Preventing buffer overflow when using fscanf - c++

I'm using fscanf to read some values from a CSV file and I want to ensure that the data read into the values will not be too large and cause a buffer overflow.
My csv file has the format int,string,string and my code to read is below (I will fix the while condition later):
while(fscanf(f, "%d,%[^,],%[^,]", &inArray[i].ID, inArray[i].label, inArray[i].brand)/*insert while condition here*/
When using scanf I would specify the length like so to prevent overflow: scanf("%20f", example);
But if I try the same with the above: while(fscanf(f, "%d,%20[^,],%10[^,]", &inArray[i].ID, inArray[i].label, inArray[i].brand)/*insert while condition here*/
I get a crash when the code executes.

Try fscanf_s, this function has security enhancements.

You can't do that with fprintf when reading characters.
I would read the whole line first, e.g., with getline(), locate the separators (or tokenize the line), and then parse the individual elements.
Btw., the reason for you crash might also be a wrong definition/initialization of inArray.

OP likely used the wrong width in the fscanf().
Although OP did not post details about inArray[i] let's assume it was
struct {
int ID;
char label[20];
char brand[10];
} inArray[100];
The format should then be
The width of 19 needs to be 1 less than the size of the destination, thus allowing a spot for the '\0'.


ifstream read: where are extra bytes coming from?

I am reading WHOIS record files. The first line of a sample file reads, in the editor: ""
In code, I check to verify that the first line starts with "id:" as follows:
// given ifstream * fs,
char id[3];
streampos pos = fs-> tellg();
fs -> read(&id[0],3);
fs -> seekg(pos);
if (// id[3] is "id:" ...
However, when I do this (and I am running a debugger; further it is compiled with clang rather than gcc), I get the following result in id:
The characters it read, in addition to an 'i', 'd', and ':' were:
Where the question mark has a stop sign around it. I am not sure how I could have read anything "extra," seeing as I am only reading three bytes into an array of the proper length...
Further, the if statement evaluates to true.
Could this just be a coding mistake, an error in the debugger, or is something else going on?
The debugger is assuming that id contains a string, which it does not. You should probably just ignore the debugger when looking at things that aren't stored in formats you expect the debugger to understand.
The alternative is to mentally convert the debugger's display into the raw memory contents and then mentally parse the raw memory contents in the correct format. We have some area of memory which, if understood to contain a string would mean "id:\xb87#_? ..." so that same area of memory, if understood to be an array of only three characters, would be "id:".

Reading binary data in memory into a stringstream and stream this over a socket

I would like to know if it is possible to, for instance, take a piece of data in memory, read it into an output stringstream (as binary data) and write this onto a socket for a client application to process.
The problem I run into while attempting this is the following:
char name[1024] = "Test";
std::ostringstream message (std::stringstream::out | std::stringstream::binary);
len = strlen(name);
message.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&len), sizeof(int));
message.write(test, len*sizeof(char));
I want to write this stringstream to the socket with all of the data in it, but the problem is this: The stringstream write only executes the first time, in this case writing 4 (the length of the string) and none of the subsequent writes. Am I missing something here?
If this is not the best way to do it, what would be the best way to accomplish this? This is partly to reduce file I/O for cached memory snapshots.
Thanks in advance..
Your code (with minor fixes) appears to work for me, so you might check to be sure that you are correctly handling the buffered binary data, i.e. you do not assume that the std::string contains a string.

Accessing to information in a ".txt" file and go to a determinated row

When accessing a text file, I want to read from a specific line. Let's suppose that my file has 1000 rows and I want to read row 330. Each row has a different number of characters and could possibly be quite long (let's say around 100,000,000 characters per row). I'm thinking fseek() can't be used effectively here.
I was thinking about a loop to track linebreaks, but I don't know how exactly how to implement it, and I don't know if that would be the best solution.
Can you offer any help?
Unless you have some kind of index saying "line M begins at position N" in the file, you have to read characters from the file and count newlines until you find the desired line.
You can easily read lines using std::getline if you want to save the contents of each line, or std::istream::ignore if you want to discard the contents of the lines you read until you find the desired line.
There is no way to know where row 330 starts in an arbitrary text file without scanning the whole file, finding the line breaks, and then counting.
If you only need to do this once, then scan. If you need to do it many times, then you can scan once, and build up a data structure listing where all of the lines start. Now you can figure out where to seek to to read just that line. If you're still just thinking about how to organize data, I would suggest using some other type of data structure for random access. I can't recommend which one without knowing the actual problem that you are trying to solve.
Create an index on the file. You can do this "lazily" but as you read a buffer full you may as well scan it for each character.
If it is a text file on Windows that uses a 2-byte '\n' then the number of characters you read to the point where the newline occurs will not be the offset. So what you should do is a "seek" after each call to getline().
something like:
std::vector< off_t > lineNumbers;
std::string line;
lineNumbers.push_back(0); // first line begins at 0
while( std::getline( ifs, line ) )
last value will tell you where EOF is.
I think you need to scan the file and count the \n occurrences since you find the desired line. If this is a frequent operation, and you are the only one you write the file, you can possibly mantain an index file containing such information side by side with the one containing the data, a sort of "poor-man-index", but can save a lot of time.
Try running fgets in a loop
/* fgets example */
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE * pFile;
char mystring [100];
pFile = fopen ("myfile.txt" , "r");
if (pFile == NULL) perror ("Error opening file");
else {
fgets (mystring , 100 , pFile);
puts (mystring);
fclose (pFile);
return 0;

fscanf multiple lines [c++]

I am reading in a file with multiple lines of data like this:
I am reading in values byte by byte and storing them in an array.
fscanf_s(in_file,"%c", &sc); // start code
fscanf_s(in_file,"%2X", &iByte_Count); // byte count
fscanf_s(in_file,"%4X", &iAddr); // 2 byte address
fscanf_s(in_file,"%2X", &iRec_Type); // record type
for(int i=0; i<iByte_Count; i++)
fscanf_s(in_file,"%2X", &iData[i]);
fscanf_s(in_file,"%2X", &iCkS);
This is working great except when I get to the end of the first line. I need this to repeat until I get to the end of the file but when I put this in a loop it craps out.
Can I force the position to the begining of the next line?
I know I can use a stream and all that but I am dealing with this method.
Thanks for the help
My suggestion is to dump fscanf_s and use either fgets or std::getline.
That said, your issue is handling the newlines, and the next beginning of record token, the ':'.
One method is to use fscanf_s("%c") until the ':' character is read or the end of file is reached:
char start_of_record;
fscanf_s(infile, "%c", &start_of_record);
} while (!feof(infile) && (start_of_record != ':'));
// Now process the header....
The data the OP is reading is a standard format for transmitting binary data, usually for downloading into Flash Memories and EPROMs.
Your topic clear states that you are using C++ so, if I may, I suggest you use the correct STL stream manipulators.
To read line-by-line, you can use ifstream::getline. But again, you are not reading the file line by line, you are reading it field by field. So, you should try using ifstream::read, which lets you choose the amount of bytes to read from the stream.
While doing an unrelated search over the net, I found out about a library called IOF which may help you with this task. Check it out.

Fastest way to find the number of lines in a text (C++)

I need to read the number of lines in a file before doing some operations on that file. When I try to read the file and increment the line_count variable at each iteration until I reach EOF. It was not that fast in my case. I used both ifstream and fgets. They were both slow. Is there a hacky way to do this, which is also used by, for instance BSD, Linux kernel or berkeley db (may be by using bitwise operations).
The number of lines is in the millions in that file and it keeps getting larger, each line is about 40 or 50 characters. I'm using Linux.
I'm sure there will be people who might say use a DB idiot. But briefly in my case I can't use a db.
The only way to find the line count is to read the whole file and count the number of line-end characters. The fastest way to do this is probably to read the whole file into a large buffer with one read operation and then go through the buffer counting the '\n' characters.
As your current file size appears to be about 60Mb, this is not an attractive option. You can get some of the speed by not reading the whole file, but reading it in chunks, say of size 1Mb. You also say that a database is out of the question, but it really does look to be the best long-term solution.
Edit: I just ran a small benchmark on this and using the buffered approach (buffer size 1024K) seems to be a bit more than twice as fast as reading a line at a time with getline(). Here's the code - my tests were done with g++ using -O2 optimisation level:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
unsigned int FileRead( istream & is, vector <char> & buff ) { &buff[0], buff.size() );
return is.gcount();
unsigned int CountLines( const vector <char> & buff, int sz ) {
int newlines = 0;
const char * p = &buff[0];
for ( int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) {
if ( p[i] == '\n' ) {
return newlines;
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
time_t now = time(0);
if ( argc == 1 ) {
cout << "lines\n";
ifstream ifs( "lines.dat" );
int n = 0;
string s;
while( getline( ifs, s ) ) {
cout << n << endl;
else {
cout << "buffer\n";
const int SZ = 1024 * 1024;
std::vector <char> buff( SZ );
ifstream ifs( "lines.dat" );
int n = 0;
while( int cc = FileRead( ifs, buff ) ) {
n += CountLines( buff, cc );
cout << n << endl;
cout << time(0) - now << endl;
Don't use C++ stl strings and getline ( or C's fgets), just C style raw pointers and either block read in page-size chunks or mmap the file.
Then scan the block at the native word size of your system ( ie either uint32_t or uint64_t) using one of the magic algorithms 'SIMD Within A Register (SWAR) Operations' for testing the bytes within the word. An example is here; the loop with the 0x0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0aLL in it scans for line breaks. ( that code gets to around 5 cycles per input byte matching a regex on each line of a file )
If the file is only a few tens or a hundred or so megabytes, and it keeps growing (ie something keeps writing to it), then there's a good likelihood that linux has it cached in memory, so it won't be disk IO limited, but memory bandwidth limited.
If the file is only ever being appended to, you could also remember the number of lines
and previous length, and start from there.
It has been pointed out that you could use mmap with C++ stl algorithms, and create a functor to pass to std::foreach. I suggested that you shouldn't do it not because you can't do it that way, but there is no gain in writing the extra code to do so. Or you can use boost's mmapped iterator, which handles it all for you; but for the problem the code I linked to was written for this was much, much slower, and the question was about speed not style.
You wrote that it keeps getting larger.
This sounds like it is a log file or something similar where new lines are appended but existing lines are not changed. If this is the case you could try an incremental approach:
Parse to the end of file.
Remember the line count and the offset of EOF.
When the file grows fseek to the offset, parse to EOF and update the line count and the offset.
There's a difference between counting lines and counting line separators. Some common gotchas to watch out for if getting an exact line count is important:
What's the file encoding? The byte-by-byte solutions will work for ASCII and UTF-8, but watch out if you have UTF-16 or some multibyte encoding that doesn't guarantee that a byte with the value of a line feed necessarily encodes a line feed.
Many text files don't have a line separator at the end of the last line. So if your file says "Hello, World!", you could end up with a count of 0 instead of 1. Rather than just counting the line separators, you'll need a simple state machine to keep track.
Some very obscure files use Unicode U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR (or even U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR) as line separators instead of the more common carriage return and/or line feed. You might also want to watch out for U+0085 NEXT LINE (NEL).
You'll have to consider whether you want to count some other control characters as line breakers. For example, should a U+000C FORM FEED or U+000B LINE TABULATION (a.k.a. vertical tab) be considered going to a new line?
Text files from older versions of Mac OS (before OS X) use carriage returns (U+000D) rather than line feeds (U+000A) to separate lines. If you're reading the raw bytes into a buffer (e.g., with your stream in binary mode) and scanning them, you'll come up with a count of 0 on these files. You can't count both carriage returns and line feeds, because PC files generally end a line with both. Again, you'll need a simple state machine. (Alternatively, you can read the file in text mode rather than binary mode. The text interfaces will normalize line separators to '\n' for files that conform to the convention used on your platform. If you're reading files from other platforms, you'll be back to binary mode with a state machine.)
If you ever have a super long line in the file, the getline() approach can throw an exception causing your simple line counter to fail on a small number of files. (This is particularly true if you're reading an old Mac file on a non-Mac platform, causing getline() to see the entire file as one gigantic line.) By reading chunks into a fixed-size buffer and using a state machine, you can make it bullet proof.
The code in the accepted answer suffers from most of these traps. Make it right before you make it fast.
Remember that all fstreams are buffered. So they in-effect do actually reads in chunks so you do not have to recreate this functionality. So all you need to do is scan the buffer. Don't use getline() though as this will force you to size a string. So I would just use the STL std::count and stream iterators.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
struct TestEOL
bool operator()(char c)
last = c;
return last == '\n';
char last;
int main()
std::fstream file("Plop.txt");
TestEOL test;
std::size_t count = std::count_if(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file),
if (test.last != '\n') // If the last character checked is not '\n'
{ // then the last line in the file has not been
++count; // counted. So increement the count so we count
} // the last line even if it is not '\n' terminated.
It isn't slow because of your algorithm , It is slow because IO operations are slow. I suppose you are using a simple O(n) algorithm that is simply going over the file sequentially. In that case , there is no faster algorithm that can optimize your program.
However , I said there is no faster algorithm , but there is a faster mechanism which called "Memory Mapped file " , There are some drawback for mapped files and it might not be appropiate for you case , So you'll have to read about it and figure out by yourself.
Memory mapped files won't let you implement an algorithm better then O(n) but it may will reduce IO access time.
You can only get a definitive answer by scanning the entire file looking for newline characters. There's no way around that.
However, there are a couple of possibilities which you may want to consider.
1/ If you're using a simplistic loop, reading one character at a time checking for newlines, don't. Even though the I/O may be buffered, function calls themselves are expensive, time-wise.
A better option is to read large chunks of the file (say 5M) into memory with a single I/O operation, then process that. You probably don't need to worry too much about special assembly instruction since the C runtime library will be optimized anyway - a simple strchr() should do it.
2/ If you're saying that the general line length is about 40-50 characters and you don't need an exact line count, just grab the file size and divide by 45 (or whatever average you deem to use).
3/ If this is something like a log file and you don't have to keep it in one file (may require rework on other parts of the system), consider splitting the file periodically.
For example, when it gets to 5M, move it (e.g., x.log) to a dated file name (e.g., x_20090101_1022.log) and work out how many lines there are at that point (storing it in x_20090101_1022.count, then start a new x.log log file. Characteristics of log files mean that this dated section that was created will never change so you will never have to recalculate the number of lines.
To process the log "file", you'd just cat x_*.log through some process pipe rather than cat x.log. To get the line count of the "file", do a wc -l on the current x.log (relatively fast) and add it to the sum of all the values in the x_*.count files.
The thing that takes time is loading 40+ MB into memory. The fastest way to do that is to either memorymap it, or load it in one go into a big buffer. Once you have it in memory, one way or another, a loop traversing the data looking for \n characters is almost instantaneous, no matter how it is implemented.
So really, the most important trick is to load the file into memory as fast as possible. And the fastest way to do that is to do it as a single operation.
Otherwise, plenty of tricks may exist to speed up the algorithm. If lines are only added, never modified or removed, and if you're reading the file repeatedly, you can cache the lines read previously, and the next time you have to read the file, only read the newly added lines.
Or perhaps you can maintain a separate index file showing the location of known '\n' characters, so those parts of the file can be skipped over.
Reading large amounts of data from the harddrive is slow. There's no way around that.
If your file only grows, then Ludwig Weinzierl is the best solution if you do not have control of the writers. Otherwise, you can make it even faster: increment the counter by one each time a line is written to the file. If multiple writers may try to write to the file simultaneously, then make sure to use a lock. Locking your existing file is enough. The counter can be 4 or 8 bytes written in binary in a file written under /run/<your-prog-name>/counter (which is RAM so dead fast).
Ludwig Algorithm
Initialize offset to 0
Read file from offset to EOF counting '\n' (as mentioned by others, make sure to use buffered I/O and count the '\n' inside that buffer)
Update offset with position at EOF
Save counter & offset to a file or in a variable if you only need it in your software
Repeat from "Read file ..." on a change
This is actually how various software processing log files function (i.e. fail2ban comes to mind).
The first time, it has to process a huge file. Afterward, it is very small and thus goes very fast.
Proactive Algorithm
When creating the files, reset counter to 0.
Then each time you receive a new line to add to the file:
Lock file
Write one line
Load counter
Add one to counter
Save counter
Unlock file
This is very close to what database systems do so a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table on a table with millions of rows return instantly. Databases also do that per index. So if you add a WHERE clause which matches a specific index, you also get the total instantly. Same principle as above.
Personal note: I see a huge number of Internet software which are backward. A watchdog makes sense for various things in a software environment. However, in most cases, when something of importance happens, you should send a message at the time it happens. Not use a backward concept of checking logs to detect that something bad just happened.
For example, you detect that a user tried to access a website and entered the wrong password 5 times in a row. You want to send a instant message to the admin to make sure there wasn't a 6th time which was successful and the hacker can now see all your user's data... If you use logs, the "instant message" is going to be late by seconds if not minutes.
Don't do processing backward.