Code-Blocks Mistake Highlighting [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a Plugin that goes through your CB C++ Code and highlights your mistakes?
Similar to Eclipse or Visual Studio?
SO that you can see if you made a mistake before compiling?
Or if it doesn't, is there a C++ Linux IDE that can do that?

A quick answer, just to add a little more knowledge to this topic:
You must definitely check out NetBeans. Netbeans 6.7 has the following features:
C/C++ Projects and Templates: Supports syntax highlighting, automatic code completion, automatic indentation.
It has a C/C++ Debugger
Supports Compiler Configurations, Configuration Manager and Makefile Support (with a Wizard).
It has a Classes Window, a Usages Window and a File Navigation Window (or panel).
A Macro expansion view, and also tooltips.
Support for QT development.
I think it's a perfect (and far better) Visual Studio substitution, and a very good tool to learn C/C++.
Good Luck!
I also have a few other favorites, which in my opinion are good substitutes for what you are looking for.
-CodeBlocks 8.02


Web development software [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Except from HTMLpad and Dreamweaver, what software is best to use when developing websites? I tried to find the one that code academy uses, but unfortunately, i cannot find something like that. I would like to have something which automatically indents and that it automatically tells you if there is something wrong.
Aptana Studio 3 is a useful IDE (Integrated Development Environment) based off of Eclipse to use.
If you are into paid IDE's then WebStorm/PhpStorm/RubyMine may not be a bad choice, especially if you also work with Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA
These may catch syntax errors and help you with formatting, but as with most IDE's it won't catch any logic errors.
I personally use Sublime Text as it handles formatting and does not carry any extra bloat as HTML/CSS and JavaScript are relatively simple languages. It does not do error checking.

Recommendations for a GUI library? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I recently ditched C# for C++ because I enjoy coding in it much more.
However, I really do miss Windows Forms and how simple it was to create windows, buttons, etc.
Are there any good C++ libraries out there similar to .NET windows forms? I CAN use C++/CLI, but it bugs me that there isn't any intellisense in Visual Studio!
You may want to look at Qt. I find that the signals and slots is a fairly simple concept to pick up if you're used to Windows Forms.
I would recommend you Qt. It has got great documentation and it is really simple to learn and use. Also it has huge abilities. For example Google Earth was using it :) Here some more informations.
Try wxWidgets. It compiles on many differnt plattforms and in contrast to Qt features native widgets, significantly imporving usability.

A C++ source code analyzer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Could you suggest some open source tools that analyze C++ code and checks the following rules:
naming conventions,
file inclusions,
function design,
data types,
flow control,
memory allocation,
file handling,
portable code,
runs under Solaris or SUSE
Of course, if the rules you're trying to enforce don't exactly match someone else's idea of a coding standard, no existing tool is going to work.
It is still in early development (especially for C++) but its improving rapidly and is a really interesting open source project in a vibrant community. So see if the CLang Static Analyzer does what you need.
I have used coverity ( my organization. It does static bug check analysis and I found it to be very useful. It is highly customization and provides a number of checks. I am not entirely sure if it works on solaris or not but I would recommend checking it out.

Syntax highlighting library written in C/C++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a free (for commercial use) library for syntax coloring written in c/c++. Are there any out there?
I am not sure if you are looking for something to color an existing control or a control with text coloring built in. If you are looking for the later you could check out Scintilla.
Scintilla is a free source code
editing component. It comes with
complete source code and a license
that permits use in any free project
or commercial product.
GtkSourceView is a nice library for syntax highlighting and source code editing. It's used in several Gnome editors like gedit and Anjuta and is in active development; it also has a very permissive LGPL license which permits its use in commercial products.
There is also a C++ wrapper called gtksourceviewmm.
another project to note is the GNU source-highlite
found this:

Is there any tool that improves intellisense in vc++ (vs2008)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any free tool that improves Intellisense and provides code snippet in vc++ 2008?
Please don't post commercial tools
Visual Assist
In my experience the intellisense in VS is excellent, when it works. Whether through some quirk of how projects are set up, or a bug in VS, I don't know. But often on larger projects it ceases to work properly. I have not yet encountered that with Visual Assist.
No, not that I am aware of.
Can you explain what you would like to see improved in the intellisense engine? It's possible some of the behavior you are seeing is a bug that we may be able to help you work around if you can detail what's going on.