How to catch/monitor/link gevent.sleep() exceptions - python-2.7

I'm using web2py for a project and found that gevent.sleep seems to hang in unexpected disconnects. I'm guessing this is due to improperly handled exception. I can not find it properly written into the documentation, how do I catch, link, or monitor exceptions from gevent.sleep()?
Thank you in advance.

Strange guess, it might be wrong. sleep() suspends current Greenlet and resumes next, pending, Greenlet. Most likely it is next Geenlet that runs after sleep() that blocks execution.
If you don't see traceback printed out it is not coming from sleep().
Source code of sleep function:
def sleep(seconds=0):
"""Put the current greenlet to sleep for at least *seconds*.
*seconds* may be specified as an integer, or a float if fractional seconds
are desired.
If *seconds* is equal to or less than zero, yield control the other coroutines
without actually putting the process to sleep. The :class:`core.idle` watcher
with the highest priority is used to achieve that.
hub = get_hub()
loop = hub.loop
if seconds <= 0:
watcher = loop.idle()
watcher.priority = loop.MAXPRI
watcher = loop.timer(seconds)


Stopping a While loop when it ends a cycle in Python

This may be a strange request. I have an infinite While loop and each loop lasts ~7 minutes, then the program sleeps for a couple minutes to let the computer cool down, and then starts over.
This is how it looks:
import time as t
t_cooling = 120
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Right now if I want to interrupt the process, I have to wait until the program sleeps for 2 minutes, otherwise all the calculations done in the running cycle are wasted. Moreover the calculations involve writing on files and working with multiprocessing, so interrupting during the calculation phase is not only a waste, but can potentially damage the output on the files.
I'd like to know if there is a way to signal to the program that the current cycle is the last one it has to execute, so that there is no risk of interrupting at the wrong moment. To add one more limitation, it has to be a solution that works via command line. It's not possible to add a window with a stop button on the computer the program is running on. The machine has a basic Linux installation, with no graphical environment. The computer is not particularly powerful or new and I need to use the most CPU and RAM possible.
Hope everything is clear enough.
Not so elegant, but it works
#!/usr/bin/env python
import signal
import time as t
stop = False
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print('You pressed Ctrl+C!')
global stop
stop = True
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print('Press Ctrl+C')
t_cooling = 1
while not stop:
You can use a separate Thread and an Event to signal the exit request to the main thread:
import time
import threading
evt = threading.Event()
def input_thread():
while True:
if input("") == "quit":
print("Exit requested")
t_cooling = 5
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
print("starting calculation")
if evt.is_set():
Just for completeness, I post here my solution. It's very raw, but it works.
import time as t
t_cooling = 120
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
f = open('stop', 'r')
stop = f.readline().strip()
if stop == '0':
I just have to create a file named stop and write a 0 in it. When that 0 is changed to something else, the program stops at the end of the cycle.

Why does this queue behave like this?

I'm writing an object which draws from a multiprocessing queue, and I found that when I run this code, I get data = []. Whereas if I tell the program to sleep for a little bit at the place denoted, I get data = [1,2], as it should.
from multiprocessing import Queue
import time
q = Queue()
taken = 0
data = []
for i in [1,2]:
# time.sleep(1) making this call causes the correct output
while not q.empty() and taken < 2:
except Empty:
**EDIT:**This also happens if there's a print statement before the while loop. This suggests to me that there's something happening with the calls to q.put() that's happening, but I can't find any documentation on this issue.
It's mentioned in the docs for multiprocessing.Queue
Note When an object is put on a queue, the object is pickled and a
background thread later flushes the pickled data to an underlying
pipe. This has some consequences which are a little surprising, but
should not cause any practical difficulties – if they really bother
you then you can instead use a queue created with a manager.
putting an object on an empty queue there may be an infinitesimal
delay before the queue’s empty() method returns False and get_nowait()
can return without raising Queue.Empty.

Setting cross platform time limit for function (while loop) in Python

I'm looking for a way to set a time limit, a countdown. I will use this function to control the amount of time the user can run a while loop. Here's an example of how it's doing to run.
def run(strings, timeout=30):
while timeout > 0:
input = raw_input("prompts that will continue prompting as long as not timed out")
if input != strings:
#do something here, maybe be able to deduct off timer.
score += 1
print "%d /r" % timeout #print timeout
return score
My example may not be very neat, but it's the general idea. The timeout will control the loop.
Can this be done for the timer library? Do I need a separate thread to handle the time while my function runs (prompting user)?

C++ Timer control

I want to create a timer so that after completing the time(suppose 10 sec) the control should come out of the function..Please note that am starting the timer inside the function.Code is given below..I want to give certain time limit to that function so that after completing the time the control should come out of the function..I don't want to calculate the time..I want to give my own time so that the function should complete its execution within that time period..suppose if function is waiting for an input then also after completing time limit the control should come out indicating that "time has expired"..once it comes out of the function then it should continue with the next function execution...Is this possible in c++...
// here I would like to add timer.
v_CallId = v_CallId1;
If the code is linear and the functions called cannot be chopped into smaller pieces, your stuck to letting an external process/thread do the timing and abort the worker thread when the timeout is exceeded.
When you can chop the worker into smaller pieces you could do something like this
while ((TimeOut.TimeOut() == false) && (completed == false))
completed = WorkToDo()
This is a pattern we frequently use in our embbeded application. The timeout class was in house develop. It just reads the tick counter and looks if the time has passed. An framework like QT or MFC should have such a class itself.

WaitForRequest with Timeout crashes

EDIT: I have now edited my code a bit to have a rough idea of "all" the code. Maybe this
might be helpful to identify the problem ;)
I have integrated the following simple code fragement which either cancels the timer if data
is read from the TCP socket or otherwise it cancels the data read from the socket
// file tcp.cpp
void CheckTCPSocket()
TRequestStatus iStatus;
TSockXfrLength len;
int timeout = 1000;
RTimer timer;
TRequestStatus timerstatus;
TPtr8 buff;
iSocket.RecvOneOrMore( buff, 0, iStatus, len );
timer.After(timerstatus, timeout);
// Wait for two requests – if timer completes first, we have a
// timeout.
User::WaitForRequest(iStatus, timerstatus);
if(timerstatus.Int() != KRequestPending)
// file main.cpp
void TestActiveObject::RunL()
TUint Data;
This part is executed within active Object and since integrating the code piece above I always get the kernel panic:
E32User-CBase 46: This panic is raised by an active scheduler, a CActiveScheduler. It is caused by a stray signal.
I never had any problem with my code until now this piece of code is executed; code executes fine as data is read from the socket and
then the timer is canceled and closed. I do not understand how the timer object has here any influence on the AO.
Would be great if someone could point me to the right direction.
This could be a problem with another active object completing (not one of these two), or SetActive() not being called. See Forum Nokia. Hard to say without seeing all your code!
BTW User::WaitForRequest() is nearly always a bad idea. See why here.
Never mix active objects and User::WaitForRequest().
(Well, almost never. When you know exactly what you are doing it can be ok, but the code you posted suggests you still have some learning to do.)
You get the stray signal panic when the thread request semaphore is signalled with RThread::RequestComplete() by the asynchronous service provider and the active scheduler that was waiting on the semaphore with User::WaitForAnyRequest() tries to look for an active object that was completed so that its RunL() could be called, but cannot find any in its list of active objects.
In this case you have two ongoing requests, neither of which is controlled by the active scheduler (for example, not using CActive::iStatus as the TRequestStatus; issuing SetActive() on an object where CActive::iStatus is not involved in an async request is another error in your code but not the reason for stray signal). You wait for either one of them to complete with WaitForRequest() but don't wait for the other to complete at all. The other request's completion signal will go to the active scheduler's WaitForAnyRequest(), resulting in stray signal. If you cancel a request, you will still need to wait on the thread request semaphore.
The best solution is to make the timeout timer an active object as well. Have a look at the CTimer class.
Another solution is just to add another WaitForRequest on the request not yet completed.
You are calling TestActiveObject::SetActive() but there is no call to any method that sets TestActiveObject::iStatus to KRequestPending. This will create the stray signal panic.
The only iStatus variable in your code is local to the CheckTCPSocket() method.