Using ctags and cscope - c++

I did a ctags -R on my project which is in c++, in the directory /project/ntopng. Now, when I start cscope using cscope -R and search for main.cpp, it opens up. But, when I hit ctrl-] on #include "ntop-includes.h" in main.cpp, the error message is tag not found. The header file is inside a sub-directory in /project/ntopng/include. But, ctags -R is recursive so why is it that I am getting an error? I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with the latest version of ctags and cscope. Thank You.

I have given the below answer for Ubuntu 12.04
1. Open any file with vim
2. type :echo &tags ,It will show what path vim is using for tags file.
If it is not the expected tag file path type:
:set tags=path_to_your_tag_file (ex /project/ntopng/tags)
Remember it is valid for the current session only, Now if permanent changes required there are two options.
For All users (requires root privileges) --
1. cd /etc/vim
2. vim vimrc
3. Go to end and add set tags+=tags;path_to_your_tag_file
For the individual user:
1. cd ~
2. vim .vimrc (This file may not exists in that case newly created)
3. set tags+=tags;path_to_your_tag_file
Let me know if it worked for you.


Github Actions path does not update

Right now, I'm trying to build a tool from source and use it to build a C++ project. I'm able to extract the tar file (gcc-arm-none-eabi). But, when I try to add it to path (using $GITHUB_PATH, not add-path), the path doesn't apply on my next action and I can't build the file. The error states that it can't find the gcc-arm-none-eabi toolset, which means that it didn't go to path.
Here's the script for the entrypoint of the first function (make is ran in the next action to allow for path to apply)
echo "Downloading ARM Toolchain"
# The one from apt isn't updated so I have to build from source
curl -L -o gcc-arm-none-eabi.tar.bz2
tar -xjf gcc-arm-none-eabi.tar.bz2
echo "/github/workspace/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
I can't even debug by seeing what's in the path because running echo $(PATH) just says that PATH cannot be found. What should I do?
I can't even debug by seeing what's in the path because running echo $(PATH) just says that PATH cannot be found. What should I do?
First, PATH is not a command so if you want to print its value, it would be something like echo "${PATH}" or echo "$PATH"
Then, if you want to add a value to an existing environment variable, it would be something like
export PATH="${PATH}:/github/workspace/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/bin"
EDIT: seems not a valid way to add something to the path using Github Actions, meanwhile it seems correct in the question. To get more details: . Thanks to Benjamin W. for pointing this out in the comments.
Finally I think it would be a better fit if you use a docker image that already contains that kind of dependancies (you could easily write your own Dockerfile if this image doesn't already exists). Github action is designed to use docker (or OCI containers) image that contains the dependancies you need to perform your build actions. You should take a look here:

F# package for Sublime Text Build System absent

I am starting out with F# and trying to get it to work with Sublime Text 3 with a package, After installing the package using Package Control, I see F# appear as an available language to use in Sublime Text's bottom bar, and syntax highlighting appears to work more or less, from what I can tell, but the build system for F# fails to appear as it should.
So, trying to fix things, I run " install" and get an error, "Cannot open assembly '.paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe': No such file or directory." I am sort of stuck. Many thanks for any help.
From the comments you've made, you appear to be a little unfamiliar with the Unix underpinnings of OS X. I'll explain those first, then I'll suggest something for you to try that may fix your problem.
Technically, files or directories whose name starts with . are not "reserved for the system" as you put it; they're hidden. Now, it's true that Finder won't allow you to create files or directories whose name starts with ., because Apple didn't want to have to field all the tech-support calls from people who didn't know about the hidden-files feature: "I named my file ... more important stuff for work and now it's gone! Help!!!" But if you're in the Terminal app, then you can easily create files or directories with . as their first letter: mkdir .foo should work. You won't see it when you do ls, but ls -a (a for "all") will show you all files, including hidden files. And you can also do cd .foo and create files inside the hidden .foo directory -- and while the .foo folder won't show up in Finder, it will be perfectly accessible in the Terminal, and to any F# programs you might write.
So when you say that you cloned but it failed to include the .github and .paket directories, I think you just don't know how to see them. You can't see them in the Finder (well, you can if you jump through a couple of hoops but I don't think it's worth the effort), but you can see them with ls -a. Just open your terminal, run cd /Users/Username/Paket, and then run ls -a and I think you'll see that the .paket and .github directories were indeed created by your git clone command.
So what you should probably try is this:
Go to
Download the paket.bootstrapper.exe and paket.exe files. Put them in /Users/Username/Downloads (or wherever the default OS X Downloads directory is if it's different -- just as long as it's somewhere where you can find them easily).
Open the Terminal app.
Go to the directory where you've unpacked the Sublime Text 3 package. I.e., in the Terminal app, run cd /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master.
Run ls -a and see if there's a .paket directory.
If it does not exist, run mkdir .paket.
Now do cd .paket so you're in the hidden .paket directory under sublime-fsharp-package-master.
Now do ls and see if there's a paket.bootstrapper.exe file.
If it doesn't exist, then copy in the .exe files you downloaded earlier:
cp /Users/Username/Downloads/paket.bootstrapper.exe .
cp /Users/Username/Downloads/paket.exe .
Important: Now do cd .. to go back up to the /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master/ directory.
Now instead of running /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master/ install, try running it as ./ install. (And also try ./ Install, since I'm pretty sure the capital I is necessary).
(BTW, If you're not familiar with the syntax that I used in steps 9, 10 and 11, where I used a single . or two dots .. in commands, those are a long-standing Unix idiom: . means "the current directory", and .. means "the parent directory".)
I just looked at the script that you've been running, and it seems to assume that you've done a cd into the package's base directory (the sublime-fsharp-package-master directory) before running the script. So that could explain why it was failing: you were running it from a different directory, rather than doing a cd first. Hence why I marked step 10 as important: I think that was the root cause of the problem.

Change the name of many files

How can I rename many files. Remove the digits at the beginning.
I have a Mac. All the files are in the same folder.
The pattern is:
1, 2 or 3 digits - any name.php
With Regular Expression, I think it would be:
For example:
I want to remove the numbers and the dash at the beginning.
In the example it would be:
What I have explored two ways:
Select the files > ctrl click > rename items. This is a fantastic method to change the name of files. But I think it cannot be used in this case. If I understand, it does not support Regex. Am I right?
Terminal. I am not very familiar with terminal. I tried mv 1-marketing.php marketing.php It works for 1 file, but how can I do the same for many? I am new with the terminal. If it can be done, please explain the basic.
Open the terminal app in Mac OS X and navigate to the folder containing the .php files
cd /my/path/to-php-files/
and run the below command on the command-line.
for file in *.php; do mv -v "$file" "${file#*-}"; done
The bash parameter expansion syntax ${file#*-} removes the characters before - from the beginning, so ideally 3-number-without.php becomes number-without.php
(or) use the perl rename utility not available by default in Mac OS, you can download and install it with homebrew 🍺:
brew install rename
and do
rename -n 's/^(\d+)-(.*)/$2/' *.php
The -n is just for a dry-run to see how the files are to be renamed, remove it as
rename 's/^(\d+)-(.*)/$2/' *.php
for the actual renaming.

Copy all Files in a List to a Unique Directory

I am trying to take a text file that contains a list of files and copy them all to a directory. Within this directory, they will have unique directory names. An example of text file the structure can be seen below:
I need a shell command or an EMACS macro to go through this list and copy them all to unique directories within the current working directory. The unique directory will depend on the file; for example, for the first two files, the directory would be
I have tried doing this using an EMACS macro, but I was not able to get it to work. A shell command or EMACs macro would work.
Something as simple as:
cat list | sed "s/^.*edf\/\(.*\)\/\(.*\)$/mkdir -p root_dir\/\1 \&\& cp \0 root_dir\/\1\/\2/" | sh
If on OSX - install gnu-sed and use gsed instead of sed. Run command without | sh to see what it'll do. Make sure to tweak root_dir, of course.

Vim, C++, YCM, and Syntastic include path problems

I feel that I have an awesome setup for C++ programming using Vim but I can't find a way to tell Vim, YCM, and Syntastic where to search for headers. It would be really annoying to have to manually set the include path variables for Vim, YCM, and Syntastic every time I want to work on a project when this information exists in the Makefile. Is there any automated solutions for setting a global include path?
Edit: It won't even find the headers if I set the path like this ":set path = ".,/usr/include,include,../include,/home/steven/ovgl/include,,""
Your headers should appear in your tag files (see :h tags if you don't know about it).
Then YouCompleteMe is able to read the information about your headers from the tag file, as explained in the plugin faq:
YCM does not read identifiers from my tags files
First, put let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 1 in your vimrc.
Make sure you are using Exuberant Ctags to produce your tags files since
the only supported tag format is the Exuberant Ctags format. The format
from "plain" ctags is NOT supported. The output of ctags --version should
list "Exuberant Ctags".
Ctags needs to be called with the --fields=+l (that's a lowercase L, not a
one) option because YCM needs the language:<lang> field in the tags
NOTE: Mac OS X comes with "plain" ctags installed by default. brew install
ctags will get you the Exuberant Ctags version.
Also make sure that your Vim tags option is set correctly. See :h 'tags'
for details. If you want to see which tag files YCM will read for a given
buffer, run :echo tagfiles() with the relevant buffer active. Note that
that function will only list tag files that already exist.
You shold look for YCM-Generator. It is a script that generates by running make and looking for all flags used. You run it once for project, and rerun only when make file changed.
I had faced a similar issue. I needed this for use with development using llvm.
I solved it by following the below steps:
Ctags -R --fields=+l * in your project/code base.
In your user .vimrc file, add let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files = 1
cp ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/ycm/ ~/
Add another line in .vimrc let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = '/home/<user>/'
reset terminal or hit bash
Note: You should start vim in the directory with the tags present in it. Or you may need to explicitly specify the directory where the tags are present.