How can I debug a each scenarios in my feature file separately - unit-testing

I have a test project that I wrote to test different services in the same solution. I used specflow and I have many scenarios to test.
In order to debug my test I have to run my services. about 3 of them.
The problem I have now is If I go to the test explorer window and right click on a single scenario and try to debug, the option is disabled.
If I right click on the features file and select the option debug specflow scenarios it debug all my scenarios but I don't want that.
how can I debug a each scenarios in my feature file separately while running my services?
Note: I am using msTest and VS2012.

Well you could switch to NUnit, the NUnitTestAdapter supports running individual tests.
You don't have to do it permanently, just long enough to debug this test.

Or, add a Debugger.Launch() in the method that is bound to your When. Let all the other tests finish, and then step through this way. You will of course need to connect to the other services using Debug > Connect to process..., before stepping across the process boundary.


How do I view the colorized output of Google Test in Xcode in the "All Output" window?

I'm new to Xcode (and Macs in general) and am trying to port some of my code base over to run on both OS X and iOS. I have a large set of unit tests written against the Google C++ Testing Framework (Google Test). I successfully compiled the framework and I can run some tests, but I'm unsure how to view the colorized output from within Xcode.
I'm used to hitting "Run" in Visual Studio and immediately seeing a console window (with colors) letting me know at a glance if the tests passed or failed.
I've managed to set up a "Run Script" "Build Phase" but that seems to only output to the Log Navigator which obliterates the colors and even the fixed-width output making it very difficult to see at a glance if the tests pass. I also can't find a way to display the log after running the tests. When I do this nothing appears in the "All Output" window.
I've played around with XcodeColors but that doesn't seem to work with scripts that use the ANSI color codes.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if this simply can't be done within Xcode. That would be ideal, but if it isn't, is it possible to create a "Run Script" that will run the tests in an independent Terminal window? Colors work fine there.
Thanks for any help!
Here are links to a tool that colorizes the text in the Log window. It's free and the source is in github so you can figure out how it works. The first link says that it just uses simple ANSI codes to do the job.
To kick off the execution from within Xcode, you will probably need to add a new target to your project. To add a Target, click on your project and then there is an Add Target button on the bottom of the screen. I don't know exactly what you're executing but here are my best guesses based on your question:
MacOSX/Application/Cocoa-AppleScript or Command Line Tool - Create a simple script or program that will execute your units tests.
MacOSX/Other/External Build System - Allows for execution of an external "make" program with args.
Once you have a way to execute your unit tests, you just need to figure out how to route the output from the unit tests to the Log window. If you can edit the Google Test project and make it use NSLog(), that would seem to be the easiest solution. You could create your own logging method, perform the ANSI colorization, and then send the final text to NSLog().
ADDED: OK. Interesting findings... Read all before starting. Here's what to do:
Start AppleScript Editor. This is in LaunchPad. Paste the following script into it:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "<your commands>" in window 1
end tell
You can repeat the "do script" line as needed. Use this to execute your unit tests. In Script Editor, do Save As.../File Format=Script and save it to a safe location for now like your Documents directory. This will create a file like "UnitTests.scpt".
Now go to your iOS project. Select the project at the top-left. Select the Build Phases tab top-middle. Click the Add Build Phase button on the bottom right. Here's the interesting part.
Leave Shell as is ("/bin/sh"). Add one line:
osascript ~/Documents/UnitTests.scpt
That will execute the script after every build.
But here's the interesting part I found. Click on Build Settings (top-middle). Make sure All is selected (not Basic). Scroll down the list to find Unit Testing. Open Test Host. Hit the + next to Debug. You can also put the above osascript command here. You might be able to execute your unit tests here and if you can, the output will likely show up in the Log! Let me know what happens.
I am familiar in Java: JUnit + JCodecoverage, at mobile applications: Android and iPhone I was to lazy to develop with TDD, but if I would like to start than :
I would create a Hello Word app, with JUnitTesting options turned on:
Include Unit Test checked
That will create a Test App / target whatever, and you will be able to run that.
The same thing it is at Android too: you have to create a "test project"
Once I did and forgot how is working, but, there are other stuff too:
- long press the Play button on Xcode ( 4.4 ) and you will have a dropdown menu with: Run, Test, Profile,Analyze.
I can't present those, because if I press the Shift+ Cmd + 4 to screenshot it it is changing, but here it look like the changed menu:
IMHO: for banking, forex, other financial or military (high security software) I would use test driven development, with over 99% code coverage, but those simple 3-4 web-service call mobile apps, which display public data available in browsers are just waste of time to develop tests and upkeep it!
Many times I need to test with internet connection and without.
to be worse case with WI-FI connection , but router doesn't give IP or let go out the phone, but if I ask the phone state: it is connected...
The GUI flow hard to test from unit testing, where is / would be usefully for me: the data got from web-service and synchronization with internal cache. As I see it is still cheaper to do it with manu testing.

Should I write unit tests as console apps first?

I'm debugging a set of WCF services. Initially, I created some unit tests, but since I'm using threading I often receive "Aborted" or "Stopped" tests without any clear explanation why (this is a known bug in Visual Studio).
I found it extremely challenging to debug the services when I can't even read the log output, so I quickly wrote a custom Assert class and converted all unit tests to console applications. This way, I was able to fix a huge number of simple problems immediately that were hard to impossible before.
So I'm wondering if it is a good idea to write unit tests as (fully automated) console apps first and convert them to real (executes when launching unit tests in VS) tests later.
if you want to stick to the stand alone console app you can have a one fits all aproach: Change
the application type of the MsUnitTest (or NUnitTest) to "Console application"
add a public static void Main() that call your unittests you are interested in.
This exe is can run on its own or it runs in the unittest-ide.
I prefer a standalone consolerunner as described in how-do-i-use-mstest-without-visual-studio

Visual Studio 2010 unit testing windows and running tests in general

I'm writing and running my tests on VS2010 with mstest. When I want to run a test, or entire tests in a class, sometimes Visual Studio decides to run all my tests.
Why is that? How can I avoid it? Any tips?
May be it is this bug?
Might this be the same problem VS2008 seems to have, where if you use run context (Ctrl+R [Ctrl+]T) or run class (Ctrl+R [Ctrl+]C) it acts as if you used run all (Ctrl+R [Ctrl+]A) the first time after opening a solution? Or at least, it seems so to me. In VS2008 I simply stop the test run when I see this happening and restart the same operation. Then it usually works "as advertised".
No idea if and how this might be relevant to VS2010 at all at this stage...
right click in the body of a single test and select 'run tests' should only run that test
I have the same problem.
My temporary solution at the moment is:
Open Test List Editor.
Type in your test method name in the filter box and filter it.
Check the tests that you want to run.
Right click and select "Run checked tests"
But I prefer the "should-run" as advertised if it works of course. I'm open to other better solutions.
Not quite sure, if this applies to VS2010. In VS2008 running tests in the current context sometimes runs all tests in the solution. It seems, that context is defined by what element was last activated (usually through mouse click). If the last window selected was the code windows containing the unit test source code, then all tests in that class/file are executed. Same with selecting a (unit test-)file in the solution explorer. If however, another windows (e.g. breakpoints) was last selected, then the context is the whole solution.

Unit Testing in QTestLib - running single test / tests in class / all tests

I'm just starting to use QTestLib. I have gone through the manual and tutorial. Although I understand how to create tests, I'm just not getting how to make those tests convenient to run. My unit test background is NUnit and MSTest. In those environments, it was trivial (using a GUI, at least) to alternate between running a single test, or all tests in a single test class, or all tests in the entire project, just by clicking the right button.
All I'm seeing in QTestLib is either you use the QTEST_MAIN macro to run the tests in a single class, then compile and test each file separately; or use QTest::qExec() in main() to define which objects to test, and then manually change that and recompile when you want to add/remove test classes.
I'm sure I'm missing something. I'd like to be able to easily:
Run a single test method
Run the tests in an entire class
Run all tests
Any of those would call the appropriate setup / teardown functions.
EDIT: Bounty now available. There's got to be a better way, or a GUI test runner that handles it for you or something. If you are using QtTest in a test-driven environment, let me know what is working for you. (Scripts, test runners, etc.)
You can run only selected test cases (test methods) by passing test names as command line arguments :
myTests.exe myCaseOne myCaseTwo
It will run all inits/cleanups too. Unfortunately there is no support for wildcards/pattern matching, so to run all cases beginning with given string (I assume that's what you mean by "running the tests in an entire class"), you'd have to create script (windows batch/bash/perl/whatever) that calls:
myTests.exe -functions
parses the results and runs selected tests using first syntax.
To run all cases, just don't pass any parameter:
The three features requested by the OP, are nowadays integrated in to the Qt Creator.
The project will be automatically scanned for tests and they apear on the Test pane. Bottom left in the screenshot:
Each test and corresponding data can be enabled by clicking the checkbox.
The context menu allows to run all tests, all tests of a class, only the selected or only one test.
As requested.
The test results will be available from the Qt Creator too. A color indicator will show pass/fail for each test, along additional information like debug messages.
In combination with the Qt Creator, the use of the QTEST_MAIN macro for each test case will work well, as each compiled executable is invoked by the Qt Creator automatically.
For a more detailed overview, refer to the Running Autotests section of the Qt Creator Manual.

Using Post-Build Event To Execute Unit Tests With MS Test in .NET 2.0+

I'm trying to setup a post-build event in .NET 3.5 that will run a suite of unit tests w/ MS test. I found this post that shows how to call a bat file using MbUnit but I'm wanting to see if anyone has done this type of thing w/ MS Test?
If so, I would be interested in a sample of what the bat file would look like
We were using NUnit in the same style and decided to move to MSTest. When doing so, we just added the following to our Post-Build event of the applicable MSTest project:
CD $(TargetDir)
"$(DevEnvDir)MSTEST.exe" /testcontainer:$(TargetFileName)
The full set of MSTest command line options can be found at the applicable MSDN site.
Personally I would not recomment running unit tests as a part of the compilation process. Instead, consider something like ReSharper (+ appropriate Unit Test Runner or how do they call these nowadays) or some other GUI runner.
Instead of a doing it in a post build event, that will happen every time you compile, I would look at setting up a Continuous Integration Server like CruiseControl.Net. It'll provide you a tight feedback cycle, but not block your work with running tests every time you build your application.
If you are wanting to run the set of tests you are currently developing, Anton's suggestion of using ReSharper will work great. You can create a subset of tests to execute when you wish and it's smart enough to compile for you if it needs to. While you're there picking up the demo, if you don't already have a license, pick up Team City. It is another CI server that has some promise.
If you are wanting to use this method to control the build quality, you'll probably find that as the number of tests grow, you no longer want to wait for 1000 tests to run each time you press F5 to test a change.