Creating a file accessible to only my application in C++? - c++

I am developing an application for a small office to maintain their monetary accounts.
My application can help create a file which can store all the information.
But it should not be accessible to the user other than in my application.
Why? Because somebody may delete the file & all the records will vanish.
The environment is a Windows PC with a single account having admin privilages.
I am developing the application in C++ using the MinGW compiler.
I am sort of blank right now, as to how I can create such a file.
Any suggestions please?

If your application can modify it, then the user under whose credentials it runs can modify it, period. Also, if he has administrator privileges then you can't stop him from deleting stuff, even if your application runs under different credentials and the file is protected by ACLs.
Now, since the problem seems to be not of security, but of protecting the user from himself, I would just store the file in a location that is "out of sight" enough and be happy with it; write your data in %APPDATA%\yourappname1, such a directory is specifically for user-specific application data that is not intended to be touched directly by the user.
If you want to be paranoid you can enable every security setting you can find (hide the directory, protect it with a restrictive ACL when the app is not running, open it for exclusive access, ...), but if you ask me it's just wasted time:
the average user (our target AFAICT) doesn't mess in appdata, since it's a hidden folder to begin with;
the "power user" who messes around, if sufficiently determined to shoot himself in the foot (or voluntarily do damage), will find a way, since the security settings are easily circumventable in your situation (an admin can take ownership of any file and change its ACLs, and use applications like Unlocker to circumvent file locking);
the technician that has legitimate reasons to access the file (e.g. he must take/restore a backup of it) will be frustrated by all these useless precautions.
You can get the actual %APPDATA% path by expanding the corresponding environment variable or via SHGetFolderPath/SHGetKnownFolderPath (or whatever replacement they invented for it in new Windows versions).

Make sure your application loads on windows boot and opens the file with dwShareMode 0 option.
Here is an MSDN Example

You would need to give these files their own file extension and perhaps other security measures (I.e passwords to files). If you want these files to be suggested by Windows then you will have to do some work with the registry.
Here's a good source since you're concerned with Windows only:
As far as keeping the data from being deleted, redundancy my friend redundancy. Talk to a network administrator about how they keep their data safe. I'd bet money on them naming lot's of backups as one of their reasons.

But it should not be accessible to the user other than in my application.
You cannot do that.
Everything that exists on machine user has physical access to can be deleted if user has sufficient determination.
You can protect your file from being deleted while program is running - on windows, you can't delete open files. Keep file open, people won't delete it while your program is running. Instead, they will kill your program via task manager and delete the file anyway.
Either that, or you could upload it somewhere. Data that is not located on physically accessible device cannot be easily deleted by user. However, somebody will have to run the server (and deal with security + possibly write server software). In your case it might not be worth it.
I'd suggest to document location of user data in help file, and you should probably put "!do not delete this.txt" or something into folder with this file.


Possible to make QML application "offline capable" using caches?

I'm trying to make one of my QML apps "offline capable" - that means I want users to be able to use the application when not connected to the internet.
The main problem I'm seeing is the fact that I'm pretty much pulling a QML file with the UI from one of my HTTP servers, allowing me to keep the bulk of the code within reach and easily updatable.
My "main QML file" obviously has external dependencies, such as fonts (using FontLoader), images (using Image) and other QML components (using Loader).
AFAIK all those resources are loaded through the Qt networking stack, so I'm wondering what I'll have to do to make all resources available when offline without having to download them all manually to the device.
Is it possible to do this by tweaking existing/implementing my own cache at Qt/C++ level or am I totally on the wrong track?
A simple solution is to invert the approach: include baseline files within your application's executable/bundle. Upon first startup, copy them to the application's data directory. Then, whenever you have access to your server, you can update the data directory.
All modifications of the data directory should be atomic - they must either completely succeed, or completely fail, without leaving the data directory in an unusable state.
Typically, you'd create a new, temporary data folder, and copy/hardlink the files there, and download what's needed, and only once everything checks out you'd swap the old data directory with the new one.
Letting your application access QML and similar resources directly online is pretty much impossible to get right, unless you insist on explicitly versioning all the resources and having the version numbers in the url.
Suppose your application was started, and has loaded some resources. There are no guarantees that the user has went to all the QML screens - thus only some resources will be loaded. QML also makes no guarantees as to how often and when will the resources be reloaded: it maintains its own caches, after all. Sometime then you update the contents on the server. The user proceeds to explore more of the application after you've done the changes, but now the application he experiences is a frankenstein of older and newer pieces, with no guarantees that these pieces are still meant to work together. It's a bad idea.

Writing a log file with app running in non-admin mode in windows 7

My app needs to write and maintain a log file and its not running in admin mode. My question is what path could my app write to in such a situation. How could I obtain that path ?
There are two good options:
Use the Windows Event Log. You can easily create your own log for your application (if you expect to generate a lot of messages), or you can just add the messages to the standard logs (if you expect to generate only a few, occasional messages).
Since this is a built-in feature, any technical person is going to know about it and be able to locate your log files easily. It's also very interoperable with centralized management systems.
Write to a text file saved in the Application Data directory. This is where applications are supposed to store non-user data files, since, as you mentioned, the application directory is not something you can assume write privileges to.
For a log file about stuff that is specific to a particular computer, I'd say that this is local (non-roaming) application data, so you want the Local App Data folder. I'm sure that there is a Qt wrapper for this, but in Win32, you would call the SHGetKnownFolderPath function, specifying the KNOWNFOLDERID value FOLDERID_LocalAppData.
Remember that this function allocates memory to store the returned string—you must free it with a call to CoTaskMemFree when you are finished.
Sample code:
// Retrieve the path to the local App Data folder.
wchar_t* pszPath = 0;
SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, 0, NULL, &pszPath);
// Make a copy of that path.
std::wstring path(pszPath);
// Free the memory now, so you don't forget!
Refer to the SHGetKnownFolderPath API, probably using the FOLDERID_LocalAppData option.

How to create virtual file system that file path can be accessed same as disk

I need to create FileSystem type of thing in memory or on disk, which can be accessed same as file on disk, which path is can be used in function like fopen(),etc.
I am using AddFontResourceEx function to load font in application. Since this function require file path so that file need to present on disk. But I've requirement, that the user cannot access/see the font file.
I tried AddFontMemResourceEx function, but the loaded font is not enumable so that user cannot see the font in the application. Also I tried with some library which create VFS, but they work like database, i.e you can create file/directory and access them. But cannot use their file path in AddFontResourceEx or any other function.
Is there exist some way by which I can create a Virtual FileSystem in memory or on disk which can be accessible through my application and I can write/read file on this virtual filesystem created and it's file path can be used by AddFontResourceEx function.
It can't really work. Yes, you can add a "virtual" file system. But either it's visible to user X or it isn't. Access Control on Windows works on a per-user base, not a per-program base. So, if user X can see the font in application A, he can also see it in application B - even if B is Explorer.EXE.
If the user is an administrator, you can't really prevent them from seeing the font file if they're determined enough. They could, for example, reverse engineer your program to figure out how you're generating the file and repeat the process by hand to make their own copy. Or (even if you could somehow tie the file permissions to your process) they could insert their own code into your process to retrieve the file, or to retrieve the font information directly from memory.
If it's good enough to make it difficult for them to see the font file, you could try this:
Create a directory in the temp folder, with write-only permission for the current user and no permissions for anyone else.
Create a sub-directory with a long, complex, cryptographically random name, and with full permission for the current user. (The name should be different each time.)
Write the font file to the sub-directory and load it.
Delete the font file and remove both directories.
The entire process should take only a fraction of a second, which should make it somewhat difficult for the user to override the permissions and retrieve the file. If they use a debugger to single-step through the program then I guess you're out of luck, but as I already pointed out, nothing's going to stop everyone.
Another option, presumably, would be to just use AddFontMemResourceEx and put up with the fact that the font isn't then enumerable. You'd just need to change your code so that wherever it enumerates fonts it adds your font(s) to the list manually.
If you didn't get the right answer, maybe you didn't ask the right question
Your post title mentions "virtual filesystem", but. later, you mention "accesing a font".
"Virtual Filesystems" its an ambiguos term used in several ways.
One common case, means adding devices or networks to an O.S.
In your case, seems like accesing from a an application.
There are several ways ( "libraries" ) to emulate or work with a filesystem.
Some of them work independent of the real filesystem. You work with them, save data in those "virtual" folders & files, and copy data from the real and the virtual one.
Some of them work, as a extension layer, between the real filesystem, and the programming filesystem.
Example: I worked with an application, that required temporally fast I.O. access. Found a library, that when you want to create a folder or save a file in the real filesystem, was done.
Additionally, I could add "virtual drives" that where stored in memory, but, accessed with file system operations. When the application finished, the "hard drives" and their data where erased from memory.
Its seems that your case is similar to my example.
What do you want a "virtual filesystem" library for ?
I have seen onb the web, several libraries, for C++, open source, freeware, and commercial.
It depends what do you want to do, to find out, which library its the better for your case.
Good Luck

c / c++ disable access to files

Is it possible to disable access of some program to files completely?
Because I don't want it to have any kind of access to files on system, is it possible to compile it so it doesn't have access to file stream or to run it someway it cant access files?
The closest you'd be able to come to that is to run your program in a chroot jail.
In an unmanaged environment, code cannot tell itself not to do something it shouldn't. CAS is part of managed environments only, where the runtime provides an extra level of access control. It's up to the OS to prevent applications from doing things that the user they are running on behalf of cannot do. You should be able to run the application as if you were a different, more limited user; then, you could limit the user's access rights to the resource and the OS will prevent the code from accessing it.
In Linux, you can change the owner of the process to nobody. This is no big security increase, as nobody still can access files etc. but it's better than running as a local user or root:
struct passwd *pw = getpwnam("nobody");
if (!pw)
printf("Error: Unable to look up info about user nobody");
In theory you can direct the linker not to link fopen and so on. You'll probably have to use static linkage.
But, often, when you come to a requirement like this you're approaching the problem from the wrong direction. What is it you are trying to achieve with this hack? Why do you want this?
Under Windows, you can start the process under a restricted token
This requires more than just a basic knowledge of Windows API, but it's possible.

Login to a remote machine & accessing network resources

I want to access a file on remote machine(win2k3,, but i couldn't understand how to login to that machine in my program. is there any simple win api that takes network path, credentials and returns the handle?
i just want to access \\c$\test.txt,
WNetAddConnection2, WNetAddConnection3 are little confusing. Any suggestion will be helpful.
sorry for not being very clear. I want to access a computer on same network(LAN).
I wanted to access a file that is not shared on other computer.
If you have administrator rights, the solution is fairly simple. The C$ administrative share is available. You can call WNetAddConnection2 to create a local driveletter pointing to it. NETRESOURCE.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK of course, .lpLocalName = NULL as you don't need it, .lpRemoteName = _T("\\\\\\c$") (note the escaping of \ in C strings, it really starts with 4 of them). .lpProvider = NULL - let Windows figure the provider out.
Leave the username/password empty, and Windows will use your current user credentials. If those are indeed (network) administrator credentials, they're sufficient.
dwFlags should include CONNECT_TEMPORARY, as you're only interested in one file.
However, I think that (given sufficient credentials) it's easier to just call CreateFile("\\\\\\c$\\test.txt") and let Windows deal with the details.
Normal c++ file access functions and libraries should work as is, just put the full network path to the file where you would put the file name, and you should be able to access. Good tutorials with sample code available at this link:
If you are getting errors, check that the user you are logged in as has file permissions set on the shared folder, as well as sharing permissions.
Execute mstsc.exe from your code using createprocess... Rest of thing it will handle...