WAMP - Need to know version of compilation VC6 or VC9 - wamp

Can someone pls help me how to find the Compiler version used to compile WAMP Modules (Apache,PHP - VC6 or VC9) ? I am stuck to install correct PDO Drivers for SQLSERVER.

Use follow
echo phpinfo();
and find "Complier" will show the right compiler version

This may help.
As far as I am aware microsoft only provide 32bit versions of the php sqlserver interface dll's.
So it would be simpler to just install a 32bit version of WAMPServer and things will start to work. The 32bit WAMPServer runs just fine on a 64bit Windows, and you will find it much easier to find those more esoteric php_*.dll's that run on 32bit than you will on 64bit.

I fought with this for a little while.
This page was helpful...
The "System Requirements" section speaks about version compatibility.
I found that Wampserver 2.4 and SQLSERV30 were both on VC9.


Adding C/C++ language to Eclipse Oxygen IDE for Java Developers

I'm running Eclipse Oxygen.1 IDE for Java Developers 64 bit and I want to add the C/C++ language to it so I can write and compile code for my C Language class using only one IDE. When I go to install new software am I supposed to be installing the development tools for under the programming language tab or from the CDT tab or both? The tools under the Programming Language tab are version 9.3.2 and the tools under CDT tab are version 9.3.0. I'm confused as to which ones I'm supposed to install. Also if anyone could help me with the installation of MinGW. I'm running Windows 10 on a 64 bit operating system. And I'm not sure as to how I can get the latest version of MinGW for 64 bit OS. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
You can have a combined IDE. I use one that combines the Eclipse SDK, including Java and a bunch of other things all in one. It's a bit clunky to do but can be done. Just go to the Help -> Install New Software... menu item and bring up the install dialog.
First install one of them, Java or C/C++. Then after launching it, select the "Luna - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen" item in the "Work with:" selector. Then find the other IDE components you would like in the list and install it.
I had Oxygen with java and pydev but experienced great difficulty adding cdt yesterday. I have some good reasons for keeping Oxygen instead of upgrading (older code and even OS compatibility since I'm still running High Sierra, again there are reasons for doing that). One key is finding the url given above download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen . However, my install would still not work, for some unknown reason.
Here is the important part of my comment. Installs and updates can take forever if you don't uncheck the box on the install page which says this:
Contact all update sites during install to find required software
It is a known bug, that it is checked by default, but never to be fixed. https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=340298
Also this bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=340298 was applied to cdt 9.3 if you get the pty error trying to compile.

How do you compile WebkitGTK on windows for MinGW

My experience with C++, GCC, MinGW and Cygwin is very limited. However, I already tested it and realized that Cygwin is not the ideal solution for what I am trying to do. Even though a GTK+ program with GTKWebkit works fine on Cygwin, it's not that great in terms of packaging the final project to a single .exe. The dependency on the cywin1.dll, etc... is a deal breaker.
I tested MinGW and it works flawlessly for a standard GTK only application in Windows. And the file size is great!
I tested a standard GCC compiler to compile a GTK & WebKitGtk application on Mac and it worked flawlessly.
But in the windows world where I am getting confused with GTK and WebkitGTK. What I want to do is compile a sample WebkitGTK application on Windows using MinGW. So, all the required libraries are statically linked and has a single .exe.
What are my choices? How do I actually build WebsiteGTK on Windows? Please give me the tools and as much details as you can.
FYI, QtWebkit is not going to cut it. Their licensing terms are not that commercial friendly.
I never did get WebKitGtk to compile on Windows. I think I could have got it to work using cygwin, but that's a non-starter for the project I'm working on.
I ended up using Chromium Embedded Framework instead: https://code.google.com/p/chromiumembedded/. It has clear instructions and sample apps for Mac, Linux, Windows, and mobile.
Here someone says that the easiest way to do that it's to cross-compile from virtual machine. Actually, there is binary there.
He uses OpenSUSE booted through VirtualBox. Then, using osc tool, get the mingw32-webkitgtk from windows:mingw:win32 and build it with osc.

Compiling 32-bit python on a 64 bit machine

While I know this has been asked here before, it has been several years since the last time I can find, and there was no successful solution to this question, so here we go.
I have a copy of x64-bit SPSS for *nix that requires on a 32-bit python2.7.3 installation for extended functionality. Unfortunately for me, I run an ubuntu x64 machine, and I've been unable to compile 32bit python on it. I've been able follow both sets of instructions also tested at this link https://askubuntu.com/questions/29253/how-can-i-install-a-32bit-python-on-64-bit-ubuntu but have not had any success with it following the flags. Both resulted in the correct location/unicode settings, but compiled x64 versions. I've checked for missing packages, but none of the recommended packages seem to be missing.
Any help with compiling python (or even an alternative method) would be greatly appreciated. As it is, the only solution I can think of is to create a chroot jail.
Have you considered running 64-bit SPSS and using 64-bit Python?

linux voip library

Can someone suggest free VoIP library(C/C++) for Linux? All libs that I found are outdated and won't compile on my Ubuntu 12.10 box. I have tried OPAL, Sofia, PJ - can't get working anything.
Well, I've gotten PJ to compile and run on Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 (32 bit). Also Linphone and GStreamer. I'm guessing your environment needs a clean-up or some additional stuff in it. Liknphone, in particular, took several upgrades with bleeding edge packages.
So, please pick one and compile it and tell us what happens. The configure script's log might be a good thing to attach to your reply. Perhaps, also, the output of the make you run after configure,

iads.h / VS2005 / W2003 SP2 - which SDK and what are the side-effects?

I'm trying to compile someone elses C++ program using VS2005 on Windows 2003 (SP2).
The compile fails because it can't find iads.h
Which SDK should I install to get this header ?
When I install the SDK is there a danger I might break something already in use ? As far as I can tell the W2003 has no SDK's installed but if it did would installing a different one cause problems ?
You need to the windows sdk. The SDK doesn't install like a regular application. Just because you "installed" it it doesn't change any settings in your compiler.
You will still have to add the directories to header files and libraries in the vs settings page.
You can have multiple version of the windows sdk, you just need to update the directories in the vs options page.
It should be found in the vc\PlatformSDK\include folder. If not then you need to check your installation or you can install the Windows SDK.
The normal Windows SDK includes <iads.h>. I virtually never run a copy of Windows without an SDK installed, so I'm probably not in a good position to say what might work differently if it wasn't, but not much seems broken to me...