn't work with Bootstrap 3 yet.
See more details here:

Here's a reusable Angular directive that will hide and show a Bootstrap 3 (or 2.x) modal.
app.directive("modalShow", function () {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {
modalVisible: "="
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
//Hide or show the modal
scope.showModal = function (visible) {
if (visible)
//Check to see if the modal-visible attribute exists
if (!attrs.modalVisible)
//The attribute isn't defined, show the modal by default
//Watch for changes to the modal-visible attribute
scope.$watch("modalVisible", function (newValue, oldValue) {
//Update the visible value when the dialog is closed through UI actions (Ok, cancel, etc.)
element.bind("", function () {
scope.modalVisible = false;
if (!scope.$$phase && !scope.$root.$$phase)
Usage Example #1 - this assumes you want to show the modal - you could add ng-if as a condition
<div modal-show class="modal fade"> ...bootstrap modal... </div>
Usage Example #2 - this uses an Angular expression in the modal-visible attribute
<div modal-show modal-visible="showDialog" class="modal fade"> ...bootstrap modal... </div>
Another Example - to demo the controller interaction, you could add something like this to your controller and it will show the modal after 2 seconds and then hide it after 5 seconds.
$scope.showDialog = false;
$timeout(function () { $scope.showDialog = true; }, 2000)
$timeout(function () { $scope.showDialog = false; }, 5000)
I'm late to contribute to this question - created this directive for another question. Here are some related links: Simple Angular Directive for Bootstrap Modal and
Hope this helps.


How can I scroll down to bottom of a specific div on page load in a chat conversation using Nuxt.js?

I want scroll down to the last div
<div v-for="(message, message_index) in messageArray" :key="message_index">
<div class="chatList">
I'm assuming you have a chat component where you want to scroll down to the last message on page load.
Although there are many ways to achieve this, I found this is the simplest one.
scrollIntoView() inside this.$nextTick(function () {}) gets the job done.
Bind your every div inside the loop with unique id. :id="`m-(some_unique_id)`">
<div v-for="(message, message_index) in messageArray" :key="message_index">
<div :id="`m-${}`">
and get the element of the last index of messageArray. And tell the scrollIntoView to scroll down to that div.
mounted: {
methods: {
getChatBoxUsersChats() {
this.$nextTick(function () {
let length = this.messageArray.length;
if (length > 0) {
let id = this.messageArray0[length - 1].id;
let element = document.getElementById("m-" + id);
element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "end" });

Opencart if product available Button show else disable that button

Hi i'm creating a application using Opencart. It fully customized, i have doubt in this.
I have filter.tpl page, in this page i need to display and hide button based on product availability
If product available show like this
enter image description here
else button show like this enter image description here
Am trying this fowling code using ajax
'source': function(request, response) {
url: 'index.php?route=catalog/product/getProductCheck' + encodeURIComponent(request),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
response($.map(json, function(item) {
return {
label: item['name'],
value: item['product_id']
'select': function(item) {
In controller
public function getProductCheck()
/*Some code here*/
So you can use if ($product['quantity']) statement for example
I got the out put am using javascript following code
<div class="form-group">
<div style='display:none;' id='instock'>
<a class='instock-btn'>Product / Solution Available</a>
<input type='submit' class='btn-orng available' name='' value="Click here for more details" size='20' />
<div style='display:none;' id="outstock">
<input type='submit' class='outstock-btn' name='' value="Product / Solution Not Available" size='20' />
<input type='submit' class='btn-orng' name='' value="We will contact you at the earliest" size='20' />
$('#dia1').on('change', function() {
//var value =
if (this.value <='320' )
$('#len1').on('change', function() {
//var value =
if (this.value <='310' )

Why is the URL not updated when I click the link for that route

I am using EmberJs version 1.4.
When I click on one of the links I would expect the URL to include the id of the selected widget but nothing appears and when I look at the params parameter in the route model hook it has no properties and I would expect the id to be one of its properties so could someone help me to understand what am I missing?
In other words I would expect the URL to become awesome.html#/widgets/5 but it always is awesome.html#/widgets
Thank you!
This is my ember code:
window.Awesome = Ember.Application.create(); {
this.resource("awesome", {path: "/"}, function(){
this.resource("widgets", function () {
this.resource('widget', { path: '/:widgetId' }, function () {
this.route('general', { path: 'info' });
Awesome.WidgetsRoute = Awesome.AuthenticationRoute.extend({
model: function(){
//TODO: Call a service to get the model.
return { widgets: [{ widgetId: 1, widgetName: "Great Widget" }, { widgetId: 2, widgetName: "Fantastic Widget" }, { widgetId: 3, widgetName: "Brutal Widget" }] };
Awesome.WidgetIndexRoute = Awesome.AuthenticationRoute.extend({
model: function (params) {
var receivedWidgetId = params.widgetId;
return { widgetName: "Hardcoded Widget", widgetId: receivedWidgetId };
These are the templates:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="widgets">
<section class="span3 left-section">
<div class="btn-group-vertical btn-group-justified registration-actions-menu">
<button id="createNewWidget" class="btn btn-link">Create New Widget</button>
<button id="joinWidgetTeam" class="btn btn-link">Join Widget Team</button>
<div class="registered-widgets-menu">
<div class="btn-group-vertical">
{{#each widget in widgets}}
{{#link-to 'widget' widget class="btn btn-link"}}{{widget.widgetName}}{{/link-to}}
<section class="span8">
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="widget">
<div id="widgetOptions">
<!-- TODO: Change the anchors for handlebars link-to helpers. -->
<h1>{{widgetName}}</h1> <h5>{{widgetId}}</h5>
<ul id="widgetNavigation">
<li>Widget Info</li>
<li>Widget Configuration</li>
<li>Widget Operations</li>
<div id="widgetContent">
<!-- TODO: Design some awesome widget content. -->
Some awesome widget content
I also have an authentication route from which the other routes inherit. Even though I don't believe it has something to do with the issue I'll include just in case I am wrong.
Awesome.AuthenticationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
beforeModel: function(transition){
redirectToLogin: function(transition) {
var loginController = this.controllerFor('awesome.login');
loginController.set('attemptedTransition', transition);
It looks like it's totally working to me, when you click on one of the widgets
Additionally it looks like you're mixing up the WidgetIndexRoute and WidgetRoute. The widget resource should be displayed like this (though this is unrelated to the issue you're describing)
Awesome.WidgetRoute = Awesome.AuthenticationRoute.extend({
model: function (params) {
var receivedWidgetId = params.widgetId;
return { widgetName: "Hardcoded Widget", widgetId: receivedWidgetId };

Ember.js v1.2.0 - Ember.Component not firing 'click' handler, returning null for this.$()

I'm using Ember v1.2.0 along with Handlebars v1.0.0 and jQuery v2.0.2 and I started to use Ember.Component and replace some views I created through components (for example a custom dropdown element) and it felt like the right thing to do, but unfortunately it does not work as I expected.
this is my Handlebars file, placed under `templates/components/my-dropdown:
<div class="dropdown__header" {{action 'toggle'}}>
<i {{bind-attr class=view.iconClass}}></i>{{view.displayText}}
<div class="dropdown__caret"></div>
<ul class="dropdown__body">
this is the corresponding Ember.Component class:
App.MyDropdownComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: 'dropdown'.w(),
toggleList: function () {
//var $this = this.$(); // returns null (!!!)
var $this = this.$('.' + this.get('classNames').join(' .')); // returns the expected object
if($this.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
// Note: I can't work with classNameBindings and toggleProperty() because the classes
// could also be accessed through other code...
click: function (event) {
alert('heureka!'); // never fired!
actions: {
toggle: function () {
this.toggleList(); // fired as expected
is this expected behaviour of an Ember.Component?

{{bindAttr }} {{action}} [Object] Has no method replace

when ember.js tries to render my template containing the following bindAttr. the following exception is thrown in handlebars.js
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'replace' handlebars.js:848
bind attr tag:
<div class="postWrapper" {{bindAttr style="display:none"}}>
this also happens when i use the action helper
<div {{action Toggle}} class="btn pull-right">
<i class="postToggler icon-chevron-down " ></i>
Update Full Code
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="Composer">
<div class="postWrapper">
<div class="postContentWrapper" {{bindAttr style="controller.display"}}>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="pull-left span10">
To :
<input id="test2" type="text" style="margin-top: 7px;width:90%" />
<div {{action Toggle}} class="btn pull-right">
<i class="postToggler icon-chevron-down " ></i>
<div class="row-fluid" style="height:100%" >
<div id="wmd-button-bar" style="width:48%;display:inline-block" ></div>
<div class="pull-right">
<a>Hide preview</a>
<div class="wmdWrapper" style="height:80%">
<div class="wmd-panel" style="vertical-align: top;">
<textarea class="wmd-input" id="wmd-input" style="height: 100%;"></textarea>
<div id="wmd-preview" class="wmd-preview pull-right"></div>
<br />
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6 ">
Tags :
<input id="test" type="text" style="width:80%"/>
<div class="span2 pull-right">
<button id="btnSubmitPost" class="btn btn-success pull-right">{{controller.buttonText}}</button>
<button id="btnCanelPost" class="btn btn-warning pull-right">Cancel</button>
<div class="row-fluid">
View and render
Thoughts.ComposerController = Ember.Object.extend({
mode: 2,
visible: false,
messageContent: "",
buttonText: function () {
switch (this.get("mode")) {
case 1: return "Post";
case 2: return "Reply";
display: function () {
if (this.get("visible")) {
return 'display:block';
} else
return 'display:none';
Toggle: function(){
Thoughts.ComposerController = Thoughts.ComposerController.create();
Error Information
object dump
string: "data-ember-action="1""
__proto__: Object
constructor: function (string) {
toString: function () {
__proto__: Object
Crashes on the replace method, because the method replace is undefined
Handlebars.Utils = {
escapeExpression: function (string) {
// don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe
if (string instanceof Handlebars.SafeString) {
return string.toString();
} else if (string == null || string === false) {
return "";
if (!possible.test(string)) { return string; }
----> return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar);
So first of all you need to define only need to define the controller. You don't have to create an instance. Ember will do it for you when application initialize.
If you define a property that is observing another in other words its value depends on another, you need this to specify as parameter to property helper.
Thoughts.ComposerController = Ember.Controller.extend({
mode: 2,
visible: false,
messageContent: "",
buttonText: function () {
switch (this.get("mode")) {
case 1: return "Post";
case 2: return "Reply";
display: function () {
return 'display:' + this.get('visible') ? 'block' : 'none';
Toggle: function () {
this.set('mode', this.get('mode') == 2 ? 1 : 2);
Template itself seems valid.
You can get this working by creating a composer route like this:
or by rendering it in another template like this:
{{render 'composer'}}
That should be answer to your question. BUT
Wouldn't be better to use {{if}} helper for showing some content inside of template based on a condition?
i finally found some time to work on this again.
all i did was replace the ember and handlebars js files, and the code is working fine now thanks