ID2D1HwndRenderTarget always having black background instead of transparent - c++

I am trying to create a simple transparent window where I can draw with Direct2D.
So far what I have done:
Created window
Set style to WS_EX_LAYERED
Set alpha color key as #FFF
Draw using Windows Graphics a white rectangle
Now window is transparent with per-pixel alpha
Then make a target out of the window and draw using Direct2D
Clear with #FFF with 0.0f alpha
Window is now black
I just don't know how to make window to transparent. If you can point out my mistake, I would be obliged

Here how it's achievable using DirectComposition API
Basically what author does is
Sets WS_EX_NOREDIRECTIONBITMAP extended style to remove redirection bitmap of DWM. Content of window is now empty.
Creates DirectComposition device
Creates Composition SwapChain (and not hwnd swapchain)
Places one visual with SwapChain as content as root visual.
Renders into SwapChain using Direct2D API.
It also works well with WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TOPMOST for creating event-transparent overlays.

I don't think it's possible with directX. However GDI does work.
Take a look at the source here to see how it's done:
In the source you can see that there is an option to attempt to use directx/opengl. However as you can see from running they do not work.


How to change the background color of a dxgi swap chain?

I recently ported my app from using an ID2D1HwndRenderTarget to using an ID2D1DeviceContext with a dxgi swap chain. With an hwnd render target I can have a transparent background by calling pRT->Clear({});(not a transparent window, only the render target itself is transparent, so I can see whatever content underneath it). That's not the case with a dxgi swap chain, the background is always black, even if no drawing is done on that area. How can I change this behavior and have a see through render target?

Blurring Background (Acrylic Effect) in GLFW/OpenGL Window

How do I make the window background display a blurred version all windows below it (similar to the Windows Acrylic Effect).
The DWM BlurBehind is not working and seems to be deprecated.
I cant find any official documentation for SetWindowCompositionAttribute nor any c++ version of the same
Is there any way to use SetWindowCompositionAttribute with a GLFW window ? Or alternatively Render the whole window (effectively screen capture) to a frame buffer and then manually apply the blur? What is the viability of such a method for a lightweight application?

win32 c++ owner draw button with transparent image

i've implemented a owner draw button into my win32 app (no MFC). The button is a normal 20x20 bitmap (round icon with transparency). The problem is that the button is positioned on a solid background and i can see the buttons gray background (since the bitmap is round). I've tried responding to WM_CTLCOLORBTN with NULL_BRUSH but no luck.. I've tried displaying the button using a bitmap and a ico file but wont budge.. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
This is my problem, the settings icon should be transparent at the edges (not white/gray)
It sounds like you're trying to make a non-rectangular control.
You could call SetWindowRgn to tell Windows that your control is non-rectangular.
In addition to what #joel's answer, if you want to make some area transperant put a unique color in the area where you want to have transperancy using some image editors (RGB(0xFF,0x00,0xFF)) is mostly used Then use TransperantBlt
You say it's a solid background but your image shows some kind of orange-yellow gradient as a background. If it really was a standard windows button solid color you can load the bitmap with LoadImage using the LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS or LR_LOADTRANSPARENT. Since you have a gradient you'll have to use a more complicated technique to mask out the bitmap.

DWMEnableBlurBehind makes my interface controls semi transparent

I have enabled blur on my window. I have some edit fields and some custom controls and I would not want these to be affected by the blur, they are semi transparent as a result. How could I only blur the main window itself, not its child controls (sort of like Chrome). Thanks
Black is treated as transparent since good old GDI does not support alpha channel (the alpha byte in ARGB is always 0) I'm thinking you have to do some sort of owner draw.
try to make windows style WS_CLIPCHILDREN

Transparent window containing opaque text and buttons

I'm creating a non-intrusive popup window to notify the user when processing a time-consuming operation. At the moment I'm setting its transparency by calling SetLayeredWindowAttributes which gives me a reasonable result:
alt text
However I'd like the text and close button to appear opaque (it doesn't quite look right with white text) while keeping the background transparent - is there a way of doing this?
In order to do "proper" alpha in a layered window you need to supply the window manager with a PARGB bitmap by a call to UpdateLayeredWindow.
The cleanest way to achieve this that I know of is the following:
Create a GDI+ Bitmap object with the PixelFormat32bppPARGB pixel format.
Create a Graphics object to draw in this Bitmap object.
Do all your drawing into this object using GDI+.
Destroy the Graphics object created in step 2.
Call the GetHBITMAP method on the Bitmap object to get a Windows HBITMAP.
Destroy the Bitmap object.
Create a memory DC using CreateCompatibleDC and select the HBITMAP from step 5 into it.
Call UpdateLayeredWindow using the memory DC as a source.
Select previous bitmap and delete the memory DC.
Destroy the HBITMAP created in step 5.
This method should allow you to control the alpha channel of everything that is drawn: transparent for the background, opaque for the text and button.
Also, since you are going to be outputting text, I recommend that you call SystemParametersInfo to get the default antialiasing setting (SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING), and then the SetTextRenderingHint on the Graphics object to set the antialiasing type to the same type that is configured by the user, for a nicer look.
I suspect you'll need two top level windows rather than one - one that has the alpha blend and a second that is display above the first with the opaque text and button but with a transparent background. To accomplish this with a single window you'll need to use the UpdateLayeredWindow API call, but using this will cause your buttons to not redraw when they are interacted with (hover highlights, focus etc.)
It is possible that if this application is for Vista only there is a new API call that you can use, but I do not believe it is available in XP or earlier.
I can't say for sure, you'll need to try it, but since everything is a window, you could try setting the layered attributes for your button to make it opaque.
As for the text, you may be able to put that in its own frame with a set background and foreground color, and modify its layered attributes to make the background color transparent...
But since these are child windows and not the top-level window, I really don't know that it'll work.