Examples of Matlab to OpenCV conversions - c++

From time to time I have to port some Matlab Code to OpenCV.
Almost always there is a way to do it and an appropriate function in OpenCV. Nevertheless its not always easy to find.
Therefore I would like to start this summary to find and gather some equivalents between Matlab and OpenCV.
I use the Matlab function as heading and append its description from Matlab help. Afterwards a OpenCV example or links to solutions are appreciated.

Replicate and tile an array. B = repmat(A,M,N) creates a large matrix B consisting of an M-by-N tiling of copies of A. The size of B is [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N]. The statement repmat(A,N) creates an N-by-N tiling.
B = repeat(A, M, N)
OpenCV Docs
Find indices of nonzero elements. I = find(X) returns the linear indices corresponding to the nonzero entries of the array X. X may be a logical expression. Use IND2SUB(SIZE(X),I) to calculate multiple subscripts from the linear indices I.
Similar to Matlab's find
Two dimensional convolution. C = conv2(A, B) performs the 2-D convolution of matrices A and B. If [ma,na] = size(A), [mb,nb] = size(B), and [mc,nc] = size(C), then mc = max([ma+mb-1,ma,mb]) and nc = max([na+nb-1,na,nb]).
Similar to Conv2
Scale data and display as image. imagesc(...) is the same as IMAGE(...) except the data is scaled to use the full colormap.
SO Imagesc
N-D filtering of multidimensional images. B = imfilter(A,H) filters the multidimensional array A with the multidimensional filter H. A can be logical or it can be a nonsparse numeric array of any class and dimension. The result, B, has the same size and class as A.
SO Imfilter
Regional maxima. BW = imregionalmax(I) computes the regional maxima of I. imregionalmax returns a binary image, BW, the same size as I, that identifies the locations of the regional maxima in I. In BW, pixels that are set to 1 identify regional maxima; all other pixels are set to 0.
SO Imregionalmax
2-D order-statistic filtering. B=ordfilt2(A,ORDER,DOMAIN) replaces each element in A by the ORDER-th element in the sorted set of neighbors specified by the nonzero elements in DOMAIN.
SO Ordfilt2
Select polygonal region of interest. Use roipoly to select a polygonal region of interest within an image. roipoly returns a binary image that you can use as a mask for masked filtering.
SO Roipoly
Approximate gradient. [FX,FY] = gradient(F) returns the numerical gradient of the matrix F. FX corresponds to dF/dx, the differences in x (horizontal) direction. FY corresponds to dF/dy, the differences in y (vertical) direction. The spacing between points in each direction is assumed to be one. When F is a vector, DF = gradient(F)is the 1-D gradient.
SO Gradient
Linear index from multiple subscripts. sub2ind is used to determine the equivalent single index corresponding to a given set of subscript values.
SO sub2ind
backslash operator or mldivide
solves the system of linear equations A*x = B. The matrices A and B must have the same number of rows.


What does correlation filtering actually do?

In the slide, $G(i, j)$ is the sum of the values of all these different colours. But what does $F(u, v)*I(i, j)$ represents? And what is $G(i, j)$ as well?
G is the output image (on the right side)
F is the filter kernel (the 5x5 image hovering over I)
I is the input image (the image on the left)
So every outputpixel (i,j) is set to value G(i,j) which is calculated by the given formula.
u,v are coordinates within F, so F(u,v) is a value of the filter kernel.
You basically sum up pixel-wise products of values of your input and your filter array.
The Filter is moved across the image and for every pixel you calculate G(i,j) using the only the pixels of I that lie under F. At the end you have a new image I that consists of those calculated values.
Read this for further info:

Armadillo porting imagesc to save image bitmap from matrix

I have this matlab code to display image object after do super spectrogram (stft, couple plca...)
t = z2 *stft_options.hop/stft_options.sr;
f = stft_options.sr*[0:size(spec_t,1)-1]/stft_options.N/1000;
max_val = max(max(db(abs(spec_t))));
imagesc(t, f, db(abs(spec_t)),[max_val-60 max_val]);
And get this result:
I was porting to C++ successfully by using Armadillo lib and get the mat results:
mat f,t,spec_t;
The problem is that I don't have any idea for converting bitmap like imagesc in matlab.
I searched and found this answer, but seems it doesn't work in my case because:
I use a double matrix instead of integer matrix, which can't be mark as bitmap color
The imagesc method take 4 parameters, which has the bounds with vectors x and y
The imagesc method also support scale ( I actually don't know how it work)
Does anyone have any suggestion?
Update: Here is the result of save method in Armadillo. It doesn't look like spectrogram image above. Do I miss something?
spec_t.save("spec_t.png", pgm_binary);
Update 2: save spectrogram with db and abs
mat spec_t_mag = db(abs(spec_t)); // where db method: m = 10 * log10(m);
mag_spec_t.save("mag_spec_t.png", pgm_binary);
And the result:
Armadillo is a linear algebra package, AFAIK it does not provide graphics routines. If you use something like opencv for those then it is really simple.
See this link about opencv's imshow(), and this link on how to use it in a program.
Note that opencv (like most other libraries) uses row-major indexing (x,y) and Armadillo uses column-major (row,column) indexing, as explained here.
For scaling, it's safest to convert to unsigned char yourself. In Armadillo that would be something like:
arma::Mat<unsigned char> mat2=255*(mat-mat.min())/(mat.max()-mat.min());
The t and f variables are for setting the axes, they are not part of the bitmap.
For just writing an image you can use Armadillo. Here is a description on how to write portable grey map (PGM) and portable pixel map (PPM) images. PGM export is only possible for 2D matrices, PPM export only for 3D matrices, where the 3rd dimension (size 3) are the channels for red, green and blue.
The reason your matlab figure looks prettier is because it has a colour map: a mapping of every value 0..255 to a vector [R, G, B] specifying the relative intensity of red, green and blue. A photo has an RGB value at every point:
That's the 3rd dimension of the image.
Your matrix is a 2d image, so the most natural way to show it is as grey levels (as happened for your spectrum).
This means that the R, G and B intensities jointly increase with the values in mat. You can put a colour map of different R,G,B combinations in a variable and use that instead, i.e. y=colormap('hot');colormap(y);. The variable y shows the R,G,B combinations for the (rescaled) image values.
It's also possible to make your own colour map (in matlab you can specify 64 R, G, and B combinations with values between 0 and 1):
z[63:-1:0; 1:2:63 63:-2:0; 0:63]'/63
Now for increasing image values, red intensities decrease (starting from the maximum level), green intensities quickly increase then decrease, and blue values increase from minuimum to maximum.
Because PPM appears (I don't know the format) not to support colour maps, you need to specify the R,G,B values in a 3D array. For a colour order similar to z you would neet to make a Cube<unsigned char> c(ysize, xsize, 3) and then for every pixel y, x in mat2, do:
c(y,x,0) = 255-mat2(y,x);
c(y,x,1) = 255-abs(255-2*mat2(y,x));
x(y,x,2) = mat2(y,x)
or something very similar.
You may use SigPack, a signal processing library on top of Armadillo. It has spectrogram support and you may save the plot to a lot of different formats (png, ps, eps, tex, pdf, svg, emf, gif). SigPack uses Gnuplot for the plotting.

Need explanation of a matlab expression

Can someone explain the last line of this MatLab expression? I need to convert this to C++ and I do not have any experience in matlab syntax.
LUT = zeros(fix(Max - Min),1);
Bin= 1+LUT(round(Image));
Image is an input image, Min and Max are image minimum and maximum grey levels.
Is Bin going to be an array? What shall it contain? What are the dimensions, same as LUT or Image? What is the '1' stands for (add 1 to each member of array or a shift in array positions? I cannot find any example of this.
Thanks in advance.
LUT is a column vector that has a number of entries that is equal to the difference in maximum and minimum intensities in your image. LUT(round(Image)) retrieves the entries in your vector LUT which are given by the command round(Image). The dimension of Bin will be equal to the size of your matrix Image, and the entries will be equal to the corresponding indices from the LUT vector. So, say you have a 3x3 matrix Image, whose rounded values are as follows:
1 2 3
2 2 4
1 5 1
Then LUT(round(Image)) will return:
LUT(1) LUT(2) LUT(3)
LUT(2) LUT(2) LUT(4)
LUT(1) LUT(5) LUT(1)
And 1+LUT(round(Image)) will return:
1+LUT(1) 1+LUT(2) 1+LUT(3)
1+LUT(2) 1+LUT(2) 1+LUT(4)
1+LUT(1) 1+LUT(5) 1+LUT(1)
Note that this only works if all entries in round(Image) are positive, because you can't use zero/negative indexing in the LUT vector (or any MATLAB matrix/vector, for that matter).

PCA in Matlab - Are the Principal Compoents re-arranged?

I am trying to do a PCA on some volatility data, and let's just say I can propose a model as the following:
volatility = bata0 + beta1*x + beta2* x^2
where x are some observations, say for example, moneyness and so on.
So in Matlab, what I did was to say Y=[ones x x^2] and then do pca(Y)
and for some reason, my first row in my coefficient matrix is always something like 0 0 1, i.e., 0 everywhere else except the last column, and output of atent always shows the highest value in the first row as well, no matter how I change the model.
Obviously, this can't be the case where the last term in every single model is explained well by the last term in the equation. And if I remove the constant term in Y (i.e., Y= [x x^2] then the first row of coefficient matrix becomes something more normal (i.e., non-zero value everywhere).
So my questions are:
is my way of doing PCA right?
Does PCA automatically rearrange the principal component and hence the first row in the coefficient matrix with all zeros except 1 at the last column may not necessarily represent the last term in the equation and
if it is wrong, what is the correct way of doing it?
From Matlab's documentation for princomp:
COEFF = princomp(X) performs principal components analysis (PCA) on
the n-by-p data matrix X, and returns the principal component
coefficients, also known as loadings. Rows of X correspond to
observations, columns to variables. COEFF is a p-by-p matrix, each
column containing coefficients for one principal component. The
columns are in order of decreasing component variance.

openCV filter image - replace kernel with local maximum

Some details about my problem:
I'm trying to realize corner detector in openCV (another algorithm, that are built-in: Canny, Harris, etc).
I've got a matrix filled with the response values. The biggest response value is - the biggest probability of corner detected is.
I have a problem, that in neighborhood of a point there are few corners detected (but there is only one). I need to reduce number of false-detected corners.
Exact problem:
I need to walk through the matrix with a kernel, calculate maximum value of every kernel, leave max value, but others values in kernel make equal zero.
Are there build-in openCV functions to do this?
This is how I would do it:
Create a kernel, it defines a pixels neighbourhood.
Create a new image by dilating your image using this kernel. This dilated image contains the maximum neighbourhood value for every point.
Do an equality comparison between these two arrays. Wherever they are equal is a valid neighbourhood maximum, and is set to 255 in the comparison array.
Multiply the comparison array, and the original array together (scaling appropriately).
This is your final array, containing only neighbourhood maxima.
This is illustrated by these zoomed in images:
9 pixel by 9 pixel original image:
After processing with a 5 by 5 pixel kernel, only the local neighbourhood maxima remain (ie. maxima seperated by more than 2 pixels from a pixel with a greater value):
There is one caveat. If two nearby maxima have the same value then they will both be present in the final image.
Here is some Python code that does it, it should be very easy to convert to c++:
import cv
im = cv.LoadImage('fish2.png',cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
maxed = cv.CreateImage((im.width, im.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
comp = cv.CreateImage((im.width, im.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
#Create a 5*5 kernel anchored at 2,2
kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 2, 2, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT)
cv.Dilate(im, maxed, element=kernel, iterations=1)
cv.Cmp(im, maxed, comp, cv.CV_CMP_EQ)
cv.Mul(im, comp, im, 1/255.0)
cv.ShowImage("local max only", im)
I didn't realise until now, but this is what #sansuiso suggested in his/her answer.
This is possibly better illustrated with this image, before:
after processing with a 5 by 5 kernel:
solid regions are due to the shared local maxima values.
I would suggest an original 2-step procedure (there may exist more efficient approaches), that uses opencv built-in functions :
Step 1 : morphological dilation with a square kernel (corresponding to your neighborhood). This step gives you another image, after replacing each pixel value by the maximum value inside the kernel.
Step 2 : test if the cornerness value of each pixel of the original response image is equal to the max value given by the dilation step. If not, then obviously there exists a better corner in the neighborhood.
If you are looking for some built-in functionality, FilterEngine will help you make a custom filter (kernel).
Also, I would recommend some kind of noise reduction, usually blur, before all processing. That is unless you really want the image raw.