Is there a `numpy.minimum` equivalent in GSL? - c++

I'm working on porting a complex data analysis routine I "prototyped" in Python to C++. I used Numpy extensively throughout the Python code. I'm looking at employing the GSL in the C++ port since it implements all of the various numerical routines I require (whereas Armadillo, Eigen, etc. only have a subset of what I need, though their APIs are closer to what I am looking for).
Is there an equivalent to numpy.minimum in the GSL (i.e., element-wise minimum of two matrices)? This is just one example of the abstractions from Numpy that I am looking for. Do things like this simply have to be reimplemented manually when using the GSL? I note that the GSL provides for things like:
double gsl_matrix_min (const gsl_matrix * m)
But that simply provides the minimum value of the entire matrix. Regardless of element-wise comparisons, it doesn't even seem possible to report the minimum along a particular axis of a single matrix using the GSL. That surprises me.
Are my expectations misplaced?

You can implement an element-wise minimum easily in Armadillo, via the find() and .elem() functions:
mat A; A.randu(5,5);
mat B; B.randu(5,5);
umat indices = find(B < A);
mat C = A;
C.elem(indices) = B.elem(indices);
For other functions that are not present in Armadillo, it might be possible to interface Armadillo matrices with GSL functions, through the .memptr() function.


Eigen equivalent to Octave/MATLAB mldivide for rectangular matrices

I'm using Eigen v3.2.7.
I have a medium-sized rectangular matrix X (170x17) and row vector Y (170x1) and I'm trying to solve them using Eigen. Octave solves this problem fine using X\Y, but Eigen is returning incorrect values for these matrices (but not smaller ones) - however I suspect that it's how I'm using Eigen, rather than Eigen itself.
auto X = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>{170, 17};
auto Y = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>{170};
// Assign their values...
const auto theta = X.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(Y).eval(); // Wrong!
According to the Eigen documentation, the ColPivHouseholderQR solver is for general matrices and pretty robust, but to make sure I've also tried the FullPivHouseholderQR. The results were identical.
Is there some special magic that Octave's mldivide does that I need to implement manually for Eigen?
This spreadsheet has the two input matrices, plus Octave's and my result matrices.
Replacing auto doesn't make a difference, nor would I expect it to because construction cannot be a lazy operation, and I have to call .eval() on the solve result because the next thing I do with the result matrix is get at the raw data (using .data()) on tail and head operations. The expression template versions of the result of those block operations do not have a .data() member, so I have to force evaluation beforehand - in other words theta is the concrete type already, not an expression template.
The result for (X*theta-Y).norm()/Y.norm() is:
And the result for (X.transpose()*X*theta-X.transpose()*Y).norm() / (X.transpose()*Y).norm() is:
As I'm currently using single precision float for my basic numerical type, that's pretty much zero for both.
According to your verifications, the solution you get is perfectly fine. If you want more accuracy, then use double floating point numbers. Note that MatLab/Octave use double precision by default.
Moreover, it might also likely be that your problem is not full rank, in which case your problem admit an infinite number of solution. ColPivHouseholderQR picks one, somehow arbitrarily. On the other hand, mldivide will pick the minimal norm one that you can also obtain with Eigen::BDCSVD (Eigen 3.3), or the slower Eigen::JacobiSVD.

Element wise multiplication between matrices in BLAS?

Im starting to use BLAS functions in c++ (specifically intel MKL) to create faster versions of some of my old Matlab code.
Its been working out well so far, but I cant figure out how to perform elementwise multiplication on 2 matrices (A .* B in Matlab).
I know gemv does something similar between a matrix and a vector, so should I just break one of my matrices into vectprs and call gemv repeatedly? I think this would work, but I feel like there should be aomething built in for this operation.
Use the Hadamard product. In MKL it's v?MUL. E.g. for doubles:
vdMul( n, a, b, y );
in Matlab notation it performs:
y[1:n] = a[1:n] .* b[1:n]
In your case you can treat matrices as vectors.

What is the best way to create a pentadiagonal sparse matrix for finite difference method in c/c++?

In MATLAB, it is very convenient to create a pentadiagonal sparse matrix using commands like this:
I = eye(m); % create identity matrix
e = ones(m,1); % create an array of all 1's
T = spdiags([e -4*e e],[-1 0 1],m,m);
S = spdiags([e e],[-1 1],m,m);
A = (kron(I,T) + kron(S,I))/hˆ2;
I was wondering if there is any neat trick to do the same in c/c++.
There is no sparse Matrix type in C++. But there are a lot of open source algebra libraries around the web (or you can write your own).
Boost uBLAS supports sparse matrices, and it's probably the best choice if you want just to "experiment" finite differences.
If you need more advanced solvers, you should take a look at GSL, or consider the C version of LAPACK.
As for your original question, as far as i know none of those libraries implements a kron function, since it is only a "convenience" routine.

Worse performance using Eigen than using my own class

A couple of weeks ago I asked a question about the performance of matrix multiplication.
I was told that in order to enhance the performance of my program I should use some specialised matrix classes rather than my own class.
StackOverflow users recommended:
At first I wanted to use uBLAS however reading documentation it turned out that this library doesn't support matrix-matrix multiplication.
After all I decided to use EIGEN library. So I exchanged my matrix class to Eigen::MatrixXd - however it turned out that now my application works even slower than before.
Time before using EIGEN was 68 seconds and after exchanging my matrix class to EIGEN matrix program runs for 87 seconds.
Parts of program which take the most time looks like that
TemplateClusterBase* TemplateClusterBase::TransformTemplateOne( vector<Eigen::MatrixXd*>& pointVector, Eigen::MatrixXd& rotation ,Eigen::MatrixXd& scale,Eigen::MatrixXd& translation )
for (int i=0;i<pointVector.size();i++ )
//Eigen::MatrixXd outcome =
Eigen::MatrixXd outcome = (rotation*scale)* (*pointVector[i]) + translation;
//delete prototypePointVector[i]; // ((rotation*scale)* (*prototypePointVector[i]) + translation).ConvertToPoint();
//assosiatedPointIndexVector[i] = prototypePointVector[i]->associatedTemplateIndex = i;
return this;
Eigen::MatrixXd AlgorithmPointBased::UpdateTranslationMatrix( int clusterIndex )
double membershipSum = 0,outcome = 0;
double currentPower = 0;
Eigen::MatrixXd outcomePoint = Eigen::MatrixXd(2,1);
outcomePoint << 0,0;
Eigen::MatrixXd templatePoint;
for (int i=0;i< imageDataVector.size();i++)
currentPower =0;
membershipSum += currentPower = pow(membershipMatrix[clusterIndex][i],m);
outcomePoint.noalias() += (*imageDataVector[i] - (prototypeVector[clusterIndex]->rotationMatrix*prototypeVector[clusterIndex]->scalingMatrix* ( *templateCluster->templatePointVector[prototypeVector[clusterIndex]->assosiatedPointIndexVector[i]]) ))*currentPower ;
outcomePoint.noalias() = outcomePoint/=membershipSum;
return outcomePoint; //.ConvertToMatrix();
As You can see, these functions performs a lot of matrix operations. That is why I thought using Eigen would speed up my application. Unfortunately (as I mentioned above), the program works slower.
Is there any way to speed up these functions?
Maybe if I used DirectX matrix operations I would get better performance ?? (however I have a laptop with integrated graphic card).
If you're using Eigen's MatrixXd types, those are dynamically sized. You should get much better results from using the fixed size types e.g Matrix4d, Vector4d.
Also, make sure you're compiling such that the code can get vectorized; see the relevant Eigen documentation.
Re your thought on using the Direct3D extensions library stuff (D3DXMATRIX etc): it's OK (if a bit old fashioned) for graphics geometry (4x4 transforms etc), but it's certainly not GPU accelerated (just good old SSE, I think). Also, note that it's floating point precision only (you seem to be set on using doubles). Personally I'd much prefer to use Eigen unless I was actually coding a Direct3D app.
Make sure to have compiler optimization switched on (e.g. at least -O2 on gcc). Eigen is heavily templated and will not perform very well if you don't turn on optimization.
Which version of Eigen are you using? They recently released 3.0.1, which is supposed to be faster than 2.x. Also, make sure you play a bit with the compiler options. For example, make sure SSE is being used in Visual Studio:
C/C++ --> Code Generation --> Enable Enhanced Instruction Set
You should profile and then optimize first the algorithm, then the implementation. In particular, the posted code is quite innefficient:
for (int i=0;i<pointVector.size();i++ )
Eigen::MatrixXd outcome = (rotation*scale)* (*pointVector[i]) + translation;
I don't know the library, so I won't even try to guess the number of unnecessary temporaries that you are creating, but a simple refactor:
Eigen::MatrixXd tmp = rotation*scale;
for (int i=0;i<pointVector.size();i++ )
Eigen::MatrixXd outcome = tmp*(*pointVector[i]) + translation;
Can save you a good amount of expensive multiplications (and again, probably new temporary matrices that get discarded right away.
A couple of points.
Why are you multiplying rotation*scale inside of the loop when that product will have the same value each iteration? That is a lot of wasted effort.
You are using dynamically sized matrices rather than fixed sized matrices. Someone else mentioned this already, and you said you shaved off 2 sec.
You are passing arguments as a vector of pointers to matrices. This adds an extra pointer indirection and destroys any guarantee of data locality, which will give poor cache performance.
I hope this isn't insulting, but are you compiling in Release or Debug? Eigen is very slow in debug builds, because it uses lots of trivial templated functions that are optimized out of release but remain in debug.
Looking at your code, I am hesitant to blame Eigen for performance problems. However, most linear algebra libraries (including Eigen) are not really designed for your use case of lots of tiny matrices. In general, Eigen will be better optimized for 100x100 or larger matrices. You very well may be better off using your own matrix class or the DirectX math helper classes. The DirectX math classes are completely independent from your video card.
Looking back at your previous post and the code in there, my suggestion would be to use your old code, but improve its efficiency by moving things around. I'm posting on that previous question to keep the answers separate.

CUBLAS - matrix addition.. how?

I am trying to use CUBLAS to sum two big matrices of unknown size. I need a fully optimized code (if possible) so I chose not to rewrite the matrix addition code (simple) but using CUBLAS, in particular the cublasSgemm function which allows to sum A and C (if B is a unit matrix): *C = alpha*op(A)*op(B)+beta*c*
The problem is: C and C++ store the matrices in row-major format, cublasSgemm is intended (for fortran compatibility) to work in column-major format. You can specify whether A and B are to be transposed first, but you can NOT indicate to transpose C. So I'm unable to complete my matrix addition..
I can't transpose the C matrix by myself because the matrix is something like 20000x20000 maximum size.
Any idea on how to solve please?
cublasgeam has been added to CUBLAS5.0.
It computes the weighted sum of 2 optionally transposed matrices
If you're just adding the matrices, it doesn't actually matter. You give it alpha, Aij, beta, and Cij. It thinks you're giving it alpha, Aji, beta, and Cji, and gives you what it thinks is Cji = beta Cji + alpha Aji. But that's the correct Cij as far as you're concerned. My worry is when you start going to things which do matter -- like matrix products. There, there's likely no working around it.
But more to the point, you don't want to be using GEMM to do matrix addition -- you're doing a completely pointless matrix multiplication (which takes takes ~20,0003 operations and many passes through memory) for an operatinon which should only require ~20,0002 operations and a single pass! Treat the matricies as 20,000^2-long vectors and use saxpy.
Matrix multiplication is memory-bandwidth intensive, so there is a huge (factors of 10x or 100x) difference in performance between coding it yourself and a tuned version. Ideally, you'd change structures in your code to match the library. If you can't, in this case you can manage just by using linear algebra identities. The C-vs-Fortran ordering means that when you pass in A, CUBLAS "sees" AT (A transpose). Which is fine, we can work around it. If what you want is C=A.B, pass in the matricies in the opposite order, B.A . Then the library sees (BT . AT), and calculates CT = (A.B)T; and then when it passes back CT, you get (in your ordering) C. Test it and see.