How to structure signals/slots? - c++

I am creating a UI with Qt and there are two elements which may or may not be present. Additionally, their parents are different elements as well. However, one affects the other.
How should I structure the signals/slots (or should I not even use that pattern) in the best way?
The methods that come to mind all seem like hacks:
create a signal/slot in all parents and pass up and then back down the signal
create a signal/slot in the closest common parent of both then have the children connect their signals/slots to the parents'
on creation of one navigate the structure of the other to get the element and then connect signals/slots directly. Any guidance here is greatly appreciated.
Edit: "present" means that there is a button that the user may press that creates an element and adds it to the layout. So depending on the combination of button presses, an element may be present or not.
"affect" means it changes its state. for example, there is a list of items and a button elsewhere which adds an element to the list.
For an example, imagine a tabbed pane which contains a todo list. There is a button not in the tabbed pane which adds an item to the list. The tabbed pane does NOT create all the elements of the pane. It creates only the elements of the visible pane and deletes them when the pane is switched away. Therefore, the list may or may not exist.

The UI elements are QWidgets. All QWidgets are QObjects. Any QObject's signals can be connect()ed to any other object's slots. The hierarchy of parent/child relationships is entirely immaterial.
You seem to be confusing signal-slot connections with events, which can be in fact passed up the object hierarchy if they remain ignored by given object.
It's also worth noting that signal-slot connections are safe in spite of QObjects being destroyed. When an object with connected signals or slots gets destroyed, the connections are safely torn down. The only thing you can't do is deleting the sender nor receiver object within a slot - use object->deleteLater() instead.


Qt Signal Slot Architecture Unwanted Infinite Loop

I've problem with qt signal-slot system.
First I've created a class which is called System in Singleton pattern, so I can access it's instance where I want. System has a signal SelectionChanged.
I've a list widget and I am connecting it's itemSelectionChanged signal to my custom slot which is called onSelectionChanged. In onSelectionChanged slot, I am emitting System's SelectionChanged signal. There is no problem yet.
In my software design, a selection of object(s) can be used by many GUI widgets or custom classes and System's SelectionChanged signal can be emited by widgets other then the list widget.
So I am creating a slot called OnSystemSelectionChanged in the list widget then connect it to the System's SelectionChanged signal. The OnSystemSelectionChangedSlot is like this.
void MyListWidget::OnSystemSelectionChanged(QObject *sender)
if (sender == this) return;
// Then I want to get a list of selected objects and set them as selection of this widget like this:
But the problem is when I start to set the list widget's selected items, it is going to emit itemSelectionChanged signal and my onSelectionChanged slot will be called. Then the slot will emit System's SelectionChanged signal and then OnSystemSelectionChanged will be called too. It will stop through sender parameter but there is no method for setting list widget's selected items at once.
How can I figure this problem out.
I hope I did explain my problem well. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Spelling and grammer errors are corrected.
There are a few ways of dealing with this in Qt.
Use multiple views with one underlying model. This handles propagation of changes to multiple view controls automatically and you don't need to do anything extra. You can use QDataWidgetMapper to link "plain old" widgets to the data elements in a model. I'd say that this should be the preferred way of doing things. Having an underlying model for all of your UI is a step in the direction of good software design anyway.
When propagating changes between data models, implement both a DisplayRole and an EditRole. The views will nominally modify the models using one of the roles (say, the EditRole), while you can, programmatically, modify the models using the other role (say, the DisplayRole). You handle the dataChanged signals from the model in your own slot, properly dealing with the roles, and call setData on the other models with the other role. This prevents the loops.
For controls that are not QAbstractItemViews, implement two signals: one emitted on any change, another one emitted only on changes based on keyboard/mouse input. This is the interface exposed by QAbstractButton, for example: the toggled(bool) signal is the former, the clicked() is the latter. You then only connect to the input-based signals.
Your own code must propagate programmatic changes to all the interlinked controls, since changing one control from your code won't modify the others. This should not be a problem, since well designed code should encapsulate the implementation details of UI controls from rest of the code. Your dialog/window class will thus expose its properties in a way that's not coupled to the number of controls showing a particular property.
Hackish Let's-Hope-They-Won't-Become Idioms
Use a flag inhibiting signal emission (Bartosz's answer).
Break the signal/slot connections for the duration of the change (Bartosz's answer).
Use QObject::blockSignals().
There are two possible solutions I can think of:
add a flag which makes possible to ignore particular signals:
void MyListWidget::OnSystemSelectionChanged(QObject *sender)
if (sender == this || inhibitSelectionChanged)
this->inhibitSelectionChanged = true;
this->inhibitSelectionChanged = false;
disconnect the slot from the signal, and reconnect it after changing the selection:
void MyListWidget::OnSystemSelectionChanged(QObject *sender)
if (sender == this)
this, SIGNAL(SelectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(OnSystemSelectionChanged(QObject*)));
I found my solution in QObject::blockSignals() method. It will prevent emitting signals from the list widget while I am setting selected items.
Thanks for all the answers and solutions especialy for BartoszKP's. This solution is looks like the official way of his first solution.
The problem: you've tried to cut corners and created a singleton. Not a classic case for singleton.
Signals and slots are used for notifications, each object notifies interested objects about what it did or to reflect its new state.
I'm suggesting changing the design as follows:
No singleton signal.
Each Object has its own signal and slot for a relevant event (e.g. selection change).
The application or a higher level object (that created the widgets/objects) performs the signal to slot connection. If those widgets are placed in a list, this is very simple.

Getting notified when a list box has an item removed?

I use CListBox::SetItemData to store a pointer to some data in my ownerdrawn CListBox-derived class, and I'd like the listbox itself to keep track of it and free the memory when its no longer needed.
For that I'd need to be notified each time an item is deleted (including LB_RESETCONTENT and every possible other case where an item is deleted). Is there an event or events that I can handle to achieve that?
As its owner drawn with one of the LBS_OWNERDRAW* styles you can look out for WM_DELETEITEM;
Sent to the owner of a list box or combo box when the list box or
combo box is destroyed or when items are removed by the
message. The system sends a WM_DELETEITEM message for each deleted
No. A ListBox only generates notifications for things that the user does. The user cannot remove or add or empty a list box, that can only be done by your own code. So the philosophy here is that the control doesn't have to tell you about something you already know. You can arbitrarily generate your own message in the code that modifies the content. But of course inheriting your own class from CListBox and adding your own virtual methods would be better.
Since you're subclassing the listbox already anyway, the 'proper' design would (IMO) be to add data management functionality to the listbox, which would then know when items are removed and can delete the data as required. What I mean is, let's say your list keeps track of people, you'd add AddPerson(Person p) and RemovePerson(Person p) methods to your class. The implementation of RemovePerson would remove the respective entry from the list, and delete all data related to it. So don't use CListBox::DeleteString to remove things, use the higher-level API that you implement yourself.
It's easy - just subclass the list box and add message handlers for LB_DELETESTRING and LB_RESETCONTENT
See here for details:

Toggle dynamically created objects using dynamically created QRadioButtons

I'm working on a QT application. In it the user can create several objects, each one will be added to a list. In the next step the user shall position the objects. The choice which one of the objects shall be positioned, shall be made by clicking QRadioButtons (seems logical as QRadioButtons added to a QGroupbox ensure that only one of them is active).
The problem is I can't find a signal that allows me tell which radio button is active or was clicked. I already connected all radio buttons to one slot, but all I get is a boolean value. How can I get the sender of the signal? Or what would be the standard way to achieve my goal?
QObject::sender is a bit too abstract. Try QButtonGroup::buttonClicked
You can get the sender of the signal using... QObject::sender() method within your slot!

How to use the same QAction in two QMenus with different text?

So I have an action I want to expose in multiple menus (one of the main menus, and some context menus). I'd like the menu item text to differ slightly from menu to menu (to make the mnemonic unique, and to be more or less verbose as necessary in each context).
In MFC (which I have the pleasure of migrating away from at the moment) this was easy, as each menu's items were defined separately, and could map to the same ID, which would be linked to the handler. In Qt though, the QAction encapsulates the behaviour as well as the text/icon/etc. So I don't suppose there's straightforward support for it to return a different text dependent on where it's being used.
My thought about how to handle this is, for each location, to create a "proxy" QAction, which has the text specific to that context and simply has its triggered() signal connected to the original QAction's one. But I thought I should check first about whether there's an easier way to approach this.
I don't know about MFC, but in Qt - QAction is just an interface. One QAction object can have only one text to display. But the real action QAction does, you will implement in what Qt calls SLOT. Then you can have as much interfaces(or QActions objects) pointing to the same slot - just connect all QAction objects, that you want to do the same thing, to the same slot.
Hope this helps.
Your suggested solution is the simplest, I think. You can change the text of an action dynamically, when a menu is activated, but this looks more complicated to me.

Qt-GUI with several "pages", how to synchronize the size of several QWidgets

I am currently writing a wizard-style application using Qt4. I am not using the wizard class however, since going next/back does not make sense from every step in the process.
The user starts off at a "hub"-window with five buttons, each of which take him to another window at a different stage of the process. At the beginning all but the first button of the hub are disabled. After clearing each stage, the user will be directed back to the hub and one new button/stage will get enabled.
Since every stage has significantly differing objectives, I coded every single stage as a single QWidget that gets instantiated in the main() function. To switch between the widgets, I simply hide() the one I am leaving and show() the one I am going to.
However, this leads to problems if the user resized or moved one widget, since the next widget will always show up at its default position instead of the new one.
Is there a way to synchronize the widgets' sizes and positions?
Or, better yet, is there a more elegant way to deal with those different windows than switching between several hidden widgets?
Thank you in advance!
Create one top-level widget that holds the others.
I suggest that you either use QStackedWidget, or, if you want more control, create your own widget and use QStackedLayout directly.
Why not just have one main QWidget as a container for your pages? That way if the user moves the main QWidget and then goes to the next page, it will still open in the new position inside the main widget.
Generally, I've never had occasion to create multiple widgets inside my main method. Don't quite see the point.
I'm beginning on something similar - with different views (perspectives) for different tasks along the way. Using toolbar icons and file menu, not buttons, to move between views. Similar to how MS Outlook allows you to have the window display email, or a calendar, or contacts, etc.
My intent (haven't started yet) is to have one QMainWindow as the application window, containing my various QWidgets that offer the various views. Depending on what task the user is doing, one composite widget will be visible, and the others hidden.