new to eclipse and c++: how does a c++ project get deployed? - c++

i am using c++ in eclipse, a project which contains many header files , cpp files...etc when finally done, how does it actually get implemented in the real world once it is done? Does an .exe file get created ? Or how can users install the program on their computers?
Can you share your experience with me ?
Also can you tell me what IDE you use for C++ development ?
I tried to look through some documentation but could not find anything.

When you compile the code, it will output an executable file (.exe) that can then be run from a command line, double-clicked, or put into an installer. The executable files name will be .exe and placed in the output directory as specified in your project settings.
As mentioned, this can be bundled in an installer but that is very likely overkill and way beyond what you want. So long as you have used standard C/C++ libraries that come installed on a user's system, they can just invoke the program from a command line or simply double-click the executable. If your program doesn't have any interface and simply prints messages, then they person will want to run it from the command line. Finally, if you have used other libraries that you need to include with your program, then an installer may be what you need in order to make sure the end user has everything they need to run your program.
As far as IDE's go, I've used both Eclipse and Visual Studio. Visual Studio is better tailored to C/C++ development (this is assuming you are programming on a Windows machine) but has the downside of costing money if you don't get it through your employer or school. If you can get access to it through either of those channels, I would choose it over Eclipse. Eclipse will do what you want and is free, but Visual Studio might be a bit better. Also, if you are going to spend money anyway, I suggest looking a SlickEdit. I use this at work and really like it for C/C++ development.


How to build c++ code into a .dmg file rather than a .exe file on visual studio 2019 from a windows computer?

How would I build my c++ code into a dmg file other than a exe file which is what it always builds into. I am trying to make my programs useable by mac users but I cant find answers for this
First off, .dmg on Mac isn't an executable. It's really a packaging tool that includes your executable. If you have a GUI, then what you really need to produce is a .app. If it's just a command line tool, then a binary, just like on Unix. Remember, OSX is very UNIX-like.
I did a Google for "cross compile on windows for mac". Google gave me a bunch of links that go the other way, but if you wade through it, you might find something useful. Depending on what you're building, this is interesting:
However, if you're trying to write GUIs, you almost certainly need the Mac-specific libraries to link against, and you don't have them.
You MIGHT be able to cross-compile if you switch to Qt as your build environment. I haven't tried that.
If I were going to do this, though, I'd build on Mac. You have to test, anyway, right?

code blocks running xcode/visual studio project

I am a student studying statistic.
And my C++ teacher asked us to submit project always by code::block.
However, I am more likely to work with mac os.
And code::blocks not running good with mac.
Is that possible to convert Xcode/Visual studio project to code::block
You need to keep in mind that code::blocks or XCode are IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) which means basically they are text editors. What you need to build a program is a compiled and an IDE usually comes with a compiler bundled with it. What an IDE usually does is keep all you files together and add some info like compiler switches and so on.
This job is usually handled by a separate program, the build tool. The make program is probably the oldest of these programs and you need to have an idea of how they work.
To get to your question you can build your program with whatever editor/IDE you want, then you may need to get your .cpp files and import them in another one.

How do I create a stand alone program or application for windows using either 'C' or 'C++'

I would like to know just how I can turn any code I write in either 'C' or 'C++' into an actual stand alone application or program I can run on windows without having to compile and run through visual studio. EX: like if I wanted to make a new type of calculator that would do complex math problems and use it without having to boot up VS all the time?
I'm not sure about your version of Visual Studio, but every time you build or execute your program Visual Studio will build an executable(.exe). You can copy and share this executable.
Depending on the stuff you use in this executable you might need to share libraries (DLL's) or change your linking options. It is possible to include all the extra tools you use in your application by instructing the linker to include them. This is called a static link. This makes your executable a lot larger. The other option would be a dynamic link, this would require the recipient of your application to have the same libraries (DLL's) as you had while developing your calculator. This would make your application a lot smaller, but depending on those DLL's.
Download a copy of cygwin and use it to install an opensource tools environment for C/C++. You will need as a minimum, a copy of gcc, and editor if you don't already have one, and bash/terminal or similar (you can also use cmd.exe, but the bash environment is much better.)
You can then create whatever programs you like without using Visual Studio. Welcome to the dark side...

Releasing projects - What to do when I have finished with my C++ project in Eclipse?

I have finished with my "Study Timer" project which I had developed in c++ using SDL and an eclipse IDE but I am new to Eclipse and I would like to know about a way to get Eclipse to produce a new package out of my project which i can directly supply to the end user (similar to how a .swf file is created after publishing a Flash project) that does not contain the various files and folders required only for compilation!.
I have many files and folders in my project that are necessary for development but not for execution!
For example, my project contains: src/ , headers/ , images/ , fonts/ ,Debug/ (contains the actual exe file) , other dll files required to compile and run...
But for execution, I only need the Debug/ , images/ , and Fonts/ !
Is there a way by which Eclipse can automatically generate a clean finished project that can be supplied to the end user?
Is is possible to produce a new executable file that is not dependant on the images and fonts folder but rather have them embedded to produce a larger .exe file (similar to a .swf that contains all the dependant media)?
For a C++ project in order to deploy it to end-users, you just need the executable(s) applications plus any system-specific dependencies (you can inspect them with Dependency Walker and find the installer for the redistributables or package them along with your app). Notice that C++ executables are NOT portable across platforms, so if you compile an exe file for Windows, it will NOT run on Linux or Mac.
Then you might need an installer to deploy everything and install it (if install is needed at all) into another user's system:
A free and easy to use one:
A professional and opensource not-so-easy-to-use one:
A commercial professional one:
Not sure: if you're asking for "what should I give the users from my Eclipse C++ project?" then you should give them a Release version of your application. Release means "optimized and without debugging aid", it will almost surely be faster and smaller than your Debug-folder executable. Then package it as I described above.
In Eclipse you can switch to "Release" (assuming a standard C/C++ Eclipse IDE) from
Build Configurations->Set Active->Release
As already stated, a Release version doesn't contain debugging code (useless for an end-user and even potentially dangerous if you have code that you would like users not to know anything about), it is optimized (debugging code is easier to read even in assembly mode and easier to analyze for bug trackings) and thus the executable is often way smaller in size.
After question update: for your executable to use embedded resources (i.e. reference things inside its own binary executable rather than relying on outsie files) you need a resource file to include and link into your executable. This depends on the compiler as well (Eclipse is an IDE, something that helps you writing code but it's not the program that really creates your exe file.. something that lies under the hood of Eclipse and to which Eclipse "communicate" what to generate).

Fastest way to write & compile a C/C++ program in Windows

I'm usually using Visual Studio, but several things bother me when I just quickly want to test some code:
it has a rather long startup time
it always needs a project to execute/debug files
program output gets printed to the console, but the window simply closes when I don't insert a getchar() or a breakpoint in the program and thus I'm not seeing it.
I'm looking for a program which is suitable for a really, really quick programming in Windows. Such as, copying some code from an SO question, running it and seeing its output.
I don't think that console programs or g++ under CygWin are a good solution, because there it takes ages to cd into the right dir to save the file, I'm not used to editors such as Vim, and typing in the compiler commandline myself has always annoyed me etc.
So I guess what I'm looking for is a very lightweight free C/C++ IDE which is preconfigured to work with a free compiler (bonus points if it is even shipped with it.)
What can you recommend which adresses at least two items from the list above?
Is there maybe even a program which can execute/interpret C or C++ in an interactive commandline (like Python)?
I'm looking for a program which is suitable for a really, really quick
programming in Windows. Such as, copying some code from an SO question
and executing it and seeing it's output.
For quick-and-dirty experimental coding, I really like Not having to create a file is especially nice as it saves me from coming up with a suitable name and disk location. Be aware that it uses g++ 4.1.2 behind the scenes so some of the latest C++11 features aren't supported.
"really, really quick (and dirty, throw away?) programming "?
Compiler : VC++ command line - you already have it.
Editor: Notepad or somesuch
Compilation process: A .BAT file you write once
and supply a parameter with the name of the single source file.
Location: Set up some desktop shortcuts to a known directory for your
test code.
Use TCC : Tiny C Compiler
start a command prompt
cd wherever
notepad main.c
write code in notepad. save
back in the command prompt type tcc -run main.c
notice errors, go back to 4
Note that with -run parameter you're invoking tcc like an interpreter
Which compiler you use doesn’t really matter. I prefer G++ but cl.exe (from Visual Studio) works equally well.
In order to use the compiler quickly from the command line, either
include it into your PATH variable by setting it in the system settings, or
create a simple .cmd script which launches a console with the right paths included.
Visual Studio incidentally comes bundled with such a .cmd script which is linked in the Start Menu entry of Visual Studio. Personally, though, I prefer adjusting the PATH variable.
Then you can simply invoke the compiler from any directory in the command line. If you are too lazy to write the whole command line, create a script to do it for you. Or use Cygwin and (C)Make.
Two additional remarks:
Starting the project using the build configuration (Cntr+F5 (?)) leaves the console open after the program has run, without you having to include getch() calls or similar.
I highly recommend you learn an editor such as Emacs or Vim, unless you plan never to use any other platform than Windows, and even then. These editors are just tremendously powerful, and in some ways light-years beyond what the Visual Studio code editor offers.
But if you really don’t have the time, use a decent text editor such as Notepad++ instead.
Open Watcom is easy to install and use, it's fast and it's the closest compiler to MSVC++, although it's noticeably behind in features (especially in C++).
I don't use its IDE at all as I got used to doing most of the stuff in the console, but it's there and the debugger is there too.
Compiling one-filers is easy.
Compiling C code:
wcl386.exe /we /wx /q sourcefile.c
Compiling C++ code:
wcl386.exe /xs /we /wx /q sourcefile.cpp
On my machine, I have a "empty" project called "Test". When I want to test some random code on the internet, I simply put it into main.cpp in that project, and compile.
If you think MSVC takes too long to load, it should be possible to write a batch script that attempts to compile the project and puts the build log in a file. Then you can simply alter the existing main.cpp with notepad, double click the batch file, then pop open the build log or run the executable.
[Edit] I made a batch file to compile the entire solution. Turns out that requires loading visual studio. However, the batch file can compile/run a single cpp file easy enough.
My favorite IDE:
Here is a direct link to the download that includes the MinGW compiler:
You're not gonna find any (good) C/C++ interpreters.
Once I used PSPad setting its "compiler" option for C++ files to a reasonable default (cl.exe in the correct directory, speed optimization, all warnings). Then it's just Ctrl+F9.
All of the above compiler recommendations are good. For an editor, I really like Notepad2
I know you didn't ask...
First off, your expectations are not reasonable. no program can guess what you want, over a range of input from the simplest to the most complex. If cd'ing into cygwin is too hard, and starting up visual studio is too time-consuming, you're pretty much toast. Sorry.
That said, you can edit code with notepad (which you can invoke from the command line as notepad foo.cpp). Notepad uses your mouse and the arrow keys on your pc so it's pretty intuitive.
you can use visual studio tools from the command line, without having to fiddle with project files.
Visual studio comes with a tool called nmake, the most basic usage of which is similar to linux make. If you have very simple input, nmake's default rules may be good enough to produce an executable. If not, you may be able to construct a makefile that will take any single simple file, say foo.cpp, and compile and link it to an executable called foo.exe. You'll still have to learn to use nmake, which some people think is easy, and others think is fiendishly difficult. Try nmake foo.cpp and see if the result is what you want.