How to link a website on timeline card html template? - google-glass

Is it possible to have link on html template for google glass?
I want the user to tap on a link inside a timeline card and go to a website .

While you can't open a link that way directly what you can do is add an OPEN_URI menu item with the link as payload to your timeline card.
"html": "(your card html code here)",
"menuItems": [
"action": "OPEN_URI",
"payload": "(your link here)"


Create a Sharepoint list in a specific folder with Microsoft graph api

I have a folder under the sharepoint site for e.g.
https://... <>/
under which we have folder so my url is something like
https://... <>/Documents/Sub_folder_1/Sub_folder_2
pertaining to our project.
I need to be able to create a Sharepoint list in the Sub_folder_2 - folder and not at the root level.
With Sharepoint - GraphApi - create list api url
I will ONLY be able to create at the <> level (i.e. at the root level) which is not what I want.
FYI, I already tried (on Postman) to go with the drives//items/<folder_id> - route or I should say attempted to do so but failed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you want to use Graph API to create a folder in SharePoint, please use the following query:
POST /groups/{group-id}/drive/items/{parent-item-id}/children
For more information:
Hope this is helpful.
I don't think that SharePoint supports creating a list inside the folder but you can at least try to create a list and specify the path in the parent reference.
You need to find out the drive id.
"displayName": "Test",
"columns": [
"name": "Column1",
"text": {}
"name": "Column2",
"number": {}
"list": {
"template": "genericList"
"parentReference": {
"driveType": "documentLibrary",
"driveId": "{drive_id}",
"path": "/drives/{drive_id}/root:/Documents/Sub_folder_1/Sub_folder_2"
# or
# "path": "/drives/{drive_id}/root:/Sub_folder_1/Sub_folder_2"
I don't think it's even possible at all, did you succeed that manually?

How to display response messege as response card in Amazon aws lex?

I have created a simple chatbot with the following flow.
Bot: do you want to buy a book?
Human: yes
Bot: what kind of book are you interested? (Response card)
Human: drama (on click or typing)
Bot: Here is list of available drama movies in store(response card)
- Django
- first man
-true story
The last part is problem , I can't figure out how I can achieve that.
Can some one please help me what do I need to do to get what I want? Similar demo or tutorial Will be appreciated.
Here you need to add a response card using your Lambda code because the values are dynamic (available movies).
Here is the example code of adding response card:
"dialogAction": {
"type": "Close",
"fulfillmentState": "Fulfilled or Failed",
"message": {
"contentType": "PlainText or SSML",
"content": "Message to convey to the user. For example, Thanks, your pizza has been ordered."
"responseCard": {
"version": "1",
"contentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic",
"genericAttachments": [
"imageUrl":"URL of the image to be shown",
"attachmentLinkUrl":"URL of the attachment to be associated with the card",
"value":"Value sent to server on button click"
This is an example of adding response card in a fulfimmnet message, you can add this in elicit_slot as well. Play around it and let us know if you have any confusion.
Hope it helps.

Upload photos to Facebook Sales group album with graph API, using the Source field and not URL

Is there a way to create an album to the SALES groups in Facebook ? when I use the graph API explorer to fetch the user's groups it only brings back the user groups and not the sales groups he / she is part of
Command I used is get > v2.7 > me/groups and it returns
"data": [
"name": "Shadow Creek Columbus Indiana",
"privacy": "SECRET",
"id": "647651662006143"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "NjQ3NjUxNjYyMDA2MTQz",
"after": "NjQ3NjUxNjYyMDA2MTQz"
My second question is, if I were to create an album in the above group and add photos to it using the URL I am able to, however I have a phonegap app and that would be loading the images from the local and not from web, so I need to use the Source field instead of URL. However I am not able to test the same using the explorer. What value should I specify in the Source field ?

Facebook graph api. how to list all pages that my app is subscribed to?

So I am aware of how to check each page to get a list of all subscribed apps.
But I would like to get a list of all pages my app has real time update subscriptions for?
so i have tried this$app_id/subscriptions?access_token=$app_token
but this just brings back basic info on the app.
I would like a list of pages that it has subscriptions to already?
Can anyone help?
This doesn't look to be possible.
Endpoint you're using - - is to get list of application webhooks (callback_url and type of changes), which are called subscriptions for some reason. It's not about pages that subscribed to this webhook (or this app in general).
Overall, even in for your app, under e.g. Messenger tab, you will only see subset of all pages that subscribed to this app. The visible subset is limited by your facebook user account permissions, presumably only show pages that you're either Admin or Editor.
Therefore, if such call would be possible, it would be somehow tied to User Access Token as well, not only app token.
You can do this here:
Once logged, you can click on right button and select "Get User Access Token". You will need at least manage_pages or pages_show_list permission to accomplish this.
Now, all you have to do is call this endpoint: /me/accounts.
It should list all subscribed pages on your app.
Hope it helps.
As per
it is possible (graph api):
GET /oauth/access_token
And then /<app_id>/subscriptions
which returns something like:
"data": [
"object": "application",
"callback_url": "https:...",
"active": true,
"fields": [
"name": "ads_rules_engine",
"version": "v2.9"
"object": "page",
"callback_url": "https://...",
"active": true,
"fields": [
"name": "leadgen",
"version": "v2.5"

Sharing a photo with text

The "Add a cat to that" example explains how to share a photo with my service.
But is there a way to share a photo with a text (using voice recorder) in a single item ?
Yup! You can do this using the REPLY built-in menu item.
However, the flow is a bit different than the Add a Cat to That flow. It works like this:
Subscribe to updates to the timeline collection.
Insert a timeline item with the REPLY built in action specified as shown here. Optionally, you can rename the menu item and customize the icon.
"text": "Hello world",
"menuItems": [
"action": "REPLY"
The timeline card will have a reply option in its menu. When the user selects it, they will be prompted to speak.
A new timeline card is then created which contains the text transcription and has an attached audio recording. Your Glassware has access to this card.
Your Glassware is then notified about this item insertion. The notification looks something like this:
"collection": "timeline",
"itemId": "3hidvm0xez6r8_dacdb3103b8b604_h8rpllg",
"operation": "INSERT",
"userToken": "harold_penguin",
"verifyToken": "random_hash_to_verify_referer",
"userActions": [
"type": "REPLY"
Fetch the indicated timeline item to access the transcribed text (in the text property) and the attached audio recording