What is Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1? - c++

I am going to use Cython for my project. As a prerequisite, Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 should be installed in order to link with the right runtime.
However, I already have Virtual Studio 2012 installed in my computer, so I am wondering if this is still necessary?
And, what is it? Is it different from Visual Studio? I found some introduction about it, and seems it is already included in Visual Studio.

VS 2012 contain framework 4.5 till now and yes they both are same.
since, cython was originally made on VS2008 so it has some issue to later framework.
some cool guys solved this issue on vs 2010.
You can have more detail on this links


Installing Qt 5.5 on Windows 7

I would like to install latest version of Qt (5.5) on Windows 7 for C/C++ application development, and have a few questions:
Can I use Microsoft "Visual Studio Community" edition (2015) as the compiler?
I assume I need to install Visual studio first and then Qt?
I am going to install Qt from here, after downloading and installation do I need to build Qt? Or it is ready to go?
Is there a tutorial that explains all the required steps in details. I have done Google search and found bits and pieces here and there not not a good complete step-by-step reference.
Thanks for the help.
You need the compiler, which is integrated in visual studio. I don't think you can get the newer ones without Visual Studio (From official sources). However, you can use Qt on windows without msvc. You can build with the minGw compiler - but I personally like msvc more.
Regarding VS2015: It won't work without extra configuration. Qt 5.5 supports msvc2013 only (the next release, 5.6, will support the msvc2015 compiler). But Visual Studio 2013 will work. The order of installation doesn't matter.
After you installed Qt, all you need to do is launch Qt-Creator and start coding ;) If you wan't to use Visual Studio instead, there is a Plugin on the bottom of the download page ("Other downloads"). Visual Studio 2015 isn't supported here too, but 2013 is.

How can I reference CChannel.h in Visual Studio 2012?

I'm trying to create a C++ DLL to register with Terminal Services to provide virtual channel functionality. Unfortunately the header CChannel.h cannot be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, which is targeting Windows SDK 8.0. Sure enough, the required header is missing. However, it is present in the 8.1 \include\um directory
Reinstalling the SDK has not changed matters. Manually referencing the 8.1 include directories causes all sorts of issues.
Is there a simple way to get these headers installed under 8.0?
This seems to be a problem others have encountered before, without a direct resolution.
Oddly, cchannel.h is only missing from Windows SDK 8. It is present in SDK 7 and SDK 8.1.
I resolved the problem by using the v110_xp platform toolset. This targets a version of the Windows 7 SDK, but uses the latest compiler (as of VS2012).
VS2012 Update 4 must be installed to access this toolset. More details can be found here.

What development environment is required to target `C++ 2008 Redistributable`?

Last week I inherited a legacy unmanaged C++ application.
Unfortunately the project settings are not 100% reliable, and there is no documentation. What I do know is that the product was deployed with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86.
My question is: what combination of IDE, SDK, and Platform ToolSet would you recommend using?
Unfortunately I haven't worked with the Windows SDK before, and the Platform ToolSet option is new to me. To make matters worse, I haven't written a line of C++ code in eight years! So... any feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated :D
Client Operating System
Windows 2008 R2
C++ Redistributable
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 is deployed in production
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
I would prefer to use Visual Studio 2012 (we also have: Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012)
Platform ToolSet
Can I use VS2012 and target the v90 platform, or is it more stable to simply use VS2008?
Windows SDK
Which version of the Windows SDK should I install on the development machine if the client is using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 in production?
I would start by trying to get the project to compile successfully in Visual Studio 2008, since you mentioned you already have that available.
I wouldn't bother trying to install another version of the Windows SDK (one comes bundled with VS 2008) unless you can't get the project to compile successfully in an out-of-the-box install of VS 2008. If not and you do want to try installing another version of the SDK, I would opt for version 7.1, the one that targets Windows 7.
There is unlikely to be any advantage in using version 6.1 of the SDK; new versions might add new features, but they generally retain backwards compatibility with the old versions. I would not, however, install any version of the Windows 8 SDK because that might end up confusing you as the developer.
Once you get everything up and going on VS 2008, you could try switching over to VS 2012 if you'd prefer to use it. (I still can't get used to the UI, but apparently someone likes it.) As you point out in the question, the easiest way of making this work correctly would be to target "v90", which is VS 2008 (set using the Platform Toolset option). That will basically allow you to use the VS 2012 shell for editing purposes, but the VS 2008 compiler and headers for builds. You won't get any of the C++11 features introduced with VS 2012, however, because you're not using the new version of the compiler; you'll be stuck with what was supported back in VS 2008.

VS 2012 - XP Issues

I installed VS 2012 Professional and the XP update as well. I built my project with v110_xp as the platform toolset on VS 2012. My project's .msi package is installing fine on Win 7 but failing on Win XP SP3. The error reported on XP SP3 is -
"The procedure entry point FlushProcessWriteBuffers could not be
located in the dynamic link library Kernel32.dll".
While the same project built from VS 2005 is installing fine on XP SP3. I am not sure what is going on VS 2012. _WIN32_WINNT is set to 0x0501. Can some one please guide as how to resolve the problem ?
Any help is highly appreciated,
Yes, the C Runtime has a dependency on FlushProcessWriteBuffers(). The updated version of msvcrt110.dll and libcmtl.lib, the ones you got along with the update, no longer directly link to the function, they use GetProcAddress() to find it and limp along if it is missng. So you should never get this error.
So very high odds that you deployed the wrong version of msvcrt110.dll, an old one instead of the updated one. You can find it back in c:\windows\system32, look at the properties. Mine is version 11.00.51106.1, dated 11/5/2012. A separate installer is available for it here.
The VS2012 runtime that you are installing uses functions that are not present available in XP. See this MS article: Targeting Windows XP with C++ in Visual Studio 2012 which explains more and provides some workarounds.
Update 1 for VS2012 resolve the problem.
But Update 1 isn’t just about new Windows platforms. It also enables you to target Windows XP with native C++ applications in Visual Studio 2012.
If you are building with update 1 and still encountering problems then I suspect that you are installing an out of date runtime. You need to deploy the runtime delivered with update 1.
You can solve this by including the VC11 merge modules from your development machine(program files\common files\merge modules) in your installer. It's easier than having to run the redist exe in your installer.
If you use WIX: merge module addition
I've tested on server 03, xp64 and xp32.

VS.Net 2005 required on Build box with .Net 2.0 C++ Projects?

We have a build box that uses CruiseControl.Net and has been building VB.Net and C# projects using msbuild. All I have installed on the box as far as .Net is concerned is .Net 2.0 SDK (I'm trying to keep the box as clean as possible). We are now trying to get a C++ app building on this box. The problem we are running into is that the header files (e.g. windows.h) are not installed with the SDK.
Do I have to install VS 2005 to get this to work?
As a couple people have answered, I had actually downloaded the 3.5 Platform SDK, but the applications built on this box MUST run on boxes that do not have 3.5 installed. By installing the 3.5 SDK on my 2.0 build box, am I compromising my build box?
I'm going to leave this as unanswered, but thought I would add that I went ahead and installed Visual Studio on the box and all is well. I hate having to do that, but didn't want to run the risk of having a 3.5 SDK on my 2.0 build box. I would still love to hear a better solution.
Visual Studio is not needed, but for C++ you need the Platform SDK as well:
Edit: There is also one for Windows 2008/Vista, not sure which is the correct one:
No, you have to install the windows platform SDK.
You'll need to download this:
Edit: #Michael Stum
You need the Server 2008 / Vista / .NET 3.5 SDK version.
Depending on what you are using in C++ (MFC, ATL, etc) you are probably going to have to install Visual Studio Professional (not express) as a lot of the libraries and headers are part of Visual Studio and not included in the SDK or Visual Studio Express (if you are doing managed C++ using .Net as the main framework then installing the SDK will be enough). We run our build boxes on VM's and so like to have as little installed as possible, so I spent a fair bit of time trying to get things working by installing as little as possible and for our C++ I ended up having to install Visual Studio.
I don't see why having .NET 3.5 would comprimise the build box - 2.0 and 3.5 co-exist without a problem. The only concern I could see would be a developer upgrading a solution to VS2008 without your "permission" and the build not failing...
In general, you need some set of SDKs (Software Development Kits) to be able to build, and some set of redistributable packages to run.
In case it's not obvious, you should be testing your product on an otherwise clean machine before you ship, so you know you got the dependencies right.