Removing a macro with doxygen - c++

I have the following function:
how do I instruct doxygen to remove the "MYMACROTOEXPORTFUNCTION" part from the documentation and prevent it from being shown? I already used "#cond ... #endcond" without success

You can do as follows (sample based on doxywizard)


C++ Visibility macro breaking documentation Sphinx/Doxygen formatting

I have this problem where I added a macro to set the visibility of certain functions to my code like this:
#define PUBLIC_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
The problem is that it seems to have broken the formatting when displaying the functions in Sphinx..
Changing the function docs from this:
struct conductor* conductor_create(struct conductor_error* err);
to this:
PUBLIC_API struct conductor* conductor_create(struct conductor_error* err);
Is there any way I can get that nice auto-formatting back? I would like to not see the macro there at all if possible..
Here's what I was using in the Sphinx .rst for that part if that's relevant:
.. doxygenfile:: X2XConductorC.h
:project: X2XConductor
I set up the documentation more or less as described here:

What does //! [0] mean in Qt C++ example code?

I've just opened a Qt server example source code. Here is one of the files:
It has comments like //! [0]. Here's an example:
//! [3]
connect(tcpServer, &QTcpServer::newConnection, this, &Server::sendFortune);
//! [3]
I've never seen them before. What do they mean?
It is used in Qt for generating the web documentation from the source code. usually, wherever you find the //! [NUMBER], you will be able to see that piece of code in the web documentation.
Also, it is found at the end of the code, so the documentation generator tool can know which portion of the code goes where.
Of course, the //! tags are found in the source code, but not in the generated documentation. Otherwise, the documentation would become unreadable.
Why they have used this?
It begins with // (meaning it is a comment, so the compiler will ignore it), and they have added a "!" for the generator tool, so it can separate the code comments from the documentation info.
//![1] This line will be generated into the documentation explaining the following function
void somethingDifficult()
//This would be a normal comment, so not exported to documentation
//![1] Here we mark the end of the export to the documentation
I couldn't see //! anywhere in that link, but // is the declaration that the rest of the line is a comment.

How to have Doxygen only generate documentation for methods that have a comment

I would like to generate a documentation of certain parameters that the Save-Method of various classes in my program generate. For that purpose, I would like to write a comment at the top of my save method, and these comments should go to a html and PDF file.
I would like to use doxygen to parse the source- and header files of my C++ project, however by default, doxygen generates a documentation for all the members and classes in my project, which is not what I actually want.
Is it possible to customize doxygen to generate documentation for only one single method which always has the same signature and Name (int Save();), and nothing else? How can that be achieved?
Have you looked at ENABLED_SECTIONS and the cond command? Here is a snippet of the example:
/// #cond DEV
* The implementation of the interface
class Implementation : public Intf
void func();
/// #cond TEST
void test();
/// #endcond
/// #cond
/** This method is obsolete and does
* not show up in the documentation.
void obsolete();
/// #endcond
/// #endcond
The output will be different depending on whether or not ENABLED_SECTIONS contains TEST, or DEV.
If this does not help, please clarify your question.

Using custom macros in doc tests [duplicate]

I defined a macro in a module, and it works fine.
Now, I'm trying to document said macro with an example. Apparently, I need to manually specify the crate line to ask for macros:
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate foo;
/// // Some code
/// ```
However, I now get an error saying:
error: an `extern crate` loading macros must be at the crate root
Apparently the example code is loaded in the macro's module, and does not seem compatible with macro_use...
I can't believe everyone writes macros directly in the root module... right?
Well adding a main function did the trick. My example code did not need to run anything (just compile) so I didn't even bother adding a main function, but apparently adding it puts the code in a virtual "crate root", and it accepts the macro_use. Yay!
So what I did is just add :
/// # fn main() { }

Doxygen doesn't appear to recognise comments (Doxywizard)

I am sure this is something silly I've done but I can't see what it is:
So I have c++ project which has a main.cpp file and some classes. It was not written with doxygen in mind (error #1) but I'm looking to correct my mistake and generate some documentation. So I installed doxygen and ran the doxygen GUI, entered the project name/synopsis and specified the source and destination locations.
Also to get some output above a function I added a comment in the style the doxygen spec requires:
//! My actual function doesn't really look like this
* Some sample detail which isn't exactly the same as the main
* function but the structure is the same
void sampleFunction()
However when I hit run in doxywizard no extra comments are made.
If I set the extraction mode to documented entities only main.cpp doesn't even show up. If I set it to all entities main.cpp appears under files and the function is in there however there is no detail whatsoever in the file.
As a complete novice trying to retrofit my project no doubt I've omitted to do something important but all the documentation/tutorials I've read don't suggest anything other than what I've stated needs to be done so I turn to the knowledgeable SO community for assistance
In response to the comment by Arne Mertz here are a few more details:
Doxywizard is in Program Files/doxygen/bin and the config file is wherever doxywizard creates it by default
My source code is in User/Desktop/
The output folder is in User/Desktop/Documentation
To document a global functions you have also to include a file name. E.g.
* \file MyFileName.cpp
* \brief a brief description of a file
//! My actual function doesn't really look like this
* Some sample detail which isn't exactly the same as the main
* function but the structure is the same
void sampleFunction()
Note, that the name after \file keyword should be exactly as the name of the file.
I was being foolish as I suspected, to be safe I'd made a copy of my project and so the version I was editing was not the version being interpreted by doxygen
I apologise to anyone who wasted their time trying to help with this but I very much appreciate your attempts to do so :)