504 gateway timeout django site with nginx+fastcgi - django

we added ability for admin users to change server date&time through the portal. Changing the date&time back is working fine, but changing forward(more than fastcgi_read_timeout) is returning '504 gateway timeout' even though server time successfully changed behind the scenes.
Please advice how to handle this?

I had a very similar issue with another project. Maybe it is best to submit the date&time credentials (I assume you would be using NTP servers IPs to do this) through the portal asynchronously via a JavaScript AJAX request. Then, let the server then do its thing with the date&time.
Meanwhile, have the client side JavaScript, continuously probe the server with interval AJAX requests (perhaps every 5 seconds) to get back a response message on the server time. That way, each subsequent AJAX request initiates a new Nginx session and if the first fails/timeouts, then try a second time, if that fails, then try a third time, and so on.
This worked on our system. However, I do not know if your product has login/authentication credentials. If it does, then the user may have to log back in once all set and done because a change in time may also expire their log-in session. I don't think this is such a big deal though because theoretically they should only need to change the date/time once in a while if not just one time only. So it shouldn't have too much of an impact on the user experience.
tags: nginx, NTP, timeout, 504


Ant media server invalidate token while fetching VOD chunks

I have the ant media server VOD embedded on a different domain. While playing the stream it works fine for the first chunk request, but as soon as you click anywhere on the seek bar and it tries to fetch the required chunk, the one-time token invalidates.
There is a case conflict that I'm not able to understand.
If I play the stream directly in the browser, it works fine every time, which means it is a valid token and works when you request chunks from anywhere in the stream.
If I set the publish token to false in settings, everything works fine in the embedded page, which means it is not a Cors issue as well.
I'm wondering what could be the issue that can lead to such kind of conflict.
Are you trying to play with a non-https page? Ant Media Server one-time token system checks session IDs. If you trying to play with a non-https page, each request can get a different session ID. You need to use HTTPS in your system. Could you please try with HTTPS page?

Cookies not available in subdomain

I am using Spring Boot and While I am able to set the cookie on the server, it is available in the response on the browser, however it is not submitted in the further request, and reason seems to be a sub-domain issue. I will detail it with exact issue and content
Requesting Page: http://stgapi.py.com
it makes a API call -> http://secure.stgapi.py.com
Cookies is set with
Domain-> .py.com Also tried with .stgapi.py.com
path-> /
This is visible in the browser, however in the subsequent call to
http://secure.stgapi.py.com the cookies are not submitted
and hence re-login is requested and enters an infinite loop of login and failure.
Any help is much appreciated, entire web says this is how it works, not able to make it work.
After much brainstorming, figured out that we need to set
("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
And client(User-Agent) should also send withCredrentials:true
Further ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin") should not be set to "*" and only one value(origin) is supported.
Reason: Being the above example is considered to be CORS request and not the way it looks at the very first place.

Website Forms (POST) On Multiple Instances (Servers) Website (Python Django / PHP)

Suppose I have a PHP / Python (Django) website.
The website is running on multiple instances servers.
Meaning the URL for the website is www.test.com, and from a load balancer, it can get the client to www.server1.com or www.server2.com and so on.
When there is a form on the website, and the processing of this form is located on the same page:
Can the following situation exist ? :
- User go to www.test.com - behind the scenes, through the load balancer, he gets to www.server*1*.com. He fills a form.
- The form action (URL) is for www.test.com - so behind the scenes, through the load balancer, he gets to www.server*2*.com.
So here, will the needed form data, and more important for my question maybe - the 'request' data, (like request.SOMETHING at Python Django) will be missing ? Because maybe it was saved before on the session, at www.server*1*.com, and now it is missing at www.server*2*.com ?
The request will always have all data, as that gets forwarded to the edge server. request.POST and request.GET will have all the data from the request. The problem however, is that the session data might not be available at that edge server. Example, you started your session on server1, then request another page from server2. server2 might assign a new session and forbid you to access certain contents.
To overcome this session problem, you can do one of two things:
Share sessions between servers (central session storage)
Always forward the user to the same edge server. Some loadbalancers store the forwared-to edge server in a cookie. On subsequent requests, the user gets forwarded to the same edge node every time. That same edge node will keep the session of that user, so no problems.
Yes, this is a valid concern. Due to the nature of the Web (HTTP), the other request might end up on the other server. This issue is called persistence or stickiness.
The solution here would be to save all this information on the client side (using cookies) and not rely on server-side sessions. So it would be up to you to implement it like this using Python/Django. Using the client-side approach gives the best performance, and should be the easiest to implement.
Keep in mind that this solution bears quite a significant security risk for man-in-the-middle attacks, unless you encrypt the connection with SSL/TSL (using HTTPS), as all of the client data is stored in the cookies which could be intercepted.

Connecting a desktop application with a website

I made an application using Qt/C++ that reads some values every 5-7 seconds and sends them to a website.
My approach is very simple. I am just reading the values i want to send and then i make an HTTP POST to the website. I also send the username and password to the website.
The problem is that i cannot find out if the request is successful. I mean that if i send the request and server gets it, i will get an HTTP:200 always. For example if the password is not correct, there is no way to know it. It is the way HTTP works.
Now i think i will need some kind of a protocol to take care the communication between the application and the website.
The question is what protocol to use?
If the action performed completes before the response header is sent you have the option of adding a custom status to it. If your website is built on PHP you can call header() to add the custom status of the operation.
header('XAppRequest-Status: complete');
if you can modify the server side script you could do the following
on one end :
You can make the HTTP post request via ajax
and evaluate the result of the ajax request.
On the serve side
On the HTTP request you do your process and if everything goes accordingly you can send data back to the ajax script that called it.
solves your problem .. ?

Django+apache: HTTPS only for login page

I'm trying to accomplish the following behaviour:
When the user access to the site by means of:
I want him to be redirected to:
By middleware, if user is not logged in, the login template is rendered when accessing /. If the user is logged, / is the main view. When the user logs in, I want the site working by http.
To do so, I am running the same server on ports 80 and 443 (is this really necessary? I have the impression that i'm running two separate servers with the same application while I want a server listening to two ports).
When the user navigates away from login, due to the redirection to http server the data in request.session is not present (altough it is present on https), thus showing that there is no user logged. So, considering the set up of apache is correct (running the same server on two different ports) I guess I have to pass the cookie from the server running on https over to http.
Can anybody shed some light on this? Thank you
First off make sure that the setting SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is set to false. As long as the domains are the same the cookies on the browser should be present and so the session information should still be there.
Take a look at your cookies using a plugin. Search for the session cookie you have set. By default these cookies are named "sessionid" by Django. Make sure the domains and paths are in fact correct for both the secure session and regular session.
I want to warn against this however. Recently things like Firesheep have exploited an issue that people have known but ignored for a long time, that these cookies are not secure in any way. It would be easy for someone to "sniff" the cookie over the HTTP connection and gain access to the site as your logged in user. This essentially eliminates the entire reason you set up a secure connection to log in in the first place.
Is there a reason you don't have a secure connection across the entire site? Traditional arguments about it being more intensive on the server really don't apply with modern CPUs any longer and the exploits that I refer to above are becoming so prevalent that the marginal (really marginal) cost of encrypting all of your traffic is well worth it.
Apache needs to have essentially 2 different servers running because a.) it is listening on 2 different ports and b.) one is adding some additional encryption logic. That said this is a normal thing for Apache. I run servers with dozens of "servers" running on different ports and doing different logic. In the grand scheme of things, this shouldn't really weight your server down.
That said once you pass the same request to *WSGI or mod_python, you will then have to have logic to make sure that no one tries to log in over your non-encrypted connection because the only difference to Django will be the response in request.is_secure(). All the URLs and views in your urlconf will be accessible.
Whew that is a lot. I hope that helps.